The night breeze was chilling, and when they left the club, Fu Shen’s drunkenness was completely gone.

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Tang Zhou was also somewhat sober up because of the wind, and struggled to get off the ground.

It made the person angry again.

Fu Shen had no choice but to put him down and hold his arm, “Do you want a chauffeur or a taxi?”

“What?” Tang Zhou muttered with drunken eyes.

Fu Shen stopped asking him, stretched out his hand to stop a taxi, and was about to go up with him, but was pushed away by Tang Zhou.

“Don’t take, don’t take a car.”

With that, he turned around and walked away.

Fu Shen couldn’t forcibly drag him into the car, so he had to apologize to the older man and followed him silently.

The young man tilted, paused as he walked, shook off Fu Shen’s outstretched hand, and glared at him, “I can walk.”

His eye socket was a little deep and his eyes were very large. This stare, which was a little round, suddenly dispersed his cold temperament, like a coquettish fluffy fur cat. The street lamp happened to be reflected in his pupils, it’s very bright and resonant.

Fu Shen couldn’t get angry at all. Seeing him turn a corner, he hurriedly raised his steps and followed him. He was not far or near. His eyes always fell on him. If something went wrong, he could come forward immediately .

A glass of alcohol is not a large amount. Tang Zhou was indeed drunk, but he was not very drunk.

He vaguely knew this place, and a strong voice in his mind told him to walk along this street.

Stumbling, like a young child, rushing to a place he has longed for.

It is located in the downtown area with numerous shops and people.

Fu Shen was worried that he was being squeezed, so he strode to catch up and held his arm, “Where are you going?”

Tang Zhou confusedly looked at him. He probably thought he looked familiar. He didn’t get rid of him and stretched out the other hand to point in front.

A child was so excited that he forgot to look at the road. Suddenly, he bumped into him. The people around him quickly dodged. Tang Zhou drank alcohol, took root on the soles of his feet, and didn’t react.

The child rushed into his lap like a small cannonball, Tang Zhou fell back, and the heart-pounding feeling of losing his balance made his eyes widen.

Fortunately, his back did not kiss the ground, but instead fell into a broad and supple chest. Separated by a few thin layers of fabric, he seemed to feel a little warm, as well as a slightly faster heartbeat.

The child bumped into someone and knew that he had done something bad, so he said sorry in a milky voice.

The parents also rushed over, apologized to Tang Zhou, and gently slapped the child on the butt a few times to show punishment.

The child’s face turned red, he buried himself in his father’s arms, and coquettishly said that he wanted to carry him back.

The father squatted helplessly in front of him, with his back to him, his eyes doting.

The child climbed onto his father’s wide back and shouted happily, “Drive~ drive~”

Tang Zhou watched the family of three go away, the corners of the lips suddenly drooping, his eyes were watery, and glanced at Fu Shen for a moment.

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Fu Shen raised his eyebrows.

“No one has ever carried me on their back.”

He said childish things in a pitiful tone, but it didn’t make people disgusted.

Fu Shen said to himself: Was it the ghost that carried you earlier?

He replied casually, “No one has carried me either.”

Tang Zhou opened his eyes wide, as if to say ”you are also a fallen person from the end of the world1“, then turned his back to Fu Shen, bent over and said, “Let me carry you!”

Seeing Fu Shen standing still, Tang Zhou tugged at his hand, “Come on up!”


Is this still the legendary flower of Gaoling?

Fu Shen sighed and pulled him up, “No need. Didn’t you have a place you wanted to go just now?”

“That’s right!” The three years old Tang took his hand and walked forward quickly, “It’s just ahead, I remember!”

Passing through the zebra crossing, several side-by-side doll catching machines came into view. Fu Shen’s heart thumped, and he saw Tang Zhou rushing up quickly, his eyes shining, and he was very happy.

Unexpectedly, Tang Shen actually liked rag dolls.

He stood in his place in a complicated mood and watched Tang Zhou pull the handle, but the handle didn’t move. He was so anxious that the corners of his mouth drooped again, he went forward to remind him: “Insert coin.”

Tang Zhou was stunned for a while and looked at him expectantly.

Fu Shen: “I have no coins.”

The three year old Tang’s eyes turned red immediately, and he looked very pitiful.

Fu Shen: “… Wait for me here, don’t run around.” Tang Zhou, who is drunk, can toss people even more than those who are not drunk.

Tang Zhou nodded obediently.

Not long after, Fu Shen came back with a pocket of coins. Tang Zhou was still staring at the direction where he left. When he saw him appear, a surprise suddenly appeared from the bottom of his eyes. His well-behaved and obedient appearance made people feel a little softer unconsciously.

Fu Shen couldn’t help but spread out the coins in his palm and coaxed softly: “Do you want to play? Do you want to play, ge.”

Now that Tang Zhou has lost his mind, What ge? Call father.

Without hesitation, he said, “Ge.”

It was as if something had hit his heart, and it was instantly in a soft mess.

Fu Shen pressed his fist to his lips, but he couldn’t stop smiling.

Tang Zhou was anxious and patted him on the arm, “Hurry up and cast.”

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No matter how urgent he was, he would not grab a coin from Fu Shen’s hand and throw it in.

Fu Shen smiled. He was a good boy. He obediently dropped in the coin. Tang Zhou quickly moved the handle, aimed at an ugly doll and launched a surprise attack.

It was a defeat without a doubt.

Before he lost it, Fu Shen cast once more, reminding, “Hurry up.”

Tang Zhou gathered his emotions and became more and more courageous in the battle.

