Ch7 - Looking Back Upon Memories

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Translator: transcendent.wings

Editor: teaff 

Qu Chi did not move, his two pupils resembled a cold night’s starlit sky as he stared at Meng Chongguang.

Meng Chongguang showed some hesitance and commanded: “. . . Hurry and go.”



Qu Chi still did not budge.

Xu Xingzhi reacted faster than Meng Chongguang: “Though you couldn’t protect me well this time, your candy won’t be confiscated. Just this once.” 

Meng Chongguang: “. . .”


Qu Chi happily asked: “Really?”

Xu Xingzhi affirmed: “Really.”

Qu Chi’s silhouette shifted and immediately disappeared from the pair’s sight.


In the next moment, several faint and tragic cries echoed from within the mountain forest.

After dismissing Qu Chi, Xu Xingzhi looked at the Beast Hide Person on the ground and asked with a frown: “This person was aiming for me?”

Since Meng Chongguang and Xu Xingzhi were alone, the former displayed an unusually innocent expression. He clasped his hands behind his back as if the pile of mud on the ground had nothing to do with him: “. . . Yes.”

Understanding dawned on Xu Xingzhi. 

If that was the case, then it served him f*cking right.

After Xu Xingzhi fell silent, Meng Chongguang cleared his Shura face until not a trace remained. He then cautiously sidled next to Xu Xingzhi’s side: “Shixiong. . . Was I a bit reckless just now?”

Seeing the great wolf-dog, who was just indifferently snapping another’s bones, morph into a little pup with a single swipe of his face made Xu Xingzhi feel extremely remorseful and uneasy.

Meng Chongguang was a character born from his writings. When Xu Xingzhu initially created the setting, he made Meng Chongguang an inherently bloodthirsty, irritable, and domineering character with a scrawl of his pen. 

In the end, Xu Xingzhi was still the one responsible, so he was unafraid of him; on the contrary, he felt a slight dull ache in his conscience.

. . . Sorry son, it was dad who made you this way.

Moreover, after living in the savage wasteland for over ten years, Meng Chongguang must have already been accustomed to passing days as if it was a matter of life and death. Now that someone invaded his territory, it wasn’t difficult to understand why his methods were more vicious.

Furthermore, since they abruptly came to capture him, he suspected it was most likely an indirect ploy to deal with Meng Chongguang. 

If he was captured, his circumstances probably wouldn’t have been any better and he may even die in their hands.

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In addition, showing mercy towards enemies who attacked first on their own accord was also inconsistent with Xu Xingzhi’s usual style.


As far as the degree of cruelty is concerned, he wasn’t much kinder when he used the dagger that was meant for Meng Chongguang’s assassination to kill that razor blade monster yesterday.

Nevertheless, Xu Xingzhi understood that the original owner who raised Meng Chongguang from childhood definitely wouldn’t understand. 

Xu Xingzhi displayed an indifferent appearance and used the tip of his foot to kick the Beast Hide Person in the face: “Spare him, I have use for him.”

Immediately after, he calmly moved a few steps to the side, opening up the distance between him and Meng Chongguang.

Behind him, the light in Meng Chongguang’s eyes dimmed with deep remorse as he clenched his fist.

. . . If it wasn’t for the fact that that bastard embraced Shixiong in front of him, he wouldn’t have lost control of his emotions and been so cruel when he attacked, spoiling his own image within Shixiong’s mind. 

Meng Chongguang silently sorted out his terrible mood, turned towards the sky, and whistled once again.

Receiving his summons, the Skeletal Girl quickly appeared from the other side of the bamboo forest.

She avoided Xu Xingzhi and walked slowly towards Meng Chongguang.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zfcu Jtbcuuejcu ktlrqfgfv j ofk kbgvr ab ktlmt rtf jcrkfgfv “Tfr”, atfc rtf qlmxfv eq atf Dfjra Llvf Ufgrbc ilxf tf kjr j yju bo agjrt klat tfg tfjv ibkfgfv jcv tfjvfv lcrlvf atf abkfg. 

Geglcu atf fcalgf lcafgjmalbc, rtf jnblvfv jii fsf mbcajma klat We Wlcuhtl.

We Wlcuhtl jirb mbcrlvfgjafis vlvc’a ibbx ja tfg. Pcrafjv, tf rkfqa tlr ujhf bnfg ab atf qjamt bo kbbvr ktfgf He Jtl kjr mifjclcu eq atf gfwcjcar bo atf fcfws obgmfr jcv rajgafv ab weii bnfg tlr agbeyifr.

