Unresolved problems will definitely explode, no matter how much he ignores and tries to hide them.

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“I already know you’re lying, so stop saying that the reason is just that.” 


Ethelred wasn’t angry, he was just frowning because he’s irritated by something he doesn’t understand, and he’s truly confused.


Maribelle could feel it too.


“I’ve been thinking about it because I believe in you as much as you believe in me.” 


“Your Majesty.”


“Is the reason why you refuse my gift related to the betrayal you mentioned last time?” 


At Ethelred’s question, Maribelle opened her mouth without realizing it. 


“I know how painful it was for you. It’s hard to trust people easily when you go through something like that. That’s why I thought you might be hesitant to trust me.” 


Ethelred was taking a role that no one had been able to enter since Arinel had been there and ruined it. He asked her. Are her scars still painful when it rains? 


“If you hesitate, I have no intention of urging you. But can you explain the reason? Or maybe,” 


“—I’m afraid of Your Majesty.”


At the words that came out without hesitation, Ethelred’s brow furrowed. Maribelle’s words continued. 


“I’m afraid of everything about Your Majesty.”


Those words made her heart clench. She’s so scared. Do you know how weak your caring heart makes me feel?


Everyone says that the Imperial palace where the tyrant lives is like the freezing cold, but the fact that this felt like spring when flowers bloom to her. The fact that it’s because of him, the owner of this palace. 


I’m afraid.


“Your Majesty’s kindness is too much for me, and I think it will be turned off at any moment. You won’t recognize something is precious if you receive something valuable without making an effort. I believe I will continue to be greedy.” 


“Who told you not to be greedy?” 


Ethelred got a little closer. The lovely face had been distorted slightly. Ethelred chose a word and suddenly reached out her hand, as if he didn’t understand.


“Maribelle, will you give me flowers?”


All of a sudden? Maribelle was puzzled and blinked twice, and then held out a flower. Ethelred continued to talk only when she handed the flowers to him.


“Was it hard to give this?”” 


“No. I brought it to give it to you in the first place.”


“Why did you bring it?”


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“Uhm, as a gift?”


“There’s nothing different.”


What? Maribelle raised her head. Ethelred continued to talk as he saw her surprised. 


“Maribelle. You can be greedy. These flowers I received and all the gifts I give are of no different value. They are all for you.” 


“It’s worth risking my life to be with Your Majesty, huh.”


Maribelle said with a small smile and a sigh. 


“I think I’m a pretty valuable object, too.”


Ethelred said jokingly and smirked. 


“If you refuse because you don’t like the Empress position, I won’t force you. Just take what you want. I’ll give you anything.” 


“Well, what if I want the throne?” 


“Hmm, the throne of Pheopil is not allowed. I will subjugate another country. But I already belong to you, do you need another country?” 


Seeing his smiling face as he said that, Maribelle couldn’t help but smile. 


And she couldn’t help but cry. 


“No, I don’t need it.” 


Maribelle took a step forward and hugged Ethelred as she truly accepted him for the first time. 


The public may complain that the tyrant is out of his mind due to being seduced by a wicked woman, but what about it? Maribelle needed this person right away. 


And it was terrifyingly warm. 




“Lady, you’re done!” 


Pepper couldn’t hide her pride and said with a bright smile. She took a step around Maribelle and looked at her from every angle, nodding violently full of pride once more.


“Very good! There’s no one more beautiful than the Lady at the party tonight.” 


“It’s all thanks to the nanny.”


“Oh, my. What did I do?”


Pepper was humble, so she burst out laughing, as if she didn’t want to hear the compliments for her hard work. 


Time went by quickly, and soon it became the day of the Empress Candidate party. 

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“His Majesty should see you dressed up like this! His Majesty is also coming out to the party, right?”


“Of course. We will enter together.”


“Really, when did my lady grow up like this and become so mature—”


“I’m all grown up now.”


As Pepper’s eyes pricked with tears she used her sleeve to wipe them away, Maribelle felt a sense of guilt at those tears and hugged her.


Pepper came to the imperial palace and was enjoying a happy life. Maribelle would secretly smile as she watched Pepper’s hands, which had been hardened by the hardships of life, soften again. 


While leaning on Pepper, the attendant announced that Ethelred had arrived from outside. 


“His Majesty the Emperor has arrived.”


Ethelred not only changed the theme of the party according to Maribelle’s wishes but had also expressed his intention to escort her and enter the party together so that Maribelle would not be discouraged. 


If Maribelle went in alone, she expected that her reception would be very shabby. 


Maribelle hurriedly got up. This was the first time she had seen Ethelred since that day. It was because they were so busy preparing for the party. 


What was he thinking while he hadn’t seen her? What kind of expression would he have when he saw her dressed up? 


But as soon as Maribelle opened the door, she realized how useless her worries were. This is because the expression of Ethelred, who dressed more splendidly than usual, was not at all different from what she saw the last time. 


As always, his sweet voice, which only Maribelle knew, came out quietly.


