After Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er walked into the gymnasium, they found where their class was and walked over.

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    When their classmates saw the two of them coming in together, they were all surprised.

    Who was Luan Qing Xiao? She was a person at the top of the pyramid. How could she be talking and laughing with a girl from an ordinary family?

    Nie Zhen'er didn't care what they thought of herself. Glancing at the people in her class, she didn't see Ke Li and her friends. She thought to herself: Was she really that fragile? Did she really go find her brother to tattle?

    Once the class bell rang, the physical education teacher blew the whistle to gather them and had them stand in two rows, regardless of gender, by height.

    Boys generally develop late. Those who were tall were few in between. Instead, there were two or three girls, including Luan Qing Xiao, who were all over one seventy centimeters tall.

    Since Nie Zhen'er was only one sixty centimeters tall, she stood in the middle of the first row with Luan Qing Xiao standing behind her.

    "Stop! Stand at attention— —"

    "Start counting from the left to the right."

    "One, two, three… … twenty-five!"

    The physical education teacher was a tall and mighty muscular man. Hearing their counts, he frowned and asked, "PE Commissioner stand out!"

    The PE Commissioner hurried to the PE teacher and stood attentively, "Reporting! There should be thirty students in this class with twenty-five students actually here. Report over!"

    "Who hasn't come?" The PE teacher asked.

    "Ke Li and them aren’t there as well as Yong Huan!" Someone in the team said.

    "Such audacity, they actually dare to skip class without asking for leave." The PE teacher laughed coldly, "You guys start running as a group."

    The PE Commissioner asked, "Teacher, how many laps are we going to run?"

    One lap in the gymnasium was five hundred meters.

    "Keep running until the people who’ve skipped class have come back. If they don't come back for one class, you guys will keep running."

    "Teacher, why should we be punished for their mistakes? It's not fair!" A short boy shouted loudly.

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    "There’s no why. If you guys ask again, credits will be deducted."

    As soon as the PE teacher said this, no one spoke up anymore.

    St. Marilyn Aristocratic Private Noble High was based on a credit system. Each subject has ten credits. If more than three credits are deducted for one subject, then this subject must be retaken.

    In order not to retake PE, no one dared to make any other comments.

    Luan Qing Xiao asked Nie Zhen'er worriedly, "Can you run?"

    Seeing Luan Qing Xiao caring about herself, Nie Zhen’er smiled happily, "I got a perfect score in PE in the junior high school entrance examination. I should be able to run an entire class period."

    The short boy in front of Nie Zhen'er turned his head, sobbing, "I’ve never passed Pe. If it’s an entire period, I’ll be exhausted to death."

    Nie Zhen'er advised, "Try to run first. What if we just started running and they came back?"

    Under the leadership of the PE Commissioner, Year One Class One started to run laps on the track of the gymnasium. After one lap, many people were panting and unable to speak. Luan Qing Xiao turned to see Nie Zhen'er next to her and found that her face was not red or panting. Her expression seemed relaxed and she knew that her being able to run for a class period shouldn't be an exaggeration.

    After running three laps, Ke Li’s four people and Yong Huan finally arrived late.

    The PE Commissioner caught a glimpse of them and immediately led the group back to the PE teacher.

    Ke Li's eyes were red and her three friends were still comforting her. On the other side, Yong Huan put his hands in his trouser pockets, looking forward, somber and cold.

    The PE teacher looked at them walking with his arms folded, and asked, "Where did you go? Did you ask for leave?"

    Ke Li answered, "Teacher, we went to the infirmary. If you don't believe me, you can go ask the infirmary."

    "How about you?" The PE teacher asked Yong Huan.

    Without waiting for Yong Huan to speak, Ke Li said, "Yong Huan was also in the infirmary, we came back from the infirmary together."

    Speaking of coming back with Yong Huan, Ke Li couldn't help showing some shyness on her face.

    The PE teacher didn't give her any special treatment just because she was a girl and coldly exclaimed, "Did I ask you? Does Yong Huan not have a mouth himself?”

    Ke Li looked at the physical education teacher in disbelief. Does he not know who she was? How dare he talk to herself like this? "Teacher, I… …"

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    "I didn't ask you, you don't need to talk." The PE teacher interrupted Ke Li.

    Ke Li's face turned red and white. She felt like she had lost her face in front of the whole class.

    It's a pity that no one in the class sympathized with her. They all ran 1500 meters because she was late and now were all exhausted. She was only refuted one or two sentences by the PE teacher. That was nothing.

    Yong Huan replied, "My stomach felt weird, so I went to the infirmary."

    The PE teacher asked, "Do you feel better now that you took the medicine?"

    Yong Huan furrowed his brows, "No." This physical education teacher talked too much.

    "Then go sit down and rest." The PE teacher said.

    Yong Huan’s stomach had problems since he was a child. He even had to go to the hospital in junior high school because of stomach ulcers, this was a matter that the whole school knew about.

    Once the PE teacher finished arranging Yong Huan, he continued to ask Ke Li, "Yong Huan went because of his bad stomach. Why did you go to the infirmary?"

    "And the three of you, why did you all go to the infirmary?"

    The PE teacher was tall and strong. Standing in front of the four little girls, he gave off an oppressive feel.

    The three little girls glanced at each other, not knowing what to say. They all turned to look at Ke Li.

    Ke Li gritted her teeth, "I didn’t feel well. The three of them were  worried about me and accompanied me to the infirmary."

    "What didn’t feel well?" The PE teacher wanted exact details.

