When Tang Zhou woke up, the sky was bright.

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After sleeping on the sofa all night, his body ached unbearably. Sitting up with his neck covered, the blanket on his body slipped off, and a corner touched the ground.

He seemed to have fallen asleep directly last night. Then Fu Shen covered him with this blanket?

On the coffee table, the manuscripts and papers are neatly stacked, which was the result of last night’s discussion.

He suddenly realized that Fu Shen had to go to class today. It was so late last night. He left early in the morning and basically didn’t sleep for long.

He guessed, the person had to sleep over in the classroom.

Jiangcheng University.

In class, Fu Shen wrote carefully in a notebook. Everyone who didn’t know thought he was taking notes. The professor on the podium secretly praised him several times, unaware that all the things listed in his notebook were items that needed to be purchased.

Pi Xiu sat next to him, swiping his phone while listening to the class.

“D**m, Tang Shen is in love?”

Holding his phone, he turned his head in astonishment and shared it with Li Fengyu. Li Fengyu took a look at it, “School forum? Who took this picture?”

Because it was night, the photo was taken a little blurry, and only Tang Zhou’s silhouette and the hand he shook with another person could be seen.

As for the man beside him, his face and body were hidden in the shadows, and could not really be seen.

But the two men spent time with Fu Shen and recognized him at once.

Is “selling oneself” really “selling oneself”?

Pi Xiu warily took it to Fu Shen to see.

Fu Shen swept a glance and lightly wrote: “Give me the link.”


“No, is it true that you and Tang Shen are real?”

Fu Shen lowered his head to make a list, “The teacher is looking at you.”

Pi Xiu: What?

“That student, do you have any questions?” The professor looked at Pi Xiu and asked kindly.

Pi Xiu: “…” Teacher, I’m sorry!

After class, Fu Shen returned to the dormitory and opened the link.

The post has been fermented since last night, and the popularity has been quite high. The story was covered for several pages.

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Except for some who expressed surprise or indifference, most of the rest were mocking and criticizing the fact that “Tang Zhou is gay”.

Tang Shen’s suspected homosexuality was enough to set off the forum.

Fu Shen still couldn’t understand Tang Zhou’s intention, but it didn’t prevent him from figuring out the IP of the person who posted it.

He sent a message to Tang Zhou: The photo is on the school forum.

【Tang Zhou】: Yeah.

Fu Shen paused, and then said: Do you really want to ruin your reputation?

【Tang Zhou】: Depends on what others think.

Fu Shen understood what he meant.

The matter of liking men is only Tang Zhou’s personal affair after all, and has nothing to do with others, and doesn’t affect Tang Zhou’s capability in investment. It depends on how important this thing occupies in the mind of others. Tang Zhou was testing. Who was he testing?

【Fu Shen】: The person who posted it has been found, do you want to know?

【Tang Zhou】: It’s just a minion.

The mastermind is obvious.

Except for Tang Tianyang, he couldn’t think of a second person. In the dream, Tang Tianyang forged intimate photos of him and Fu Shen to kick him out of the center of power and become the heir of the Tang family.

What Tang Zhou is doing now is just to advance this matter. At present, he is not the down-and-out Tang Zhou who was penniless to protect the Tang family in his dream. He is not afraid at all.

Seeing Tang Zhou’s reply, Fu Shen laughed.

Although Tang Zhou didn’t care about the little minion, Fu Shen was vindictive.

Someone exposed his privacy, and he couldn’t sit still, even if his face couldn’t be seen clearly in the photo.

Neither the minion nor the mastermind can get away. As for the mastermind… He had investigated Tang Zhou’s family situation before, and coupled with Tang Zhou’s ambiguous attitude, he had reason to believe that the mastermind was Tang Tianyang, the illegitimate son of the Tang family.

Tang Zhou hated the illegitimate child very much, but this dislike was only an emotional expression. He never paid attention to Tang Tianyang.

Fu Shen also knew that the reason why Tang Zhou had targeted him before was only of his life experience.

He is not an illegitimate child, but he is involved with an illegitimate child, which destroys the existence of other people’s complete families.

Tang Zhou was prejudiced against him, he could understand, but he wasn’t carefree.

