Chapter 5: Unintentional strategy

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Bai Tiantian had found a cat while gathering supplies and had opened the door to save it. But as she did, she had released a zombie and in this critical situation, Cheng Rui had fired to save her. What he had not known was that the store had been silently full of undeads and the gunshot would attract all of them, blocking all exits and forcing them to escape in another direction.

The group reached the emergency stairs and rushed down, hoping fewer zombies were waiting for them underground and giving them more chances to make it out alive.
Zombies roared upstairs as they slammed into the locked door.
“Cheng Rui, Xiao Yang, you take the two of them first!” Fu Chen ordered and the two men grabbed one girl each and rushed forward.
There were many zombies in the underground parking too and they came from all directions, pouncing and hissing as they tried to bite them. Bai Tiantian was crying and yelling: “Don’t get closer!”
Cheng Rui frowned and was distracted as he fought. He was trying to protect Bai Tiantian but her screams kept attracting new waves.
Bai Tiantian had been well protected since the end had come and had rarely faced this kind of scene, being surrounded by so many zombies. This situation was terrifying and her legs were weak in fright.
On the other side, Xiao Yang and Bai Qingqing’s situation was much better. Not only was she not screaming, but she had also taken out a sharp tang knife from her space and was holding it in one hand as she somehow calmly sliced zombies’ heads. But as she was also killing undeads for the first time, she felt like vomiting.

Fu Chen jumped down, stretched out his hand to wave his lighting power, and blasted the surrounding zombies as the others kept running towards the exit. The parking was on the second basement level and they had to go up one level before they could successfully leave the store. The zombies let out terrifying roars and chased them wildly while the ones they had left inside the market found the entrance and joined the crowd.
It wasn’t that the Thunder Squad had never experienced battles but it was the first time they were faced with such a difficult and dangerous situation. There were too many zombies, both Cheng Rui and Xiao Yang were out of ammo and they were all using their own abilities. Fortunately, the parking lot was spacious enough for them to do so. Xiao Yang’s wood power wrapped itself around undeads and Fu Chen and Cheng Rui’s lighting and fire abilities burned them to death, at least more than they already were.

“Cheng Rui, my legs are soft…” Bai Tiantian supported herself on Cheng Rui’s arm. At the same moment, Bai Qingqing had a bad premonition and turned on her heels, raised her hand holding her knife high, and protected Cheng Rui who was entangled with Bai Tiantian behind her. Her blade emitted sparks as it met sharp claws; she flew out and hit the wall with a heavy thud, spitting out a mouthful of blood.
“Bai Qingqing!”

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Cheng Rui reacted swiftly. He stretched out his hand and waved his flames and wrapped them around the black shadow that was already attacking again. He pushed it back about ten meters and Fu Chen strode towards Bai Qingqing before lifting her in his arms. His eyes were sharp and cold, and he said: “It’s a Third-Order zombie.”

Since the outbreak, most zombies were unintelligent low-level creatures. But as humans could evolve, so could the zombies and one Second-Order zombie could advance every hundreds of thousands of undeads. They had not expected a third level would appear in such a place!
This Third-Order zombie was still in human form, although much taller than an ordinary man. Its face was decayed, its sunken eyes were an eerie dark green, its mouth was cracked up so large it reached its ears, its exposed fangs were stained with blood and guts, and the acute stench of vomit followed it, polluting the air.
Third-level zombies had the same survival instincts and hunting awareness as animals. Not only would it attack zombies to swallow their crystal cores, but they would also hunt humans for food and treat them as prey.

Bai Qinqging had been injured trying to save Cheng Rui and was now in pain all over and almost fainted. In this stalemate, the level three zombie would attack at any time and nobody dared to get distracted. Bai Tiantian was stiff and scared, standing still in despair; and while Fu Chen was level 4, Cheng Rui and Xiao Yang were still level 3 and dared not take this situation lightly.
Fu Chen handed the injured Bai Qingqing to Xiao Yang and said: “You go first, I will hold it back.”
“Yes, Captain.”
Xiao Yang carried Bai Qingqing on his back and Cheng Rui rudely grabbed Bai Tiantian, ready to make a run for it on Fu Chen’s signal.

Third-Order zombies did not yet possess advanced wisdom and would only attack according to instinct. Fu Chen’s figure was as agile as a black panther and he quickly attacked him with his power. The zombie was hit by lighting and roared fiercely, before slamming its legs on the ground and rushing towards Fu Chen like an angry beast.
Fu Chen had experience in dealing with high-level zombies in his previous life and was not afraid at all. He nimbly avoided all of its attacks and after a few more electricity shocks, he split the creature’s head in two and watched it crash on the ground. He picked up its crystal core and quickly rushed to the modified car to check on Bai Qingqing’s condition.

Shen Mingxuan had taken the driver’s seat, his usual indifferent expression on his face, and everyone else was in the living room. Bai Qingqing was laying on the couch, her face pale and her brows furrowed in pain. She couldn’t help but complain in her heart that if it weren’t for the system’s task, she would not have to feel like that right now.
Bai Tiantian was sitting on the side, covering her face as she cried, yet nobody gathered around to comfort her as they would usually do. Xiao Yang was watching Bai Qingqing with a worried expression and Cheng Rui’s sharp facial features were cold; he had a very complicated feeling in his heart.

