The Unknown Beauty

Chapter 26

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Lin Yu Yan left the three men in the room and closed the door looking at all the slaves in the warehouse. She only opened the cage and unlocked all of them of their chains. She was weirded out why didn't some run away. Some children were able to find their parents, some, not so lucky.

She looked over at all of them and she can see death in their eyes. They don't really care for what is going to happened to them anymore. It seems they have lost hope.

"Okay, everyone. Listen up. I have your contracts in my hands so don't do anything funny. All the men and women each is responsible for a child." Everyone in the room was confused at her instruction but they followed anyway.

"But the female tiger, I going to need you to carry two children. And the Male Alligator, I'm going to need to to carry four. We are going to go to my house but it's dangerous to get there and it's at least a full day of walking if we go in such a big group. Each one you you are responsible to carry one child, but of course the tiger, two, and alligator, four. I will take care of the last child. Now get everyone get ready."

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Everyone was hustling together and carrying one child. The children left didn't want to ride with the spirit beast because they are a little scared.

"It's okay." Lin Yu Yan carefully assures both the spirit beasts by patting their heads showing warmth and for the children to not be scared. They were spectacle but they got used to it and both spirit beast and children calm down their nerves.

"Spirit Beast, I'm sorry for making you responsible but I really need your help." Lin Yu Yan looks over at the spirit beast for a response. They are still a little cautious with humans since it was the human's fault they are in this mess. But with the clear black eyes of Lin Yu Yan, they can feel the sincerity within her.

"Leave the oldest child to walk with me." The oldest is a 10 year old boy. He still has the strength to move but skinny from the lack of food.

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Looking around, she found that there was another little boy sitting on the ground. She walks closer but was stopped but a man.

"Ma'am, you shouldn't go close to the child. He's a demon." All of the slaves looked at each other agreeing to not get close to him.

"It's fine." Lin Yu Yan walked closer and she could really feel the demon aura around him. 'The blood clan, heart of a human, power of demons. Perfect for my army.'

She walked right in front of him and bend down to his level to meet eye to eye. His eyes glow in red. "Hey, you're going to be okay. I'm here to help." Lin Yu Yan grabbed the child's arm and lifted him up for her to hold in her arms.

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The little boy was confused. Her embrace was warm and he had the urge to cry. He missed his mother and her hug felt like his mothers and cried in her arms.

"It's okay, don't cry little one." She rubbed his back as his grip on her became tighter.

"Okay, it seems I'll be taking care of two children. Everyone hold up a sec." While holding the demon boy in her arms, her hand touched the chains and the cages and they disappeared. Lin Yu Yan has taken the chains and cages in to her space ring. The whole warehouse was empty in no time with nothing but the people and spirit beasts.

"So the bad men won't use them again. Okay everyone, let's move." Lin Yu Yan opens the door and they start walking through the backs of the town so people wouldn't see the slaves.

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About an hour passed and they have made it in the Unknown forest. Everyone is a little tired. Lin Yu Yan was still holding the box Han Bingwen gave her. She thought they are far away enough from them so she opened it when they were walking.

It was a ring, not just any ring, a Spiritual space ring. The owner can't enter but spirit beasts the owner has contracts with can. This ring is a high grade one and can hold a total of 100 people if wanted.

'The one at the auction? I didn't notice he got it. But this ring... If I can put Silver in here since I made a contract with him, I can with these slaves as well right? Good thing I didn't burn the contracts yet. Let's experiment...' Lin Yu Yan wanted to test her theory. It is a ring that needs blood from a person to determine the person to be it's owner and so she bit her finger and dropped a couple of blood on the ring and it glowed a beautiful blue.

She looked over at the people behind her and she placed a hand on a man's shoulder and said, "Sorry, I want to try something." And the man disappears in a flash.

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