It was the first day of the week-long holiday. I was being jostled around in a horse carriage along with Lady Sophia. We were headed towards a harbor town that was a short distance away from the capital, where Libert’s parents owned a residence. After consulting with Libert, he lent us the summer residence so that we could use it for our training camp.

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After we arrived there, all at once the servants came out to greet us. Since every household would be bringing several of their own servants as well, I had said that it would be good to keep the number of staff at the mansion at the lowest possible level, but, as expected, it didn’t look like this request had been carried out.

A prince and the daughter of a Marquis would be staying there. Without a doubt, when they realized who was coming it must have been a great shock to them. Thinking back on it, I felt like, when I asked Libert for this favour, he had a faraway look on his face.

“It is a somewhat amazing welcome, isn’t it? Could we have ended up burdening them greatly?”

For a low class noble lady, it was probably more than enough hospitality. After saying this, a little bit of guilt surfaced in Alicia’s eyes.

“It’s true that we are a burden for them, but it is not something you need to worry about. Sir Libert’s parents must be gaining a great amount of fame because of this event.”  

Theoretically, if someone like Alicia, a daughter of a Viscount, were to simply stop by, that would already have been a great honour by itself. After this event, it would be acknowledged that Libert’s parents had connections to the royal family and the aristocracy.

It would certainly become an impulse for the time when they would start selling the crêpes.

“It is exactly as you say. Your Highness Prince Alforth, Lady Sophia, Lady Alicia, everyone. I would like to use this occasion to sincerely thank you for choosing Lacourt Company’s summer retreat as the location of your training camp.”

A level headed middle aged man politely bowed his head. This was possibly the Lacourt Company’s president. In other words, it seemed that he was Libert’s father. After he expressed his thanks in regards to the crepes matter, he concluded his welcome by telling us to make ourselves at home.

In response, His Highness Prince Alforth took a step forward.

“I am very thankful to you for agreeing to our sudden request. By the way, will you be staying in this mansion as well?”

“No, I would never do such a tactless thing. I will be staying at a secondary residence nearby, so, if anything were to happen, please do not hesitate to inform me about it.”

If  we were ordinary businessmen, he might have wanted to pursue a closer relationship with us1.  

However, since our plan was to practise a play, him staying close would be an inconvenience. Having understood that, he merely greeted us and promised to aid us, letting us know that he wouldn’t get in the way.

His approach of drawing back rather than giving in to greed in order to gain popularity was likeable. If he was in charge of the company that would be selling the crêpes, it would definitely achieve good results.

After that, we made our way into the mansion that was under the Lacourt Company’s management. With the guidance of the residence’s staff, the servants of each household went off to make all sorts of preparations. In theory, I was supposed to do the same, but at the moment I was not only a member of the Student Council, but also the Student Council’s acting teacher.

I entrusted the task of carrying my Lady’s luggage to the other servants and I turned to look at the mansion’s interior.

Although it was a house built near the coast, each nook and cranny was thoroughly tended to. Even though I had only seen a part of it, it was enough to determine that the mansion reached the standards of a household meant for lower class nobility.

When it came to social status, a large company and lower class aristocracy were on equal footing.  

Saying so might sound blunt. However, Alicia’s father agreeing to their marriage in Libert’s route had nothing to do with being moved by their true love.

In other words, with wings of love, one might be able to leap over a stone wall, but it was impossible to leap over the wall of ‘social status’.

I watched my Lady being waited on by the staff, and I squeezed my hand into a fist.

Why did I think of this now?

As Lady Sophia’s exclusive butler, I was merely granting her wishes.

First off – the play.

Therefore, it was necessary to give His Highness Prince Alforth and Alicia guidance on their performance. 

“Your Highness Prince Alforth, Lady Alicia. Once you’ve put away your luggage, please come to the practice room. We’ll begin with the character study immediately.”

“Cyril, you’re going to start practising right away, even though we’ve just arrived after traveling in a horse carriage?”

The one raising this question wasn’t Alforth nor Alicia, but Lady Sophia. 

