The Undefined Love

Chapter 37: 37

Lifen was feeling extremely tormented because of Deming. Her eyes were welled up but tears were controlled by her strong will to not come out. She didn't wanted to show him her weak side, she didn't want him to perceive that his actions are making her weak.

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Lifen looked directly into his eyes,which revealed her strong will but at this time Deming only wanted to know the person in her thoughts, "Then go on".

"But before I begin, can you please maintain a suitable distance, this is making me uncomfortable ", Lifen said with her strict voice. He reluctantly let go off her, at this moment he was dead curious.

Lifen continued, "I actually have someone in my heart. He has said almost similar words before. So when you said those words, I instantly remembered him and closed my eyes to feel his presence around me. Though he is not here now but... Sorry I can't go further, since you already got the real reason".

When she turned to look back at Deming, his eyes were dark as coal, "So you already love someone ".

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"What's the matter with you? Why should I answer these things to you? Didn't you only asked me be your personal assistant and in return you would help me find my brother", Lifen said in abated tone.

"Because you are my assistant, I need to know", Deming snorted.

"I think it's a bit illogical. But I will answer you because I don't want to deal with your stupid games. It's true, he holds a special position in my heart but I am not his girlfriend. He is not in this country. Is this answers all your questions or is there something more?", Lifen was very much irritated.

But her words gave Deming a relief. He ignored everything she said, the only thing which was left in his mind was 'she is not someone else girlfriend'. At that time her phone rang. When she took a look on the screen, it was Guang calling.

She looked at Deming, "If you permit, then may I take this call". He nodded to her.

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Lifen took the call. "Hey, where are you? Why aren't you here yet? Aunty is in hospital, come right now. We are waiting", Guang said chaotic way. Then she hung up the call.

She was jolted with the the words. She didn't moved for some moments, neither blinked her eyes. Suddenly the tears came out. Deming rushed to her and shook her shoulder, "What happened? Is everything okay?". But still there was no movement.

"No, nothing is serious. Be positive Lifen", Lifen said to herself and picked up her bag and rushed out without giving any glance to him.

When she reached the main entrance gate of the Wang Palace, an black Maybach car stopped beside her. She looked inside, it was Deming. He looked at her, "Come inside, I will drop you".

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At that moment, Lifen didn't gave any thought and went inside the car, "Please drop me to the Yangzhei Hospital".

After some time, they reached the hospital. She stepped out the car and rushed inside. She went to the reception desk, "May I know, Mrs. Wu is in which room. I am her daughter".

"Let me have a look", the receptionist said, "She is in the ICU on the second floor".

She rushed to the second floor. Father Wu , Guang and Daiyu were standing outside. When Daiyu noticed Lifen was there, she ran to her. "Aunty got into an accident when she was returning from the market. The doctor are still inside, we are waiting for him. Don't worry, she will be fine".

The door of the ICU got open, the doctor came out and went to Father Wu, "The patient is very critical. She has lost a lot of blood. We need to do an operation". Father Wu was unable to speak.

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Lifen was shocked. Deming who was standing behind came forward and walked to the doctor, "Doctor, prepare the operation theatre. But the operation will be done by Dr. Chen, he will be arriving soon".

"Dr. Chen, are you referring the best surgeon of the country", the doctor was shocked. "Yeah", Drming replied plainly.

"It's honour to have Dr. Chen in our hospital. I will make the arrangements for the operation. I am sure the patient will be 100% safe in his hands", saying this the doctor left.

Father Wu looked at Deming with is confused eyes. Deming bowed down and greeted him softly, "Uncle Wu, I am Deming , Lifen's friend. Don't worry Dr. Chen is the best surgeon of the country. He will surely save Aunty".

He then went back to Lifen. She didn't expected Deming to help in this way. She looked at him and can only say, "Thanks". Deming didn't know what was happening to him but seeing her unhappy was making him unhappy. Seeing her in pain, his heart was aching too.

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