The Undefined Love

Chapter 99: 99

Both Lifen and Chang knew that Deming had misunderstood the whole conversation.

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Chang was about to clarify the doubts but Lifen shook his head to him. This small silent conversation between them got noticed by Deming but before he could react to this Lifen softly grabbed Chang's hand and said, "Let's go in, everyone might been waiting for us". She was pretending as if Deming was someone she didn't know and this ignorance made Deming feel all lost.

Chang gave a simple nod and turned to move in with her. "Lifen, let's talk for a minute", harsh voice of Deming reached her ears. Her cold behavior was slowly becoming so unbearable for him. He was feeling somewhat suffocated with the distant look in her eyes.

She didn't stopped her steps and kept walking, "I don't think there is anything on which we have to talk Mr.Wang . And you shouldn't be here at this moment. Someone is waiting for you, so you should go waste your time on me".

Deming didn't move , his mind was forcing him to go and grab her and stop her but his heart stopped him. Suffocation rose to the max limit. It was like someone has stabbed a shard dagger right in the middle of his chest and was slowly and slowly twisting it. His body stayed rooted and his eyes were looking at the figure disappearing in a distance.

"You can breathe now", Chang made a comment. And then Lifen gave out her holded breath.

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"Why did you stop me, Lifen? I should've cleared his misconceptions", he paused suddenly and then took a brief review of the things that happened just a few minutes. Soon his eyes gave out a shine of surprise, then disbelief, "Wait minute Lifen. Don't say that what I am thinking is the truth. Is he the one?"

"Chang, don't think so much about it. You go to table first, I have go to the washroom first", she said and walked towards the ladies washroom.

Lifen stood in front of the mirror, putting her hands down on the counter. She was just staring at her image. 'Enough Lifen, you can't always let you heart get swayed away with your false stupid hopes. You are still making your heart wait for him. It can't go like this. And God, why are you playing such tricks with me. Am I that worst in your good book list that you are making me lose everything I love. I never complained about anything, always tried hard to be happy. Never had any expectations, then why God...Why am I suffering like this?" tear drops started falling down her cheeks.

She bend down and splashed water on her face to wipe off all the painful tears. Tears didn't stopped, several more splashes were done but still....She looked up, her face was drenched in water and her eyes had turned red with her tears.

'It's okay, Lifen. Life has to move on. And why are you unhappy. Love is all about sacrifice. Some love stories are only there to remain incomplete. And yours sided love, its famous for heartache. You were so stupid. You believed the promise which was given by a little boy who didn't even know the meaning of the word LOVE at that time. We were mere children at that time. How does that count?", she gave out a self mocking smile while looking at the mirror.

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She dried her face with tissue and took a last look of her face. Her were only red, it will take some time to get sullen but she doesn't bother about that because she already decided to return home now.

When she left the washroom, while walking through the corridor she saw Deming waiting in the midway. She gave a side look to him and kept on walking.

But this time, it wasn't that easy. A warm rough hand grabbed her arms to yank her towards him. He then made his grip firm on her arm, holding her close to him.

"Hey, what are you doing? Leave me. I have to go", she said as she resisted to loosen his grip around her.

"First tell me the reason for your cold behavior", he asked in a slow but stern voice.

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She looked up and stared deeply in his eyes but this time it wasn't as before. It was a look that made him feel distant. "I don't know, what are you asking Mr.Wang and I am not intrested in knowing so just leave me".

"Have you just cried? Why are your eyes so red? Are you upset because you saw me with Jie in the car? There is nothing like that Little Cat. I was just helping her with the seatbelts. We weren't there in any intimate...."

She cut him in the mid, "Mr.Wang, I don't know what you got wrong about me but I will clear it to you once more. I am not anymore intrested in you. I have already moved on long before. You and I are over long before, so you don't have to care about me. It was all after you broke my heart into pieces. And about you and Ms.Long, I don't care about how intimate you are. Even if you kiss her in front of me, I won't care because I have no feelings for you. If that's clear to you now, then please spare me now. I have my friends waiting for me."

He felt truly irritated with her words, "So you are telling me that you aren't upset with me. Then why are you behaving like this with me? Huh? Tell me, we have become good friends, I have considered you my best friend and you were too happy with that. We spent so much time together and then suddenly your behavior changes. And if noticed properly, then everything happened after Jie got back her consciousness ".


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"Lifen, look if there is anything that made you upset with me or if I have done anything that hurt you that badly then tell me. We will sort it out together, but don't behave this indifferently with me. It's unbearable ", he said in soft sincere tone which can melt down any heart.

Lifen too got soften with her tone but not in the way Deming thought. "There is nothing that made me upset about you. I am really happy that you got the love of your life back in your life. I am genuinely happy for you. It's just that I don't feel comfortable with you now. And without me, everything got back to normal in your life. You already have the ones for whom you care, then why bother with me. Most importantly, you got the most important one back in your life. So enjoy with her, love her truly and don't make the same mistake that you made earlier. That way you won't be feeling bad. I am just like the passing air that once cross over you and would never return back. So why bother".

"And if you really care for me that much then please I have a request. In future, if we ever met, just behave like we never met before, just like a stranger. Please".

Hearing her words, Deming felt a strong pain in her heart. His grip on her arms loosened and Lifen freed herself. She turned to move away from him. She can't stay there anymore. Can't bear that look from him. But before she could move, she stopped. Someone was standing in from of them giving off a doubtful gaze.

"Brother Ming ".

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