After losing several times in a row, seeing that the young man was almost about to cry, Fu Shen took out the last coin, leaned close to his ear and coaxed, “Let me try it once?”

Tang Zhou glanced at the doll in the machine, and then at Fu Shen’s seemingly reliable face, so he nodded.

The two changed their positions. Fu Shen dropped the coin neatly. His eyes fell on the little blue whale lying quietly in the window. He moved the clip and finished it in one go.

Tang Zhou leaned forward on the window, clenched his fist and stared at the little whale, lest it fall like the other companions before it, and dared not to breathe.

Until the doll accurately fell into the hole, Tang Zhou finally breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Fu Shen’s eyes full of admiration, “You’re awesome!”

The awesome Fu gege bent down to take out the little whale and handed it to Tang Zhou.

Tang Zhou looked at him puzzled.

Fu Shen: “It’s for you.”

“You caught it.”

“It’s a present for you.”

The young man’s eyes lit up like morning stars, and he took it with joy, “Really?”

Fu Shen nodded.

Tang Zhou was overjoyed, his hands cupped the little whale into his arms and touched the poor quality rough fabric.

“We have to go home.” Fu Shen said anachronistically.

Tang Zhou pressed forward, “But I’m tired of walking.”

“By car.”

“Don’t want to ride.”

“… shall I carry you?”


Fu Shen was angry but found it laughable, “Do you remember your name?”

“Tang Zhou yah.”

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“Then who am I?”

Tang Zhou looked at him for a long time and suddenly whispered, “You’re my gege yah.”

The gege who gave him a doll.

The evening breeze passed through the crevices of the high-rise buildings, whistling and ruffling the soft hair of the young man.

He is very white, with bright eyes, and he is holding a little whale in his hand. His silly appearance is out of place with the hurried pedestrians around him. He looks like an elf who strayed into the world by mistake in the story. He is stained with a bit of smoke and heat, which is surprisingly cute.

Fu Shen slowly exhaled a sigh of relief and bowed with his back to him, “Come up.”

Tang Zhou smiled and lay down on his back, put his arms around his neck, and still held the little whale tightly with both hands. After Fu Shen lifted him up, he put half of his face on the back of the man’s neck, squinting slightly, and drowsy.

He looks thin, but he’s not light on his back.

Fu Shen had to raise the person up when he took a few steps, causing Tang Zhou’s drowsiness to leave. He lay on his back and rubbed the little whale happily.

“You like dolls very much?” Fu Shen asked.

If there’s a question, Tang Zhou will necessarily answer, “I like it.”

“Why do you like it?”

“No idea.”

“You can buy a lot of them if you like.”

“Can’t buy it.”


“Because…” The soft breathing overshadowed the sound of car horns on the street, and it fell clearly into his ears.

The two hands on his chest were suddenly released. Miraculously, the little whale was firmly grasped on his right hand, without the slightest tendency to fall off.

Fu Shen stopped and fetched a taxi.

Carefully put Tang Zhou in the back seat. He didn’t wake up during the whole process. Fu Shen breathed a sigh of relief and sat down immediately.

After giving the address, the car started.

The entire upper body of the young man was tilted in Fu Shen’s arms. Fu Shen held his cheek with his right hand and placed it on his lap. From this angle, he could clearly see the long and dense eyelashes of the young man, the bridge of his nose, and crimson lips.

Tonight, Tang Zhou completely subverted his previous image. This kind of strong blow and contrast made people even more curious to know what kind of temperament was under this mask of nobleness and indifference.

After finally returning to Tang Zhou’s residence, Fu Shen was about to open the door when Tang Zhou woke up.

He opened his eyes in confusion, glanced at the little whale in his hand, quickly broke free from Fu Shen, and stuffed the little whale into his arms.

Fu Shen’s eyes were slightly sunken, “What’s wrong?”

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Tang Zhou leaned closer to him and whispered, “You can’t take it home, it will break.”

“Why would it break?”

Tang Zhou was aggrieved, “They don’t allow me to play, they will break it.”

Fu Shen: “…”

His heart suddenly blocked.

“No, I gave it to you, they won’t dare to break it.”


“I won’t lie to you.”

Tang Zhou hesitated. His eyes fell on the little whale. He didn’t dare to take it back.

“Don’t be afraid,” Fu Shen returned the little whale to him, “I will accompany you.”

“Even if it’s broken, I can give you another one.”

Tang Zhou was bewitched by his “sugar-coated words”, tightly protected the little whale, and opened the door.

The house is very quiet, there is no one at all.

Tang Zhou hid in the entrance, took a few sneaky glances, and then rushed to the bedroom.

Fu Shen followed up curiously, only to see Tang Zhou open the wardrobe, hide the little whale in the deepest part in a panic, and cover it up with other clothes.

He pursed his lips, walked over and took it out directly. In Tang Zhou’s accusing eyes, he said seriously: “You leave it alone in the cupboard, how lonely it is.”

Tang Zhou was puzzled, “Then what should I do?”

Fu Shen directly stuffed the little whale into the quilt, “Hide it here, and you can still sleep with it at night.”

Tang Zhou’s eyes lit up, he took off his shoes and went to the bed, hugged the little whale, closed his eyes, and didn’t forget to announce to Fu Shen: “I’m going to sleep!”

After speaking, there was no more sound.

Fu Shen: “…”

He doesn’t know how Tang Shen will react when he wakes up tomorrow morning when he sees the little whale in his arms.

He wished he wouldn’t be scared.



Those who suffer the same misfortune sympathize with each other

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