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Camilla blinked her big eyes. It was really an invitation from her – the sender is Laila. She told her to meet again many times the other day, and she actually sent an invitation. 


“Mom, can I go here?” Camilla asked, blinking her eyes. 


“Of course! If Camilla wants to go.”


“… I want to.”


“Very well, Camilla. All you have to do is go there and have fun.”


The Countess hugged her daughter tightly.


Only the children were being hurt by the stigma of Roister County. Everytime that Roister County made a contribution that added to their prestige, people envied that and slandered them. There were days when she also felt bad that it also influenced Camilla. More than that, Camilla seems to be finally making a real friend. 


In fact, Camilla didn’t consider her peers friends.


‘They’re childish and not in their right minds.’ 


She’d rather be alone than to hangout with them. However, her mother seems to have another idea and was always worried about Camilla. 


Meanwhile, she met Laila. She was a little different from the kids Camilla knew of. What is it? I can feel she’s mentally mature? She doesn’t know how to explain it, but she’s sure it’s not normal. 


‘She’s also pretty.’


Though the dangerous element that sticks at her side is bothering her. 


“You need to prepare a present.”


“A present?”


“You were invited for the first time so you can’t go empty-handed. Is there anything you would like to gift to Laila?”


“Uhm….” Camilla thought deeply. 


She then thought of the pretty girl with bright silver hair and golden eyes. Her pink cheeks and bright smile reminded her of a sweet strawberry cake. 




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“A white teddy bear. I think she will like it if I give her a white teddy bear!”


“Good idea. Let’s eat lunch today and get it together.” 


“Alright!” Camilla nodded her head fervently. 


No one could have guessed how this would affect Camilla’s life.




I don’t know how many times I asked the handmaid who took care of me and Valdwin since this morning. 


“When is she coming?”


“Miss, you asked me just five minutes ago.” The handmaid laughed as if I was being cute. 


She kindly pointed out to me what the time is right now, and what time Camilla is coming.  I climbed up on the sofa, looked out of the balcony, then sat back down. I asked Valdwin, who was quietly reading a book next to me. 


“What about you? Are you not waiting?”


“What should I wait for?”


“Camilla! You will meet her soon!”


Valdwin closed the book on my words, looked straight at me and said, “I like Laila more than Camilla. I’m looking forward to playing with Laila more.”


Goodness, our cat. 


I hugged Valdwin tightly with a face wet with emotion. Our cat never ceased to amaze this butler. 


“Me too! I also like Valdwin!”


Valdwin leaned gently in my arms.


“You mustn’t forget those words.”


“Of course!”


Even if you and Camilla developed a cute little relationship, I won’t forget you now, Valdwin Winchester. 

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Our cat doesn’t know a little bit about my praiseworthy sincerity. I could yield all the cookies I was served for Valdwin. Of course, this was a trick with a slight calculation. Even if I gave Valdwin all the cookies, he would give them all back to me as he doesn’t enjoy sweets that much. 


Hehe, anyway, this is how much I love him. 


After spending time studying with Valdwin and crawling around like a dawdler, Camilla arrived. She gave me a gift with a shy face. 


“It’s a gift. Will you accept it?”


In fact, I knew that Camilla doesn’t have that passive character. Camilla was an outgoing and cheerful friend. If it hadn’t been for the other noble children, she would have had a good smile and good laugh with her friends. I was reminded by the expressionless girl I met at the party before. 


Ugh, it’s upsetting. 


Camilla was my second favorite character after Valdwin. The child changed drastically at one point, and it was the first time she punished a person with a punch after pointing a finger at her for being a Roister. And I thought that I should teach Camilla a more innovative way to get revenge. 


Why not? 


Whenever I read a frustrating scene in the book, I thought that ‘You should’ve done it like this!’ I’m going to teach Camilla all that and help her grow into someone cooler and develop into a delightful heroine than before. 


“Thank you, Camilla.”


Just why are they tormenting such a cute child? 


