Ch. 70 The End

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       The location Han Shuo chose was a well-reputed café.

       In a private box, the soothing music was playing slowly, making the atmosphere very serene.

       Xie Jingxian sat quietly, Han Shuo was still the same as before, saying something to Xie Jingxian, such as you have suffered, and let Dad make up for you, etc. and many more touching words.

       It wasn’t until Han Shuo was tired and stopped talking, that Xie Jingxian said in a low voice, “I always thought that it was very strange. You didn’t look for me for so many years, why did you suddenly wanted to recognize me again.”

       In the past, Xie Jingxian always had a very silent attitude when facing Han Shuo. This was the first time he took the initiative to speak to Han Shuo, and he even had a good attitude. Han Shuo thought he saw hope, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

       Han Shuo said, “It’s your father’s fault. You have suffered for so many years. Your father should have picked you up earlier. Don’t worry, I will compensate you well.”

       Xie Jingxian pushed Han Shuo’s hand away, looked him in the eye and said, “Because I’m Gu Jingzhu’s grandson?”

       Han Shuo was shocked, and his lips trembled, “How could you…” What he wanted to say was how could you know.

       According to Han Shuo’s information, Gu Jingzhu did not recognize Xie Jingxian, nor did he show any strangeness. So Xie Jingxian should not know anything about it.

       Xie Jingxian really did not know about his life experience.

       But during this time, whether it was Jiang Juan’s concern for Mr. Gu, or Mr. Gu’s concern for him were far beyond the normal scope, and Han Shuo, who harassed him like crazy during this time, as if…the time was running out.

       Xie Jingxian knew about Gu Jingzhu’s life, and he also knew that he returned to the country to find his daughter.

       On a sunny afternoon, Xie Jingxian sat at his desk and drew a timeline.

       ——Not long after Gu Jingzhu learned that his daughter was still alive, Han Shuo began to let people contact him and wanted to take him home.

       Xie Jingxian found a photo of Gu Jingzhu’s daughter on the Internet. He went back home and found the old photo.

       The difference in the time period between the photo on the Internet and the photo in Xie Jingxian’s hand might be somewhat half a year, but it can still be seen that the photo is of the same person.

       Han Shuo naturally saw Wang Wenwen’s photos when she was a child.

       Wang Wenwen’s hometown is a poor rural area, where news does not reach easily. The older generation rarely leaves the village, so naturally they will not pay attention to the affairs of the Gu family. Later, people close to Wang Wenwen passed away one after another, including Wang Wenwen, herself.

       Therefore, the only person in the world who knows Wang Wenwen’s life experience is Han Shuo.

       Xie Jingxian pinched the old photo, thinking of everything that happened in the past, and suddenly felt ridiculous. He remembered that when Han Shuo wanted to take him home at first, he didn’t even show up and only entrusted his secretary to do it.

       The secretary’s attitude was high and mighty, as if coming to see him was a huge grace for him.

       Xie Jingxian naturally ignored Han Shuo, who wanted to take him home. As time passed, Han Shuo became anxious, and finally showed up in person, but Xie Jingxian was determined not to go back with him.

       Han Shuo eagerly grabbed Xie Jingxian’s hand and said in a trembling voice, “No, Dad didn’t know about the Gu family when he wanted to recognize you, do you care about Qin Ying and Han Xingye? I’ve had enough of that vicious woman, as long as you’re willing to go back with me, I’ll divorce her. What do you think, ah? Jingxian, as long as you agree, I’ll ask someone to draft a divorce agreement now.”

       In this regard, Xie Jingxian’s expression did not waver. His voice sounded calm. He asked Han Shuo, “Did you abandon me and my mother like this in order to climb up to the Qin family?”

       Han Shuo’s face turned pale, “No, Jingxian, listen to my explanation, I…”

       Xie Jingxian stood up, removed Han Shuo’s hand, and walked towards the door. Han Shuo panicked and got up to catch up, “Jingxian…”

       Xie Jingxian had already opened the door and walked out.

       Seeing Xie Jingxian’s leaving back, Han Shuo’s knees softened and he fell to the ground. He finally knew that everything he planned was over.

       Xie Jingxian walked out of the café, and it had started to rain at some point outside.

