Since the PE teacher said it was up to Yong Huan to decide, he let Yong Huan decide.

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    Nie Zhen'er and Yong Huan led the dance, leaving twenty-eight people, arranged in a four by seven arrangement. Row One and Three were girls, while the second and fourth rows were boys.

    After everyone stood properly in place, the PE teacher began to play the music. Everyone watched the lead dancers and made various movements rhythmically with their feet.

    It looks pretty good from a distance.

     When the PE teachers in other classes saw it, they would compliment them. Then Class One’s PE teacher let them practice by themselves with the music looping. If they were tired, they could take a few minutes of rest. Afterwards, he himself left to flaunt with the other classes.

    After practicing it twice, Nie Zhen'er found that many people couldn't keep up with their movements. Knowing that they were tired, she clapped her hands and announced, "Everyone, let’s take a break and practice again in three minutes."

    The music for the dance steps was exactly three minutes.

    Everyone didn't move after listening to her until Yong Huan nodded and then went to talk to the classmates they were familiar with.

    Nie Zhen'er didn't care, but Yong Huan felt bad.

    He coldly glanced at the classmates in the class, thinking to himself: Truely, what a group of blind people. They can’t even see Zhen’er goodness.

    If Nie Zhen'er hadn't said to take a break, he would have led them to practice for another half hour.

    Yong Huan wanted to comfort Nie Zhen'er. Who knew Nie Zhen'er had already reached Luan Qing Xiao's side in a blink of an eye? The two stood together, talking and laughing. They seemed to have a good relationship.

    Yong Huan silently retracted his gaze. When will Zhen'er smile at him that much?

    Ke Li whispered with a cold face to her friend, "See how smug Nie Zhen'er is, isn't she just a lead dancer?"

    Friend One replied, "Just now she said to take a break, who listened to her? Did we all end up listening to Yong Huan?"

    "Yeah, Ke Li, don't be angry. Look how embarrassed Nie Zhen'er was just now?" Friend Two added.

    Ke Li glanced in Nie Zhen'er’s direction, but just happened to lock eyes with Luan Qing Xiao's. She hurriedly withdrew her gaze in fright.

    Three minutes passed quickly. Needless to say, everyone heard the music coming to the end and all automatically returned to their positions.

    Nie Zhen'er said to Luan Qing Xiao, "It would be great if you and I led the dance together. Yong Huan is too tall, it's so uncomfortable to stand next to him."

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    Luan Qing Xiao responded, "You can treat him as if he doesn't exist. Alright, rest time is up. Go back and lead the dance. One advantage of you leading the dance is that it’s more convenient for me to see you."

    Luan Qing Xiao’s one sentence made the awkwardness in Nie Zhen’er’s turn into joy.

    "I'm leaving la." Nie Zhen'er happily ran back.

    When she ran to the front, because she was still thinking of Luan Qing Xiao's words, she didn't pay attention to her feet. She tripped over something. Before she could react yet, she twisted her ankle and fell down.

    Everyone was looking for their positions, so no one noticed how Nie Zhen'er fell.

    "Zhen'er!" Luan Qing Xiao ran to Nie Zhen'er in two steps and squatted down to check her condition.

    "The ankle is a little swollen, the bones should be fine. I’ll take you to the infirmary to double check." Luan Qing Xiao comforted her.

    Nie Zhen'er had tears in the corners of her eyes from the pain just now. As the shock eased away, the pain didn’t hurt that much. "Someone tripped me on purpose just now," she said.

    Luan Qing Xiao's face turned cool. She only didn't pay attention for a second and Nie Zhen'er was injured in a place less than two meters away from her.

    Luan Qing Xiao raised her head to look at the person next to her. After Ke Li and her eyes met, Ke Li visibly flinched. Although she quickly pretended to be fierce and glared at her, the guilty conscience in her eyes was so obvious that Luan Qing Xiao couldn't read it wrong.

    Yong Huan was called away by the PE teacher to talk just now. When he came back, he saw a group of people surrounding something. He asked the people standing outside, "What happened?"

    "Nie Zhen'er fell and seemed to be injured." Someone answered.

    Yong Huan's heart instantly tightened.

    "Get out of the way, I'll go in and take a look." Yong Huan's expression became even colder.

    Others let him through. When Yong Huan came in, Luan Qing Xiao was squatting, wanting to carry Nie Zhen'er to the infirmary. Nie Zhen'er felt she was too heavy and Luan Qing Xiao wouldn’t be able to carry herself.

    Yong Huan walked over, "I'll carry Zhen'er to the infirmary."