“If you are feeling exhausted, we can certainly wait. However-”

I shifted my gaze to His Highness Prince Alforth and Alicia. Although it could be said that their performance had improved, compared to Lady Sophia, there was a marked difference.  

Since there was no one else to compare them to, the comparison to Lady Sophia was inevitable. With that being the case, they would most likely go through the same unpleasant experience as Raymond’s group had at the welcoming party for the new students.2

Even if we only managed to practise for a short while, the entire purpose of practicing in the first place was to make sure the two of them wouldn’t compare unfavourably to Lady Sophia.

I didn’t have to mention any of these harsh truths, as the two of them understood. Replying that they would get ready immediately, they made their way to their assigned rooms.

I myself put away my hand luggage in my room and headed to the practice room straight away.

Just like in the academy, the practice room was a wide room with a wooden floor. I didn’t have to wait for long before His Highness Prince Alforth and Alicia arrived, both wearing their gym clothes and tracksuit jackets.

First off, we did a light enunciation exercise.

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Soon after, Lady Sophia and Fol showed up. Because today we were going to have a joint-practice, Lady Sophia and Fol were wearing their tracksuit jackets as well. 

…Lady Sophia wearing a tracksuit jacket.

The rumours saying Lady Sophia was as beautiful as a saintess weren’t just rumours. The high class aristocratic young Lady that resembled a red rose in full bloom was standing there donning a simple tracksuit jacket.

How should I put it… It was incredibly unnatural.

“Cyril… could it be that it doesn’t suit me?”

“No matter what clothing you might put on, my Lady, they would never dull your beauty.”

“You’re quite the smooth talker, Cyril.”

She chuckled.

My attempt to avoid answering directly whether the tracksuit suited my Lady or not had been seen through. However, it was true that I couldn’t stop finding the sight of my Lady wearing a tracksuit uncomfortable. 

Although there was a warmth of sorts radiating from her, different from her usual poise as a young Lady. 

Either way, we went on to practice.

To begin with, we started with His Highness Prince Alforth’s and Alicia’s characterization. In order for them to empathize with their roles, we carried out a joint rehearse with the rest of the cast.

First up was the scene in which the heroine and the disguised prince meet. 

The heroine, who was being harassed by a high class noble, was saved by the prince in disguise. Despite Prince Alforth remaining a little awkward throughout, he stepped in to save Fol, who was playing the role of Aurelia. 

And then-

“Um… Thank you, for-for saving me…”

Fol faintly blushed, bashful in the way a young girl in love would be. Just with this one line, she turned the cast into the audience. Her previous performance, which I had gotten only a glimpse of, was not comparable to the power of her performance just now. She might possibly be better than Lady Sophia.

However, that was precisely why-

“No need to thank me. I am glad to have been able to protect the smile of a lady as beautiful as a rose.”

His response had no inflection. His Highness Prince Alforth’s rendition of the prince couldn’t hold a candle to Fol’s performance. However, I would feel awful if I were to criticise him for it. In the course of one month, Prince Alforth’s performance had improved greatly. Moreover, since Fol was exceptionally skilled, he had ended up looking even worse in comparison.

I didn’t think that Fol’s performance would be at such a high level.

At this rate, not only would His Highness Prince Alforth and Alicia lose face, it was likely that both Fol and Lady Sophia would get criticized as well, for going on with the play.

It was also impossible to ask Lady Sophia and Fol to perform poorly on purpose, and, since word had already spread about the Student Council’s play, cancelling it wasn’t an option either.

His Highness Prince Alforth would have to acquire enough skill, so that the power of his performance could match Fol’s. Just as I was thinking of what to do, their performance ended.

“Prince Alforth, could it be that, for your performance, you had Cyril’s mannerisms in mind?”

The one who unexpectedly spoke up was Lady Sophia. As I titled my head in puzzlement hearing my name suddenly come up, His Highness Prince Alforth confirmed her suspicions. 

“That’s right. Your perception is truly exceptional, Miss Sophia.”

I was thinking that it was a somewhat pretentious performance but… he was copying me? More importantly, was this how I looked in Lady Sophia’s eyes? 