       The sky was dark and the raindrops hitting him felt very cold. Xie Jingxian pulled up his clothes and was considering whether to find a place to hide from the rain, when he felt that an umbrella was placed over his head, shielding him from all the wind and rain.

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       Turning his head to look to his side, he saw Jiang Juan holding an umbrella in one hand and a down jacket in his other hand.

       Xie Jingxian stood still, Jiang Juan tried hard to wait for a while but in the end couldn’t help wrapping Xie Jingxian in the down jacket in his hand, which he was unable to do properly, so he said helplessly, “Boyfriend, please do me a favor.”

       Xie Jingxian then took the down jacket and neatly put it on his body. He then asked, “Why are you here?”

       Jiang Juan said, “Looking at the sky I thought it might rain. You didn’t wear much, and didn’t even bring an umbrella, so I came here.” He glanced at the café behind Xie Jingxian and asked, “Where’s Han Shuo? How’s it going?”

       Xie Jingxian stepped forward and hugged Jiang Juan tightly.

       Clearly feeling that Xie Jingxian was in a bad mood, Jiang Juan was terrified and closely followed 088’s voice broadcast. Fortunately, 088 was quiet.

       Jiang Juan thought that it was good, this meeting with Han Shuo did not stimulate Xie Jingxian. He stroked Xie Jingxian’s back and asked softly, “What’s wrong?”

       Xie Jingxian let go of him, took his hand and said, “Come with me.”

       Because of the rain, pedestrians on the road were rushing home in a hurry. No one noticed them by the roadside. Occasionally one or two people saw it, but they didn’t care much and looked away.

       Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian were talking while walking, when they heard the exclamations of pedestrians behind them, and the horns of cars one after another. When they turned around, they saw a car crashing towards them. It was dark and raining, but Jiang Juan could still clearly see the man in the driver’s seat, it was Han Xingye who had gone crazy.

       The car hit the sidewalk like a roaring beast. Xie Jingxian immediately pushed Jiang Juan away. The next moment, he heard a muffled sound, and Xie Jingxian rolled over and fell into the flowerbed.

       Jiang Juan’s head exploded with a buzzing sound, and he didn’t care about the sharp pain in his arm, as he shouted Xie Jingxian and rushed over.

       Xie Jingxian had fallen on the ground, his face was pale, but he still didn’t forget to comfort Jiang Juan, “I’m fine, don’t cry.”

       Jiang Juan blinked, and realized that he was crying, and the processed to he wipe his face randomly, and said, “I didn’t cry, it’s the rain.”

       After Han Xingye succeeded, he turned the front of the car and was about to flee. At this moment, another car at the end of the long street slammed into it as if it out of control. With a loud “bang”, the body of the car in the direction of the driver’s seat where Han Xingye was seated was sunken, and half of the body was deformed.

       From Jiang Juan’s point of view, he could see Han Xingye, who was covered in blood and passed out in a coma.

       For a while the street was in chaos, and soon after, an ambulance arrived.

       City Hospital.

       Jiang Juan only had a few scratches on his body, but they were not serious. Xie Jingxian’s situation was better than Jiang Juan expected. They were standing on stone steps and the flowers and plants acted as buffer. In addition, the winter clothes that he had worn were thick. Xie Jingxian did not have any fractures, but had only sprained his arm. Jiang Juan was greatly relieved.

       Xie Jingxian injured his arm and had a bump on his head. The doctor told him to lie still and stay in the hospital for a few more days of observation.

       Jiang Juan could feel the pain on Xie Jingxian’s body. He was not seriously injured, and he didn’t have to worry about Xie Jingxian not telling him whether it hurt or not.

       Qin Ying tore the doctor’s clothes and screamed, “You quack doctors, my son is only eighteen years old, how can he amputate his limbs? The amputation will destroy life. We have to transfer him to another hospital!”

       Han Shuo pulled Qin Ying away with a very ugly expression on his face.

       Jiang Juan took a few steps forward, and happened to see Han Xingye’s door open. Han Xingye was awake. He must have heard the doctor’s words and rolled over from the bed. The nurse and doctor rushed to help him.

       When Han Xingye was struggling, he raised his head, and his eyes collided with Jiang Juan’s.