“It’s been a while. How have you been?” 


“Your grace, it was comfortable.”


“I’m glad you were comfortable. Let’s go now.”


Ethelred put his unique flat, sour-looking smile on his mouth. It was a smile like the first day they met, but it was a soft smile without sharpness.


That softness made Ethelred look even more alluring. As Maribelle walked down in the hallway with him, she inadvertently threw out what she felt. 


“You look very good today.”


“My clothes? That’s an unexpected compliment. It’s not much different from my usual outfit.”


She wasn’t talking about clothes, but her compliment was ambiguous anyways so instead of correcting him Maribelle just smiled.  


After interpreting her smile as a positive, Ethelred gave a warm compliment. 


“You look good, too. Even more beautiful today.”


“I wore it to look beautiful in Your Majesty’s eyes, so there is no better praise than that.” 

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The two stopped at the door of the party. Ethelred smiled and whispered.


“You’re so good at saying what I like. Do you know that? 


“Am I going to be by Your Majesty’s side for nothing?”


As if the meaning had been conveyed properly, Ethelred’s gaze became somewhat rough. Maribelle now knew that this was more a gaze of desire than of anger.


The effect on her was bigger than expected. She’s just making eye contact, but she feels like she’s going to get eaten. If the attendants had not raised their voices to introduce them to the party, it might not have ended with a simple look.


“Your Majesty the Emperor of Pheopil and Edenbert’s first Young Lady will be entering!”


Maribelle was then released. As if when Maribelle sees Ethelred like that, he is covered in a sweet manner. 


“Now let’s go.” 




Maribelle grabbed Ethelred’s arm. Her palms tingled. 




Kir’s hard work was rewarded with a beautiful and elegant party venue. Even Maribelle was amazed as soon as she walked in, so is there need more words?


The motif for today was gold flowers. The red rose, which represents love on the day the emperor’s woman is presented, is natural, and the gold color, which represents the royal family, is also suitably blended so that it does not become repetitive or obnoxious.


It looked a lot nicer than she thought, so Maribelle gave a pure compliment.


“Sir Kir, you’re doing a better job than I thought.”


“Am I the chancellor for nothing? It’s natural.” 


“Yeah, he’s a decent worker, so he should do his job well.”


Kir, who had been happy for a while, was crushed by Ethelred’s answer. Maribelle thought that this was what he meant.


“Your Majesty is so cruel— No matter how hard I work for Your Majesty—”


Despite Kir’s pathetic murmurs, Ethelred gazed around the crowd calmly. It was an attitude of openly ignoring. It goes without saying that the wind from Kir’s mouth increased along with some large tears.


He, who had given Maribelle a friendly look, was nowhere to be found, and as soon as he entered the party, just the cold monarch remained, creating a presence that others could not easily approach.


Maribelle looked back at what could be wrong at the time to make him act this way, but only realized what was happening with Ethelred when she saw Kir acting carelessly around him.


‘It’s an old habit.’ 


Maribelle had also heard rumors that the new emperor would not give up his aides. To be able to confirm it like this, it was somehow different from what she had seen at the palace, and the feeling was new.


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“This Kir believes that His Majesty will keep his promise.”


“What promise?”


“Are you trying to deny it like this? Didn’t you fall for her after dancing with the Lady for the first time?


“Did I?”


“I knew this would happen! You’ll fall for sure, for sure! Do you know what kind of scandal will arise when Your Majesty is with the Lady now? Even so, it’s hard for Azil to clean up the mess—”


“Okay, shut up, noisy brat.”


Ethelred frowned, as if annoyed, and told Kir to look over there. He pointed his sword at Kir the first time Maribelle visited the palace, but he’s as calm as ever today.


He has a nice smile on his lips like a well-tuned instrument, but his eyes are indifferent as if he were looking at an object.


“Your Majesty.”


When that gaze touches her, it becomes extremely kind.


“Did you call me, Maribelle?”


She liked the change, so she openly calls him again, thinking quickly she came up with a reason for calling out.


“I think the first song will start soon.”


“Oh, is that so?”


In the end, she wonders. 


Why am I special to you? What do you like about me? Why do you see me as special? 


When did our contract change like this? I have revenge to fulfill, and you just had a throne to protect.


If all this peace feels like an orchestra’s prelude just before pouring out the performance, is it too much of her anxiety? 


“The intro is coming out. Is it Laslo’s Spring 3rd Movement? —I think we should slowly get to the floor.” 


I close my eyes and imagine. We are like cherry blossoms frozen in time in a storybook, and our story is hotter than any other type.


Smile. According to etiquette, the waist is tilted at an angle, and the hand waiting for her choice bends towards her like a sharp branch.


“Would you like to dance with me, Edenbert Young Lady?”


“—I am willing to do so, Your Majesty.”


As I take your hand and be the first to step out onto the floor, I close my imagination.


Please don’t let the spring rain come so that the cherry blossoms can bloom for a long time.

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