The Undefined Love

Chapter 347: 347

After having a light talk with Deming, Lifen felt really easy in her heart. All the trauma she has got in the last few hours seemed to be disappearing like they were just some dark dream she has seen in her sleep. Drifting slowly and slowly towards her sleep, her body got fully relaxed. Holding a single person's hand like this brought her the security that she has never felt in her life. He was enough to provide her the warmth and safety she needed in her life. Deming looked at her with a gentle gaze. It has been really tough for him to see her like that. Those tears in her eyes broke her million times. He felt like he wasn't able to fulfill the promise he has made to her and also to him. The look of disappointment she had on her face earlier when he had seen her in that disheveled state made him lose his mind. Her tears had brought out the worst out of him. The side which he never wanted her to see. Just looking at the person hovering over her like that made him want to send him to the worst hell of this universe. And he would have surely made that happen, in front of her eyes if she had not stopped him at that right moment, if her soft voice would not have reached his ears. Remembering it all again his eyes got darker again. The killing intent that has disappeared from his eyes was returning all again. He looked at the petite figure that was not calmly surfing in her peaceful dreamland. This was the time he could go and complete the thing that was still left incomplete for him. At this moment there was a knock on the door. A doctor came in looking through the file with a tensed expression on his face. "Good morning, Mr. Wang! We got the results from the test" "How is it? Why is her hands and legs still numb?", he asked in a very strict tone. With his tone, the doctor felt a shiver down his spine. For once he felt like he was the culprit for bringing the woman to such condition. He coughed hard to clear his throat and gather his strength back, and then said in a very polite tone because the information he was going to deliver was doomed to bring out any punishment to the person in front of his eyes. Now he could only pray to God to give him the least damage. "Mr. Wang, according to these reports we found the element of neuromuscular blocking agents. Maybe the drug they used on her had it mixed with sedatives. This has caused her the minor paralysis attack. Though she can move her hands and legs but she could not feel it", the doctor informed and waited for him to reply but didn't get any of his words. He could see the level of rage when he looked at his clenched jaws and fists. The jaws were so tightly clenched that he feared that his teeth might break. "…", Deming looked at the doctor, but didn't say anything. He feared that if he sprouted out even a word then this doctor would be the one taking the hit. Understanding the restrained action of the man, the doctor quickly added, "There are no complications. Ms. Li would surely recover faster. This is just a temporary paralysis" "What time will she take to recover completely?" he asked, not showing an expression on his face. "Umm … Mr. Wang, sorry but we can't put that into days. This might take a week, or months or even a year to the maximum. The neuromuscular blocking agents we found in her body were very strong and still need time to get out of her system completely", the doctor informed me. Clenching his fist hard at the side, he looked at the woman one last time before he left, leaving the doctor all baffled alone in the ward. Leaving the ward, he called her friends. He can't leave her alone. He knows when she would wake up, the first thing she would ask would be his whereabouts. At least in the presence of her friends she would be calm. And in the meantime, he will go and bestow the hell on the person who was responsible for her this condition. That man didn't only dare to lay his dirty hands on her but also brought her to such condition. Rick was right before to save him from getting killed because if he would have died that easily then a regret would have always remained in his heart. What that man deserves wasn't death, rather something much worse than it. Soon after he left, Daiyu and Guang arrived at the hospital. They were so concerned regarding their friend that they don't have the time to look at the two men following them. Ning Xui Ying and Su Yan both have come to accompany the woman on the way here. Upon reaching the resort, Su Yan founded all the events that had happened. In his heart he was happy for such a turn of events, at least it has cancelled the scheduled dates of events regarding Guang's wedding. He thought of having a good talk with her but she was so concerned about Lifen that she didn't pay any attention to even his presence. Anger surged into him for her ignorance towards him but he restrained himself thinking this would be a small effort of tolerance that would ultimately bring her back to his side. Ning Xui Ying on the other side didn't react much to his presence too. His expressions made everyone feel like that he had full confidence that the woman would not be fazed from her decision even her ex – boyfriend comes around her. His such behavior irked Su Yan to the core. The lingering doubt he had on Guang hardened his thinking if she had forgotten him and had already planned to move on with this man who was richer than him. Upon reaching the ward where Lifen was kept, Guang and Daiyu were about to rush inside, but then saw a doctor overview her vitality. So they remained outside and waited for them to come out. Guang the most concerned one there. She felt Lifen was going all through this because of her. If she has not been so stubborn before then last night Lifen would not have left the room to go out for a walk. She would have remained safe and sound inside the room. Seeing her shoulders shivering in her friend's concern, Ning Xui Ying moved forward to console her but before he could Su Yan got up and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. His actions made the former step back. He felt bad inside but this was not the place to show it. He knew the woman was concerned about her friend and was not in the right mind to see the other things happening around her. So there is no way he could blame her or doubt her for this. To make himself calm in such a situation he reverted his eyes from them. But before he could, he caught the smug face Su Yan had when he saw him stepping back on his own. That expression was challenging him. Daiyu has also caught all these things happening in front of her. She couldn't believe the man they have always thought to be simple and decent can be such a cunning, sly and jerk type. She wanted to step forward and reprimand him for his actions but at this moment, the door of the door opened and the doctor strutted out. "Doctor, how is she?", Ning Xui Ying was the first to ask. He knew Guang wanted to ask this first but he could say her voice was stuck in her throat. Guang looked at the man and really felt that he knew her in the way in which she herself has never known her. A smile came over her lips as her eyes locked with him for a short moment. But then suddenly she felt a tinge of pain on her shoulders. When she looked to the side, it was Su Yan who had squeezed her shoulder muscles out to make her realize his presence. She felt so disappointed in herself. Looking at him now she blamed herself for not able to see this side of him before. Not able to see what type of man this jerk actually was? Her eyes filled with disdain when she looked at him now. Shrugging off his arms that were wrapped around her, she pushed him away from herself. Now even a close proximity with him was making her feel like all this year, the sensible mind for which she has always boasted of was nothing but a useless piece. She felt so disappointed that she nearly lost her self – confidence. Su Yan felt a little weird at her such reaction. He never thought she would show that disdainful eyes to him. He felt the angel crawling up his brain. He wanted to ask her what type of behavior was that? But she has already moved away from him. 

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