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Strange. I should be part of the on-field team, but why am I doing paperwork like this every day? Well, yeah, I do know that it’s because there were complaints from the last job.

「O~i, the supervisor called us.」

My partner Kyousuke is also doing office work for joint responsibility. I suppose we’re finally done with boring paperwork now. I can only hope the next client is a bit more flexible.

「Next time, just shut up. Leave the talking to me.」
「Nonono, that was the other party’s fault, wasn’t it?」

I always get pointed at the one at fault, but this time I’ll rightfully deny it. It’s dangerous if us bodyguards leave, so there’s no way I’d just agree to being told to leave the room so she can change. After all, people occasionally throw off their bodyguards that way.

「Be a bit more subtle when talking. You know people get offended when you say it up front, don’t you?」
「I tried simply warning her at first. But she wouldn’t listen at all, you know.」

It’s too complicated dealing with them, especially the daughters of wealthy families. They’d complain even if they just don’t like how you look. There are even some idiots who’d request a personnel change just because I’m a woman. Are they aiming for a reverse harem or something?

「Your next protectee is this individual.」

The first thing I thought after seeing the presented investigative report was Not another wealthy family’s daughter. Please, give us a break supervisor.

「Moreover, of all people, it’s the daughter of the Kisaragi family. Supervisor, do you want us to get fired that badly?」
「That’s right, supervisor. She’s definitely going to file a complaint against us.」

I’ve heard nothing good about that lady. I hear a lot of things just standing around at high society parties, but doesn’t she have like the worst rumors?

「Do you think you have the luxury of being picky about your job?」

It’s a harsh world we live in.

「You can just permanently transfer to the office team too. As it is, even if you two stay in the on-field team, you’re not going to have any summer bonus anyways.」
「Please have mercy on us, supervisor.」

There’s a lot I want to buy, so a bonus cut is tough. I even have some payments relying on it. And office work isn’t attractive at all. Since with my abilities, I’m not going to survive there for long.

「I guess we have no choice but to accept, Akira.」
「We don’t have any right to decline. Supervisor, we gratefully accept it.」

Since it’s a non-contact dispatch, we probably won’t have any communication with the protectee. That part itself suits us well. In exchange, it’ll be highly likely that we’ll get exhausted from unexpected behavior patterns. And we can’t guide her movements. This is on the difficult side.

「The Gojima pair is already guarding her.」
「Are we going to work together with them?」
「You two are on the morning shift. The Gojima pair will be on night shift.」
「Wait a minute. Do you mean to say that the only personnel are us and the old man’s pair?」
「That’s right. You four are the only assigned personnel.」

Normally at least four people are assigned per shift, with just the two of us, the difficulty is a lot greater. The worst part will be when the protectee enters a building and we lose visual contact with them. Maybe this just shows this isn’t given high priority.

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「Additionally, there’s been information that the protectee had attempted suicide prior.」

I’m getting a headache. The problems keep piling, there’s no hope in sight. If she ever kills herself while we’re assigned to her, it’ll affect our reputation. That’s something we absolutely have to prevent.

「Umm, can we have permission to employ listening devices?」
「I’ve already checked, but it’s a no. I was told though that if she tries to commit suicide again, we won’t be held liable.」

It’s good that the family won’t demand liability. Still, that and our reputation is a different thing. If we get fired from this, it’ll have an impact on our chances of reemployment. Also, it’ll most likely spoil the company’s reputation.

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「This is crazy. This is absolutely dangerous, supervisor.」
「It’s a commission from the twelve families. There’s no way to refuse it. Normally, I’d rather not accept this.」

Right? It just reeks of danger. Are the two already guarding doing alright? Mentally, I mean.

「Take over for the Gojima pair tomorrow. When you do, acquire the information regarding previously observed behaviour.」

It’s painful how we can’t refuse it. For this job, I really don’t see this ending well at all. Even Kyousuke next to me is looking gloomy. In a sense, isn’t it just a roundabout way of getting us fired? The Gojima pair practically just got dragged into this.

