Chapter 96 - First Sharing Of Secret (Part 2) | Re:Library

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Ran added a correction but either way, since she believes me, she’s no different in Kaori’s eyes. Even after saying so much, Kaori’s distrust is still unrelieved. I know full well that it’s not something that’s easily believable. Now how should I explain it?

“Since when have you been like that?”
“Since the day I met you. I’ve been different ever since then. The previous Kotone, I think, died.”

Kotone’s influence remains strong, but I don’t feel anything resembling her consciousness. If there’s any of her will remaining, she should have already lambasted me for just how much I hate her father.

“How did you get inside her?”
“I want to know that myself. I died three years ago. So it’s a complete mystery how I got into Kotone’s body three years later. I don’t think we have any common ground.”

Searching my memories, I can’t remember having any interaction with the Kisaragi family. It’s possible that the damn hag might have some sort of connection but I don’t think she can pass through the guard of the twelve families. They’re nothing short of iron walls.

“You’ve been deceiving us the whole time?
“I didn’t mean to do anything like that. I never put a false act about myself and it’s not like I can simply tell this to anyone. That’s why I decided to keep to myself until someone asked.”
“A false act?”
“I didn’t act out being Kotone, I only acted the way that’s true to myself. There were times that I had to act, but never in my daily life. It was during the party, since it would be bad if I were exposed.”

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I didn’t let my true glutton side show. That’d cause a lot of rumors in the coming days. Other than that, I’m sure I never put on a false act. Rather, it’s impossible for me to act like Kotone.

“To begin with, if I acted out being Kotone, I never would have gotten close with you, right?”
“Well, that’s true. I hate the old Kotone, after all.”
“That’s how it is. She has her own reasons, but there’s no point talking about it.”

From what I remember, Udzuki’s the original cause and Kotone’s father just put the finishing touches. Kotone was under great pressure and finally ended up the way she was. However, for some reason when she was having a problem, I suddenly appeared.

“Kotone, can I ask you one thing?”
“Is your head okay? Having a delusion that detailed could be a major issue.”

After a moment of silence, I was desperately holding back my laughter. Ayaka and Ran, who were listening next to us, were laughing uncontrollably. Kaori was moving her gaze between me and them. She did nothing wrong. It’s just that her reaction was funny.

“Sorry, my bad. Your reaction was just so proper that it’s funny. That’s right, this is what’s normal.”
“Thinking about it, we really are not normal. What should be weird, we’ve accepted as normal.”
“Still, it’s because we remember hanging out with Souji that we figured you and him are the same person. And since Kaori has no clue about him, it can’t be helped.”

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“Just as you say. I’ve been with you, Ayaka, and the others for much longer, after all. It’s because you know me, or should I say, Souji, so well that you came to that conclusion.”
“Then it’s really true?”

I answered with a nod. There was no lie in everything I’ve said so far. I told her everything as sincerely as I could. This is the first time I’ve shared this with someone I know in the present, so I don’t feel like I’ve explained it well.

“Which consciousness do you have right now? Male? Or female?”
“Regarding that, it’s pretty ambiguous. I still have male consciousness, but I’m influenced by Kotone a lot. Like my reaction when being seen naked, that’s definitely not a man there.”
“Right. You were more concerned about your own nudity than my naked body. A man would normally be focused on me instead.”

Rather, I couldn’t even bear to look at naked bodies. It’s a lot better now in my opinion. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to relax in the hot spring. Back then, I would have needed a blindfold.

“It’s something like that, but currently I consider myself as a woman. I’m a bit defenseless in many regards, though.”
“Put yourself in my shoes, it’s so worrying to see you sometimes.”
“I’d love to see that for myself.” Ayaka interjected
“Stop fooling around.”

Ayaka will likely imagine the past me in place of Kotone and it scares me. I’ve gotten used to the skirt in our uniform, but I won’t choose to wear it myself. More importantly, regular pants are more comfortable.

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“Alright. I believe you. It’d be bad if this gets public, right?”
“It’d be disastrous. Especially with my current family, they should never know. It might break them.”
“Still, the current Kotone and the old Kotone are different, so they should feel like something’s off.”
“Regarding that, it’s because of the Kisaragi family curse. It’s not unusual for people to change completely.”

One example is Kotone’s Grandfather. Kotone only knows of him after he’s changed, so I can’t judge for sure. It’s probably because of this that people don’t find my sudden personality change unusual.

(This chapter is provided to you by Re:Library)

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“Somehow, I’m really getting curious about your past life Souji.”
“He’s not a particularly unusual person. I can vouch for you that he’s just a regular everyman.”
“”That’s a complete lie.””

I got a loud rebuttal. I personally find myself to be normal, but I guess I’m somewhat weird in the eyes of other people. If you two say that, then both of you should be lumped together with the weirdos too. I won’t say it out loud though.

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“I have pictures of Souji saved, do you want to see?
“I want to see.”
“Choose properly, okay? Pick a relatively normal one.”

Particularly, don’t show any of me cross dressed. I’m so different in those, even I can’t believe it. The first time I saw a mirror, I couldn’t even tell who I was looking at. The girls all loved it and the one who put makeup on me was surprised with the result.

“A normal one, right? Then how about this one?”

Just how many pictures do you have? I only remember Ayaka taking a picture of me a few times before. She probably took some without me knowing. Similarly to my situation right now. The Photography club people have so many pictures that make you suspect that they’re actually peepers.

“Hooh, you really don’t have any similarities.”
“Having some would be scarier. So this is how my face looked, huh. I feel like I’ve forgotten it somehow.”

It’s a face I should have seen everyday when I check my appearance, but I feel like I’ve forgotten about it right up until I saw the picture. And at the same time, I feel like there’s a voice echoing deep inside my head. That was probably the first sign.

“Huh? I’ve met him before?”

And there I lost consciousness.

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