The Undefined Love

Chapter 94: 94

Next day, early in the morning Lifen did some studies on the culture and the surrounding of the country where she will soon be going. She then went to help her mother in the kitchen. She was preparing breakfast.

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"Mumma, let me help you. I am all free now. I will make coffee, let's have it together", Lifen said as she entered the kitchen.

When Mother Wu smiled and turned to look at her, but soon her brows frowned in concern, "Is there something wrong, Lifen. Why are your eyes swollen? Have you cried yesterday? You went with Chang. Did he do something to you?"

Last night, after returning back Lifen thoughts flashed with all the past events. Her carefree lovely days with Deming, his promises to her, encountering him after so many years, her heart break, his painful words and everything. Her heart wasn't able to control itself yesterday and all pain and sorrows of her heart flowed down through her eyes.

Yesterday she understood that nothing is stable in this life. Promises will be broken one day. And her broken heart will never be fixed. So she decided something, something that will help her to reduce the pain in her heart. She decided to remain far away from Deming and to her good, she will soon be going away.

Lifen didn't answered Mother Wu and went to make two cups of coffee. "My girl, I thought you really consider me as your mother but now it's proven that I am no one to you. You aren't comfortable in sharing your pain with me. Am I such an incompetent moth...?"

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She didn't even wait for Mother Wu to complete her word, she hugged her hard, "No Mumma. You are the most lovely mother of this world. How can you be incompetent? To me you are more than my real mother"

She started sobbing, " Yesterday night, I felt the pain which I will suffer by staying away from you. I will miss you, Mumma. I will miss my friend and even this city".

"Silly child! You cried so hard for that. How old are you? Still crying for such silly things. Mumma will also miss you", Mother Wu patted gently on her back and pulled her away from the hug to look at her face, "You don't have to cry so much. Finish your studies soon and come back to us. We will always be waiting for you".

Lifen wiped away her tears and nodded her head. After that, the mother-daughter duo had their coffee and breakfast together.

Completing the breakfast, Mother Wu went to handle her coffee-bar and Lifen went back to her room. There is a lot for her to do. She was sitting on her study table, diligently studying and flipping the pages of the book when her phone rang.

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She ignored the call without giving any glance at the caller-id. The phone rang again, she picked up the call this time, but her eyes were fixed on her books, "Hello!"

"Lifen, why haven't you picked my call earlier?" Deming's familiar warm voice came to her ears.

She stiffened and soon became calm, "I was busy. Is there something?" she asked but her voice and tone seemed lack of warmth in it.

Was she angry with him? Did he again do something to hurt her? Possibly there was a harsh interaction between them yesterday but it was all solved at the end. Then what's wrong with her tone.

Her words arose several questions in his mind. "When are you coming today?" he asked cautiously.

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"I won't be coming", she said in a cold tone.

"Why? We have already decided yesterday night then... Are you still upset with me?", he was now sure that she was upset with something. Was that because of him?

"I didn't promised you. I have some work to attend. If there is nothing, I will hang up now", this was her first time being this frigid but there is always first time for everything.

"Wait...", Deming wanted to ask her but before he could the call was already disconnected.


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Somewhere in a dark room, a group of people were discussing something. There were faces weren't visible clearly but some of them were having a fluent English accent.

"I don't know anything. I just want my work to be done. No matter what you do to Mr.Wang Deming, I don't care. I will pay you 5 millions", the person with excellent English accent voiced out.

"Don't worry. Soon Wang Deming will get out of your way or we can say out of the world. His existence will be soon be erased from this world", came the chilling voice of a burly man.

Few people walked out of the place after fixing the deal.

"But Boss, I have heard that he is quite lucky in his luck. Before us, several gangs had tried to kill him, but everytime he came out all safe and sound. I have even heard that his brain is quite and the aura around him is not less than that of a lion in the jungle. His deathless courage, strength, fearlessness, bravery and royalty is well known in the whole country. And he too have some deadly skills and power up his sleeves in the underworld", the subordinate of the burly man reported him.

"Hahahaha, you are praising him like he owns this world. He is just a 25 year old kid. What could he do to us? He is just no match. Just go and plan for the way. This is such a valuable mission to us. We will get 5 millions, just for him", the burly man again broke into an insane laughter.

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