-Chapter 5-

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As soon as Maribelle arrived at the party, she realized how much she was delusional to think she could meet the emperor here.

‘Too many people.’

Lorentz calling her and telling her to behave was really a useless act. Even without that warning, there was nothing she could do. It was all just bumping into and being bumped into by people.

They definitely said that this was a party open to celebrate the emperor’s birthday.

‘But where is the emperor?’

The problem was that the emperor did not even show a part of his shadow. Listening to the people, it was said that he had disappeared before Maribelle showed up after showing his face to give a toast. She had chosen to come late on purpose to not attract attention, but instead, it turned out to be a mess.

If the tiger was not present, then the owner of the forest would become the fox. The people naturally started to enjoy the party around the powerful people rather than looking for the notorious tyrant. The people trying to connect themselves to powerful people filled the party and Maribelle was just a fresh new baby who just stepped a foot into society.

“I’m doomed.

Maribelle quickly resigned. It was probable that the emperor had left the palace hall and returned back to his palace deep inside. There was nothing this baby chick Maribelle could do. Returning to the past had only given her the ability to judge things more quickly.

She wondered if she should just be happy that her feet did not hurt since she did not have to run around like a chick with its tail on fire. Maribelle stepped on the stairs as she sighed.

‘Shall I go to the terrace?’

On the 2nd floor was a terrace and rooms people could rest in. But it was obvious that the rooms were limited and that they prioritized those who were powerful. However, remaining at the 1st floor just meant she would be hit by people. So the only choice remaining was the terrace.

Revenge was a difficult journey starting from the beginning. How should she make contact with the emperor now that wasted this opportunity? At the very least they had to make some contact. Maribelle signed as she opened the door to the terrace. The expensive door did not even make a slight sound.


Before Maribelle opened the door all the way, she realized that there was someone in the terrace. And even two people.

‘Why not even close the curtain?’

The two men were speaking as they hid their bodies in the dark. Normally, people would close the curtain to notify others that the terrace was currently in use. However, the terrace that Maribelle opened still had the curtains stuck on the wall drawn together.

I don’t know who it is but it seems like I won’t hear anything good. Obviously, because Maribelle was not interested in these two unidentified people, she turned around and was about to leave in a hurry.

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It was only before she heard a name that was too familiar to ignore.

“Theobart. Did I give a task that was impossible?”

“No, Your Majesty.”

“It’s not like I asked you to kill the crown prince, nor did I ask you to capture him. Is it that hard to obtain his location?’

“I have nothing to say.”

Maribelle froze on site. Crown prince. Your Majesty. Theobalt. The conversation that the two were having had names that she could not ignore within them.

‘There is no way that there exists two Theobalts.’

Theobalt Del Peregrine. The Duke of Peregrine who was the person in the forefront when the current emperor had killed the crown prince and the 3rd prince to seize the throne.

It could be said like this. The man who was being honored and even being called Your Majesty,

‘He must be the emperor.’

If it is someone who can use such rude language to Theobalt who was the right hand of the emperor, it definitely can only be the emperor…..


‘Did he just say to find out where the crown prince was located?’

The crown prince was known to be dead. But he said to find his location? Maribelle’s thoughts/head spun quickly.

The Duke of Endenberg who rebelled against the emperor. No matter how much the emperor rejecting Arinel was an insult, was it normal to rebel against him as retaliation?

‘It definitely isn’t.’

Then it would be good to change her words. For example, what if the crown prince was actually alive and was gathering power in secret inorder to reclaim his position? And what if the duke of Endenberg who had been displeased due to Arinel’s situation had joined?

The story made sense. Maribelle realized again that she had obtained another large key. Her throat became dry.

‘What should I do?’

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Do I have to throw myself in front of these two and appeal to them that I know who had joined the rebellion? Since I finally met the emperor who escaped from the party, it would be hard to meet him elsewhere, right? As I thought, is that method the best?

Maribelle’s countless thoughts were shattered at once.

It was because the man had thrown something right in front of Theobalt.

“Leave. You choose your own punishment and carry it out in the morning. There is no mercy the second time, Theobalt. Next time your neck will fall.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Is it okay to cut off your right arm like that? Maribelle swallowed her dry saliva. He even treats his right arm like that, what would happen if she threw herself over there?

‘I would die.’

He would kill me just after getting information. Although her life wasn’t that important, she at least wanted to have revenge before she left the world. Maribelle realized that she had taken the tyrant too lightly. She now woke up. Whatever happens, this setting was not it. She had to leave.

Maribelle, who had made a decision, tried to exit like she entered and tried to close the door quietly.