. . . Xu Xingzhi temporarily decided against assassinating Meng Chongguang for the time being, hence, surviving in the savage wasteland became Xu Xingzhi’s top priority.

He clearly recalled that the “World’s Consciousness” told him that Meng Chongguang and his group planned to escape from the wasteland and return to the present world to bring chaos and retaliate. 

Furthermore, Meng Chongguang’s group was definitely not the only group present in the wasteland.

Xu Xingzhi didn’t know what the situation with the other groups were, where they were located, nor did he know how powerful they were.

But most importantly, where was the gate for entering and exiting the wasteland? And how would they go about escaping from it?

Xu Xingzhi knew that his appearance in the wasteland was too abrupt so it was more than reasonable for Zhou Beinan to suspect that he was a spy. On the other hand, Meng Chongguang’s willingness to shelter him and his irrefutable trust in him must be largely due to being bewitched by their shixiong-di relationship. 

If he arbitrarily brought these questions up with Meng Chongguang and aroused his suspicions, then the one pressed onto the ground with his spine getting crushed vertebrae by vertebrae would be him instead.

In short, Xu Xingzhi needed a reliable source of intelligence.


And the one before him was a source of intelligence that presented himself right to his doorstep. Whether or not he was reliable was another matter, but it was better than nothing.

After the Skeletal Girl left, Meng Chongguang turned around to face Xu Xingzhi and asked gently: “I planted that patch of woods, does Shixiong find it familiar?” 

. . . To be honest, after staring at it for a long time, Xu Xingzhi did detect a sense of familiarity.

In the fractured memories of the original owner, a fiery grove of red cedar trees such as this did seem to exist.

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This patch of red cedars seemed to have stimulated something within Xu Xingzhi’s mind. The fragment of memory that was originally only the size of a coin, gradually enlarged and became clearer over time.

Suddenly, a sensation of vertigo paralyzed Xu Xingzhi’s five senses without warning. 

Xu Xingzhi could no longer stand stably and fell backwards.

In his trance, he heard a voice frantically calling him Shixiong again and again.

Like a sampan that drifted out from the vast sea of memories, a complete picture formed in Xu Xingzhi’s mind.

. . . This was also the first time Xu Xingzhi obtained a complete piece of intel from the original owner’s fragmented memories. 

The red cedar trees in late autumn dyed the entire mountain range in an overly ripe persimmon red.

The uninterrupted stretch of mountains, named Lingqiu, spread out layer upon layer resembling the elegant eyebrow arches on a beauty.

In a place where the clouds were swept away and the sky opened up beyond it, where shore met water, a young boy sat on a mossy rock at the source of a small stream washing his feet.

He wore a long robe made casually from reeds. He cupped a fist-sized fragrant fruit with a peculiar color in his hand and crunched on it like he was gnawing on a wild fruit that couldn’t have been more ordinary. 

A wave of spiritual power washed over, but the boy remained as he were, he only continued to bury his head and munch slowly.

At the place where the wind swept over, two Yingtianchuan junior disciples descended in front of the boy riding on celestial weapons.

The uniforms of the Yingtianchuan disciples were consistent from top to bottom, making them easily identifiable. The navy blue inner layer paired with cloud patterns gilded from the shoulder down to the sleeves made for an incomparably extravagant yet noble combination.

The reason why they could be identified as junior disciples was because they wielded long white oak spears, unlike Yingtianchuan’s senior disciples who wielded the long steel spears forged from the bones of evil beings. 

Facing the boy, both of them frowned.

The slightly taller disciple between the two pointed at the boy with the tip of his long spear and pompously demanded: “Where did you obtain that Fuyu fruit in your hand?”


The little boy wiped the fruit juice from the corner of his lips away and pointed to the west side.

The other, shorter disciple, questioned suspiciously: “There is a strange beast that resides in Lingqiu named ‘Yong’ and Fuyu fruit is its most favorite food. This fruit takes five years to ripen and less than a hundred exist in number. ‘Yong’ regards it as a precious treasure. If any one dared to covet the fruit, ‘Yong’ would surely drain all fluids and blood from their body before stopping. . . Who are you to be able to compete for food with ‘Yong’?” 

The little boy leisurely took another bite out of the fruit and answered indistinctly: “I wanted to eat it, it didn’t want to give it to me, so I just snatched it.”

