Meanwhile, Maribelle, who had successfully tamed Ethelred’s aides, was on her way to her destination.

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“We’re nearly there.” Theovalt said as he led Maribelle through various hallways.


“What is the purpose of this place?”


“This is the office of the Human Resources Chief.”


“The Human Resources Department is here?”


“The Department is just west of Igcentium, which we went over a little while ago. This is the annex to the main palace library.”


Theovalt opened the door politely, saying as if it were obvious. Of course, Maribelle had too many questions in her head.


‘The head of the Human Resources Department is here, but the Human Resources Department is over there? What the hell is he doing?’


Maribelle’s questions were solved before long.


“Theo? I wasn’t expecting anyone, but you’ve come all the way here. I was a little surprised.”


The room that the two unveiled was larger than it appeared. It was both broad and monotonous. The white curtains covering the windows made the wood furniture in the room appear darker, and the dense books that filled one side of the wall appeared to have been painted all black, as if they had been purposefully matched.


The only thing that shone in this dark room was a man standing in it.


He had long silver hair that was folded in half and tied, and he appeared as thin as straight, thin hair. Furthermore, he was dressed in a white robe, Maribelle couldn’t even explain how bright he appeared in this dark room.


Theovalt was familiar with the dimly lit room and casually greeted the man.


“It’s dark as always here. Please take care of this injury.”


“I told you to stop getting hurt. Not long ago, Kir—” 


“This time, it wasn’t me. This way Miss, please, take a seat here.” Theovalt casually cut the man off gesturing to Maribelle instead. 


Following Theovalt’s lead, the man’s gaze was drawn to Maribelle, who was sitting on a cot attached to the wall.


“Is that Lady hurt? Of course, I assumed it would be Theo.”


“Are you disappointed it wasn’t me?”


“I would have been disappointed if it was.”


In response to Theovalt, he turned his head and waved his hands angrily. Maribelle was on her side.




Making direct eye contact… Maribelle was embarrassed and unknowingly blinked. Contrary to his seemingly bored appearance, what lay beyond his round spectacles was a pretty tenacious gaze that also embarrassed Maribelle.


She couldn’t help but look. While Maribelle was unsure where to focus her gaze, he smiled calmly and tenderly opened his mouth.


“I’m sorry for the delay in introducing myself, but my name is Azil Irgeil, Lady.”


The tenacity she mentioned earlier was now replaced by a lightness that cannot be found. 


‘Is my gut feeling correct?’ Maribelle greeted him back hesitantly. 


“I’m… Maribelle Edenbert.”


“Okay, then. Where are you feeling uncomfortable?”


Maribelle showed her bloody palm instead of answering.


“Hmm—let’s take a look. I’m glad the wound doesn’t look that deep. Are you feeling any pain?”


“Uhm, I think it’s okay.”


“Is that so? Then let’s get rid of useless humans on that side.”


Azil spat out his words in a friendly manner, frowned at Maribelle, turned his head, and spoke in a sour tone to Theovalt.


“Theo, you haven’t been here in a while, so run some errands for me.”

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“I haven’t seen you in a long time, but you’re still the same.”


“The chef must have made a tart. I ordered it earlier. Could you go get it?”


“What do you like about sweets? Tsk.”


Theovalt smiled blandly as he stood up. When Theovalt closed the door saying ‘I’ll be back.’, Azil turned his head again and headed to Maribelle giggling like a naughty rascal.


“We now have about a half-hour of free time. The tart is still in the oven.”


Azil quietly moved the chair, stuck it in front of her, and sat on it, ignoring Maribelle’s silly expression.


“In the meantime, let’s treat the wound carefully.”


“…You don’t even take medicine?”


Water, towels, and gauze were within his reach, yet they would not cure the wound. Azil shrugged and lifted his hands when Maribelle mentioned that he needed to bring the medicine.


“Because it’s important to look at the wound first, Maribelle.” 


“I’ve never allowed you to call me by my name.” 


“Then what would I call you? Empress Candidate?”


Maribelle’s gaze sharpened. However, Azil’s eyes only bent into a more crescent shape. 


“I don’t have any intention to do that. Does it bother you to address you by name in a public place?”


“You have no manners.” 


“I’m so thankful for your generous understanding.”


Azil answered naturally and moved his hands to look at the wound on her palm.


“You cut yourself with a sword.” 


“You don’t have eyes for this. I cut myself on paper.”


“Is that so? Maybe it’s time to change my glasses.”


As Azil accepted as if it were too natural, it was Maribelle who was embarrassed. She’s been throwing a tantrum for no reason since a moment ago.


However, despite Maribelle’s grumpy attitude, he did not lose his good smile. As he twisted the soaked towel, the water fell into the bowl with a light sound.


Azil began wiping Maribelle’s bloody hands with a wet towel.


“There was a lot of blood. Are you sure you didn’t feel any pain?”