However, seeing as such a demon as Tang Tianyang, Fu Shen can’t help but feel a little sympathy for Tang Zhou.

Low-level tricks are low-level, but disgusting enough.

On the forum, everyone was having a good time eating melons, when suddenly the original poster posted a few more photos, his tone was extremely sarcastic.

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【Liking men is a personal matter after all, but this fellow, you dated multiple people at the same time.】

The male lead in several photos is the same person, while the female leads have their own merits. One of them, Du Ruoyu’s face, stood out.

When it comes to the morality of love between men and women, it’s a matter of concern for everyone. Suddenly, insults filled the post, everyone was dissing the male lead of the photo angrily, saying that Jiangda’s reputation was damaged.

After completing the operation, Fu Shen turned off the computer, hid his merit and name.

In a cheap rental room, a young man with mung bean eyes was lying on a rocking chair with his eyes closed and his mind refreshed.

From last night to now, he has been rhythmic in his post, and he is very tired, but he is quite happy to think that he can get a lot of money after finishing this order.

Suddenly, heavy metal music sounded, and the young man jumped up and answered the phone.

“Hey, boss, how’s it going? Have we done a good job? When will the balance be settled?”

“Not bad, your f**ker!” The other side was obviously so angry that he forgot his basic demeanor, “Are you crazy or mentally retarded! Why did you send those photos! I only permit you to set up Tang Zhou, what are you doing now, moth! Pay back the balance, the d**ned balance, you have to refund the money!”

The young man was unsure. He ran to the computer desk and clicked on the post to scroll down.

When he saw those photos, he instantly got a chill down his back and he felt cold all over.

He said in a trembling voice: “Boss, I didn’t send this!”

The voice was almost shrill, and the fear in it was real.

He did take these photos, but he never thought about posting them.

The other side smiled grimly, “If not you, is it the ghost who sent it? I asked you to take pictures of Tang Zhou, what are you doing with these?”

The young man suddenly raised his voice, “I got it! We must have run into a tough one! It’s obvious that someone has hacked into my computer. Boss, calm down first. You asked me to set up Tang Zhou. I did. As for those photos, they just prove that I didn’t deliberately attack Tang Zhou. Anyway, it has nothing to do with you, and you have nothing to lose. Now the popularity of posts is even higher.”

The breathing on the opposite side suddenly became heavier.

The young man was a little puzzled. He and the boss have only been in contact on the phone, and he doesn’t know the identity of the other person, let alone why the boss cares so much about that little incident.

His brain, which was spinning at high speed with insufficient capacity, suddenly froze.

D**n, it won’t be such a coincidence! Could it be that the boy in the photo is the boss?! Is the boss being turned against by the opponent?

The young man’s heartbeat accelerated instantly. He hurriedly rushed to the computer and wanted to delete the post, but he couldn’t delete it. There was a bug? What’s going on, d**n it!

“Boss, the post can’t be deleted…” The young man wanted to cry without tears.

The other side hung up abruptly.

The young man collapsed on the ground, he won’t be retaliated, right!

Generally speaking, it is impossible for hot posts from university forums to appear in front of the big shots, but who is the hero of the hot post who is unusual?

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When Tang Zhihua saw the post, he was so angry that he almost had a heart attack.

There’s really nothing to say about this matter. Who hasn’t been young and vigorous? With Tang Zhou’s worth, even if he likes men, most boys are willing to stick to him. Tang Tianyang likes to pedal a few boats1, and many girls are willing to follow him.

However, the love affair doesn’t affect much.

But both of them are surnamed Tang! What’s more, among the boats that Tang Tianyang stepped on, there was also Du Ruoyu!

Originally, he felt that it was not impossible for Tang Tianyang to marry Du Ruoyu, but now, he has lost all his face with Brother Du!

“Go! Call Tang Zhen and Tang Zhou back!” Tang Zhihua shouted angrily.

Tang Tianyang is an illegitimate child. He has never set foot in the Tang family since he was born. Tang Zhihua has never taught him a single point or half.

When he asked Tang Zhen to come here, he just wanted to ask him how he taught his son.

While he asked for Tang Zhou to come here to ask him if he still wanted the identity of an heir.

Tang Zhou was not surprised to receive a call from the housekeeper.