The taller one sized the boy up and discovered that apart from his exquisitely feminine appearance, he seemed to have no spiritual aura at all, as if he were just an ordinary child. Contempt subconsciously laced his tone: “Heh, aren’t you talking big.”

The shorter one jabbed the taller one in the arm and motioned for him to look at the area below the boy’s feet.

The taller one looked down intently and couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath. 

Five to six Fuyu fruits strung up by a segment of vines looped around the boy’s ankle. The pair’s eyes grew hot with each swaying motion of the fruit.

Seeing this, the taller one immediately softened his attitude: “This young master?”

The boy spared them a glance, then continued to gnaw at the core of the Fuyu fruit, carefully sweeping every bit of the fruit’s soft and juicy flesh into his mouth.

The taller one didn’t want to beg the hapless child who appeared from who knows where, but after taking their current situation into account, he suppressed his anger and continued: “. . . Young master, we are Yingtianchuan’s disciples. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of ‘Yingtianchuan’?” 

The little boy was noncommittal and didn’t respond.

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The shorter one continued his words and cupped his fist while he maintained his grip on the spear, respectfully informing: “There are four cultivator sects in this world and our Yingtianchuan is one of them. Every two years a sacrificial ceremony that requires all kinds of sacrificial offerings is held to worship the Eastern Emperor. Later on, the rituals developed into a competition between the four sects. — If you could obtain the most offerings within the designated time period, then you can become the officiator in charge of offering worship to the Eastern Emperor. If any of the junior disciples are able to obtain a sacrificial offering, then they are offered the opportunity to enter the inner sect and become direct disciples. . .”

He pointed at the Fuyu fruit on the little boy’s feet, his eyes couldn’t disguise his greedy countenance: “Lingqiu mountain contains Fuyu fruit which is a necessary offering, but the spiritual power of my fellow disciple and I are insufficient so we don’t dare arbitrarily trespass into ‘Yong’s’ territory. This young master, can you share one of the Fuyu fruits you found with us?”

The little boy lifted his leg and a Fuyu fruit broke away from the vine, falling squarely into his hand. 

He wiped the fruit then replied in a milky voice: “This fruit isn’t as delicious as rumored, but I won’t give it to you.”

One taller and one shorter frowned simultaneously: “Why not?”

“I don’t like you guys.” The little boy took a bite from the Fuyu fruit, his voice was clear and penetrating, carrying a naive innocence and arrogance, “I grew up deep in the mountains so I don’t know much about etiquette. However, I at least know that if you really are asking for a favor, then you should be kneeling down to beg me, and not stand stiffly in front of me like this.”

The two’s faces abruptly changed color. 

“Don’t refuse a toast only to drink poison!”

The little boy ignored them, jumped off the mossy rock, and then made his way through the stream.


In an instant, an arc of light blossomed at the tip of the spear and, with a clank, the spear rested directly on the boy’s neck.

The boy who was threatened at spearpoint did not show any sign of fear. His beautiful peach blossom eyes swept over the two with a hint of contempt: “This is my fruit, I don’t want to give it to you guys.” 

The taller one who stopped him with the spear refused to listen and ordered the shorter one: “Go, take his fruit.”

The shorter one crouched down, eager to snatch it.

The boy pursed his lips in amusement, then pinched his fingers as if he was divining.

A red cinnabar-colored light flashed at the end of his eyes, and the cinnabar mole on his forehead also pulsed with light. 

A noise rumbled deep in the mantle, as if countless monstrous snakes were slithering underneath it. The loose soil on the ground trembled as if some kind of monster was about to break through the soil at any moment.

The shorter one staggered and stabbed his long white oak spear deep into the soil to stabilize his body. He asked in a panic: “. . . Is that ‘Yong’ coming?”

The taller one clenched his teeth: “Hurry up! We’ll leave as soon as we get the Fuyu fruit!”

The shorter one stretched out his arm to seize it, but was interrupted when he heard a whistle caused by spiritual power piercing through the air. A burning three-inch throwing knife cut through the air and nailed his sleeve, lifting his entire body off the ground and pinned him firmly onto a nearby red cedar tree! 

The boy couldn’t help but be startled, and the tightly pressed index finger and thumb immediately separated. The crimson light faded from the corner of his eyes and his forehead.

He looked around, searching for the presence of the throwing knife’s owner.

