The Undefined Love

Chapter 343: 343

Gao Ren's face turned ugly at her words. With so many insults, he has now lost the count. From the first day she has insulted him, he wanted to teach her a lesson but still even been in such a vulnerable state, she has not left her arrogance. Even being at his mercy, she was not letting any opportunity to slide off where she could insult him.

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"You … you are being so wild with your words. I am intrigued to see how pleasurably wild you will get on the bed later. You call me anything, it is not going to make any changes on the outcome. The more you will frustrate me with your words the more frustration I will show you later. Till then hold yourself tight and anticipate the things. I will go and take care of the wound you have given me" he said as he gave a last look to her and strutted out the room taking long strides.

He has never expected a woman to be this hard headed. To him woman has always been a fragile being that should be living at the man's mercy. Whichever woman he wanted till was served to his bed. So what was so special about her? What made her so arrogant?

She was the woman who was promised to him? If he wanted to enjoy a night with her, what was wrong in that? Sooner or later she was destined to get there, what changes will it make if he takes before to fulfill his desires.

His thoughts became more and more shameless and brazen as he thought that he was the one in the power now and nothing can go against him.

As Lifen saw him striding out, she heaved a sigh of relief that she was safe for some time. In this meantime she would try hard to regain the strength only if she could. The dizziness from her brain was almost gone but her hands and legs were still numb. She tried to move them but it did not help.


Back at the resort, the news of Lifen going missing reached very ears. The one who was sweating the most was none other than Zhou Chang Hai. He has never thought this would happen to the event which is going on under his care.

If it was before and Lifen would be some middle class girl, then he wouldn't have paid any attention to her whereabouts even if he knew she was about to be getting killed. But now she wasn't any middle class girl, she has turned out to be the descendant of the great Li family.

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Now thinking about the former President Li, he was shivering. What if he was blamed for all the things that happened here? Will his small company be suffering the hard blow?

Ning Xui Ying was standing at the corners and making some calls, mobilizing his men around. Guang and Daiyu were also standing there, looking all haggard and concerned.

"Don't worry my people are searching for her everywhere. So we will get some hints about", Ning Xui Ying tried to console Guang which felt working to some extent as there was an air of relief that crossed her eyes.

"Huh! Why are we overdoing it? She must have gone out with someone. Why would someone kidnap her from here? I think she is just trying to steal the limelight from Guang Jiejie or else why would she pull up such a stunt suddenly", Chen Xing led out the most unreasonable words from her mouth, grabbing every attention towards herself.

And the next second before anyone could register, a tight hard slap fell over her cheeks giving her a burning sensation all over the skin.

It was from none other than Daiyu. From day one, she was controlling herself from hitting this brainless girl. Even there was a time when she lost her patience and was about to hit her every time either Lifen or Guang stopped but today ….

"What do you think of yourself? Is everyone as shameless and brainless as you? Don't ever dare to spit your nonsense thoughts about my friends. This was still a light blow I have given to you. I am capable of the worst, so kindly be aware", she said in a piercing warning tone and again got to stand at her friend's side.

Chen Xing was still holding her cheeks which were not getting swollen slowly and slowly. She looked at Guang, asking her to take her side like she has always done for her. But this time there was no sympathizing feeling on her face as if she wanted to give that slap to her in place of Daiyu.

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At this moment suddenly, loud vibrations were heard from outside like several vehicles were racing outside with all its speed. The people that were standing inside, all rushed out to see what was happening.

When they went outside, they could see several cars diving in the resort. As the row of cars pulled up in front, several men dressed in black came out and lined up in the front as if waiting for someone's arrival. Everyone looked so tall and formidable.

Seeing them all standing straight without giving any notice to them, Zhou Chang Hai stepped forward to ask them but Ning Xui Ying stopped him in the middle. He knew well the formidable identities of these men.

Though they never came to anyone's sight, the whole city knew their power. They were all trained men under the D Group Enterprise of London, one of the oldest powers in London. No one knew who was heading it, all they have known all these years was that the nominal CEO position was given to Mr. Rick Knight, five – years back. But there was definitely a higher power working behind him.

Now seeing them all assemble here, a random guess can be made who is that certain power behind it.

"Mr. Zhou, please stay put or else you may get a fatal blow", Ning Xui Ying warned as he looked at the people standing in front.

As expected of someone' arrival, a chopper took an urgent landing at the grounds of the resort. Several eyes got struck at it, thinking who could be inside it. Many thought that the person inside would the old man from the Li family as none was left in the family apart from him.

But going against everyone's thought, when the door of the chopper got open a young man jumped off who seemed to be carrying the darkest clouds over his head. Just a look from his eyes was capable of causing the death of anyone. There was no expression on his face, making it more difficult for anyone to approach him.

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"Isn't that the CEO of Wang Corporation, Wang Deming? Why is he here?" someone from the midst said.

"Yes, he looks like him. Did Zhou Chang Hai also invite him to attend the ceremony?" another one put forward their curious words.

"But why does it feel like he is here to take someone's life instead of giving his blessings?"

Several words got into the air, talking about his sudden arrival until they heard his cold command, "I will look for her myself." Saying this Deming got inside the car followed by Rick from the other side.

"Fine, let's go", Rick said startling everyone.

The people standing behind grasped in shock. So he was not here for the wedding rather for the woman who has gone missing. They never thought the person who would be coming for her rescue would not be her grandfather Li Liaoguan rather the country's devil.

Learning this new fact, Zhou Chang Hai's expressions trembled more. With a shivering voice, he asked his daughter, "Does Mr. Wang have personally come here for your friend Lifen?"

Guang looked at her father. Though she did not want to answer him, she still nodded.

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Leaving the resort, Deming reached the Central transportation office. The head had already received the orders and was waiting for their arrival. When he saw him entering, he quickly rushed forward and greeted her. "Hello, Mr. Wang. I was waiting for you. Please come this way"

The head then guided them to the main road detection office.

Without any askance, Deming took the hold of the equipment and started his search. Looking at him doing everything by himself the head officer instantly said, "Mr. Wang, you don't have to take the trouble by yourself. One of our technical staff will assist you. Please have as seat"

But Deming stood there wordlessly, his eyes trained on the big screen as if he had not heard any of the officer's words nor felt any presence of people around.

There was no way he would take a breath of relief until he found her, let alone be in a seat. Looking deeply at the screens for quite some moment, finally he caught the clue he was searching for.

His eyes darkened the more he looked into it. A thirst of blood rose in his eyes, as his jaws got clenched tightly. "This time I am going to kill that basta*d"

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