Xu Jia Shu enthusiastically invited, "I'm currently explaining the script to them, does Teacher Luan want to join us?"

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    Luan Qing Xiao nodded, "It'll be my honor."

    Then she chose a seat close to Nie Zhen'er.

    Because of Luan Qing Xiao’s arrival, Xu Jia Shu ignited a higher enthusiasm.

    He stood in front of eleven people and analyzed every character in the script with great emotion.

    As she listened to him, she couldn't help but change her mindset of Xia Jia Shu being an exhausted talent.

    Nie Zhen'er, who had listened the most serious originally, became distracted. She couldn't resist glancing at Luan Qing Xiao, who sat next to her, from time to time.

    However, she wasn’t the only one who was watching Luan Qing Xiao. The eyes of the other nine actors fell on Luan Qing Xiao in an even more obvious manner than her, instead making Nie Zhen'er's behavior seem quite reasonable.

    Luan Qing Xiao is an actor who has been in great demand in recent years and will continue to be popular. He was the goal of most newcomers and actors who haven't been able to gain much popularity. In their eyes, Xu Jia Shu, an outdated director, was nothing compared to Luan Qing Xiao.

    Luan Qing Xiao noticed Nie Zhen'er's gaze. Under the cover of her loose jacket, she secretly held the palm of Nie Zhen'er's hand, shocking Nie Zhen'er.

    When Xu Jia Shu spoke for five minutes, Luan Qing Xiao stood up and interrupted him.

    Xu Jia Shu thought Luan Qing Xiao had some objections to his thoughts and was about to humbly accept his advise, when he heard Luan Qing Xiao said, "In [The Road to Actors]’s competition, not only the actors may be eliminated, the mentor could also be eliminated due to no actors left in their team."

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    "I greatly admire Director Xu's directorial talents. I don't know if Director Xu wants to cooperate with our team?"

    Xu Jia Shu was surprised, "Cooperate? How can we cooperate?"

    Luan Qing Xiao explained, "Director Xu is good at directing the shooting, but not good at fine ~ tuning actors, while what I’m good at is exactly the opposite of Director Xu. If we cooperate together, you’ll be responsible for directing the two teams’ shooting and I’ll be  responsible for teaching them acting.

    Before Xu Jia Shu even spoke, the actors in his group stood up excitedly, “With the strong alliance of Director Xu and Teacher Luan, we’ll definitely win. Director Xu, don’t you see how good Teacher Luan’s proposal is? Come on, quickly agree to it!"

    Ever since these people saw Xu Jia Shu, they hadn't called him "Director Xu" as sincerely as this yet.

    Internally, Xu Jia Shu naturally couldn’t be happier to agree to Luan Qing Xiao’s proposal.

    But he still had some concerns and hesitated, "Won’t this break the rules? What if the program team doesn’t allow it?"

    Luan Qing Xiao stood up from her seat, "Director Xu only has to accept or decline, and I'll discuss with the program group to take care of the rest."

    Xu Jia Shu hastily replied, "I accept!"

    The words of other actors weren't what persuaded him. He agreed, because he thought if he got the chance, he would invite Luan Qing Xiao to participate in a film he directed in the future, so he could take this opportunity to show his good intentions.

    Xu Jia Shu's salary from participating in [The Path of an Actor] would’ve paid off the last sum of money owed, meaning he no longer has to make money by making those commercial movies against his will.

    For eight years, Xu Jia Shu hadn’t just been producing bad films. He spent these eight years perfecting one script. He was extremely confident in his own script. Once the script gets filmed, it will definitely win awards. The only difficult problem is to find actors and investors.

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    With an actor whom he admired already in front of him, it’s either now or never.

    "It's great that Director Xu agreed. I’ll go to talk to the program group now. Director Xu, you can continue to analyze the script for them."

    Luan Qing Xiao walked out of Xu Jia Shu's preparation room under a roomful of hopeful gazes.

    She first went back to her preparation room to check on her actors. Seeing the actors in her team working hard and none of them being lazy, she nodded in satisfaction.

    After closing the door, Luan Qing Xiao went to the office on the highest floor to find Hao Long, the producer of [The Path of an Actor].

