The Undefined Love

Chapter 91: 91

Making her thoughts and words very much clear, Lifen felt light inside her heart. She has always considered 'playing with someone heart, even if he or she is your enemy', is the most sinful deed one can ever do. And she was someone who can never think of it.

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The waiters and the other staffs of the restaurant has already moved inside after serving to give the couple some quality, so at this moment only two were standing alone.

Lifen's words made Chang feel devastated. His heart was unable to let her go. His mind has long lost all its logic so when Lifen turned to move away from him, he can only grab her into his embrace tightly, not letting her go away.

"Chang, what are you doing? Let me go. You are making me uncomfortable. Let me go", she resisted. Everytime she moves a little in his grip, his grip tightened around her further.

The next thing that came to her sight made her frightened. Chang was forcing himself on her, his eyes were no more considerate, the only thing filled his eyes was lust. She has never seen this side of him, which made her utterly scared.

She resisted hard to get off his grip but it was all vain. Her heart was crying for help but her lips were tightly pursed. Warm tears were rolling down her cheeks continuously. His lips was only a few centimeters apart from hers and she can smell thae faint smell of alchohol which he had before during their dinner.

When she felt that he was about to land his lips on her, she fearfully closed her eyes, screaming, "Chang, Stop it...Nooooo"

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And the next moment, a rough warm hand yanked her backward and a hard sound of slap resounded, "Takkk". Under the familiar touch, Lifen's body muscles slightly relaxed, her eyes were still tightly close.

"Are you okay?" a familiar warm voice reached Lifen's ears and she slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes were deep red due to previous tears, though her body has relaxed but one look into her eyes and he can say how scared she was a while before.

Looking her in this dire state, his heart clenched tight and a cold light flashed across his eyes. He tilted his head and gazed at the man who has collapsed on the ground only with one tight smack on this face.

But this was not enough, he will not let him go off this easily. He gazed at one of his man standing behind him and soon the man swiftly came to pick Chang up. He was about to take him away when a soft voice made a request, "Deming, help me sending Chang back to his place. He is quite drunk and all thing before was not his intentions".

Deming was infuriated with her words but he gave a nod to his man and soon his man took Chang away from them. He then look at the girl who was almost pale standing beside him. His eyes were holding concern and anger for her both at the same time.

Lifen can't bear that look of his, so she just lowered his head. "Lifen, are you even aware what could have happened today if I haven't came here on time? Huh?"

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"...", she wanted to defend herself but she knew very well that what could have happened today.

He looked around, and some waiters were coming out hearing the commotion, so he just grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her out. He made her sit inside his car and soon the car left restaurant.

Inside the car, neither of them spoke. But eyes of Deming were turning darker and darker with every passing minute as if his eyes were replaying the situation from back again and again.

He abruptly stopped his car. I was dark all around and no cars or vehicles were passing by. She turned her head and looked at him with confusion. He didn't looked at her, instead he opened the door and went out. Leaning on the bonnet he lighted up a cigarette.

Lifen knew he was upset with what just happened but how is she responsible for that. Even she was, she never thought that Chang would ever go to this extent. After some minutes, when she saw that he was standing out unfazed, she opened the door and went to him.

"Why are you so angry?" she asked softly. At this moment, her only intent was to cool his anger down.

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She still remember that once in their childhood when a boy came to bully her, he has made him pay for that. He had made that boy come to her and beg for forgiveness. He was angry at her too that he didn't even came to meet her the next week. He was angry because she didn't complain about that boy neither to him nor to anyone. But that was all in the past, she thought. Now he already had someone else and she has no importance.

Deming turned his head and squinted his eyes on her, "You really have guts to ask that. What did you think of yourself? You are not Mother Teresa or any goddess descended from the heaven who can't hurt anyone's feelings.".

"...", she knew that something blunder might have happened today of he didn't came on time but still she can't let him chide at her.

"I have asked you previously that stop being like this. Stop suffocating yourself like this. But you...look at yourself, you never heed any attention to my words. Such a stubborn girl"

"I didn't...", she tried to say her words but he didn't let her.

"Even after that you had the guts to defend him. Really? Don't say that you started to have feelings for him", at this point he grabbed her roughly from her shoulders, "Were you liking his closeness before? Did I interrupted your time? Because this evening, you were quite excited for your date with him, you refused having lunch with me and even from visiting Jie."

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She was dumbfounded with his words. What did he think of her. After spending so much time with him, he still can't understand her.

"And look at your dress. Wow!! You have dolled up so beautifully for him. Impressive! But after dating me, how can you deteoriate your standard. Just look at me and then him. How can you...", he snarled and clapped his hands.

"Enough", Lifen shouted at him midway, "Enough of your cheap words. I never thought, you will think this way about me. What am I to you? Because the way you talk about me, I don't think about me with respect, then it's sure that our friendship is also nothing to you"

Hearing her Deming realized he has gone too far with his words because of his temper. He closed his eyes with regret and opened it after few seconds. "Lifen, it's not like that...Listen..."

"Thanks for your help today, Mr.Wang . But I don't think there is anything else to listen. From here, I will help myself. You can leave", her eyes were dimmed in pain.

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