       When Han Xingye saw Jiang Juan, his emotions suddenly became aroused. He started scolding many unbearable swear words, saying that Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian had harmed him, and cursed them to go to the eighteen layers of hell.

       Such a stupid and vicious person, Jiang Juan didn’t bother to scold him, he just looked at Han Xingye coldly, and said, “If you have something to say, tell the police.”

       Han Xingye’s face stiffened. He deliberately drove into someone. Obviously, this was against the law.

       Jiang Juan stopped looking at him and walked away.

       Jiang Juan didn’t tell Jiang Qin about the car accident, and naturally didn’t dare to contact Gu Jingzhu. The old man was old, and it would be bad if he knew that Xie Jingxian had an accident.

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       Although Jiang Juan thought so, but he didn’t expect that Gu Jingzhu still came, that too very quickly. It turned out that this incident of cars bumping into people was posted on the Internet, and Gu Jingzhu saw it.

       While Jiang Juan lamented the development of the Internet, he comforted Gu Jingzhu. Fortunately, Xie Jingxian was not seriously injured, and Mr. Gu also paid attention to exercise on daily basis, so there was no major emotional problem.

       It’s just that this incident made Hu Rui very angry. He came over with Gu Jingzhu, called the lawyer, and said that the Han family must pay the price.

       After the phone call, Hu Rui said to Jiang Juan, “I’m hungry, Xiao Jiang, accompany me out to find something to eat.”

       Jiang Juan said, “Okay, I know a good porridge shop nearby.” He greeted Xie Jingxian and Gu Jingzhu, and then left with Hu Rui.

       Jiang Juan thoughts were the same as Hu Rui. After so long, Mr. Gu must have figured out Xie Jingxian’s identity. The sudden occurrence of the car accident was very frightening. It seems that the old man no longer wants to delay it.

       Jiang Juan and Hu Rui went out to eat, and when they came back, they brought back two sets of millet porridge. Before coming to the ward, Jiang Juan imitated Hu Rui to put his ear to the door, not expecting the door to be pulled open from inside the next moment.

       Gu Jingzhu smiled and looked very happy. He didn’t care about the eavesdropping of the two, and said with a smile, “Are you back?”

       Hu Rui winked at him, and Gu Jingzhu nodded with a happy smile. Xie Jingxian on the hospital bed was also in a good mood.

       Jiang Juan put down the porridge and said, “Hey, are you hiding something from me?”

       Gu Jingzhu said, “You are very smart.” He took a few steps forward, took Xie Jingxian’s hand and said, “Let me introduce, this is my grandson.”

       Jiang Juan let out an “ah”, and while he looked surprised, he gave himself a compliment in his heart. Looking at his superb acting skills, it’s a pity not to enter the entertainment industry.

       Jiang Juan was proud, but when he raised his eyes, he met Xie Jingxian’s gaze. He was startled, thinking that Xie Jingxian had seen something. But the next moment after Xie Jingxian looked away, he was quietly relieved.

       The matter of transmigration is really difficult to explain.

       Xie Jingxian stayed in the hospital for a few days, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, the doctor let him go o. A few days later, Jiang Juan saw the news of the bankruptcy of Han’s enterprise on TV.

       Han Shuo is actually incompetent. He relied on Qin Ying’s family for a while when he was young, but as soon as Mr. Qin left, he was not able to stand on his own. Being pitted by partners over the years, the company was already heavily in debt and has been lingering on the line of bankruptcy until now.

       Therefore, after learning that Wang Wenwen was Gu Jingzhu’s lost daughter from many years ago, Han Shuo wanted to recognize Xie Jingxian regardless of the consequences of annoying Qin Ying.

       Now that Wang Wenwen is gone, and Gu Jingzhu has no other descendants, Xie Jingxian is the only heir to the Gu family.

       Han Shuo thought that Gu Jingzhu would obviously take care of his grandson, and would not watch the Han family go bankrupt, and would definitely help.

       It’s a pity that Han Shuo has done too many bad things in his life. God no longer blessed him, so he thought of asking Gu Jingzhu to pull himself up.

       After Xie Jingxian was discharged from the hospital, he moved out of Jiang’s house and lived with Gu Jingzhu.

