The Undefined Love

Chapter 352: 352

Guang looked at the man who was being accused all this while but there wasn't any change in his expression. He wasn't bothered to explain himself, neither cared to stop the man from blaming him wrongly.

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He was a mystery for her. His every action seemed to bring her in the situation in which she never wanted to come but then again. It felt like it was a destruction for her, a destruction of her future. Everything happening to her life in the last few days made her believe that at the end of all this she will be handed the shattered pieces of her own dream and dream career.

But after meeting him for less than 24 hours made her realize that her thoughts were just illusional – myths created by her own brain. The care he has shown her, the concern his eyes held for her made her feel the warmth which has never been received from anyone apart from her friend. It made her feel like she was very dear to someone.  Like she was someone important and has some real value in other's life.

Last night when she met him for the first time during their engagement, she never felt it was their first meeting. The way he made her comfortable keeping her every movement and emotions in his concern, she could not help but appreciate his thoughtfulness.

Guang still remembered the kiss he had delivered on her forehead. It was so soft and pure, void of any malice of the world around. If there was any other man in place of him, he would have taken advantage of her without thinking twice. He has got the chance, but he thought of her sentiments first. Thought of her values more.

At a moment she also felt like he knew her in a way she herself didn't know. In a very detailed and meticulous way.

But again the question in her head arises, why is he so thoughtful and caring towards her? Was this some of his plan? Or there was any hidden motive behind his actions.

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There is no way she could believe in her father's arrangement. He has never given any piece of his brain out of his company profits and gains. There is no way, he would find her a groom that would bring her happiness. If he has chosen someone then it was definitely in favor ohis company's balance sheets and investment plans.

With all those thoughts in her mind she took her steps towards the man who was standing like a statue of ice. His eyes filled with rage were still glaring at the man, not in the response of the insults he has directed to him or the blames he has pushed on him rather it was for the words of the lies he has used to trap her again in the web of his pretense.

Reaching him, she held her arms intending to make him turn toward her, to have his face in front of her gaze.

Ning Xui Ying looked at the woman who had come to him with some clear questions in her eyes. It was her first time coming to him all by herself. He felt good when he thought of the initiative she has taken. Knowing about her character, he was sure that she wasn't a woman who cared to get the answers from the people that did not matter to her.

If she has come to get her answers from him then, this only means that he has got some hope and standing in her life. Though it won't be any much in the eyes of anyone else, but for him it was more than enough.

He looked into her eyes waiting for her to ask him everything she wanted to ask. He will reply to her with all the answers he has got in his heart.

Her eyes darted on his face as she asked, "Why?"

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Seeing her question, in just one syllable, Su Yan seemed to get some hope thinking that she had believed his words, not the words her friend, Daiyu had said earlier. He was about to jump with joy when his joy turned into his disappointment, when he heard her utter the next set of words from her lips.

"Why are you like this to me? Why are you so nice?" she asked, still gazing deep into his eyes as if she wasn't looking for any verbal answers instead the truth in his eyes.

"Isn't this the way I should be with the person I am going to marry?" he replied in a very soothing tone. As if his words weren't to answer her rather it was to calm her anxious heart.

"Is it just because you are going to marry me?" she asked again, doubtful about the answers she has got.

The man nodded his heads in acceptance not disclosing everything in one go. He knew there were still several questions in her head for which she desired answers. He will get many chances to present his heart to her, so he waited patiently.

"But you know that I have loved someone else. Still you cared and believe me without asking me for any explanation. Why?" she asked, still not satisfied with the response.

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"An explanation is not needed. I trust you and the values you carry", it was just a few simple words but it has reached the depths of that corner of heart which the woman never knew existed inside her.

"What if I wasn't like you thought me to be? What if I have eloped with my boyfriend, betraying the trust you have showed to me"

Ning Xui Ying shook his head at her word. "I know, you will never do anything like that. You have courage in your heart to present your thoughts and dreams to this world without fearing anyone or anything. You will never be like some coward who will run away in the night of darkness with her face covered"

"Do you know me from before? Have we met somewhere which I have forgotten but you have remembered", she asked, pressing her mind to remember him. Did she ever meet him? If yes, then how can she forget such a man.

This was the question for which Ning Xui Ying was waiting for. Now was time to reveal the feeling he has kept in his heart for the whole two year.

Looking at the woman, who has got him hooked in her memories for such a long time, he nodded his head. "Yes we have met before. But I was no special in your eyes that could ever make you notice me"

Daiyu nearly laughed out loud when he heard him say some like that. Who said he was not valuable for people to notice him?

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She rolled her eyes as she recalled what information she has gathered about him from the Business School forums. He was not any simple man who would go unnoticed from the people's eyes. Born with a silver spoon, he has everything that can make girls go crazy about him. How can such a person be unnoticeable in someone's eyes, unless that person was none other than her most sensible and caged – in – own – life friend, Guang.

Guang looked at the man as she squinted her eyes in confusion. Not remembering any encounter with him.

"It was the Educational Seminar trip at your school when you were a junior - classmen. I went there to attend the seminar when I saw you. That was the time when I got my eyes set on you but never approached you seeing how disinterested you were in all these relationship stuffs", Ning Xui Ying said analyzing the change in expressions, Guang was showing on her face.

She didn't say anything rather continued listening to his words patiently. "I thought that have time and there is not any haste. So I decided to keep my feeling in my heart and tell you whenm you are ready. It wasn't your fault instead it was mine for thinking that I have got all time in this world tell you my feelings. I never thought considered that you are such a pretty girl who has never been obliged to wait for someone whom you haven't even known"

"So when I returned back. I got a huge blow. Initially I have planned to tell you everything the day I take over my company. But it didn't go as planned. You were already with someone else. I was late", he said, his eyes held the grief which was still alive in his heart.

"Knowing that how could I bother you. You were happy, how could I be the person ruining your happiness? So I backed out myself, giving you all my blessings. But I have always kept listening to the news regarding you. I was happy when you got engaged with the love of your life. I even sent you the bouquet of flowers congratulating you. It was going all fine until I heard your father going around the circle offering everyone the option of marrying you", he said, his eyes turning fierce at the end on his words.

"So I …", before he could say anything the woman interjected. "Do you love me?"

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