The Unknown Beauty

Chapter 136

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After Lin Yu Yan has finished up with Quan Su Wen's grandmother, she made Quan Su Wen gather all the members of the Medical Sect. to a room where Lin Yu Yan could speak to them.

Lin Yu Yan sat down on a chair and everyone could feel the noble air around her.

"So… I made a couple of assumptions," said Lin Yu Yan.

The members that were in the room with Lin Yu Yan all looked down, not wanting to make eye contact.

"My first one; You don't want Quan Su Wen as your master. Based on your hostility on saving her grandmother and younger brother, I see that most of you don't want her to be your master. I pretty sure she just has recently been appointed?" asked Lin Yu Yan.

"Uh, Yes…" said a member.

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"I see…" said Lin Yu Yan.

Quan Su Wen was angry and clenched her fist but her face didn't change.

"Our master's sickness has taken a toll and he passed away a few days ago. We were expecting someone else but was sent with this bum instead," said someone else.

When the members in the room with Lin Yu Yan heard that from a fellow member. They freaked out and cover his mouth as soon as possible.

"W-we're sorry! H-he didn't m-mean that!" apologized a different member smiling, trying to hide his fear.

The man was confused as to why he was stopped and then saw the glare Lin Yu Yan had.

"And second, this poison is at least 8 years old. Judging but your intelligence, I'm sure you guys didn't know this at all and was probably told by a different party to keep the the little boy and the grandmother together at all times. It was made to sound like a worried parent, but instead to kill them both," said Lin Yu Yan.

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Quan Su Wen was surprised. 'Father?' Lin Yu Yan was scanning their expression and notice 3 of them sweating buckets of cold sweat.

Lin Yu Yan crossed her legs and leaned forward in her chair to give them a good look.

"It makes me upset that you guys don't know the consequences of murder. That's why there was that attack years ago, letting go murderers from left to right. That evil man had no idea what his consequences were from the sins he had made," said Lin Yu Yan.

Quan Su Wen looked over at her, eyes widen in the new information gathered. "Yu Yan… you know that man… the man with the mole who destroyed our village years ago?"

Everyone in the room were shocked. There has been many years of searching this man and they have found no trace of him and this random woman was able to?

"Yes. That is one reason why I'm here. To tell the Chu Emperor all about it... But someone got in my way and wouldn't leave me alone so I was unable to tell him," said Lin Yu Yan. Minister Quan wouldn't leave her alone so she left just left with no reply.

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"How… how do you know!?" said a member suspiciously. "You were probably one of them!?"

Lin Yu Yan couldn't believe how idiotic they were getting.

"This happened 8 years ago. I'm 14 years old. That means I was only 6 when it happened and I'm a woman. Did you really think I have taken part of it at age 6? I probably would have been one of the victims," said Lin Yu Yan.

Some of the members were amazed she is so powerful at such a young age but that statement finally was able to shut their mouths so Lin Yu Yan can finally finished her story.

"Do you know... what happened to that man who killed and enslaved thousands of people?" asked Lin Yu Yan.

"He was tortured. Three days straight. No sleep. No food. No water. Cutting his stomach open to for himself to see his own guts fall out in front of him just to patched up again. Injured every second. HEALED every second, so we could do it, over and over and over again," said Lin Yu Yan.

The whole room was quiet. They listened to every word she spoke and even the wind didn't make a sound.

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"Not a second passed where we would let go to what he has done to the Wang Empire. We did our best damage that man to the point he wished he himself was dead."

All of their eyes opened wide. Once Lin Yu Yan made eye contact to each one of them, they looked down, shivering in the coldness from her dark clear eyes.

"Don't make that mistake. You're lucky to have her as your master. Because any other would have killed you the moment you set eyes on them. Don't make that mistake," Lin Yu Yan said. She made sure to say it twice to screw it into their minds.

Everyone looked over at Quan Su Wen to confirm what this mysterious girl said was right. He expression says it all. Quan Su Wen knew all along.

"You too, Quan Su Wen. You can't just be nice to them all the time. You know, your grandmother almost died because of the chances you gave them. You risked your grandmother's life to give them a chance, you know that?" Lin Yu Yan added in a sad voice.

Quan Su Wen looked over at Lin Yu Yan and thought, 'She's good.... she can tell all of that with so little information? She really is amazing. Lin Sheng and Lin Yu Yan is very much alike...'

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