「I guess I’ll start looking for new employment.」
「Look for some openings for me too.」

I seriously need to think about my future. Since this job might be my last ever from this company. It’s honestly depressing.

「Old ma~n, morni~ng.」

Within the day, we finished our preparations and headed to the place where the Gojima pair was supposed to be on standby, but it was empty. Kyousuke and I exchanged looks before checking the room again, but this really should be the place.

「What’s happening?」
「Don’t ask me, I don’t know.」

If they’re not here, then that should mean that the protectee went outdoors. But it’s still 6 am in the morning. People normally don’t go outside this early, right?

「Is it for some sort of scheme?」
「Causing a problem immediately after getting chased away by her family? Though based on the investigative reports, I can’t deny that.」

It’s going to be rough from here on out. Since I thought that we’d have some free time anyways, I also brought a job search magazine with me. I hope they have some good job openings on this. Well, it’s best if we just don’t get fired though.

「Hmm, as expected, there’s a lot of demand for manufacture and production-type jobs.」
「Our current job is just special. Other than those, probably medical related or social service jobs too.」

Also a lot of openings for qualification holders. I don’t have any, so these are instantly out. Personally, I suit jobs that’ll have me moving my body.

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「They’re back.」
「Welcome back, old man. What happened?」
「The target began training early in the morning.」

Nonono, there’s nothing about that even written on the reports. Why did she suddenly start that? Did she have some sort of change after her near death experience?

「Also, it’s better you don’t trust the photos. Thanks to those, we lost sight of her from the get go.」
「W-wait a minute. Weren’t you two on standby outside of her hospital room?」

How did you lose sight of her with that? No matter how thick her makeup is on the pictures, there’s no way that we’d have difficulty identifying our target that early.

「This is a photo we secretly captured of her without makeup.」
「…… She’s a completely different person.」

She’s absolutely prettier without makeup on. Why did she feel the need to wear makeup? Is she picking a fight with me? I’m taking it even if she isn’t, dammit.

「Maybe she had no makeup because it was the hospital?」
「That’s also a possibility, but she also didn’t wear makeup this time.」

Hearing Mizuki’s reply, I’m even more confused. Didn’t the reports say that she regularly has thick makeup at any and every occasion? A lot of stuff isn’t adding up, this is just terrible. Someone, explain this situation!

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「This is a summary of her behavior yesterday.」

Mizuki passed me a simplified report. The places she went to are written on it, shopping at a 100 yen shop and eating dinner at a cafe, these I still understand. But isn’t this too long of a time to spend on a cafe?

「There’s a cafe that’s open until that late?」
「No, the target exited a while after the shop closed. We don’t really know what was happening inside.」

Hmm, then what does that mean? If we believe the reports, then it’s possible that she might have used her name or did some kind of coercion. Still, the current situation is too inconsistent with the reports.

「Also, she seems to be in good terms with the girl from the cafe.」
「The reports we’ve read, are these really properly investigated?」

The only people in her social circle should be the Udzuki girl and her lackey, right? Why is she on good terms with some ordinary girl? Besides, if she’s friends with the cafe girl, then coercion theory won’t hold. I don’t get it.

「I don’t think they’d cut any corners in that regard. But considering the current circumstances, it might be best to ask them about this.」

It’s just as Mizuki said. It wouldn’t be funny if they go “Oh, we made a mistake”. We currently can’t properly anticipate her movements, so we won’t be able to react fast enough during emergencies.

「Actually, Akira, Kyousuke. What are you two reading a job search magazine for?」
「「To find our next employment.」」
「Take this job seriously, you fools.」

The old man retorted, but he should know just how difficult this assignment is. A girl with nothing but terrible rumors about her and unreliable reports. Expecting us to do a perfect job with these conditions would be absurd.

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「Oi, our protectee is moving. Why a school uniform? The person she came out with is, the nurse from yesterday?…… You two, we’re leaving this to you.」
「Don’t just throw in the towel, old man!」

I understand that feeling completely. I do, but you can’t just do that! I get that you’re a bit lightheaded from not having enough sleep, but at least try to understand how we feel.