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Liang Zhiyu had been a doctor before the outbreak and he squatted down in front of the couch before asking Bai Qingqing: “Where does it hurt? Can I check the wound for you?”
Bai Qingqing was not sure where she had been injured specifically, she just felt pain everywhere and she was a bit embarrassed to say so in front of everyone. Observing the situation, Fu Chen ordered: “Liang Zhiyu, you help her. Everybody else goes do their own things.”

Liang Zhiyu was gentle, reached out, and carefully held her arm before gently pressing: “Is it here?”
Now that the crowd had left and because Liang Zhiyu gave her a deep feeling of trust, Bai Qingqing relaxed and said: “Don’t hurt me.”
Liang Zhiyu was aware she had been injured trying to protect Cheng Rui and his heart was inevitably moved. His attitude towards her softened and he put the usual coldness aside, patiently asking: “Don’t worry, I am just checking for injuries. Does it hurt?”
Bai Qingqing listed a few areas and closed her eyes; Liang Zhiyu was worthy of being the doctor of the team and he quickly checked out where it hurt.
“How is it?” Fu Chen came back and asked.
Liang Zhiyou answered: “Her right arm is broken and I will need to reset the bone.”
Bai Qinqging’s face paled; she was really unlucky, in the midst of the action, she had no time to think and had instinctively rushed over to save Cheng Rui.
“I will do it.”
Liang Zhiyu nodded and went to find Bai Tiantian for medicine. Bai Qingqing would need a few days of injections and painkillers.
Fu Chen looked down at the girl, whose delicate eyebrows were twisted in pain. He said: “You have to bear it.”
Bai Qingqing wasn’t sure whether it was an illusion or not, but she heard a touch of softness in his voice and nodded gently. It was going to hurt in any case, it was better to reset the bones right away instead of being in pain longer.

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Fu Chen held her slender arm: “What did you collect in the store? Did you get sugar?”
Bai Qingqing’s mind went elsewhere, trying to recall whether she had taken any sugar or candy. She suddenly felt intense pain and heard the sound of bones clicking together.
“Brother, you idiot.” She couldn’t help accusing him: “I didn’t really have time to think of something else.”
Fu Chen stared at her with deep eyes: “Did you grab any sugar?”
Of course, Bai Qingqing had swept all the candies she had found. She had thrown them in her space and everything was mixed up with all kinds of supplies.
“Take it out.” Fu Chen said, “Give me a bag of candy.”
“What kind?” As she asked, she took a bag of hard candies and a large one of White Rabbit milk candies out. 
Fu Chen opened one of them, peeled off a piece, and fed it to her: “Open your mouth.”
Bai Qinqging ate it in surprise, the taste of the sweet delicacy pouring in her mouth, and she felt as if the pain on her body decreased a lot. It might have been the apocalypse, clearly, Fu Chen knew how to coax others. She narrowed her eyes slightly and smiled: “Thank you, brother. It’s very sweet.”
Fu Chen picked her up and brought her to the girls’ bedroom before warning her: “Get a good rest, don’t mess around. Liang Zhiyu will come over to treat you later.”
“Yes, brother.”

The Thunder Squad had originally planned to stay in Jiang City for three days; they wanted to loot the grocery store, then the granary, the weapon warehouse, and the hospital pharmacy. Unfortunately, they had not expected there would be an accident and Bai Qingqing would end up with a broken arm.
However, her injury did not affect their schedule. The team found a five-star hotel and Fu Chen, Shen Mingxuan and Cheng Rui went to clean it up. Everyone moved into the presidential suite and, after today’s event, they rested and organized all the items they had taken.

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Bai Qingqing had her own room and was lying comfortably to rest. Bored, she took out a sketchbook from her portable space and started to draw with her uninjured hand. After a while, Fu Chen came in and said: “Come eat.”
Bai Qingqing put away the unfinished drawing, got out of bed, and put on her shoes before following him out.
The team had gathered in the dining room and they watched Fu Chen take the chair out and serve Bai Qingqing food, just like an older brother taking care of his injured younger sister. Everyone felt a bit complicated; Bai Tiantian bit her lips and ate silently, and hatred appeared in Shen Mingxuan’s eyes as he looked at the harmonious scene.

After eating, everybody rested in the living room. Bai Qingqing was a little thirsty and got up to get herself some water. Fu Chen had gone to take a bath and she looked a little pitiful with only one working arm, unable to pour herself a glass. A cup was handed to her and she looked up to find Cheng Rui in camouflage clothes standing next to her.
“Thank you.”
Bai Qinqing sipped on the water and Cheng Rui said in a low voice: “Thank you for saving me.”
Bai Qingqing had not expected he would come over just to thank her. With her bright eyes, she told him: “No need to thank me, we are a team, this is what I should do.”
When Cheng Rui heard her reply, he both felt grateful and had a better disposition towards her.
At this time, there was a sneer: “Cheng Rui, don’t be fooled. This woman is trying to deceive you.”
Bai Qingqing gritted her teeth, wishing she could hit Shen Mingxuan with a hammer and wondering why he was so annoying.
Cheng Rui said: “Shen Mingxuan, did you forget what the captain said?”
Shen Mingxuan was very upset, how could two of them already be deceived by Bai Qingqing? This damn woman!
Bai Qingqing turned around to stare at him and asked in a serious tone: “Have I offended you?” She pretended to think about it and added: “Because of your looks, I mistook you for a woman. Are you holding a grudge and is that why you keep targeting me?”
Shen Mingxuan’s expression suddenly sank and became very ugly.

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