The Undefined Love

Chapter 359: 359

The old man was all shocked when he heard the sound of a gunshot made in his direction. He even hasn't noticed when the person has taken his gun out and has aimed at him. The action was so swift that he wasn't able to catch the sight of it.

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He can't say whether it was his luck or the aim was missed intentionally because it was really a close call to death. His ears were still numb, like they have lost their power to hear any sound now.

He was still trying his best to catch his normality back when he heard a dark sinister voice, "Don't ever dare to repeat those words again. It was not our fault that you have brought up a grandson with no brains. With his action and the person he was planning to involve with, he should have known that he would be ending in this way. Not only us, if you go begging to someone else too, there is no way he could be saved". The words of the leader nearly made the old man's all hopes.

He could not believe a young man can be this capable of. Not only he was ruling the business world but also had the people of the dark world fear him. He sighed thinking why wasn't his grandson even a ten percent like him. If only he would be a little more mature and capable then he wouldn't have to beg other people's help.

Suddenly something struck his head. Hurriedly he let his words out and tried to rush out to execute his spontaneous plan. "Since you can't help me out then I will go and seek help from Dark Knight Forces. They would definitely have sources to help me out. I can't let my grandson die"

The old man has turned senile at the news of his grandson dying. It was normal for any grandfather to go all frantic, especially when he has only one grandson to depend upon. He was about to run out when suddenly he heard a voice mocking at him.

"Old Master Gao, seems like your useless grandson has taken your brain. Do you think if we could not help you get your grandson back then anyone else could? We have been the second most powerful mafia gang ruling over Asia", the leader with a mask chuckled from behind, that sounded very eerie and dark.

"I know you are ruling but still you are at second. I am going to take help from the ones who are higher than you", the old man said, not getting the depths of the words.

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At his senile dumbness, the subordinate looked at his leader asking the permission to step in. Getting the permission readily, he stated "Old master Gao, what my leader has tried to make you understand is that no one can help you now. Not even Dark Knight Forces. Think about it once, how many can overpower us except Dark Knight Forces?"

"…", the old man was stuck dumb at this moment. Does this mean ...?

"Exactly there is no one. If we are saying that we could not help you out, then what do you think who is involved in this scenario? Of course no other gang is there whom we can't take down", the words continued after a short pause.

"So do you mean, the people from Dark Knight Forces are involved in all this? But …" he was about to state another dumb set of words so before he could even begin the words of the gang leader's subordinate, dominated him.

"Your grandson has indirectly offended Wang Deming by kidnapping Li Lifen. So of course he has to take the blow. Wang Deming has some connection with the top gang so there is no way any hope is left for your grandson's survival on this planet anymore. If you still want to go and ask them, you are highly appreciated by us. Please go ahead", his words have clearly made the blooming hopes in an old man's head die.

He was really happy thinking that there is still a chance left for him to bring back his only grandson, but it seemed like there was no way left.

Disappointed in his heart, he felt his body weakening when suddenly he remembered that was still someone that could help him at this moment. When a person is surrounded by darkness on all sides, he will be able to see each and every escaping window present. But at the end it will depend on his situation, if the window will help him to escape or not.

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Same was happening with the Old Master Gao, he was able to consider all the persons that could help him but none were actually coming handy. Thinking of another such person, without wasting any more time there, he quickly got off the underground base.

The moment he got into the car, he took out his phone and said, "Get me the earliest flight to Country A and also bring me my passport and other necessities directly to the airport".

The car drove him to the airport directly.


Back in Country A,

The things have started getting normal. The companies who got the blow last night were all making their company normal. The only who haven't experienced any issues were Li Corporation, not only because they are strong but because Deming has given strict instructions saying that at no cost there should be any change in their balance sheet rates, even if they have to stake Wang Corporations for it.

Of course, this was not something that could remain hidden behind the curtain. Sooner the people came to know about it and started growing suspicious what has been happening between Wang's and the Li's? Were they planning for binding some kind of relationship?

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The words got out in the air speculating the things. At Li Villa, Li Liaoyuan has also heard about all these words. Though he was having no more issues with his granddaughter and that Wang Boy getting along. But still he wasn't ready to think about their marriage.

"This must be some plan of that boy, to make everyone to air this types of rumors in the air", the Old man Li slammed the daily magazine on the desk, on which a front picture was all dedicated to the Country's charming Prince, Wang Deming and the Strong Heiress of Li Corporation Li Lifen.

Yang Yuzhe came to greet the old man, so he was sitting on the seat across from the old Li. "Grandpa Li, there must be some reasons behind!" the young man said as in the midst of all this he was finding something was amiss.

Sure, he knew last night's economic mess was out of Deming's rage. But the question arises, what can make the man so angry that he wanted to set the whole industry on fire. Then his sudden disappearance from the country, everything was indicating that something was missing from the middle.

He has asked his men to look into it and he expects to get the news soon.

"No, not at all. That boy is simply unreasonable. Do you think that these photographs can come up in the news just like that and that too with the news of them getting married? Not possible, all these things are definitely going on under his supervision", Li Liaoyuan was really agitated from the morning, he has got his eyes on this.

To some extent, the doubts of the old man have hit the bullseye. Deming has particularly made arrangements to bring that picture out. He has already guessed that rumor might get in the air after the economic crash so to defend his little woman. He can't let people point fingers at her.

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And there was yet another reason behind his sudden declaration. He wanted to let everyone know that by offending her they would be directly offending him. And the whole country knows that there is no way, Wang Deming is used to taking offense. People know it the best.

So he has asked his men to make the media brand publish the news exclusively, so that it could reach each and every ears surviving around the country.

The old man Li was still fuming in anger when suddenly Yang Yuzhe heard his phone ringing. Looking at the elder to seek his permission, he quickly excused himself to take the call. As he received the call and heard the words from the other side, his face turned as dark as the darkest cloud the world has ever seen.

Without waiting for the person to complete his words, he asked in a grim voice "where is she now?"

And the next moment the phone was disconnected. The Elder Li has also felt the change in air, so he asked "What happened? Is Old Dr. Yang alright?"

But before he could even answer the information he had received, there was a knock at the door. "Old master, Elder Gao has come here to meet you. He said that there is something urgent in which he needs your help." Butler Gong informed. 

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