Chapter 64 Dark Demon Promotes Truth, Kindness. and Beauty

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"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Sister Kaleid coughed three times in shock.

She lowered her head to observe carefully.

The girl lying on the hospital bed indeed looked a bit like male, but she obviously had no Adam's apple and her body development was quite perfect, even precocious.

If it were not for the student next to her to point out her true gender, Sister Kaleid would never have guessed that she would be a boy.

"You sure?"

She still couldn't help but ask back.

Dark showed pity and nodded, "Yes."

It shouldn't be Robert's twin sister suddenly pop up among first-year students, right?

"Then it's tricky!" Sister Kaleid took a deep breath. "In the past two years, even the most excessive pranks have only turned people into pigs. I didn't expect there to be more excessive things than becoming pigs."

"Become a pig?!!" 

Dark couldn't tell which of being turned into a pig or being turned into the opposite sex was too much.

But Sister Kaleid clearly felt that the latter was more excessive.

But since turning into a pig could be cured, fixing the problem of turning into a woman should be easy, right?

With this thought, Dark asked, "Can it be cured?"

Sister Kaleid took out the crumpled rubber white gloves from her pocket and put them on, solemnly said: "The root of gender conversion is a type of transformation, and it is the same as turning into a pig, a sheep, and a toad. Theoretically, even if you leave it alone, it will be automatically lifted after a certain period of time. Of course, you can’t easily judge before the diagnosis. Silver, it’s not my responsibility to trace the root cause."


With the breeze, Dark turned his head and saw that Professor Silver was standing silently behind him.

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When this kind of thing happened, the professors would naturally not ignore it.

Professor Silver said solemnly: "You go to class first, I have notified Jones."

"Okay, Professor."

Dark bowed and left the infirmary.

Professional matters were naturally handed over to professionals.

There was no need for him to worry about what would happen next.


"Hey, Demon."

"Good morning, Gawd."

On the way to the classroom, Dark met White.

White looked very frustrated, his face glum when he greeted Dark.

He asked without expectation: "Demon, have you seen Robert? I mean, Brogheim."

Dark said plainly: "If you are looking for Brogheim, you can go to the infirmary. Of course, I don't recommend you to find him at this time, after all, class is about to start."

White immediately cheered up: "He is in the infirmary? Is he okay? It must be diarrhea, isn't it? Whew, I've been looking for quite a while."

Dark had a weird expression: "Perhaps."

This kind of embarrassment was better kept secret.

"Okay," White said, "By the way, Demon... Demon? Huh? Slow down a bit, I'm almost exhausted, I didn't even have breakfast!"


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When Dark arrived in the classroom, he found that the news about a girl who had been pranked by someone had spread in the class.

Fortunately, no one knew that the "girl" who had been pranked was Robert, otherwise the little magisters definitely wouldn't stop the noisy discussion.

The students did not notice Robert's absence from class, and Professor Jones came to the classroom as usual.

She didn't mention much, she just started to teach.

This lesson focused on the interaction between the attributes of magical spirits.

There were a total of twenty attributes, only light and darkness existed independently of the other eighteen attributes.

"Every substance has both light and dark sides. They don’t have entanglements with other attributes, but they have restraints between each other. Of course, some ghost magical spirits hate light, but in fact they are biological restraints, not restraint in energy attributes."

"The so-called restraint in energy attributes refers to a certain degree of separation from the physical link, and it's about the relationship between the victory and defeat of pure energy, which is based on empirical science."

"Like Ice restrains Dragon."

Professor Jones shrugged.

"Who knows why the ice attribute can restrain the dragon attribute. Is it because dragons are cold-blooded animals?"


This lesson was fairly interesting.

Professor Jones frequently picked students to come to the front of the class to summon magical spirits for demonstrations, and caused a lot of funny scenes.

But when Professor Jones asked the students to copy the attribute-restraint form ten times after class and memorize it for random check in the next class, it became less interesting.

Even until the end of the class, no one noticed that Robert was not there.


"Ding ding ding."

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As soon as the bell rang, White rushed out of the classroom.

Although Dark felt that Robert probably didn't want White to visit him, he had no reason to stop it.

The second class was arithmetic.

Professor Lily appeared at the back door and crooked her index finger to beckon Dark.

Dark put down the textbook and left with the professor temporarily.

The two turned to the corner where there was no one, and Professor Lily patted Dark on the shoulder with satisfaction; "Good job, as expected of the student who I like the most."

Dark: "..."

Professor Lily was still excited: "I've heard about it. Your handling is very good. Although Brogheim is a troublemaker, it would be too bad for him to bear the shadow from the first year. No one knows about what happened to him now. We will also treat the entire incident as an ordinary prank."

Dark cared: "What about the prankster... I mean, who did it?"

Professor Lily: "Brogheim has already woken up. He said that he was suddenly knocked out during a night tour last night. He didn't see anything."

She then changed the conversation and said; "But you don't have to worry about this, the professors will take care of it. In addition, Professor Cazer also asked me to relay a message, saying that the thing you asked him to do has a result. By the way, what did you ask him?"

Dark's expression became stiff, and after a while, he said, "It's nothing, it's just a question of verifying a little experiment."

Professor Cazer didn't seem to inform the other professors about the flower card?

But since he didn't want people to know, why did he want other people to pass a message?

When Dark returned to the classroom, he was still thinking.


When the class was about to start.

White returned happily, with Robert who had recovered.

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"Robert, it's great that you're fine."

"It's just having a stomach, don't say it that loud..."

Dark glanced there, just in time to meet Robert's eyes.

Robert immediately showed a begging expression.

Dark quietly showed an okay sign, then blinked.

Robert nodded gratefully.

White noticed something strange: "Robert, why are you nodding?"

Robert: "It's nothing, it's just a mosquito bite in the corner of my eye."

White: "Mosquito, why didn't I get bitten?"

Robert: "Maybe my blood is more delicious?"

White: "Haha."


In this class, Professor Lily passed the [Multiplication Formula Table] she learned from Dark.

Of course there was multiplication in this world, but because education was not popular in the past, it didn't form a system, and easy-to-entry calculation methods such as "column calculation" and "multiplication formula table" were not invented.

Anyway after this class.

Even when Dark was walking in the corridor, he could hear the little magisters reciting, shaking their heads: "one times one equals one, one times two equals..."


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