The shorter one was affixed to the extent that he couldn’t move. He reached out frantically to smother the flames flaring on his sleeve. The taller one promptly retracted his long spear and pointed it at the empty void: “Who is it? Which b*stard. . .”

Before the word “egg” left his lips, his sleeve was also pinned to a red cedar wood by a three-inch throwing knife that sent him flying, causing his long spear to drop and roll down into the stream next to the young boy. 

The two desperately attempted to free their sleeves from the throwing knives, but the spiritual energy was so meticulously incorporated between their sleeves and the tree trunk that they couldn’t even tear their sleeves to free themselves.

The taller one suppressed his fear as best he could and asked sternly: “Who’s there?”

The last syllable trembled uncontrollably.

After a while, a carefree jeer came from the other end of the deep and dense forest: “. . . I’m your conscience. You guys haven’t spoken to me in a very long time, I’m very heartbroken ah.” 

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The taller one was already so flustered that he lost his cool and let out a torrent of curses: “Who is playing tricks over there? If you have the ability then show yourself! Stop trying to mess with us!!”

Before the stranger revealed himself, dozens of three-inch throwing knives radiating with spiritual energy shot out of the forest and plunged deeply into the tree trunks, outlining the pair’s silhouettes.


When the tall and short pair were so intimidated that they quaked in their boots, a streak of white slowly descended from the forest accompanied by the ringing sound of bells.

The person who appeared arrived empty handed with his hands behind his back. He was dressed in frost white clothes, a black gauze curled hat, and long hair tied up simply with a pale, green-colored ribbon. He pointed his feet slightly and landed right in front of the gurgling stream. 

The person who approached had a hexagonal bell fastened to his wrist which was the source of the ringing sound.

Once the tall and short pair, who were previously both agitated and angered, clearly saw the face of the person who appeared, they actually became even more frightened than before: “. . . Xu. . . Xu-shixiong?”

The little boy stood still in the stream curiously and looked up at this young and handsome youth.

The youth who was called “Xu-shixiong” leisurely ambled to the side of the stream. He stuck out his right hand, flipped his palm over, then clenched his fingers and drew back, rapidly retrieving the throwing knives that had converted the tall and short pair into hanging decorations. The blades transformed into a bamboo-ribbed folding fan. 

He waved the fan twice with a light smile in his eyes.

The curiosity in the little boy’s eyes grew stronger.

The two tall and short fellow disciples naturally fell from the tree onto the ground, their clothing disheveled and ragged, their faces ghastly like burnt-out cinders.

The shorter one’s cuffs were scorched by the flames and slightly burnt. As he hid it with his hand, he fervently explained himself: “Xu-shixiong, don’t misunderstand, we just saw that this child possessed Fuyu fruit and wanted to ask him for some. . .” 

The youth walked to the little boy’s side, looked down and happened to see the Fuyu fruit that were strung up with a vine and laced around his ankle.

Perhaps it was because the youth’s appearance was too beautiful, but the little boy felt embarrassed by his gaze and unconsciously tried to hide his feet behind himself.

The youth raised an eyebrow after he saw the precious fruit so casually strung up together.

He boldly touched the boy’s soft hair nonchalantly, then patted it and asked the pair: “Let me ask you ah, is this child ‘Yong’?” 

The corner of the little boy’s lips twitched as he stayed in place and endured the discomfort that came with his head being touched.

Both the taller and the shorter disciple didn’t dare breathe more than necessary.

The youth repeated patiently again: “I asked, is this ‘Yong’?”

The taller one replied with a faltering voice: “No. . .” 

The youth flicked his clothes slightly frivolously, left the boy alone, then waded through the stream, coming up to the tall and short pair’s side to crouch down and question: “He isn’t ‘Yong’, then why are you asking him for it ah? Once it’s in another’s hands, that’s now their property and yet you guys pointed your spears at the other’s neck? Let me ask you, is this ‘asking’, or is this ‘robbing’?”

The shorter one was about to cry: “It’s, it’s robbing. . .”


The youth’s expression became serious. He closed the fan with a snap then tapped each of the two disciples on their head with the fan’s handle as he reprimanded: “Snatch, rob. Taking someone else’s things ah, such promising behavior. Is this how Zhou Beinan has guided you guys?”

The author has something to say: 

Shixiong‘s diary: In a certain year during a certain month on a certain day at a certain location, I picked up a domesticated and harmless little Chongguang, happy.

Chongguang’s diary: In a certain year during a certain month on a certain day at a certain location, my future wife voluntarily came to me, happy.

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