    Luan Qing Xiao raised her head, "No need." Turning around, she said to Nie Zhen'er, "My strength is pretty big and you're so thin, how can I not carry you? If you don't let me carry you, Yong Huan is going to carry you."

    Luan Qing Xiao knew Nie Zhen'er wouldn’t let Yong Huan carry her, so she said this deliberately.

    Sure enough, as soon as Luan Qing Xiao finished speaking, Nie Zhen'er sprawled on Luan Qing Xiao’s back with the help of Yun Qian Qian.

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    "Can you stand up?" Nie Zhen'er worried.

    Luan Qing Xiao's voice was full of confidence, "Don't worry."

    Yong Huan furrowed his brows as he watched Luan Qing Xiao easily lift Nie Zhen'er on her back, "I’ll go to the infirmary with you. If you run out of strength along the way, I can still help." What Yong Huan said now was more than what he said in a month in the classroom.

    If he really didn’t care, he wouldn’t have taken the initiative to do such a thing.

    Ke Li couldn’t bother about the fear that surged in her heart after Luan Qing Xiao glanced at it. She bit her lip in anger, Nie Zhen'er, this vixen! Why didn't she have ruined her face just now!

    Luan Qing Xiao said to Yong Huan in a voice that only three people could hear, "No, you stay. It was Ke Li that tripped Zhen’er just now, you have to stay here to deal with this matter."

    Nie Zhen'er also added, "I only have one foot injured. If Qing Xiao is tired, I can hop to the infirmary with one foot, leaning on Qing Xiao."

    Yong Huan took a deep look at Nie Zhen'er. If a normal girl encountered this kind of thing, she would have cried long ago. However, Nie Zhen'er not only didn’t cry, but was so optimistic. How could he not like her?!

    "Okay, leave Ke Li to me." Yong Huan agreed. Except for Luan Qing Xiao and him, no one in the class can control Ke Li. Besides, he could also guess that the reason why Ke Li hurt Nie Zhen'er was probably related to himself.

    He had to stay and handle the matter personally to give Nie Zhen'er an explanation.

    "Take care of Zhen'er." Yong Huan said.

    Luan Qing Xiao nodded, then she walked out of the gymnasium with Nie Zhen'er on her back.

    The PE teacher finally arrived late to the scene. When he came back, he noticed the atmosphere wasn’t right and asked Yong Huan, "What happened?"

    Yong Huan retold the incident of Nie Zhen'er tripping over with a cold face, "I know who did it, but it's better to have evidence. The scene just now must have been recorded by the cameras, what you need to do is to get the footage."

    The PE teacher didn’t dare to be half-hearted. In this era, no matter whether people had money or not, which child wasn’t their parents’ treasure? Deliberately tripping people, the character of this person must be horrible, "I’ll go now, look over them, don't let them make trouble."

    Yong Huan: "Don't worry about it."

    After the PE teacher left, Yong Huan suddenly turned his head and took an icy look at Ke Li. While Ke Li was happy for Yong Huan to take the initiative to look at herself, at the same time, she was a little nervous. Nie Zhen'er was just a child of ordinary people, she would be fine, right?

    Yong Huan stated, "Nie Zhen'er injured her foot and can no longer be the lead dancer. Ke Li, you come up and lead the dance with me." In order to prevent Ke Li from running away, Yong Huan called Ke Li to his side to keep an eye on her.

    Just from the fact that Ke Li’s parents spoiled her like this, he could tell that her family only cared about each other without any reason. If Ke Li told her parents or brother, her family members will support her and Nie Zhen'er might not even hear an “I’m sorry.”

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    When Ke Li heard Yong Huan telling herself to be the lead dancer, she froze for a moment then was overjoyed as she ran over to Yong Huan in surprise, "Yong Huan, I’m very happy to be the lead dancer with you."

    Yong Huan probably did have the slight affection for her, right? Thinking of this possibility, Ke Li's heart started beating fast and her cheeks flushed. She didn't even dare to look at Yong Huan, who was beside her.

    Right now, not only did she not regret tripping Nie Zhen'er, but she feels she couldn’t be more right. Otherwise, how would Yong Huan notice herself?

    Luan Qing Xiao carried Nie Zhen'er on her back with speed as she walked, "We ate lunch together at noon and I saw you eat quite a bit, but why are you still so skinny?"

    Nie Zhen'er was lying on Luan Qing Xiao's back with her arms around Luan Qing Xiao's neck and her chin on Luan Qing Xiao's shoulders. The two of them were tightly stitched apart from their clothes.