“I’m glad you accepted it, Laila! Thank you for inviting me.”


Aiyoo, what a sweet child. 


“Thanks for coming too, Camilla.”


This was how I got a friend I could invite to our house. 




The battle between Camilla and Valdwin was in full swing unbeknownst to Laila. Their eyes met. 


‘Abominable fox child,’ Camilla thought annoyed.


Why on earth is Laila bringing something like that? I heard that she’s a maid’s daughter. His eyes were dangerous from the beginning. Though he was in the form of a young child, what was inside was clearly a snake. 


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And Valdwin looked at Camilla with the same thought. 


‘That’s what you call a fake.’


Valdwin rolled his eyes and chuckled. 


No matter how much Camilla flies quickly and or goes slowly, would she be as good as Valdwin? After all, Valdwin was the master of the Caliburn. 


‘Hah. Ridiculing me?’ Camilla thought perversely. 


‘You’re staring at me.’ Valdwin thought too perversely.


Laila was the only one walking in the happy flower garden between the two of them. 




I faintly felt it at the party last time, but seeing Camilla and Valdwin side by side, no pair matched as well as them. 


All we had to do today was make cookies. The person who recommended that was my mom. 


As we knead the dough with our hands and laugh together, don’t we have no other choice than to get closer? 


The Korean soul inside me was shouting chicken and beer was the best, but we are still children now, and my mother’s advice was on the right side. This was actually the first time I had invited a friend over, so it was a bit rushed. 


“Kyaah! Look at this, Camilla! Isn’t it really cute?”


“You’re right. What did you make?” Camilla became even brighter. 


“This was modelled after Rudella. Doesn’t it look similar to her?” 


“… I see.” Camilla nodded and looked at my cookies with a serious look.


She then asked me carefully, “You two aren’t in a bad relationship, right?”




That’s impossible, my friend. My kitten and I made a lifelong promise, hehe, that we would be friends forever. 


“Why? Is it strange? Didi, is this strange?”

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He looked at the cookies I made and Valdwin told me, “No, not at all. It looked really like me.”




“You can do a better job with this, Lala.” 


A better job…? 




Wow, really. What a perfect combo, a perfect combo. 


I alternately glanced at Camilla and Valdwin then put down the cookie loudly. Ah, of course, though I’ve never had an artistic sense, I was nevertheless a little upset when I was criticized by the two of them. 


Have I become childish and petty after playing with children…? 


Anyways, I put down the cookies I made and spied on what the two kids were making. Valdwin made a simple design, while Camilla made various shapes and it looked picturesque, maybe because she didn’t take an unreasonable challenge unlike me. 


Sheesh, no matter how much my cookies were messed up, I achieved today’s purpose. I am very proud of myself for breaking down the wall between Camilla and Valdwin. 


Valdwin the male lead, let’s go! 





Living in the same house with a pretty male lead is really enjoyable. Valdwin often found me a bother, but he followed my instructions most of the time – with a smile on his face. That’s the standard of  a tsundere. 


Our kitten, you’ll be bored without noona, right? Noona also knows that. So day by day, I bothered Valdwin while watching him grow up, and now we are nine years old.


I often projected myself to Valdwin when I used to read the book. Valdwin and I – we were in a similar situation yet lived a different life. At that time, my adoptive mother and her biological children were being fussy with me. 


They didn’t hesitate to commit atrocities towards me such as stealing my small amount of pocket money and putting stones on the food I was going to eat. Growing up in their torment, the character of Laila Lorovante was beyond comprehension for me. 


How can her end be so bleak despite receiving a lot of love? It maybe natural for me not to feel affection for her when she loved Valdwin but didn’t know that her love would ultimately tormented Valdwin. 


I will not take that train. I promised over and over again that instead of taking the original Laila’s place, I will show her a better life without feeling guilty over it. 


Over the past two years, I have done my best to close the distance between Valdwin and Camilla. Not only did I invite Camilla to the mansion every time, but also tried to give them time to get along. 

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