Somehow avoiding the interrogation from Harumi, Miyako, and the rest of my classmates, we arrived at the changing room. Ayaka said it’s a mixed bath, but male and female baths are separate as it normally is. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so outspoken about going to the bath.

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“Hey, hey.”
“Stop with the persistence, Miyako. I’m absolutely not saying anything.”
“Then I’ll ask Ayaka.”
“Please don’t, seriously.”

The bad thing is that her answer is likely going to be embellished a lot. She even told Ran that nonsense of me stealing her lips. I can’t begin to imagine how much she’ll dramatize to my classmates who are strangers.

“It was abrupt, so it’s natural that she got my lips. I don’t want to recall it much.”

A gleeful squeal echoed in the changing room, but I’m not gleeful about it at all. To begin with, why do I have to explain that embarrassing event? I’m not into humiliation play.

“I wanted to fully savor the moment, but then she forcefully grabbed my breasts and moved away. It was such a casual yet bold move.”
“I told you, stop with the embellishment!”

She’s not lying, but it was you who forced me to act. The way you’re saying it makes it sound obscene. Still, we’re so noisy here, I hope we don’t bother the other guests.

“So you were bold, huh? Kotone.”
“That smile of yours is awfully irritating, Harumi.”

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“It’s because it’s awfully amusing.”

Well, sure, it’s amusing when it’s not about you. Even I’d feel the same. But the instant you’re personally involved, it’s bothersome. Especially when the other party involved is right beside me and it’s easy to cross check.

“It’s not with the opposite sex, so it’s safe.”
“Miyako. You might feel that way, but for me it’s an absolute out.”

For me who’s inside and outside contradict, same sex and opposite are both out. Moreover, it’s with a past classmate who I know, making me feel more self-conscious.

“People’s feelings are subjective, so it can’t be helped.”
“This is the worst. I’m partly to blame for getting tricked too, but still.”

I should have been just a bit more cautious. Ayaka has been unreadable even in the past, after all. No one can guess a thrill-seeker’s next move. Even Ran can’t.

“More importantly, why are you keeping an open distance from me, Koto-chan?”
“Because you’re dangerous, obviously.”

We’re in the changing room but I still haven’t taken my clothes off. The reason for this is Ayaka. She’s been moving next to me the whole time. It’s not the only reason though.

“Still not used to it, Kotone? We’ve only got a limited time, so you’d best hurry up.”

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Just as Miyako said, we’ve got a limited bathing time. I’ve gotten somewhat used to my classmates’ bodies thanks to swim class, but Ayaka and Ran are different. I’m painfully self-conscious about them being my old classmates.

“I suppose I can only brace myself.”
“You’re so bashful, as usual.”
“I don’t think that’s exactly the case here.”

I’m not bashful. If I was a male, I’d probably either gladly stare or cover my face in embarrassment. I guess I have to take off my clothes while keeping them out of sight as much as possible.

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“Your skin is really pretty, Koto-chan. Having this without doing any skincare is so unfair.”
“Please stop staring at me so much.”
“Also, I suppose that is the cause. The cause for your switch.”

She’s right beside me, so it’s unavoidable that she saw the wound. Besides, I trusted that Ayaka wouldn’t make a huge fuss about it. If it was Ran, I would have gotten an earful from her.

“That’s how it is. By the way, not many know about this, so please keep it a secret.”

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“I understand. I’d feel bad if I caused you distress, after all.”

Still, she’s observant as always. Even when I made efforts to keep it inconspicuous. I made sure to hide it like during swim class. After all, there’s no telling who might catch sight of it. If word about it gets around, there’s no telling what ruckus it’d cause.

“Still, you’ve got such a great figure. Your breasts might even be larger than mine.”
“Your eyes are scary, so please stop staring.”
“Nope. But somehow it feels like a new door opening up for me.”
“Ran! Please get this dangerous woman away from me immediately!”

There’s a threat to my chastity right beside me. Don’t you dare open any weird doors. It’s obvious that I’m going to be sacrificed for it. She’s got a predator’s eye but thanks to a smack on the head from Ran behind her, she’s returned to sanity.1

“Stop messing around you two, let’s go. The others have already gone to the bath area.”

For some reason, I got scolded too. Even though I’m the victim here. I wrapped the bath towel around my body and finished preparing. Now, onwards to paradise. Opening the door separating the changing room and bath area, it really was paradise.

“It’s amazing.”
“It’s my first time here too, but as expected of a renowned lodging.”

A uniform Japanese-style set up. A large hot spring bath. A sight which, rather than being overwhelming, is simply breathtaking. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen a hot spring that’s enjoyable just to look at.

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“I don’t want to be anywhere near them.”
“It’s amazing how Kotone doesn’t look any inferior even next to an actress.”

As we stood silently at the entrance, I heard voices from my classmates. Being an actress, Ayaka’s skin certainly is beautiful. And I’m impressed that Ran can match her in that regard. I guess girls really are conscious when it comes to these things.

“I was just going along with Ayaka. If one person in a pair is lazing around, it’d only make the hard worker look pitiful, right?”
“How diligent of you.”
“It’s best to do everything in earnest.”

That’s why everyone calls you Class Prez. Even if it’s easy to start, not many can continue making an effort for the sake of other people. Even I only continue my early jogs for my own sake.

“Now then, Koto-chan. I’ll wash your back.”
“Please don’t. My heart can’t take it.”

This is more than enough naked communication for me. I don’t want to go as far as to take my bath towel off. Besides, while I like bathing, I absolutely can’t get used to naked bodies.

“Geez, you’re so bashful. It’s not much different from before, though.”
“You’re just overboard with the skinship. Still, you don’t do it with people who actually want it, quite stubborn aren’t you.”

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