“…It hurt at first, but then I was fine.”


Azil bowed his head, his long lashes reflected in the lenses of his glasses. His long hair flowing over his shoulders and his calmly falling breath on his hands were both vivid.


Time seemed to move at a snail’s pace. The quiet, dark interior of the room appeared to be ripping off the clock’s gears intact.




Maribelle, who had been staring at Azil blankly, flinched. It was due to the sharp pain in the palm of her hand. Azil was painfully pressing the wound with a wet towel.


“Wait, it hurts. Ah—!”


Tears crept up. Maribelle was clenching her hands without even realizing it. Only after the eyes were moistened, the strength of the wound disappeared.


Azil looked up and faced Maribelle’s tearful face.


“Do you feel any pain now?”


“—What are you doing?”


“It’s a situation where you can’t even notice the pain even though you have a wound like this.”


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Azil’s eyes are a little bent. The shadow of the eyelashes that fell on his cheeks grew longer as the neat features, that seemed to have all the goodness in the world, bent and bloomed into a beautiful smile.


He was wiping the wound gently, as if he had hurt Maribelle.


“Pain is a sign that you’re alive, Maribelle.”


“Don’t treat me like I’m a dead person.”


“Can a man hanging from a cliff feel pain in his hands?”


In her ear, a softly sinking voice lingered. The room, which was lit entirely by candlelight and had no natural light, felt unusually bright.


Azil felt like an immense presence in it.


“We’re the only ones in this room. You don’t have to be so desperate. Sometimes you’d better reflect on yourself. I truly mean it.”


People were captivated by Azil’s every word. As a doctor or a close friend, he dug into the weakest part of a person and gently caressed it.


‘I can’t believe this guy is in the palace.’


Maribelle became embarrassed all of sudden. The strange sense of comfort he provided was not the result of effort or actual care. Is there really such a person in this bloody imperial palace? To be honest, it took her by surprise.


Deep within, a lump of emotion bloomed. Perhaps this is what they call an intriguing likability. Maribelle did not deny it, Azil was captivating. Maribelle was staring at Azil as he worked on her hands, pondering her frail emotions.


Tak. The bandage was laid out on the table.


“Okay, we’re done. It will heal in two days.”


“In two days? What did you put on?”


“It’s a trade secret.”


Azil laughed, then tapped Maribelle’s cheek with a wet towel.


“There’s also blood on your face. You can go back after wiping it. For the next two days, avoid putting too much pressure on your hands.”


“I’ll do that.”


Maribelle responded calmly. This strange meeting was distracting her, and she couldn’t afford to keep her thoughts elsewhere.


“I’ll see you later, Lady.”


Azil said,’see you again,’ as if it were natural. She wasn’t seeing him as an errand or favor, so what could he mean by seeing him again? They wouldn’t be seeing each other for a while, probably. At least, she thought so at the time.




I had a nightmare. I was returned to the time when my family betrayed me and eventually killed me.


“Sister, how did you become so stupid? I’ve been surviving thanks to your stupidity.” Arinel spat at me viciously.


It ruminates on the same hatred.


That’s right, it’s you again today. Arinel. My lovely sister. You were smiling while wearing the happiness you stole from me around your neck proudly.


Happiness is always there for you.


This is a common phrase. I couldn’t stop laughing whenever I remembered this sentence.


Yes, that’s correct. Happiness is always with you. Not me. Not my happiness. 


I grew up in a happy family where I couldn’t stop smiling, it was never mine, but it was a happiness that never left my side.


How lovely spring is after a long, cold winter. I only knew happiness would come to me one day in the future now that I had the chance to have a real one.


I wasn’t asking for much. My heart, however, has always been betrayed.


“Is it just me, or does your body appear to be stiff? It’s not really stiff; the nerves have been paralyzed. He stated that it was difficult to save sister.”


The lovely voice is ringing loudly in my ears.


That smile. There was no good younger sister who blushed, smiled, and hugged me. If there is, it will be in my imagination.

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Even in her dreams, she was dying. Betrayed by her family, she ate the poison Arinel had given her before collapsing on the floor.


If she closes her eyes this way, she will see another morning.




But when Maribelle opened her eyes, she didn’t see the early morning light.


The early morning light was cast around a black silhouette. A black silhouette in the shape of a human. It was, without a doubt, Ethelred. He was hesitant to open his mouth.


“—Did I wake you up?”


Maribelle shook her head. She appeared to be seated in her chair. It’s better she woke up, if she had been left like this, she would have a sore neck the next day.


Maribelle asked, her already stiff neck tilted.


“Is it dawn?”


“It’s still night.”


“It’s time to sleep?”


“Sleep more.”


“How can I sleep when Your Majesty is standing there?”


Maribelle stood up. Maribelle noticed that the back of her neck was drenched in cold sweat even though she was sleeping. Nightmares are usually like this, though.


