The Undefined Love

Chapter 7: 7

Then again Deming's glare stopped at Lifen and he asked again, "Pretty lady...won't you answer me".

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After coming to her senses, Lifen wasn't able to believe she was alive. She had just encountered her death in front of her eyes.

"What the hell was that? Are you crazy? This is not a place to show - off your driving skills or any of your idiotic skills", she shouted in one breath .

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"Relax darling...Why are you shouting at me? You are not yet dead...You are still alive...And the most important thing......", he was interrupted in between by Guang.

"Keep the important thing with you...we don't wanna listen...and after all this, you are still not feeling any bit of guilt. Were you waiting for her death", Guang exploded.This time both Daiyu and Guang was very defensive for Lifen.

"Why the trio is digging the small hole so deep. Enough of all your shit talks...I am here for admission, can anyone please tell me where the admission procedure of new session going on?", Deming ignored the trio as if he doesn't give a damn.

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The three girls were irked as much as the wanted to crush him to death. Then only someone from behind informed Deming that the entrance exam is not yet started and will be going to held in that room while indicating in a particular direction.

Everyone was there in a surprise with the fact that he is there for the admission. Deming shook his head in disappointment with a smile on his face and said with a smug," Don't you guys know, Who I am? I am not here to give the exams".

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"Okay , Just tell me where can I meet the Principal ", Deming said in a confident tone. But again he was interrupted.

"Yeah actually we definitely know who you are...You are just a spoiled rich man that owns the high-end organisation 'The Wang Corporation ' and thinks he can get each and everything with his money", Lifen said in a concluding tone and walked away passing him and giving a disgust look.

Before she could leave, he grabbed her wrist with a lightening speed and gave the glare looking into her eyes intensely.

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Everyone was in terror as the temperature around him dropped drastically. Daiyu and Guang was astonished then suddenly got calmed after they got a signal from Lifen eyes indicating that she is fine and she will handle this on her own. The confidence in Lifen's eyes made Deming comfortable around her but still there was anger in his eyes.

"What do you think of yourself...Who do you think you are ....Who are you to judge me? Do you really think you can afford it", he said in his harsh tone while gripping her hand more tightly in a rough way.

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