The Undefined Love

Chapter 381: 381

Disconnecting the call, Lifen turned to look at the man. There were hints of alcohol in his breath but he was not drunk. Turning to face him, she asked "So how was your dinner?"

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Deming looked at her and smiled, "It was good. What about you? I heard that you returned home early today."

Lifen looked at him, waited for some moments and then nodded. "Yes, I had my work done early today, so got home a little before. I called you but maybe you have got some real urgent work to do that's why you did not get time to call me back". Her words were just not the answer to his question but she has also made sure to let him know that she has started to see the changes in him.

The man smiled as he looked at her, "Of course I knew that you had called but sorry wasn't able to take your call since I was in the middle of a meeting. And that meeting was really a little important for me. What? Were you feeling being ignored?"

"Important? Is everything fine with the company?" she asked. Since the man has himself said the meeting was a little important then there must be something deep into this.

Deming lips arched up in a smile when he found her so concerned. "Haha … there is nothing serious. You don't have to worry so much. It's just after a very long time I have got a client whom I have really thought to be worthy of my time. So I was just making things as per her likings. That's it!"

Lifen raised her brows up in amus.e.m.e.nt. Did he just say that he was making things as per some others liking?

"Your client really seems to be someone very capable this time. She is making you give in as per her demands. Interesting!", there was a sarcasm in her tone. Saying this she did not wait and walked past him, getting back to her bed.

It took some time for Deming to understand the exact meaning behind her words. He looked at her all surprised, "Are you getting jealous?"

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"Huh? Who is getting jealous? I am just telling you the truth. Look at yourself, you are so out of your way today. You did not pick up my call, went to have dinner and also not to forget you have come getting tipsy. I doubt, was all this something in your character?" she said and then picked up a file from the bedside table, pretending to check it while flipping the pages.

Deming smiled at her cuteness. She was clearly jealous but was still not accepting it. Looking at her like this he had an urge to tease her more. From last week she has been teasing him with the name of that young model of her company, now she will taste the sour taste of her own medicine.

He walked to the bed, while removing his suit blazer. "Yes, if I give some serious thoughts to your words then I can't deny it too. This deal and the client both have some charms that are making me change for it. It might be because I am really very much eager to reach its output. So yes, I agree to your words"

Lifen's eyes instantly got narrowed as she turned to look at him. "Really? That's great! At least now I can say that you will get a little serious. Good! Now I will go and take my dinner. Since you have already taken your fill, you might not need it. But for me, I have not gone out for any business dinner. So … take your time and enjoy the thoughts of your charming client and deal"

She said, stood up and walked out, without giving much thought. But before leaving the room she did not forget to remind him again. "Also, if you don't want yourself out from this room then don't forget to remove that pungent smell from your clothes and body"

Deming was all confused about which smell she was talking about. But when he took his own whiff, he understood her words. He was confused. How did the smell get so strong to get on his body? He has not been that near to Xue Ping Ruo.

He was about to explain something to her but she has already left. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "How is it? Did the man say anything?" he asked in a strict voice.

"No, Leader! We have tried all of our measures on him but he is still not saying anything. I think there is not much there in his knowledge too, or he is thinking everything is going too easy for him. He is not at all scared of us", the person from the other side of the line said. His voice laced with slight disappointment.

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"Too easy for him? Then treat him a little tougher. For what are you hesitating?" he said in all nonchalance.

"But leader, he might die. He is already near his death" the man said with slight hesitation.

"Is his life something for us to care. If he has no desire to live, then give him a beautiful death. A death where he gets both the meaning and the reason of his death" he said as if he was talking about presenting someone a precious gift. With his tone no one would say that it was a command for someone's death.

"Yes Leader!" the man on the other side said, accepting the orders.

A dark glint passed through Deming's eyes as he looked out in the darkness of the night. "Let's the show begin. I am ready"

Next day in the morning, Lifen woke up as usual and after getting ready went downstairs. Last night Rebecca told her that her niece will be coming to pick her up. Since she has already recovered at her best, there was no reason for her to stay.

Even Lifen did not intend to hold her back.

When reached downstairs, she found Rebecca already sitting in the living hall and sipping up her tea. "Good morning, Aunty! It seems like you are missing your niece to much, that's why you are so eager to leave"

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Rebecca smiled and said, "Haha … it's nothing like that. If I tell you the truth, then I don't want to leave you. Ummm … how to explain, I feel a close bondage with you. Something like a mother will feel for her daughter. You are really sweet. I really regret, why I did not have a daughter like you with me"

She said getting all emotional. Some tears got at the edge of her eyes, but did not get any chance to roll down her cheeks. Lifen, herself did not know what she should say?

If she said that she had not felt any unknown closed with her then it will be a lie. She has always felt some kind of string connected with her. At that moment too, seeing the tears in her eyes, she can feel her own eyes getting watery.

"Aunty … you will make me cry with those words. Please don't make it hard for me. I already have no reasons to stop you since I have already promised you before", she said as she went up and hugged her.

"Yes, yes … I know and I also can't stay back to burden you. But promise me that you will come to visit me at my place. I will be living in the same city, so make sure to come and visit me often", Rebecca said as she lightly caressed her cheeks.

Lifen readily nodded to her words. "Of course I will come and visit you."

Both the women smiled at their own words. Lifen really found it odd that within just a span of a few days, she has grown so much close to the woman who was totally a stranger a month ago.

They were all lost in their world when suddenly, a soft polite voice came from the entrance, "Aunty!!"

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Turning around to respond to the voice, Rebecca said, "Ahh RuoRuo you are already here? Come in , let me introduce you to the Lifen, about whom I have always told you before"

Lifen was a little taken aback. "Always?"

"Ah I – I mean … I have talked about you a lot. Whenever she has called me I have told her about you. So in excitement, I did not notice my words", Rebecca said purposely leaving some hints behind. She wanted Lifen to have some suspicions about her.

"Yes, aunty has talked about you so much about you", the woman who has just come said as she came in and extended her hand to introduce herself, "Hello! I am Xue Ping Ruo. Thanks for looking after Aunty in my absence"

Xue Ping Ruo!

That name … was she the same one, she was thinking about?

Lifen was dumbfounded for some moments then said, "Ohh I am sorry. I am Li Lifen. It's okay you don't have to thank me. Aunt Rebecca has staked her life to save me. It was the least I can do for her". She smiled and looked at her. Her eyes became a little curious to know something else.

She looked at Ping Ruo and was about to ask something when suddenly a voice came from upstairs. "Ms. Xue, you are here?". Without any doubt, it was Deming. His voice held a little surprise but his expressions were all neutral. 

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