…From now on, I should pay more attention to my words and behaviour.

“I do not think you have to force yourself to mimic someone else. Wouldn’t it be best if you played the lovestruck prince in your own way?”

“In my own way…?”

While I was busy self-reflecting, their conversation continued. Although it was only for a play, how must it feel to hear your beloved talk about loving another girl?

I was thinking along these lines, but it seemed as if Prince Alforth had something in mind. With an earnest expression, he looked to be deep in thought.

It seemed that I could leave Prince Alforth in Lady Sophia’s hands. Having concluded that, I faced Alicia and Fol.

“While the two of them are talking, let’s rehearse a scene with the heroine and the maid together.”

The maid, played by Alicia, was supposed to support the heroine, who felt troubled by the knowledge of the prince being already engaged. However, Alicia said that she didn’t want to support her.

Despite my best efforts, her performance continued to ooze with this sentiment.

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“…Miss Alicia, you’re a very honest person, aren’t you?”

Fol, having finished her scene, turned to Alicia and smiled at her like one would when faced with an adorable child.

“You think that I’m very honest? Why is that?”

“You feel disdain towards your own character, who directs the heroine to go on secret dates with a prince that already has a fianceé, isn’t that right?”

“…How did you-”

“I could tell by watching your performance.”

Fol stated it in such a way that made it seem like a matter of course. However, she had already heard that Alicia wasn’t able to empathize with the heroine from me. Evidently, it was a trick. It wasn’t a reason enough for me to get in the way of Fol instructing Alicia, though. I decided to maintain my distance and watch over their conversation from the side.

Fol told her to put emphasis on her position as a maid, rather on whether she agreed with the heroine’s actions or not. It was precisely because she loved her Lady dearly that the maid wanted to support her, even if it was wrong. However, it seemed like Alicia didn’t accept this point of view either. 

…By the way, was Espressivo of Light and Darkness that kind of story?

I did pity the villainous daughter, who was troubled due to her home environment, but I never once considered that the heroine winning over the prince’s love was incorrect.

Oh, I see.

From the player’s point of view, the prince was fed up with the fiancée his parents had chosen for him. Therefore, after being bound together by a dramatic meeting, his relationship with the heroine was perceived as true love.

However, in this world, a marriage of convenience was a matter of fact. Since your parents were the ones who decided who your partner should be, just the thought of going against them in order to marry the person you truly love was strange in itself.

That being the case…

“Lady Alicia. How about you try thinking about it this way? Aurelia definitely is aware of basic social rules. Therefore, she has a guilty conscience.”

“She has a guilty conscience as well?”

I nodded in agreement to Alicia’s question.

Perhaps the power of her performance lay in this itself. As the daughter of a noble, she had been properly educated, ensuring that she would improve faster than an ordinary person who didn’t have a chance to learn.

What was making her performance mediocre was the fact that she couldn’t empathize with her role. That being the case, the best approach would be to guide her thought process so that she would be able to empathize with her own role and the heroine.

“Aurelia regularly meets up with the already engaged Prince and she makes him fall in love with her. That is definitely not commendable behaviour. Wouldn’t she be feeling guilty about it?”

“Are you saying that, as long as she feels guilty, whatever she does is acceptable?”

“No, that’s not what I mean. Don‘t you think that the reason why she resolves to meet the prince in secret is precisely because of her feelings of guilt and love clashing with each other?”

Even if I might have said this, in the original work, there was no indication of this conflict at all. However, unlike in the original work, this script didn’t go into details. It was possible to interpret it as Aurelia deciding to meet the prince in secret, as a result of the conflict between her guilt and her love.

“It might be a forbidden love. However, if she’s going as far as to not give up on a love like that, doesn’t that mean that it’s definitely true love? Moreover, if she were to give up at that point, she wouldn’t be able to-”

‘-fulfill her own desires.’ Unconsciously I shut my mouth before I could say it out loud. It was because I noticed that Lady Sophia was looking our way, seemingly wanting to say something.

I wonder what happened… oh.

