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When Kim woke up, she was safely tucked in his embrace. She snuggled into him, enjoying the feeling of his hands wrapped around her, avoiding her hands. Her heart felt warm. His hug offered security and comfort, just as she liked it.

Her movement woke him up, placing a kiss on her forehead, he greeted, "Good morning."

She acknowledged his greeting by sniffing in his scent, he lightly chuckled, "Who's the dog now?"

Her lips curled up, "Now I understand why you did that."

His scent was like a drug she couldn't get enough of. Inviting and delicious.

"You haven't informed your friends, they might be really worried."

"I'll tell them later, for now, I just want…" she did not complete her sentence as she trailed her nose from his chest to his neck. Before he could ask what she was doing, she bit down on his neck. Then as if to soothe the pain she caused, she ran her tongue over the spot.

"I bet my lips taste better." She heard him say. She chuckled. In compliance she trailed little kisses from his neck to his lips.

She nibbled on his lips a little before pulling away. She left him wanting more.

"Good morning."

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"For the couch, what color do you want?" Kim called out.

"You're in charge," came his reply.

Shopping was definitely not easy. Rather than call an interior decorator, she decided to pick out everything herself. It was proving rather difficult. They were both indecisive. She should have known after the ordeal in the saloon. He liked whatever she picked, making no personal comment. While she could not pick one without feeling she was loosing another.

She stared at the different designs in the catalogue. Kim felt like she was going crazy. "I can't do this. I'll just pick out the utensils. Let's call an interior decorator." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Whatever you want." He said, rubbing her hair.

After that, he led her out of the store as they went to a different store where she could pick whatever utensils she wanted.

Almost three hours later, she had picked all she wanted, then she ordered for it to be delivered to their home.

"Tired?" He asked.

She nodded her head in acknowledgement.

"Ok, then let's go get ice cream." He suggested.

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While she picked her snacks, he wrapped his hands around her stomach, "You're so thin."

She placed her hand on his, "You don't like it?"

"Not really. I mean as compared to before."

"What if I become obese?"

He raised his head as if I deep thought, "I'll get a trolley to move you about."

Kim paused, then she elbowed him, "You can also be annoying."

"I was just joking.. it doesn't really matter whether you're thin or fat, I love you." He declared.

"You better keep to your words."

When they got home, Carl deboxed the appliances then shelved them while Kim watched him.

Soon the door bell went off, he went to get the door. It was a lady, he guessed was the interior designer they requested for.

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"July?" He asked.

She smiled warmly, "Yes."

"Please, come in." He made way for her before closing the door.

"I'm sorry but there's no place to sit." He said as he motioned her to the kitchen where Kim was.

The interior designer was stunning. She had shoulder length, wavy hair. She was of average height. Then she had an hourglass figure which Kim noticed first. Unconsciously her eyes moved to Carl to see if he was looking at her but he wasn't. He was checking his phone. She let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Good day, I'm July, your interior designer." She introduced herself.

The more they interacted, Kim wanted to kick her out. She was beautiful, had an hourglass shape and she had a job, and young too. She couldn't help but feel small. Then she comforted herself by saying, she was still a student and Carl loved only her.


"From what I can see, you just moved in," July stated.


"Do you have any preferences? Or should I just show you some of my designs?" July asked them both, but her eyes were on Carl. As if sensing them, he raised his head, "She's in charge," he pointed to Kim and continued with his phone.

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July smiled, "Let's start with your budget."

Kim looked at Carl, he raised his head once more, "It doesn't matter."

"Then let me check out your home."

Kim got up, to show her the way. "You aren't coming along?" July asked Carl.

To which Kim replied, "You only need to pay attention to my demands."

July paused, then she nodded, "Sure."


Actually Carl was texting Allan at first, but when he noticed Kim's gaze on him, he knew he should not try to look at the interior designer for whatever reason. So he downloaded a game to play.

After they left, he felt relieved, he placed his phone aside and continued shelving the utensils. By the time, he shelved the blender, they returned.

"Like I said, I want a minimalistic design. I'm open to your suggestions." Kim spoke like she was unbothered by July.

On cue, July brought out a different catalogue to show Kim. While Carl continued with his phone. Trying to remain as invincible as possible but July would not let him.

"Your…" she gestured at Carl hoping to know what their relationship was. Kim acted like she did not know what she meant.

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