Chapter 94 - Chatting At The Hot Spring (Part 2) | Re:Library

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7-9 minutes


Author: Hidsuki Shihou Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2675 characters
Translator: PunishedLyly English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1257 words
Editor(s): Fire

“Trying to avoid her has its limits. Ruru’s searching skills are irrational, after all.”
“I’m sure she’s equipped with some weird radar. Any place with some trouble should be where she is. I’m really glad that she didn’t become a journalist.”

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“A weekly magazine writer wouldn’t be that much different either. Celebrity drama, commentary on social issues, I don’t know what she’d choose. If it’s that girl, I’m sure she’d even target Ayaka.”

Ruru isn’t picky with her data gathering methods, after all. Everyone in our class has fallen victim to her, so she’s undoubtedly someone to look out for. There were some who were tricked into visiting a haunted area and they were found barely conscious the next day. I suddenly felt a chill even though I’m in a hot spring, but it must be my imagination.

“We’ll be sightseeing tomorrow and I’m feeling really anxious about it.”
“You’ve got an 80% chance of encountering her, so you’d best be on your guard.”
“I’d love to come with you, but this is the last day of my holiday. I’ve got work for tomorrow night, you see. Can’t I reschedule it?”
“Of course not. The drama’s shooting is also starting soon, so naturally you can’t make adjustments to the schedule.”
“I knew it. It can’t be helped, let’s save it for another opportunity. Like inviting Koto-chan to a class reunion, or so.”
“Could you stop inviting me into the rogue’s den?”

That just gave me an instant chill, you know. I can easily imagine how terrible it’ll be. To begin with, what about the venue? If it’s somewhere we’ve all been, I absolutely refuse. Our hometown? Absolutely no.

“I don’t have any concrete plan for the reunion, so we’ll just inform them about it. The organizer will handle it that way.”

That’s the leading thrill-seeker you’re talking about. It won’t end well. And not only for me. At worst, even Ayaka might catch collateral damage. Also, Ran, your resigned smile is scaring me.

“That’s beyond crazy. I absolutely want nothing to do with it.”

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“Isami and co. should get you involved, no? Naturally, if you refuse, I’ll help with dragging you to the venue.”
“I’ll join too. The more victims, the less burden there is for an individual to handle.”
“Just awful.”

While it’s true that it’ll be more burdensome the more participants there are, the stress distribution will be less per person. Still, I know how terrible it gets when all the burden is focused on one person. And the one with the highest chance to be that person is me. I’m sure those fools will accept the current me and that’s scary.

“I want to stay here forever.”
“But too bad. There’s only a few minutes left.”

I was so focused on talking with Ayaka and Ran that I didn’t pay attention to my classmates. I now see that they’re slowly leaving. My farewell to paradise came surprisingly quick. I don’t feel like I’ve been in the hot spring for long, is it just my imagination?

“Thank you for informing me, Harumi. At that rate, I would’ve stayed soaking for a long time.”
“It would’ve been a disaster if the next class came in without any warning. After all, an actress and Kotone are bathing together.”

That’s for sure. I don’t know which class is next, but they’ll definitely be frozen at the entrance. Kaori would probably be like “Not again” and have a heavy sigh. Kotori is with the hotel group, so she wouldn’t be here. We didn’t really make any plans together, but she seems to be really sad about it.

“Well then, I should leave now. How about you two?”

It’s only the students who are on a tight bathing schedule. Regular guests like Ayaka and Ran don’t adhere to the schedule. Still, most of the guests staying are academy students, so there should be only a few regular guests. There’s the bodyguards too, but they’re likely still drinking. Will it really not affect their performance tomorrow?

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“We’ll leave now as well. I’m not the type for long baths to begin with.”
“If I have to say, it’s what I’ll do after this that’ll take a long time. Skin care is important. You too Ayaka, don’t slack off.”
“Obviously I won’t. I understand full well that I can’t be lazy about it.”

I’d love it if you had that mindset on the regular. “Please behave appropriately for the time and place” I was about to say, but I opted not to. After all, she likely wouldn’t listen to it anyways and she might say “Then I can do anything if it’s appropriate for the time and place”.

“In that case, I’ll be heading straight to my room.”
“I’ll be intruding later. Be sure to brace yourself.”

I want to just lock the door. But unfortunately, Ayaka probably knows some method of unlocking it and that scares me. She even has a history of winning over our past teachers, so she might win over my current ones. Still, they’re doing their skincare routine here? The next class is about to arrive, though.

“Well it’s none of my concern.”
“Kotone, once we get to the room, I’ll need you to tell us about the Ruru and Nako people ASAP.”
“It’s not like they’re famous people like Ayaka and the others, you know?”

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I don’t remember Ruru being a best selling author. Still, she does earn enough for a living, so her books should be decently popular. That’s Ruru, and Nako is just her manager. They might get the wrong idea, so I should correct them.

“It isn’t as if all of my friends are famous people, alright? Like one is a pub owner and his wife. One works in automotive repair and another as a hotel worker.”
“Actually, it’s more like I can’t believe that you have that many friends.”

It’s Souji’s friends after all, not Kotone’s. It’s true that Kotone herself only has enough friends to count with her fingers. Moreover, she hasn’t interacted with some for a long time, I don’t know if they still count as friends. The one farthest away is currently living abroad.

“They’re connections I made from Isami. They’re different from my personal friends, you see.”

If possible, I don’t want to see them. Many of them are unique, after all. And most of them wouldn’t doubt that Souji and Kotone are one and the same, not one bit. They’ll definitely make fun of me, I can already see it. The worse of them might even do borderline sexual harassment, so I have to deal with them with all I have.

“It’s exhausting, you know? Dealing with them…”
“They must be quite the characters to make Kotone look so woeful.”

Many of them you wouldn’t understand unless you personally meet them. The prime example is Ayaka. And she’s comparatively better, even. There’s always someone better, or rather worse. It’s making me remember a lot of stuff, and I feel exhausted again.

“I want to soak in the hot spring again.”
“Yeah, yeah, enough escapism, dress up so we can go. There’s people waiting behind us.”

I won’t get caught if I sneak in early, right? I want to soak by myself while savoring the scenic view. If possible, right until breakfast time. I don’t care if I get cooked. My resolve is unshakable.

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