Chapter 32: No man can refuse her (2)

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Shen Mingxuan looked at Cheng Rui, who was wrapped in a coat and holding a can of soda. His eyes were dark and he said: “Oh, can you not bear to drink what the beauty sent you?”
Cheng Rui turned his head to look at him, his voice cold and hard: “Haven’t you fought enough with Xiao Yang?”

Shen Mingxuan choked: “Even you are down on your knees?” Then he added in a playful tone, “Cheng Rui, Xiao Yang likes Bai Qingqing. What’s wrong, are you trying to steal your friend’s woman?”
“It’s not stealing.” Cheng Rui looked at the soda in his hand, “She has the right to choose who she likes.”
Shen Mingxuan sneered: “Indeed, this kid is barely grown, he can only dare to fall in love secretly. He doesn’t dare to confess, how can he fight against you?”

Cheng Rui frowned and his expression darkened. He looked sharply at him: “Shen Mingxuan, I know you have a lot of prejudice against Bai Qingqing, but the way you are behaving is not gentlemanly. Humiliating and targeting a woman is unbecoming.”
Shen Mingxuan became angry. He suddenly remembered Bai Qingqing had once said he was like a woman and Cheng Rui’s words had just hit his sore spot.

Cheng Rui’s voice was laced with a faint warning: “Since you know I have a good impression of her, stop talking about her in front of me. I am different from Xiao Yang.”
He didn’t add anything but Shen Mingxuan could finish the threat on his own; Cheng Rui would not humor him and beat him up directly.

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Shen Mingxuan’s face was cold: “I can’t believe you’re so blind. She is approaching you deliberately. She hasn’t lost her memory, can’t you tell she is playing with you?”
Fu Chen had personally confirmed Bai Qingqing had amnesia and they had no reason to believe otherwise. Seeing that Cheng Rui didn’t listen to him, Shen Mingxuan said in anger: “Well, if you don’t want to believe me, don’t. But don’t forget how you used to treat her, if she ever remembers, do you think she won’t hate you?”

Cheng Rui’s body instantly became tense. If Bai Qingqing remembered one day…


The end of the world had come, there were zombies everywhere and the city was in chaos.
The Thunder Squad had just rescued two sisters from the Bai family and when they were about to leave the city, the youngest said she wanted to get out of the car. She frantically asked the men of the team to rush back to their villa, saying she had forgotten something.

But no matter how much she cried or screamed, they did not go back. After a while of trying to keep her inside the car, she was knocked out and tied up.
When she woke up, the car had already left the city center.
Realizing she wouldn’t be able to go back anymore, she lied on the ground and cried bitterly. Bai Tiantian tried to comfort her but she was scolded fiercely; Bai Qingqing pushed her and shouted: “It’s all your fault! Everything is your fault!”

Bai Tiantian cried too and apologized aggrievedly until all the men in the team started feeling disgusted with the arrogant Bai Qingqing.

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Later, they learned she wanted to go back to grab her mother’s belongings.

They naturally couldn’t understand Bai Qingqing’s mood. It was already difficult to survive during the zombie apocalypse but she still cared about some goods. And perhaps because they were only half-siblings, Bai Qingqing had a very bad attitude towards Bai Tiantian. She often mocked her and her words were usually of hatred; she would scold Bai Tiantian to tears every time.

Xiao Yang couldn’t bear to see Bai Tiantian sad and reprimanded Bai Qingqing. She was not the lady from before the end of the world, but a burden to the team.
At the end of the argument, Bai Qingqing had returned to her room with red eyes.

Bai Tiantian also awakened her spatial ability which made her even more popular among the team. Bai Qingqing, on the other hand, had no ability and was squeamish; she could only be seen in a bad light in comparison.

Bai Qingqing was jealous of Bai Tiantian’s ability but was also afraid she would be abandoned because of her lack of use. She was a very smart girl and tried to seduce one of the men in order to protect herself.
In the last days, the strong ate the weak and many women chose to rely on men in order to survive.
Unfortunately, none of the men liked her.


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Bai Qingqing first chose Shen Mingxuan, who had a particularly outstanding appearance.
“I have seen a lot of women like you. You like to play with men because of your pretty appearance, I feel sick just looking at you. Get away from my face!”
Bai Qingqing was humiliated and tried to hide her embarrassment.

In the beginning, Bai Tiantian’s space had not been great and she hadn’t been able to store a lot of supplies. Instead, she helped with cooking and Bai Qingqing, who was a catastrophe in the kitchen, was useless one more time.

Lang Zhiyu called a team meeting and said: “We can take Bai Tiantian, but what should we do with Bai Qingqing?”
Shen Mingxuan impatiently answered: “We don’t need idlers in our team. Let’s just find a safe area and throw her away.”
“Brother Fu, Bai Qingqing always bullies Bai Tiantian. Let’s get rid of her quickly.” Xiao Yang added.
Cheng Rui: “I agree, let’s leave her in the nearest safe area.”
After everyone spoke their mind, Fu Chen planned to leave Bai Qingqing in Wucheng. What would happen to her next would be left to her.

Useless, cumbersome, abandoned… Bai Qingqing overheard their conversation and trembled with fear.

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Bai Qingqing deliberately fell into Cheng Rui’s arms in a revealing dress. Cheng Rui frowned and threw her away ruthlessly.
The girl fell to the ground and hurt her body. She looked at him pitifully and said: “I am hurt, please help me.”
Cheng Rui didn’t even spare her a glance and walked past her. Bai Qingqing could only endure the pain and limped back to the car, her embarrassed appearance attracting the others’ mockery. Her body, her soul, and her pride were hurt but she could only endure the humiliation and pain.
Because she wanted to live.

Bai Qingqing didn’t try to seduce anyone else and only thought Cheng Rui reacted violently because he was shy. But after repeated failed seductions, Cheng Rui finally got angry and broke her wrist mercilessly.
“If you get close to me again, I won’t just break your hand.”
Bai Qingqing cried in pain and begged him to let her go.

But her will to survive was too strong and she didn’t want to be reduced as a plaything in the so-called safe zone. She wasn’t stupid, she knew she would only become a tool for venting urges and she decided to change her target again.
This time it was Captain Fu Chen.

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