The Undefined Love

Chapter 374: 374

At the same time outside, there was a knock at the door of the different room. And as if the person was already waiting for someone to arrive, the door got opened within less than 10 seconds.

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The person who opened the door was none other than Rebecca and the one who knocked was the old man who had come directly to confront her the moment he came to knock about her presence in the house.

As the woman looked at the old man, her eyes smiled along her lips, "Oh it's you. I thought Lifen had come again. She is really a sweet girl. I never thought …"

"You better don't think of anything. And also close the drama you are trying to create here", he snarled through his gritted teeth. His jaws were clenched tight in anger and fists were also tight at his sides.

"Drama? What are you saying? I am being genuine here. You must have misinterpreted my actions", Rebecca said, keeping her face expressions all innocent.

Looking at her with that expression, no one will say that there is anything false in her words. She was all innocent in front of people's eyes. But that did not show any effect on Li Liaoyuan. It felt like he was all accustomed to her such pretense.

"Huh! You said you are being genuine here? When in the world were you genuine? At least not a single day in this house", he said. His voice has an aged disappointment and also some regret.

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Hearing his words, this time the expression on women's faces changed. Her eyes turned a little fierce and her lips got twitched. "You still blame me? What should I have expected from you? Of course, you would always side with your blood."

Saying this she turned and walked back inside the room. The old man followed her inside too. He just wants this woman to stay away from Lifen and he was here to make it done by himself.

"Wasn't I supporting you first? You are blaming me for being on the side of my blood. Yes, I am happy that I was on the side of my son at the end. I don't regret it because I know he was not in the bad", Elder Li said. And with each and every word his tone was becoming fiercer and fiercer. Like he was having a real hard time in controlling his raging emotion filling deep in his heart.

"…", Rebecca didn't say anything, just gave a mocking smile on her lips that was clearly disapproving of the words her ears were getting.

"Huh? Don't try to show me this pretense side of yours. Save it for the ones who have never got the real side. I have known how shallow you have been from inside. That does not mean that I care. You have nothing to do with my care and concern. I am here just to tell you that take away the intention which has brought you here. And also don't ever try to meet Lifen from hereon, otherwise I won't ever hesitate my action thinking that you are the woman, once my son loved and the mother of my granddaughter"

He said and turned around to leave, when suddenly he heard, "She is not my daughter. So stop saying that again and again. And about leaving, then let me tell this time I have returned not to leave rather to satiate my vengeance. Nobody can stop from getting me that"

"Was that a challenge?", the old man snarled without turning to look back.

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"Challenge?" she mocked. "Do you think you are capable enough to take my challenge now? I really doubt it. Since you have already seen through me, I won't be hiding back my motives from you. I am here to take revenge on her. Revenge her for the things she has not committed but has got transferred in her blood from her father" she said behind her gritting teeth.

"You have already done worse to her. left her when she had not even opened her eyes, plotted to kill her when she was only a seven year old kid and many other hideous things. Don't you feel guilty on your own. She has your blood too", Li Liaoyuan has never been a person to complain like this. But now facing the woman whom he has once preferred over his own son. The woman who has once staked her life to save his whole family.

For him it had been really hard to accept that she has now become someone who has become a bloodthirsty for her own daughter.

"I have yet to do many things. Please don't hurry to use the tag of worse yet otherwise nothing will be left in your dictionary book to define my coming actions", she said with a smug, as if she was all content with the things she has come planned with.

"Don't you dare hurt her this time, otherwise I won't be restraining myself. And also don't forget she is no more alone. Now that she is married to a person who loves her more than his own life, you think it will be easy for you as it was in the past?"

He paused and then turned to look at her. After giving her a good moment to get an answer in her head, he continued his words again "This time it won't be easy for you. I have let your actions slide off in the past because somewhere I still felt a little guilty for not being able to help you in the past."

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"But it won't be the same with him. He is ruthless and merciless in his ways. If you are taking him easy just looking at his politeness now, then let me warn you with some advice. He is like that because he has to keep that image in front of the woman, but the moment he sensed anything wrong around her then there would be no way he will spare the person"

The way he said his words were simply giving off the confidence he had in them. Though he has never let shown that in front but in his heart he knew that their relationship was something that was created in heaven.

"Love is just an illusion. The promise he had given to her or the care he shows is just for some moments. The day some other woman caught his attention, she will no longer be the one his eyes will search for. I know it better because I have an experience", she said as she chuckled in knowing.

"The things were like that. You have misunderstood things on your own. Don't take them as your experience", Li Liaoyuan tried to explain one last time but it was never meant to reach the woman's understanding.

"Don't repeat those words again and again it won't change anything. And as for her destruction, don't worry this time I am not aiming for her life. Her life has got no value in my eyes", she said, not caring about the fact that her words are directed towards her own blood daughter.

Hearing her words, no one will call her a mother. No mother can be this cruel to their own children. Leaving their own child when they were just a kid was not something that rare in this world but it was also not something that was common among people.

The ones who have to leave their children behind had their reasons. They regret their actions. But in this scenario there wasn't any reason or guilt behind, just a revenge to satiate. This was something that was not suited for the character of a mother, especially directed to her own child.

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"You …" Elder Li tried but this time nothing came out his lips. He felt agitated and confused at the same time, not knowing what exactly was going on in her head. "What are you planning?" he asked.

His helpless question made the woman smile in satisfaction. This was what she wanted to see. She wanted the people to go helpless in front of her.

"Haha … this time I will hurt her to the point where it will give her the pain worse than her death. The pain that will make her question on her own existence. This time I will hurt her emotions, her feelings, her heart, not her life", she said. Her voice and expressions were filled with sadism.

The old man laughed. Her words made her feel like someone has cracked the best joke of this world. Looking at him like that Rebecca was dumbfounded. This was not what she had expected.

"Fine, let's see. Do what you have planned, I won't hinder your plans. This time your own actions will prove you wrong. This will clear the misconceptions you have had within you for more than 18 years. You will get to know what is the real meaning of being in love", he said and turned again to leave.

Rebecca, who was standing still at her place, looked at his back and clenched her fist tight. "I will let you know that I was right in the past and I am also right in my present", she said. Her words were fot the old man but he was not there to hear it.

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