    Luan Qing Xiao stood at the door and knocked. Soon afterwards, Hao Long's rugged voice came from inside the door, "Please come in."

    When Luan Qing Xiao opened the door and Hao Long saw it was Luan Qing Xiao, he moved his feet off the desk to the ground as he leaned against the chair, asking, "Teacher Luan, aren't you supposed to be recording the show now?"

    Luan Qing Xiao said, "I’ve already arranged the actors on my team. Right now, I have 20 minutes and I have a suggestion that I want to discuss with Producer Hao."

    "Oh? What suggestion?" Hao Long asked indifferently.

    Luan Qing Xiao explained her idea, "Among the five mentors, there are directors and actors. The final evaluation of the public review will be the performance of the actors in the short film, which is rather detrimental to our three actor mentors, because we don't know how to direct the shooting."

    "Teacher Luan's proposal?"

    "Cooperation. I hope that the teams can cooperate with each other." Luan Qing Xiao said.

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    "For example, me and my director Xu Jia Shu. He can be in charge of filming, while I’ll be in charge of teaching the actors to act. Through cooperation, we can maximize our advantages and help the actors stay in [The Path of an Actor] longer."

    Hao Long chortled as he rubbed the beard on his chin with his right hand, "Teacher Luan, what a joke, your suggestion is absolutely not acceptable."

    "There are five mentors, two directors and three actors. If you and Director Xu pair up, what will the other three teams do? One director can’t be responsible for the short film shooting of three teams. If we work together in pairs, what about the remaining one group? Do I go find another director with popularity for that group again?"

    "Why can't we invite another reliable director?" Luan Qing Xiao stated coldly, "There was a problem with the design of the program rules to begin with. Now that I propose a solution for the program to proceed better yet Producer Hao said no without even thinking about it.  Could it be that [The Path of an Actor] was originally created by Producer Hao without his brain?"

    Hao Long got angry and banged the table, "I have the final say on my show! Cooperation is absolutely not allowed!"

    "I'm telling you Luan Qing Xiao, don't think just because I call you Teacher Luan, you’re really my teacher. I, Hao Long, have never been afraid of anyone in my entire life! If you don't want to record this show anymore, pay the fee for breaching the contract and leave. If you want to stay on my show, then follow my rules!"

    After speaking a long paragraph, Hao Long panted for breath.

    Luan Qing Xiao suddenly smelled a familiar smell. Her sharp eyes fell on Hao Long and she exclaimed, "Hao Long… …so that's the case, no wonder your name is Hao Long."

    "We're talking about the program, Luan Qing Xiao. Don’t evade the subject." Hao Long countered with displeasure.

    He thought Luan Qing Xiao wanted to change the subject.

    Luan Qing Xiao sat on the sofa with the composure of a deity, "I don't think the issue of the show is so important now."

    Hao Long picked up his phone, "I’m going to directly contact your boss. Luan Qing Xiao, this show doesn’t need your participation. In the future, you don't need to participate in any shows made by me, Hao Long. Luan Qing Xiao, you’ve been canceled by me, Hao Long."

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    Compared with Hao Long's agitated state, Luan Qing Xiao appeared extremely calm and wasn’t scared by Hao Long's threats at all.

    "Hao Long, you show yourself as a green snake gene human to others."

    "What do you mean show myself, I’m a green snake gene human to begin with." Hao Long’s heart skipped a beat.

    He didn't control his temper just now and accidentally revealed a little bit of demonic aura.

    Since ordinary people can't distinguish between genetically modified people and demons, was Luan Qing Xiao a demon hunter?

    Hao Long swallowed nervously, staring at Luan Qing Xiao with wide eyes.

    Luan Qing Xiao chuckled, "Hao Long, your mother is the daughter of Qing Long and her name is Hao Qing, right?"

    Hao Long questioned defensively, "What kind of person are you exactly? If… … you are even a person?"

    "Your mother, Hao Qing, is my sworn elder sister. Who do you think I am?"

    Hao Long’s eyes almost popped out from its sockets, "What?!!!"

    "I'm Bai Feng, didn’t your mother mention me to you?"

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