       The child of the Gu family finally returned to the Gu’s house. This incident caused a great shock in the business world. However, under the protection of Gu Jingzhu, the lives of Xie Jingxian and Jiang Juan were not greatly affected.

       Soon, the new year came.

       This was the first New Year after Gu Jingzhu and Xie Jingxian met. They did not choose to spend the New Year at a hotel, but at home.

       Preparing New Year’s goods, pasting Spring Festival couplets, making dumplings, and setting off electronic cannons made the atmosphere very warm and full of colors.

       Xie Jingxian lived in Gu’s house, and Jiang Juan would occasionally go there. They were afraid of irritating the old man, so they always paid attention to their behavior. They never dared to do intimate actions, for fear that the old man would see some clues.

       Unexpectedly, Gu Jingzhu’s eyes were every sharp, and since he has lived abroad for many years, he is open-minded and directly told them that it was good to fall in love. Anyway, his eyes are blurred and his hearing is not good, so it will not affect him.

       Jiang Juan has always been thick-skinned, but getting told that by an old man, his face became as red as a tomato.

       Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian graduated from high school. Mr. Gu even prepared a gift for the two of them—two air tickets.

       Gu Jingzhu said, “You have worked hard this year, take a graduation trip, and relax.”

       Jiang Juan really liked Grandpa Gu very much. The old man loved Xie Jingxian very much. Instead of forcing Xie Jingxian to take over the company, he let him feel at ease to do whatever he liked.

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       So Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian happily accepted the gift from the old man and packed their bags that day.

       Although many couples will break up after traveling together due to various reasons such as consumption and values, but if they are in harmony, the relationship will go further. Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian obviously belong to the latter.

       The two traveled around during the day, took pictures, tasted food, and returned to the hotel at night. After taking a bath, the two of them rolled together, surrounded by the warmth from the burning firewood. When things got out of control, they realized that they were not prepared for anything.

       Just as they were about to calm down, 088 came out and said, “Look at the cabinet by the bedside.”

       Jiang Juan opened the drawer full of doubts and saw a box of family planning supplies and a bottle of KY [1] inside.

       088 said slightly proudly, “Intermediate reward, don’t thank me.”

       Jiang Juan: “…”

       This reward is really…

       Jiang Juan didn’t know how to describe it for a while, and how he should explain it to Xie Jingxian, but he suddenly saw that Xie Jingxian’s eyes changed, as he pressed him down again, and the next moment, a overwhelming kiss fell on him.

       At that moment, Jiang Juan found that Xie Jingxian’s favorability and trust in him suddenly exceeded 100.

       088: “Congratulations to the host, as a reward for breaking through 100, your empathy with the male protagonist is lifted.”

       Jiang Juan breathed a sigh of relief, he was really worried about this matter, it was great to lift it now.

       Feeling Xie Jingxian’s enthusiasm, Jiang Juan understood, Xie Jingxian thought that he had prepared those two things in advance.

       Feeling that Xie Jingxian’s hand had come to a dangerous place, Jiang Juan came back to his senses and shouted, “Wait, I am still not prepared.”

       Xie Jingxian grabbed his waving hand, pressed it on the pillow, and said, “Don’t worry, you don’t need to prepare anything, just lie down.”

       Jiang Juan struggled a few times. Thinking of the double-hundred favorability and trust, he felt that this man should spoil his partner. He put his arms around Xie Jingxian’s neck and said, “Boyfriend, I heard that it hurts the first time. Be gentle.”

       Hearing that, Xie Jingxian’s breathing became heavier, and he directly blocked his mouth with his own.

       The next day, Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian only got up at noon. Jiang Juan’s back was sore and his legs were too weak to get up, so he didn’t forget to poke at 088 to ask for a high-level reward.

       Before 088 spoke, Jiang Juan said first, “You said that these rewards are what I need the most, can I choose the advanced rewards?”

       088 said: “Of course.”

       Jiang Juan: “Can Xie Jingxian come back to my own world with me?”

       A good romantic novel had been turned into a complete mess because of Jiang Juan’s addition. Now that the plot has collapsed like this, it was obviously impossible to bring it back to the original route. So Jiang Juan simply decided to go all out.