「Rather, isn’t it still spring break?」
「It should be. Don’t tell me that she has nothing else to wear other than that school uniform?」

Nonono, that can’t be the case, no matter how you cut it. While they are making her live alone, they must have at least let her bring personal possessions. Is she going out to buy clothes? Give me a break, that’s hard for our first day.

「Anyways, let’s start our assignment.」
「Sure thing. Who’s getting the car?」
「I’ll follow her from behind. Kyousuke, tail us by car.」

Now then, where is she planning to go? I hope it’s not a troublesome place. And please no crowds.

「So, in the end she really was heading to the academy.」
『Seems so. Why, though? For remedial lessons or something?』

Kyousuke’s voice from beyond the radio doesn’t sound convinced about his own answer. A remedial class at this time of the year isn’t probable. There’s a higher chance of her repeating a year than of that.

「Also, what happened to her makeup? With her like this, we wouldn’t have noticed her.」
『I’m glad we were informed prior. She’s seriously too different.』

Now I understand how the old man lost sight of her. I also understand why she’s called a monster in high society. She practically is with her transformation.

「Oh, she’s out now. She didn’t stay that long of a time, though.」
『Whatever the case, it doesn’t change what we have to do. Let’s shut it and work.』
「Roger roger.」

Still, based on the reports, she doesn’t really exercise but she can really walk. She did start jogging earlier today, so maybe she really had a change of heart. It might not last for more than three days, though.

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「This, isn’t this the cafe on the old man’s report?」
『The one she went to yesterday. Is she planning on eating here? Must be nice being wealthy.』

Seriously. I’m here already whimpering just from my alcohol expenses. I know that I’m just thoughtless with my money, but it’s pretty tough fixing this habit.

「Just to be sure, keep watch behind the cafe, Kyousuke. I’ll watch the front.」

While the chances are low, she might have noticed us tailing her. In that situation, it’s possible that she’ll try to escape through the backdoor. Well, it’s unlikely though.

「Hey, it’s been roughly an hour now, how is it there?」
『No one has come out here. How about you?』
「No further movement from here. I can’t really get a grasp of what’s happening inside from here. Hmm, I guess I’ll go inside.」
『Oi, we’re hidden bodyguards. It’s going to be bad if we’re discovered.』
「It’ll be alright since I’m going in as a customer… Wait, a maid-like woman just rushed inside for some reason.」
『Someone from the Kisaragi family?』
「Probably the case. Still, she was in a hurry, did something happen?」

Usually when going to these sorts of places, you’d dress up in something that doesn’t stand out. And yet she came here in her maid clothes, so perhaps she’s considerably flustered. Somehow, it’s starting to get interesting.

「Well, time to charge in.」
『Oi, wait! Making careless actions won’t do us good this time!』

Who cares? It’s difficult to continue this work in our situation anyways, so let’s at least have fun for our last job. Besides, it’s not like I’d be exposed from having my face seen once.


Why is our protectee greeting like she’s a waitress? She’s still wearing her school uniform but why does she have an apron over it? Even the maid looks like she can’t believe what she’s seeing. What’s going on?

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「Who might you be?」

Wait, the maid just asked an absurd question. Huh? Is she not someone from the Kisaragi family? But the one being asked just jerked her cheeks.

「You really have changed.」

On that, I agree with you. She’s changed to the point that I’m even doubting our investigation division. While sipping the coffee I ordered, I focused on the role of an onlooker. Also, in relaxing. It’s my loss if I burst out laughing. Still, from what I’m hearing, it’s unbelievable. Why is this wealthy young lady actively trying to get a part-time job? Normally, that doesn’t happen. Moveover, her family gave their permission. There should be the matter of image and reputation and so on.

「Lady Kotone, what are your plans after this?」
「Supermarket touring.」

Not good. There was too much to process that I couldn’t brace myself. Just as I thought that I might be exposed, it looks like the maid also raised her voice, so it’s alright. It was such a surprise that I let my guard down. But by supermarket, she means that supermarket, doesn’t she?

