The Unknown Beauty

Chapter 113

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"Okay, now that all the unnecessary things are out of my way, we can finally finish what I came here for," said Lin Yu Yan, calmly turning around and standing in front of the evil five.

"Y-you murderer!" yelled Gu Wang Shu, shaking in fear.

Lin Yu Yan's train of thought was interrupted again. She turned to look down at Gu Wang Shu.

"Wow… No wonder you and Tian Tian are mother and daughter. In a situation that won't go in your favor and you still have to courage to say that to me…I guess I'll give you credit for being courageous," said Lin Yu Yan. She then slaps her hard on the face.

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"Hmm… I feels wrong being called murderer from someone who's done more than me… Let alone even worse...

Trying to kill my mother because my father didn't love you and then trying to kill my father... Killing Li Dan E's older brother and false accusations towards your own brother, Gu Xiang… Trying to kill me because I am the daughter of my mother... Almost letting Wang Ning killing your parents and younger sister with no feelings even attached… even not feeling bad for your daughter getting killed in front of you…

All I saw in your face was fear of death. No sadness. No anger… Just fear. No wonder Tian Tian turned out like that… I pity her for having such a woman like you as her mother... but that doesn't change the fact that she tried to kill me," said Lin Yu Yan, listing all of Gu Wang Shu's crimes and reading her mind like a book.

Gu Wang Shu shivered in fear, frustration, and pain from the hit and was unable to say anything back.

"Lin Yu Yan! You promised to save Lu Tian Tian! That was our deal!" said General Lu.

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"I did. But I didn't say I wasn't going to kill her," said Lin Yu Yan.

"You didn't even do your mission properly and think you had the audacity to mention your side of the deal? Tsk. Typical General Lu. I'm sad to have such a greedy and evil grandfather like you, trying to act like a hero at the end but ends up getting towered over by the granddaughter he never knew still existed," added Lin Yu Yan, mocking him and giving him an attitude.

"Hey! I'm still your grandfather!" General Lu shouted, angry his pride as a general and respect as an elder was not presented towards him.

"And I'm still your granddaughter!" she shouted back. "And you wanted to save Lu Tian Tian from the evil Wang Ning and yet you didn't even want to save me when I was kidnapped at age 3!?"

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Her head started to get hot at where the forehead scar used to be at. "I was able to escape from their grasp and My dumb ass still thought it was just my imagination that my family didn't plan this against me!?"

The emotions bundle up inside Lin Yu Yan was being released but no tears has fallen off her face.

"You, asshole of a man, shouting that you are my grandfather yet you never acted like one! You never felt like one! YOU NEVER WERE ONE! That's all BULLSH!T!!"

Everyone in the room was getting frighten and was shock this all happened to Lin Yu Yan. Wang Haocun and the rest remember her getting angry for them back at Mo Chung Da's house but never this angry and suffocating. Lin Yu Yan is usually a calm and collective person.

"Even towards Lu Tian Tian, I can see you just using her as a tool to gain more power! Never have I seen you ever being even a kind father! I remember my father just holding in his anger because you didn't accept me or my mother as a family! You didn't even treat you other son any different!"

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Lu Dao Fang was touched hearing Lin Yu Yan getting angry for him. But it all went away when she mentioned his faults.

"Don't get too happy, Uncle! Your stupid ass still tried to kill me back at Mo Pharmacy. Showing no mercy towards a niece you haven't seen in the last 10 years and you even assumed I even hurt your precious daughter before hearing an explanation!

You also have no right to be angry at me for killing your daughter when you tried to kill my father and mother and even betrayed them! Your selfish quest for trying to teach your older brother a lesson and your lie with Gu Wang Shu have lead to Lu Tian Tian's death, to my mother and father's death, and will lead to the rest of your's!" shouted Lin Yu Yan.

She glared at all five who caused all this damage with anger and frustration boiling in her blood and her emotion to kill rising up higher making the others unable to breath air. Even Lin Yu Yan was heavily breathing from the sudden change of attitude.

Lucky for everyone else in the room, a figure swept in fast, making no sound, and stood behind Lin Yu Yan. Everyone was surprised and thought this guy is crazy for even getting close to someone who is about to explode. But the man just slowly grabbed her hand, lifting up the dense and cold aura in the air, letting everyone breath again.

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