The door that had been quiet up to then had suddenly made a sound as if to mock her. In both her lives she had never kicked a door before, but Maribelle felt that she wanted to kick this door a bit

“Who’s there.”

The cold and angry voice that was speaking to Theobalt suddenly faced Maribelle. I’m doomed. Maribelle felt the blood on her back getting cold and quickly made a decision.

The best decision she could make here was this. If he asked who she was, she would answer that she was a shadow. She quickly closed the door and began to run away.

‘They couldn’t have seen me could they?’

The door was opened so slightly to the extent that there was barely any light coming through and the two men did not notice. If she hurried and went to the 1st floor and mixed into the crowd, nobody would notice here. At the least, that was what Maribelle thought.


“Please speak.”

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“Did you see an impression?”

“She had silver hair and was wearing a purple dress.”

“Only this time will I forgive you for failing. Go.”

Maribelle did not know that she was greatly mistaken until then.

“Uh, my feet hurt.”

Maribelle hurridenly rushed to the 1st floor and mixed in with the crowd. There were a lot of people helping her at this moment. In fact, it would be best if she could hide deeply in the flashy crowd so that they could not find her at all. Maribelle was currently mocking her feet that had high heels on. There was no way her feet would not hurt.

‘This should be enough, right?’

After going through the crowd for a while, she was now quite far away from the stairs leading to the second floor and the terrace. She wished that she could go behind a pillar with no people so she could rest her hurting feet.

‘Situations like these are inconvenient.’

Maribelle scrunched her nose so it would not be noticeable. Maribelle felt that the biggest difference between her now and her future self in 1 year was her body. For the present Maribelle, it was the first time that she had attended a palace party.

‘I thought it was okay before.’

The future Maribelle was very used to such balls after following Arinel and Lorentz around busily.

However, that was not the current Maribelle.

‘This body is too weak.’

Her present body was too fragile. There was no need to say again how much her feet hurt after just wearing heels. Right now, half of Maribelle’s thoughts were occupied by the conversations between the Emperor and Theodablt and the other half was about her feets that hurt.

“Oh my, sister. You were here!”

And now it included Arniel. Maribelle sighed inwardly expecting a conflict to occur.

Arinel brought her followers who were disguised as her friends. On her left was Lady Ephra and on the right was Lady Ceraphine. Those faces were familiar to Maribelle.

Those two were Arinel’s followers who had been and would continue to work hard to bother Maribelle for Arinel.

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‘There is no way I would not remember.’

Maribelle recalled the tea party that Arinel had held in the house of Edenberg.

-As expected of the tea party prepared by the edenberg household, everything is beautiful. It really is an honor to be invited to a party like this, Lady Edenberg.

-That’s too much praise. I received a lot of help from sister Maribele.

-Did you? I thought that there was a pair of shoes that did not fit it, it was due to Maribelle’s help I see.

-Oh my, Lady Ceraphine. What are you saying? Everything is not perfect? It’s the person that is the problem.

-Your words are right Lady Ephra. There’s someone who does not know anything stuck here. I hope she doesn’t bother others.

They don’t know how insulting it is to make fun or and make the arms and legs of someone who is sitting in front of them a cripple with their words. Maribelle thought that she should not fuss over the mockery they were spouting and only squeezed tightly her skirt.

‘I’m sick of this.’

Maribelle was in her own way a pacifist. Who enjoyed these hidden fights with words? She tried to get over as smoothly as possible but when it came to these two, it was different.

Lady Ephra first opened her mouth. With a feather decoration in her hair that seemed like she could not afford it if she did not have finances on par with the Edenberg household, she lightly nodded her head.

“Nice to meet you. We saw each other at the mansion a while back but it has been a while right,, Maribelle?”

Lady Ephra smiled brightly and spoke first and with an expression that expressed that she realized something, she tapped her fan to her lips.

“Oh my. I have been disrespectful. It is okay to call you name in private but I do not know what to call you in formal settings. Do I have to call you Lady Edenberg?”

“Hey, Lady Ephra. Isn’t Lady Edenberg over there? Did you forget?”

With Lady Ceraphine’s reminder, Lady Ephra made an expression that exaggerated surprise.

“Oh that’s right. I apologize, Lady Edenberg. To think I made such a blunder, I don’t know if my mistake caused a wound in your heart that cannot be healed. Please be generous and take good care of yourself.”

In a tone of mockery that anyone could recognize, Lady Ephra bowed deeply to Arinel and apologized. There was nobody who could not see that this was a play.

“Please lift your head, Lady. It was not your mistake so I did not get hurt. Isn’t it true that my sister’s title is unclear? It is embarrassing in many ways to not have a way to call her.”

They are enjoying themselves so well.

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