「This is crazy. Really crazy.」
『You sound awfully flustered, what the heck happened inside there?』
「It’ll be best to think that we’re guarding someone else. Just completely ignore all the investigation reports.」
『Nonono, isn’t that just too much?』
「Think about it. Where have you ever seen a wealthy family’s daughter more intent on being self-sufficient that the average person?」
『What are you even talking about?』
「I’ll explain later. More importantly, our target is moving.」

I’m stealthily communicating through the radio, but I’m seriously in a panic. I can’t believe that people can change this much just after having a failed suicide attempt. It’s best to consider her a different person.

『So, where is she headed?』
「Apparently to do a supermarket tour.」

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『You’re kidding, right?』
「I’m serious. There’s zero hesitation in her steps.」

As though she researched in advance, she walked around the supermarket without hesitation. Moreover, she must have studied even the sale times, since she made it in time for all the discounts, what the heck. Moreover, she hasn’t actually bought anything.

「What do you think?」
『She’s definitely a different person.』
「Right? Rather, would the Gojima pair believe us if we reported this?」
『We have no choice but to convince them to believe it. I wouldn’t have believed it if not for the fact that I actually saw it.』
「Still, let me just say this. We don’t need to think about finding new employment anymore!」
『Wait, isn’t it too early to decide that?』
「Isn’t she a lot easier compared to some other rich girls? Moreover, she’s working at a cafe. We might be able to pass food and drinks as business expenses, you know?」
『That’s if the supervisor allows it.』

Can’t we have it as necessary expenditures? We can keep guard outside and all, but if something ever happens, we’ll always be a step behind. In that case, wouldn’t it be better to guard her while acting as a customer? Don’t worry, I’m sure the supervisor will understand.

『Still, I won’t deny that we got lucky with her.』
「From what I overheard in the cafe, there’s a high chance that she’s changed for the better. She doesn’t sound like she’s planning to cause problems either.」
『This is probably unexpected for the supervisor as well. That’s if she believes our report, that is.』
「If she doesn’t believe it, it’ll be faster to just let her come and see. But before that, there’s also Gojima pair’s report, so I think she’ll believe us.」

The old man and his pair are a lot more credible than we are, after all. And they’ve been in this industry for a long time. As for us, our credibility is practically nil. What did we do to deserve this?1

「With this, our summer bonus is good as secured.」
『If things continue to go smoothly, that is. Well, it’s a big help that our original worries are gone now.』

Guarding what should’ve been a self-centred rich girl but is actually a normal girl influenced by the common folk shouldn’t be that difficult. If I had to enumerate a problem, then it would be the people that’ll try to manipulate her for her status. But that isn’t part of my job description. Our objective is only to eliminate external threats.

『Oi, the target is going home.』
「Understood. I’ll continue tailing her. We probably won’t have anything to do, though.」

It doesn’t seem like she’s trying to interact with particularly dangerous objects or people. Besides, seeing how she was evaluating things at the supermarket, she has high self-sufficiency. Doesn’t she have more girl power than I do?

『What’s wrong?』
「Nyo, nothing at all. Tailing, start.」

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While it doesn’t change the fact that I’m barely hanging by the skin on my neck2, I’m glad that I got an ideal protectee. I can expect work to be nice and relaxing for a while.

That was my first impression of Kotone. Really, at first I was anxious about the future, but looking ahead, I’m seriously thinking of being her permanent bodyguard. It’s heaven, heaven I tell you. However, there is one issue.

「K-Kotone. Why don’t you take a break soon? Look, the sun is scorching hot too.」
「What are you talking about? I can still keep on going.」

A morning run in the middle of summer is seriously suffering. The four of us jog in rotation, but all of us share this sentiment.

Who was it that thought this won’t continue for more than three days?!

「I’m absolutely lazing around in the cafe today.」
「Isn’t that just what you usually do? Besides, I don’t have work today.」
「You’re kidding!?」
「It’s true. I’m going to travel a bit far, so best regards.」

My summer heaven, my delicious food and drinks… tell me it’s a lie!!

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