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That after-party betrayed expectations and gave birth to some dark histories. Still, I don’t think anyone regretted going. It’s just that everyone either enjoyed or had bitter memories. Nagatsuki might have regretted it a bit, actually.

“It sounds like you didn’t have a boring time, Koto-chan.”
“In my free time, I mostly do my household chores, go work my part-time shift, or just study. As a student, it’s better to move around if you have free time.”
“I think I heard one unstudent-like thing in the mix.”

Ran retorted, but it’s nothing. I’m doing practically the same as I did before, so it can’t be helped. And then Isami and the other three would appear and make a ruckus everyday. It takes me back. For some reason I remember mostly suffering, but once things have passed, they become good memories.

“I’m not dissatisfied with my current life. I’ve experienced a lot of hardships after becoming a girl, though.”
“Personally, it feels really weird to think about. I’m interacting like I do with Souji, but your appearance is so different that it’s perplexing.”

It doesn’t really seem that way, though. While they occasionally show signs of confusion, it’s barely observable enough to count for me. Rather, I’m more surprised that they’ve adapted this much. After all, they believe that a dead person is still alive but as the opposite sex.

“It doesn’t look like it to me, though.”
“Like an actress would let her emotions be read so easily. The same goes for Ran.”
“If the manager shows any weaknesses, there’s no telling what kind of demands people would try to pass. The industry is pretty dark, you know.”

Each profession has their own circumstances. Though I wouldn’t know it all since I mostly did office work. It’s common to wear masks when interacting with people. Occasionally you might let your true emotions slip out. In general, it’s frustrating when you fail.

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“Still, for that Souji to have been reborn into such a beauty, it’s a real shocker. I was also shocked when we made you wear girls’ clothes, but this time it’s for real.”
“You mean that time when all the girls toyed with me? That was a real dark history for me, so please don’t remind me about it.”

It was for a school festival event, I think. Each class would pick a boy to make pretty and have them compete. For some reason, they chose me. Personally I think we should’ve gone with the funny choice of picking a beefy guy, but we were blinded by the prize.

“Well, aren’t you making good use of that experience?”
“Like hell I am. As for how to live as a girl, I’m referencing the previous Kotone.”

It’s only possible because I share her memories. If I had no memories at all, it could have been disastrous. Not knowing how to even wear underwear would be terrible. It’s only those kinds of things I’m referencing and none of her ways of socialising.

“I never would have imagined how tough it is to live as a girl.”
“Only someone who’s experienced life as both a man and a woman can say that. If I became a man, I’d probably think the same.”

I imagine a random person suddenly having changed sex. I likely wouldn’t have had so much trouble if I was the same sex. Since I’ll just have to live like before. However, if I think about the next generation, another problem appears. Even if my family picks a partner for me, it’s just a bother on my end.

“Koto-chan, do you have a fiance? If you do, could you introduce him to us?”
“You’re definitely going to sabotage it. Unfortunately, I don’t have anyone of that sort. Besides, there’s no one I’m romantically attracted to.”
“With your consciousness as a male still remaining, that’s only natural. Isn’t that such a relief, Ayaka?”

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“I’ll put my trust in those words. And Koto-chan, time for a change of clothes.”

Why? Do you hate the jersey that much? Ayaka is creeping forward with the room’s complementary yukata in one hand and it’s scary. I turn to Ran to ask for help, but she’s just indifferently sipping her tea. This isn’t good.

“Ran, could you save me?”
“I want to see it as well, so be a fine sacrifice.”

I got sold out. In that case, then any resistance would just be useless. I learned that from experience back at high school. Still, Even if I say that I’ll just change by myself, they never listen. They say that there’s some sort of romance in forcefully stripping people. The thoughts of the sacrifice are of no importance.

“Just do what you want.”
“When you’re not resisting, it’s not really interesting. You were always like this even before.”
“If nothing I do can change things, then I’m not wasting my energy. Actually, if you think so, then stop it. I’ll obediently change.”

Compared to being forced to wear it, doing it myself is infinitely better. And although I said that, in the end Ayaka is changing me out of my clothes. Moreover, Ran is helping out. Why? They work together for these kinds of stuff, I guess they’ve got a good compatibility.

(This chapter is provided to you by Re:Library)

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“I’ve been thinking about it, but your appearance doesn’t really match your age. No matter how you cut it, you really don’t look like a high-schooler.”

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“I know that. I’m well beyond twenty on the inside, after all. Thanks to that, people I meet for the first time think I’m a college student.”
“If you were in casual clothes, we would’ve thought the same. Perhaps what’s inside is affecting your outward appearance.”

That’s a decent thought. And so I’ve finished changing, but it’s really embarrassing. When I was a boy, I enjoyed the liberating feeling but as a girl now, I hate how exposed I feel. Mostly at the breasts and thighs.

“As I thought, you’re oozing with sexiness. This’ll make the boys happy.”
“Don’t tell me you’re going to take a picture of me and upload it?”
“I won’t upload it in my blog. I’m sending it to the den, though.”

Them, huh. The den, the rogue’s den, is the name of the group exclusive to our classmates. From how there’s always someone replying in the chat, I guess everyone’s still friends. I’ve chatted there too, but right now I’m avoiding even peeking. After all, it’d be weird for the current me to join in.

“Isami would likely go wild.”
“Her reaction is the easiest to read. She might even come charging into this place.”
“Won’t I be the one most affected by that? I always have to lower my head because of you two.”

In exchange, Ran snapping is the scariest. Compared to her, me getting ticked off is still cute. Though according to the people who have seen me getting seriously angry, I’m the scariest one. In that regard, I can’t deny it.

“Well then, let’s line up side by side, the three of us. Naturally, with Koto-chan in the middle.”

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“It’s definitely because you think my reaction would be interesting.”

I’m between two girls. Moreover, these two have grown a lot more attractive since high school, not feeling conscious would be impossible. You might think that it’s fine since we’re the same sex, but I still have some male consciousness inside. Still, I guess it’s better than being sandwiched between men. Kotone would likely feel instinctual rejection.

“Yup, I got a perfect shot. Koto-chan’s expression is as anticipated, adorably blushing red with embarrassment.”
“That’ll be to commemorate this field trip. This definitely was an unexpected harvest, but in a sense, it’s the best thing to ever happen.”
“For me, I’m tired of the consecutive surprises. So, will you let me go after uploading that?”
“I’d like you to stay for a bit longer. Aren’t you also curious about everyone’s reaction?”

Well, of course I’m curious. Those fools either react the way you expect them or in a way you can’t imagine. My emotions are split between excitement and worry. I’m sure Ayaka didn’t expose that it’s me. Since if she did, things would go out of control.

“Immediately, a message arrived. Is it from Isami?”
“Too bad, it’s from a friend of mine. Kaori, huh. Did something happen?”

There’s still some time before lights out. So it shouldn’t be about that. Rather, she might have messaged me because she found out that I’m not in my room. Those two should be the only ones that know that I’m with Ayaka and Ran. I don’t know what my classmates think, though.

{Who are you really?}

A completely unexpected message hit me. Thanks to that, my head was absolutely blanked out.

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