    "... …" Ke Li didn't know what to make up on the spot. Her mouth got stuck for a while and she didn't speak for a long time.

    "Can't think of it? If you can't think of it, go run. The whole class ran three laps while waiting for you. Now you guys are going to keep running until class ends."

    Ke Li raised her head and glanced at the class. She saw Nie Zhen'er at once. She was so angry that she bitterly glared at her.

    Nie Zhen'er simply was her Kryptonite. She went to the infirmary to find Ke Zhen Zhong to complain about how she was bullied by a classmate. However, Ke Zhen Zhong only replied "No one in the school dares to bully you" and then made her go back to class.

    Since even her brother didn’t help herself, Ke Li cried angrily for a while in the infirmary. Yet because she didn’t leave, she happened to run into Yong Huan, who was in the infirmary to get his stomach medicine. In order to stay with Yong Huan for a while longer, Ke Li shamelessly waited to come to PE class with Yong Huan together. Although Yong Huan didn’t respond to her on the way, Ke Li was still very happy.

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    It's just that this happiness only lasted until they entered the gymnasium.

    Since she was a child, Ke Li has never suffered any grievances. However, today she was rebutted twice by Fang Hao Yue and the physical education teacher in one day. She attributed the cause to Nie Zhen'er. If Nie Zhen'er hadn't been selected as the Study Commissioner, Fang Hao Yue wouldn't have made her lose face. If Nie Zhen'er hadn't bullied her into crying, she wouldn't be late for going to the infirmary。 Therefore, it was all Nie Zhen'er's fault!

    Ke Li and her three friends ran. With their slow speed, they only ran two laps in the entire class period.

   While Luan Qing Xiao and the others followed the PE teacher to learn steps for a dance. All classes dance on the sports field during the big break. Because the movements are cool and handsome, the students love to learn and dance. After a month, each class will have a dance competition. The class that wins first  place will have one credit given to each person.

    With that incentive, everyone became more energetic in learning the dances.

    After class, the PE teacher had Ke Li’s four people and Yong Huan go to the physical education group to learn their dance every big break and make up for the lesson that they missed today. When Ke Li heard that Yong Huan was also going to go, she immediately agreed.

    Yet Yong Huan faintly replied, "I don't need to go, I’ve learned it."

    Then Yong Huan performed it once in front of the whole class, cool and radiant, making everyone scream for him.

    The PE teacher likes talented children and couldn't help but laugh. Patting Yong Huan's shoulder, he said, "Alright, you don't need to learn. In the next class, you can help me teach them."

    Yong Huan: "..." I already learned but still have to teach others?

    He didn't care too much if he had to teach it, so he nodded, "Okay."

    "Next month's dance competition requires two leading dancers, one boy and one girl. For the boys, it’ll be Yong Huan and the girl will be picked by Yong Huan," announced the PE teacher.

    A boy asked, "Then Teacher, what are you doing?" He let Yong Huan do everything, so what was he doing?

    The PE teacher laughed, "I’ll be watching from the side and deduct credits from those unobedient ones."

    "... …" He just knows how to use credits to suppress people.

    The last class in the morning was mathematics. Mathematics in high school is completely different from that in junior high school. The difficulty grew exponentially. However, this difficulty was not a big deal for the students in Class One. As the top thirty students in Year One, if they can't even understand freshmen mathematics, there was no need to come to school again.

    After the math class, the morning classes were over.

    At noon, students could rest for two hours.

    Those who live close to the school will go home to eat and rest, while those like Nie Zhen'er who live far away will eat directly in the school canteen and wait for class after the meal.

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    When Luan Qing Xiao finished class, the principal's secretary stood outside the class, waiting to pick her up for lunch.

    Since the school was opened by the Luan family and the principal was recruited by the Luan family, Luan Qing Xiao, the only daughter of the Luan family, naturally has privileges.

    Once Luan Qing Xiao left, everyone in the class also left.

    Nie Zhen'er tidied up her desk and grabbed her meal card to go to the canteen for food.

    The dining hall of St. Marilyn Aristocratic Private High was decorated as magnificently as a hotel with crystal chandeliers on the ceiling and polished tiles on the ground. Each food window has a different type of food which was made to order and pretty expensive .

    Nie Zhen'er ordered spaghetti. When she was done eating the pasta, Nie Zhen'er bought a bottle of water from the vending machine and planned to take a stroll in the gym.

    There was a rubber track in the gymnasium that was warm in winter and cool in summer, which was much better than basking outside under the school.

    After entering the gymnasium, Nie Zhen'er noticed that there were actually many people here.

    It turned out the sophomores were in a basketball competition with many girls on the sides cheering for a boy named Zhu Xi Zheng.

    Nie Zhen'er was also infected by their excitement and couldn't help but walk over to watch.

    At this time the score on the court was thirty to five, an one-sided scoring.

    Nie Zhen'er stood on the side and noticed that there was a tall boy who was exceptionally good. The short time she was watching, that boy had already shot a three-pointer and dunked once, scoring five points.

    Every time he scored, the girls next to her would scream, "Zhu Xi, you got this."

    It seems like that boy who was the best at playing basketball is the Zhu Xi Zheng they were talking about.

    Nie Zhen'er also played basketball in junior high school, but later stopped playing because she was too short and didn't have an advantage.

    In her heart, she still likes this sport very much.

    After the half-time, the score on the court had become seventy to twenty. Unless Zhu Xi Zheng goes to play for the opposite team, it would be extremely difficult to reverse the situation with the current scores.


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