Maribelle, who was exhaling a small breath, stuttered her hand in pain, which exploded sharply from her left hand. The bandages were black in the dark, and she could see a stain on them. Whether she clenched her fist too hard in her sleep or the healing wound somehow broke open.


‘It’s the first time I’ve woken up in the middle of the night.’


Does she need to return to Azil tomorrow? Maribelle clenched her fist again.


Maribelle was unworried about pain. The lack of sleep, on the other hand, was more bothersome. She takes a long time to get back to sleep once she wakes up. She can stay like this all night if she doesn’t end up sleeping soon.


So it’s better to either send Ethelred out or sit him down. When did the light go out again? Maribelle searched for the bell in order to summon the maid.


“I’ll have them turn on the lights.”


“Don’t turn it on .”


“I had no idea Your Majesty liked the dark.”


If she is told not to turn on the light, she should not do so. Her casual snark was her only way of minorly rebelling.


She blinked. Instead of turning on the light, Maribelle blinked a few times. Ethelred’s silhouette was becoming more visible as her eyes adjusted to the darkness.


Ethelred reached out and gently stroked Maribelle’s cheek as he stared at her. Why is he suddenly doing this? A hint of being careful, a hint of awe. His subsequent words were also cautious.








“You can tell me.”


“You said you needed me.”


Maribelle raised her head and gazed at Ethelred. Ethelred’s silhouette’s face, to be precise. She had a look of pure wonder on her face.


“Did you wake up in the middle of the night wondering what I meant?”


“When I saw your face, I thought it would be clearer.”


What exactly do you mean? Is it possible that my mind isn’t thinking right because I’ve only just awoken? Maribelle laughed as she caught sight of him. Ethelred smiled brightly as he noticed her naive and innocent behavior. 

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‘I’m going to turn her into one of my people.’


Ethelred now faced a challenge as a result of his new plan of action.


—What are you going to do?


That was Kir’s question. As he put it, the ‘how’ was lacking. Maribelle was already in his hands physically, but that wasn’t enough. He desired something he could be certain of, even without placing any restraints. He wouldn’t have to be concerned about an unseemly betrayal if he had that.


But how?


Ethelred, who was concerned, walked to Calende Palace. When he arrived at the palace, the maids were raucous. As soon as Ethelred’s eyes reached them, they died down as if the fire had gone out. Only after a few minutes were they quiet so Ehtelred could be led to Maribelle’s room.


The room only held two silhouettes immersed in darkness. Ethelred came in front of her. He had no way of knowing how she felt because he was simply looking at her form.


It wasn’t enough to simply say he wanted to see her. Does he miss her? There is no such depth in his feelings. Being actually swayed by her was an annoyance. If she’s awake, he’ll tell her he’s decided to trust her more, and if she’s asleep, he’ll look at her face more closely.


As a result, the encounter happened as follows. She awoke, but he couldn’t bring up seeing her face because he had told her not to turn on the light. It’s more like a questioning now than establishing trust.




Maybe he just wanted to hear it one more time.


“I need Your Majesty more than anything.”


Yes, these words. 


“It may seem ridiculous to say this after saying that I’ll use your influence, but I’ll do anything to hear a positive response that Your Majesty will act according to my will.”


“…What if I lied to you in order to take advantage of you?” He asked


“You’ll need me enough to fool me more than once.”


“I can simply use you and throw you away.”


“Your Majesty. “


Maribelle called him. It was a mocking tone.


“Do I look worthless enough to be used only once and abandoned.”




“Someone told me. I have Your Majesty’s weaknesses, high standing, clever and beautiful. What idiot would use this person once and throw it away?”


It was just a simple question and answer. Ethelred smiled in vain. Maribelle was exactly like this. A person who understands her own worth so well that she knows how much to charge for herself. Her presence was a gift by itself.


She was talking about Ethelred himself. How can he refuse to be persuaded? How can he not believe it? 


As a result, he’ll have to buy her for the price she set.


Maribelle’s vision, lowered to match the movement of the tall dark silhouette. As Ethelred knelt down his red eyes approached her.


“I will help you in your revenge. I’ll give you whatever you want.”


Ethelred was able to speak in a polite manner despite his confusion. It was fortunate that there was no light. Even if the voice could have been restrained, the possessive expression would have been difficult to stop.


“But instead, you’ll be mine.”


What? Without a chance for Maribelle to ask, Ethelred’s soft whispers permeated the darkness that settled beside her.


“Everything you do and say is mine. Even your betrayal will be mine. Even if you betray me, even if you run away. You must be in my hands. Since you have asked for and received a benefit, you must pay for it.”


“—You mean you’re taking everything away from me.”


“Yeah. Don’t you like it?”


“Oh no, Your Majesty.”


Maribelle’s mouth slipped.


“Your Majesty is not my everything.”

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