I'm now sitting across a breath-taking creature.

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I always thought that after living surrounded by beautiful people I would have immunity to any kind of beauty and wouldn't be seduce by color... but I was without a doubt terribly wrong.

The man in front of me has a different appeal from everyone I had ever meet. People in our country have delicate appearance than our neighbors. Even Alfred who has a permanent face paralysis and Lukas who is a playboy, are more of a stern angel and naughty angel. But this man in front of me completely exudes an innocent and sunny charm.

When he looks at you, it compels you to smudge his bright and honest appearance with the little darkness inside me. Or maybe it's just me who has this bad taste.

If I was asked to describe him would be the sunny boy next door. But instead of boy is a god and instead of sunny is like the sun itself? Hm. In other words dazzling but normal... if that's even possible.

I looked down blocking the heavenly vision in front of me.

'God am I a joke to you?'

Otherwise why would you do this greek god be my enemy? Don't you know people easily forgive beautiful people. It's science!

Calm down Cecile, lashing out on God is not the solution. I should first try to understand why this man came to (seduce) visit me.

After making a mental countdown, I broke the silence that stood since he came in and we exchanged our little introduction. I don't have the nerve to prolong this little battle of nerves any longer or I may fall to this guy's beauty.

"What do I have the honor for this unexpected visit?"

I tried to make my voice carried a palatable intolerance. Even if otherworldly beautiful He is still the culprit of the deaths of my friends and for the mess in my kingdom.

But even so, my irritable remark only result on a playful smile of my opponent.

"Of course I came to see the owner of the biggest business and the most important Miss of the kingdom. Do you know your products are even popular in the empire?"

As the last phrase registered in my head it was accompanied by the old sound of the cash register.

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It made me completely ignore the beauty in front of me and I started to madly think about how to successfully enter the Empire. Instead of a sexy devil the Empire's Crown Prince seemed like a big fat cow ready to be slaughtered.

"Is it? I'm delighted to know"

But even if delighted about the prospects of entering the Empire's market early than scheduled, I still have to maintain a uninterested facade.

The last thing I want is for this to become an opportunity for the person in front of me. If possible after I establish myself I can even lend a helping hand for his adversaries. A gentleman's revenge can wait years.

"Yes my Mother and sisters always make a huge fuss when you launch a new product. Honestly you're probably the number 1 enemy of our treasure staff"

I only smiled.

'Hmph. I would empty your treasure room if I could'

Seeing I'm not following his lead, the Prince also smiled.

"Cecile you really don't remember me"

Saying that the dazzling light in his eyes dimmed a bit.

"I remember you calling me handsome brother left and right back in the days. Do you remember that time that you got lost trying to catch a bunny in our palace? The whole palace went crazy looking for you and once I found you, you were calmly eating berries with the rabbit, completely oblivious to the mayhem you caused"

The prince said to me laughing, but this words caused a 10000 crit in me.

God! Oh God! Am I really a big joke to you??? Not only this man in front of is beautiful beyond words, he is even my first love!

Boohoo, I want to hide from this bid evil right now! It's not fun to play anymore!

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"Your Highness what have you come here for? I highly doubt it was for revisiting old memories"

Please state your business and leave, otherwise my perfect queen mask will collapse.

The Prince became serious making me sigh in relief. Honestly, this is way more nerve wrecking that I thought it would be.

"I came to apologize"


"Although I was not the one who orchestrated, I indeed knew of the plan for the coup. For me if it failed or not, would only result in gains"

I could only smile chilly to this. So for gains, what is a mere sacrifice of others lives right?

The person in front of me seemed panicked a little after my smile. Panic? I denied myself immediately. How could he panic because of me.

But contrary to my thoughts not only he seemed panicked he even grabbed my hand.

"Cecile you must believe me! I really didn't know they would endanger anyone's life... well besides the royals. But if I ever knew they would try to cause so much damage to the population or you, I would never, ever, let them proceed"

He took a breath to calm down.

"I brought gifts with me. They are for you and the families of your guards... I know it cannot even begin to match your loss, but I hope that you can see our. No. My sincerity in expressing my apologies"

Although not entirely convinced, I believe 50/50 in his statement. I will probably have to order Carl to investigate the Empire side further.

"What about the culprit?"

The man opened a big smile.

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"I sent him to the wastelands!"

I swear to you that right now in front of me the crown prince transform himself in a big dog shaking his tail for praise. Just too cute!

Cough! Cecile get a grip!

I retracted my hand that was moving by itself to pat his head.

Standard smile.

"Thank you Your Highness. I will convey later to the families the news"

"Hm-Eh- Ceci- I"

The prince became flustered and seemed uncomfortable.

"Is there a problem your highness? I would do my best to solve for you"

The prince scratch his head with an embarrassed look.

"Cecile, won't you calm me big brother Eric like when we were younger?"

He downcast his eyes and had a blush in his cheeks and ears.

100000000 crit in my heart.

Oh. My. Gosh.

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What is this absolutely cute creature in front of me???

I think my noble mask is crumbling and the evil big sis tendency is coming. Cecile baby hang in there.

Shakes my head to deny my thoughts and his request.

"That's not very appropriate"

"T-then how about Eric? Surely you can right? For the old times sake"

I paused a bit and opened my mouth.

"Yes, Eric. You can call me Ceci, if you would like to"

Eric opened a big smile that almost made me blind as if I had given him the world and a bit more.







I think I just turn the crown prince from the neighbor country silly.

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