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“You know, mother loves me a lot.”

His expression became more fierce as if to say what nonsense I was talking about.

“If I disappear, be prepared for being accused right away.”


“The silver mine you have. You’re not mining silver in that mine.”

Duke Rudbihi’s face hardened for a moment, then quickly loosened it.

“Now you’re talking nonsense.”

“Isn’t there anything more than military supplies to fill the fortunes brought to the Imperial family? Your smuggling seems to be going pretty well. Seeing that mine is full. I didn’t know if Gulladu would work with you again.”


Lord Gulladu is as secretive and shady as Sir Shubart. I’ve never actually seen him in person.

At that time, when Luccelai Rudbihi was famous for being a villainess, she knew that Lord Gulladu briefly joined hands with the Rudbihi family and then quickly withdrew. In fact, although it looked like he removed his hands on the outside, their relationship continued. This is something that my mother didn’t even know about. Only those who know the original story know.

If I was wronged or if they touched my mother, I thought this would get us out of the situation, so I had kept it in my mind in advance. That’s why it’s tiring to have a lot of enemies.

“I wonder what will happen if I don’t get off this carriage tonight.”

Duke Rudbihi gnashed his teeth as if he would stab me with a knife right away.

“You’re a rat.”

* * *

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Duke Rudbihi’s carriage left with the threats to be careful not to splash dirt on the Rudbihi family.

I got into the carriage on my way back to find Ian without saying goodbye to Delkian or Ellabrihi. One side of my face began to swell, so I couldn’t get into a bright place.

“Let’s go back, Ian.”

Seeing Ian’s expression and disheveled appearance, it seemed many obstacles were preventing him from coming to my side. I might end up like this, but Ian might have been killed. This must be hard for Ian to endure as well.

“I’m sorry, Lady. I’m ashamed to face you.”

“I’m glad you didn’t die.”

Ian bowed his head.

The carriage was heading home, but somehow I didn’t want to go back right away.

“I want to get some fresh air.”

“All right.”

At my words, Ian pulled the reins of the horses. It wasn’t long before the carriage turned. Then, the carriage circled the outskirts for a long time until my swollen cheek subsided.  

I didn’t get home until dawn. While hiding for a while, the alley was a little wet. It might be morning dew.

Drunk in the calm and cold atmosphere, I looked endlessly at the end of the alley and soon came inside. I felt heavy and limp, as if someone were pulling my foot down.

As soon as I entered the front door, I roughly took off the coat I was wearing and took off my shoes with worn-out heels and dirt from running away. I wanted to go right away and fall asleep without thinking about anything.

I really didn’t want to think about anything. But my step stopped on the carpet with my bare feet. There’s someone in the living room other than the servants. It made me forget the state of being tired and about to collapse a while ago.

“You’re late.”

It was a familiar voice and an unexpected visit.

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It wasn’t scheduled for today. I thought she would contact me before she came. There’s no way she hadn’t heard about what had happened.

I came a little closer to her with a little nervousness. Ian followed and cleaned up the traces I had taken off.

“When did you come?”

“Just now. You’re on your way back from the banquet hall?”

I nodded as I sat on the sofa opposite.

“Yes. Um, I got some fresh air before I came back.”

But it must be dangerous for her to be in the capital, so why did she take that risk? However, mother won’t answer that question even if I ask about it.

As I turned my head, my gaze suddenly went to mother’s neck. There was no fancy necklace that matched mother. Instead, a necklace that was familiar to my eyes hung around her neck.

I was so tired that I didn’t even want to laugh, but a smile appeared on my lips without realizing it. It seems that Sir Shubart delivered it properly. Pretended not to know, I shifted my gaze into the kitchen.

“Should I ask them to bring tea?”

“I already drank it. I just came here to see your face.”

Is she really going to go right away?

Looking at the table late, the cup was really empty. It seemed that she had been waiting for me for a while.

“Ah, where are you staying?”

I thought we would be staying together as mother had already come here, but it seems not to be the case. Come to think of it, it would be better for us to stay separate and stay in touch since it is too risky to live together in the capital.

“For now in Bei. I will tell you later when I have already settled.”

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Bei was on Sir Shubart’s estate. Although it’s in Sir Shubart’s main estate, I know no one who is involved there. It is the most dangerous and also the safest place.

That was Bei. Sir Shubart wanted to protect us there, but mother hated that place. I didn’t know why mother hated that place, so I didn’t stay there either. But seeing her stay there, it seems that she came here in a hurry.

Sometimes, Sir Shubart and mother seem to have a connection, but there is always a certain point that can’t be passed. Sir Shubart, who can’t pass it, is always thirsty for that fact. I don’t know how mother feels when she sees Sir Shubart like that.

I don’t enjoy the feelings between men and women, nor do I know them well. I don’t even know if someday I will know about it.

Mother rose from her seat. It seemed like she was leaving soon. She turned her body towards the front door and turned her head again to look at me.

“Will you go with me?”

I shook my head after contemplating for a while.

“No, I’ll stay here a little longer. That would be better.”

As if she knew it, mother nodded her head once and lifted her coat.

“All right. Shubart is away for a while.”

“Really? Then I will refrain from going out as much as I can. Ian, please see her off.”


Mother stopped again at the front door. I took a few steps toward her, wondering if she had something to say.

“Don’t be sick. You’ll get in trouble.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her words. She came all the way here only to tell me to take care of myself. That’s really my mother.

I had told Sir Shubart from time to time that I was doing well, but it seemed that mother didn’t fully trust Sir Shubart’s words.

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“Don’t worry.”

I looked for a long time at where my mother had left. Come to think of it, I didn’t tell my mother anything that happened today.

I once told mother how many times I went to the bathroom and even the kind of food I ate. I used to say everything without hesitation, but I didn’t even know I had developed a habit of organizing only what I needed.

* * *

The next day, I suffered from a terrible body ache for a long time. Did mother already foresight it?

It’s neither cold nor overworked, but it’s a big deal. As soon as I opened my eyes, a heavy and hot breath dragged my mood to the floor. The throbbing headaches and muscle aches tortured me the whole time. My hair was messed up by the sweat that had been oozing out all night.


I forced myself up. As soon as I woke up, a groan came out. Yesterday, I didn’t eat anything except drinks and alcohol, so I had an empty stomach, which raised my stomach acid. The feeling of wanting to vomit continued to rise as if I was getting motion sickness, and I couldn’t stand it any longer and lay down again. Perhaps feeling my presence, I heard a knock on the door from outside. 

“Come in.”

My half-cracked voice naturally tells my condition. Ian, who came in, noticed that my condition was unusual, approached and sat down in a chair next to the bed.

“Excuse me for a moment, Lady.”

Ian’s cool hand touched my forehead slightly. I got up from the bed again. It was hard to sit properly, so I had to use my hand to support my body, and Ian brought a large cushion and then put it behind my back. I felt much more comfortable leaning against the cushion.  

Normally, I would have nagged about him putting his hand on my forehead or putting a cushion behind my back. Still, now I don’t have the energy to do that.

“I will contact the doctor.”

“…Don’t make a fuss. It’s just flu. Give me some water.”

Ian handed me a cup of water on the table. I could feel the bitterness as soon as the water came into my mouth. It looked like I had lost my taste buds all night.

“It’s also my job to take care of your condition. Then I’ll be back.”

I glared at him, but Ian’s expression was calm. I think he’s getting more and more stubborn. At first, he listened well to everything I said, but now he’s quite stubborn. 

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