    Nie Zhen'er said in Luan Qing Xiao's ear, "I only eat an apple at night when I go home."

    "To lose weight?" Luan Qing Xiao asked with a frown.

    Nie Zhen'er explained, "No. I just don't want to eat at night." Actually, Nie Zhen'er's mother's cooking skill is not good. No matter how good the ingredients are, they will all become unpalatable in her hands. In the beginning, Nie Zhen'er couldn't eat, but later she became used to not eating anymore.

    "You’re not telling the truth to me." After living in seven or eight worlds with Nie Zhen'er, how could Luan Qing Xiao fail to see that Nie Zhen'er was lying?

    Nie Zhen'er exclaimed in surprise, "How did you find out?"

    "I just know." Luan Qing Xiao laughed lightly.

    Luan Qing Xiao's chest vibrated when she laughed and Nie Zhen'er had her hand on it. After feeling that warm and gentle tremor, she couldn't help telling the truth.

    "I’m not a picky eater either, I can accept if the taste was at least decent. But my mother's cooking skills… … Sigh, my dad’s and my stomachs always feel uncomfortable afterwards… …" Nie Zhen'er said with an expression, “I have nothing to live for.”

    Luan Qing Xiao: "..." Their stomach feels uncomfortable after eating, my future mother-in-law's cooking skills are quite extraordinary.

    "I'll cook for you in the future." Luan Qing Xiao said suddenly.

    Nie Zhen'er asked, "Are you saying you’ll bring food from home? No need la, the food in the canteen is quite delicious."

    "It's not the “future” you’re thinking of." Luan Qing Xiao said, then didn’t speak any more.

    Nie Zhen'er thought for a long time in confusion, but still couldn't figure out which "future" it meant.

    In sports, people get injured easily, so the infirmary wasn’t far from the gymnasium. Luan Qing Xiao walked with Nie Zhen'er on her back for less than ten minutes before arriving at the infirmary.

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    The door of the infirmary was closed. Luan Qing Xiao couldn't take any action, so she turned to her side and let Nie Zhen'er knock on the door. Hearing "Enter" from the inside, Luan Qing Xiao squatted slightly, allowing Nie Zhen'er to stretch out her hand and twist the door handle open.

    The two of them worked tacitly together. After pushing the door open, Luan Qing Xiao walked in with Nie Zhen'er on her back. Setting her down next to the sofa, she helped her sit down before retracing her steps back to close the infirmary’s door.

    "The people outside please wait a moment, I’ll finish pairing medicine right away." A gentle voice came from behind the atomized glass.

    When Luan Qing Xiao returned, she squatted down to help Nie Zhen'er take off her shoes so that the school doctor could diagnose later.

    Seeing Luan Qing Xiao was about to take off her shoes, Nie Zhen’er shrank her feet embarrassedly, "I-I can take it off by myself, you don't need to do this for me."

    Luan Qing Xiao didn't force it. She watched her take it off by herself.

    Nie Zhen'er's ankle was already so swollen that she would definitely touch the injured part when she took off her shoes.

    Nie Zhen'er untied the shoelaces and raised her leg to put it on the knee of the other leg, carefully taking off her shoes with both hands.

    As a result, the ankle would set off piercing pain when she touched it even a little bit. She tried it several times by herself, but she didn't dare to take it off because of the pain.

    Luan Qing Xiao moved her hand away, "Don't be brave, we two are good friends. Could it be that when I sprain my feet in the future, you’re not going to help me take off my shoes because of disgust?"

    "Of course not!" Nie Zhen'er blurted out.

    Luan Qing Xiao smiled, "If you won't, then neither will I."

    Nie Zhen'er shyly put her legs down again to let Luan Qing Xiao help her take off her shoes.

    Luan Qing Xiao paid attention to Nie Zhen'er's expression on one hand while unfastening the shoelaces to the loosest state on the other. She twisted her wrist in a clever way. Before Nie Zhen'er could even feel the pain, the shoes had already been taken off.

    Luan Qing Xiao also helped her take off her socks. Nie Zhen'er's cute round and pink toes curled up bashfully, contrasting sharply with her red and swollen ankles.

    Luan Qing Xiao's eyes darkened as she put Nie Zhen'er's shoes and socks aside then stood up.

    "Sorry, I just happened to be pairing some medicine." A white-clothed figure walked out from behind the atomized glass. The loose white coat on him appeared like a fashionable coat.

    "Brother Zhen Zhong." Luan Qing Xiao nodded to Ke Zhen Zhong politely.

    Who could the person in front of them be except for Ke Li’s brother, Ke Zhen Zhong?

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