He casually put on a beige coat and drove to Tang residence. At the entrance of the courtyard, he happened to run into Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen regarded himself as a father, and when he saw him, he scolded, “Hide the man, don’t lose the face of the Tang family.”

Tang Zhou counterattacked neatly: “Not as good as someone.”

Tang Zhen coldly grunted, and Tang Zhou entered the house first.

The two walked into the study room one after the other, and they were greeted by a few brushes. Fortunately, Tang Zhou was behind, and Tang Zhen blocked all the attacks for him.

“Look what you’ve done!” Old Father Tang raised his eyebrows and pointed at the two men’s noses, “Tang Zhen, how did you teach your children! Tang Zhou, you’ve been obedient since you were a child. How can you be so stubborn in this matter!”

Tang Zhen was used to being scolded, and his face was quite thick-skinned, “Dad, it’s normal for a young man to have a few girlfriends. Those photos don’t prove that Tianyang is stepping on a few boats. It’s just that this matter of Ah Zhou, if it gets too big, it will not be good for our family’s reputation.”

Tang Zhou turned a blind eye to Tang Zhen’s eccentricity. He bent over and picked up the brush, put it back on the desk with a calm expression, and said indifferently, “Either there is none, or there is only one, let me put one at home. I can’t raise one outside.”

The ridicule in the words made Tang Zhen’s face black.

In Tang Zhihua’s eyes, as long as Tang Zhou can get married and have children, he can play as he likes. It’s not a matter of liking men, the important thing is not to get married and have children because of this. But he knows Tang Zhou’s temperament very well. Because of the influence of his family, he has a very serious cleanliness in his view of marriage and love.

If he really likes a man, he will never get married and have children.

Tang Zhihua is worried! His son is not up to standard. He finally looks forward to a smart and capable grandson, but his grandson likes men.

“Ah Zhou, can’t it be for the sake of the Tang family in the future?”

Tang Zhou looked back at Tang Zhihua’s pleading gaze and said nothing.

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Tang Zhen took the opportunity to speak: “Dad, look at what you said, Tianyang is also from our family, and he is also very smart. If Tang Zhou really doesn’t like women, let’s not force him.”

In the past, Tang Zhihua must have dismissed Tang Zhen’s words. But now, he needs to change his strategy.

He regarded the Tang family as more important than anything else, and he thinks naturally that Tang Zhen and Tang Zhou can’t give up the Tang family’s industry.

Tang Zhen’s ambition was obvious, while Tang Zhou was relatively silent and reserved.

Tang Zhihua felt that Tang Zhou dared to be so unscrupulous because the Tang family was in his bag.

Therefore, he has to kill Tang Zhou’s determination, and only when there is competition can he have a sense of crisis.

He paused and looked at Tang Zhen, “You are right, Tianyang also called me Grandpa after all. Well, on the tenth day of next month, you bring him over and have a meal together.”

On the tenth day of next month, it’s Old Father Tang’s lunar birthday, a reunion dinner is usually served.

In previous years, only Tang Zhou and Tang Zhen participated, but this year there will be Tang Tianyang joining.

Tang Zhen’s face showed joy, and Tang Zhou’s expression remained unchanged, still indifferent.

Tang Zhihua only felt tired and waved the two of them out without even letting them stay for a meal.

Tang Zhou returned to the car and sent a message to Fu Shen: Did you disclose Tang Tianyang’s photo?

【Fu Shen】: Am I that capable?

Tang Zhou sneered, this man is really cunning. If he answered yes, he was praising him. If he answers no, then his first question is not valid.

Before thinking about how to reply, the other person sent a long picture.

【Fu Shen】: For the purchase list, please check it Mr. Tang.

Tang Zhou skimmed through, and had to say that this list was quite detailed, and the product model and market price were clearly marked, which made people understand it at a glance.

【Tang Zhou】: Don’t worry about this, register the company first, and then the funds will be taken from the company’s account.

【Fu Shen】: Okay.

【Tang Zhou】: Have you figured out the company name?

【Fu Shen】: Deep Blue.

The corners of Tang Zhou’s lips were raised slightly, and a sense of established fate overwhelmed him meticulously.



Date at the same time.

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