       088 said: “The energy required for this is too much.”

       Jiang Juan also knew that, so he didn’t have much hope and just wanted to gamble. He was not disappointed, and instead said, “Then I want to grow old with Xie Jingxian in this world.”

       088 said: “This can be done.”

       Jiang Juan was happy.

       The results of the college entrance examination came out soon, and Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian were admitted to the same university as he wished. Later, the two graduated, worked, and stayed together. Father and Mother Jiang also admitted their relationship.

       Decades later, Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian became white-haired old men. Before leaving, the two lay on the hospital bed, holding hands, discussing what to write on the epitaph [2].

       When Jiang Juan opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to the original world. He glanced at his wrist, and found that 088’s watch had disappeared.

       Everything he experienced in the other world was like a dream, only the strong emotion in his heart told him that it was not a dream.

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        The corner of his mouth lightly twitched. He was not a greedy person, and the sweet memories he had with Xie Jingxian were enough for him to spend the rest of his life.

       Jiang Juan works as usual, and his temperament is as cheerful as before. The difference is that everyone knows that he has someone he likes in his heart.

       Three months later.

       When Jiang Juan got off work, he received a call from his mother, telling him to go home for dinner. Jiang Juan responded, and hung up the phone, not noticing a faint glow attached to the watch he was wearing.

       Jiang Juan went to the supermarket to buy fruit and some of his parents’ favorite dishes. When he came out of the supermarket and opened the door, the bag containing the apples broke and the apples rolled all over the floor.

       Jiang Juan was about to bend over to pick it up when he saw a young man coming over to help him pick up the fallen apples.

       It was a young man in his twenties, wearing a casual long trench coat, with slender eyebrows and dark but gentle eyes.

       It was Xie Jingxian.

       Jiang Juan was stunned, unable to make a sound for a while.

       “Hey, long time no see.” 088’s voice sounded in Jiang Juan’s mind, “The male protagonist’s happiness value is too high, and he directly broke the record. This is a reward for you. It’s just that it took some effort to apply, but the result is OK.”

       088 called a few more times before Jiang Juan came back to his senses, his voice was a little hoarse, “Reward… why are you always doing things on your own.” Just like the confession fireworks and the KY in the drawer.

       088 naturally heard Jiang Juan’s words, he smiled, “Aren’t I being considerate? For this reward, I quarreled with those guys for a long time and fought several times.”

       Jiang Juan asked, “Did you win?”

       088 choked, then laughed and said, “You are still the same as before, nothing has changed. Of course I won. I, 088 have always been invincible.”

       In the past, when 088 was so arrogant, Jiang Juan would definitely retort him with a few words, but now, he said sincerely, “088, thank you.”

       088 was a little embarrassed, “You’re welcome. You are my best partner, I was very happy in those days with you. Goodbye. Oh, yes, I wish you happiness.”

       After 088 finished speaking, the light attached to Jiang Juan’s watch dissipated little by little.

       Jiang Juan came to Xie Jingxian, and he looked at him greedily. He had the same eyebrows and eyes as he remembered.

       Xie Jingxian smiled and asked, “What are you looking at?”

       Jiang Juan said, “Looking at you.”

       ——People say that love will diminish with time, but as people who lived for two lifetimes, separated by death once, our love will only increase.

       “Let’s go.” Jiang Juan took Xie Jingxian’s hand, “Come home with me to see my parents.”

       Xie Jingxian held Jiang Juan’s hand instead, with his fingers intertwined, he replied gently, “Okay.”

       Seeing the smile on Xie Jingxian’s face, Jiang Juan finally couldn’t resist the surging love in his heart, as he leaned forward and kissed Xie Jingxian’s lips, and Xie Jingxian also responded gently.

       Under the street lamp, the shadows of the two were entangled together, never to separate again.


T/N: Let us thank our sponsor Clairificus for the 7 extra chapters of TVVSH. Thank you for supporting!!!

This is the end. Hope you all enjoyed the novel just as much as I did (or maybe a lot more).

Thank you to everyone who commented, as it was in itself a very big kind of support for me. And not to forget our supporters, as without them we wouldn’t have gotten so many extras.

Last but not the least, LicoLico, thank you for being there from the start to the end.


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