That’s right. My words that were directing Alicia to empathize with the heroine were synonymous to me telling Alicia that she didn’t have to hold back for Lady Sophia’s sake, unlocking her shackles. 

At the moment, it was the same as if I was telling her:

‘Don’t hold back because of Lady Sophia, and feel free to use any means to court me.’ 

I took an oath to stay by Lady Sophia’s side and protect her. I had no intention of breaking that promise. Therefore, I couldn’t return Alicia’s feelings. It would have been a lie to say that encouraging her, knowing that I didn’t intend to return her feelings, didn’t make me feel guilty.

On top of that, there was the matter of igniting the flames of jealousy in Lady Sophia as well.3 I might end up causing a crisis that could bring forth her fall into darkness. If that were the case, the one who would feel the most distressed would be without a doubt me.

However, despite that-

“If you only ever think of your opponents’ feelings, you will end up regretting it someday.”

I spoke the words that would unlock Alicia’s shackles. I said it because I thought that, for my Lady, it was necessary for me to turn the play into success.

After hearing my words, Alicia appeared to be mulling something over for a while. However, without responding to me, she asked: 

“Can we try to do the scene one more time, please?” and resumed her joint rehearsal with Fol.

The maid Alicia was playing supported the heroine’s love. While her performance hadn’t drastically changed, compared to her previous attempt, it seemed to be slightly different. It appeared that my words were able to change her mindset, if only just a little bit. 

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In the end, we ended up rehearsing together until evening that day. After that, we all had a meal and returned to each of our assigned rooms. However, I sneaked out of my room and made my way to the sandy beach that was visible from the residence.

There was no artificial lighting at the seashore, and the sand beach was drenched in starlight. While I had seen the ocean in my previous life, in this world I was seeing it for the first time that day. The sea was illuminated by the starlight, but it looked like it was faintly glowing.

Carefully listening to the ebb and flow of the waves, I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps. The sound of the firm steps landing evenly on the sand came, and just by hearing the sound alone, I realized who the footsteps belonged to.

“…Lady Sophia, what made you come here without an escort?”

While the beach in this area was a private beach owned by the Lacourt Company, I could not say that it was definitely safe. As I was turning around, I admonished her: “Please, at least bring an escort with you.”

“My escort left me and went out for a walk.”

I was about to crack a joke and say: ‘Oh my, how rude of me.’ However, I wasn’t able to say these words out loud. It was because, when I turned around, I caught sight of my Lady, standing ahead of me, covered in moonlight and glowing.

Lady Sophia was dressed in a pure white dress. The one standing there wasn’t the daughter of a Marquis, it was a regular young girl. 

…No, regular girls didn’t glow under the moonlight. Seeing her like this, anyone would agree with calling her the saintess of the aristocratic world. 

“Is something the matter, Cyril?”

“Excuse me, my Lady. You looked so charming that I had lost my voice.”

“Eh?! E-even if you say things like that, you won’t trick me.”

“…Trick you?”

“The things you said to Miss Alicia during our practice. Cyril, surely you must be aware of Miss Alicia’s feelings. And yet, you told her such things…”

She pierced me with a look that seemed to ask: ‘Do you want to be courted by Miss Alicia?’

…So it turns out, it wasn’t the reflection of the twinkling stars. My Lady didn’t just appear to be glowing with starlight, she was actually faintly glowing due to the magic she was releasing around her. 

She wasn’t letting her magical powers go wild in anger. Instead, she was skillfully releasing her saturated magical powers outside of her body. 

…My Lady had grown up.

Wait, this wasn’t the time to be impressed.

“Answer me, Cyril. Why did you-”

“Because I am your exclusive butler, my Lady.”

I was Lady Sophia’s exclusive butler. Therefore, I could never return Alicia’s feelings. Despite this, I have said things that could encourage Alicia to act upon them.

I must have been a cruel man in Alicia’s eyes.

However, I had to guide Alicia into empathizing with her role. It was necessary in order to make the play a success, which in turn was necessary to fulfill Lady Sophia’s goals.

What I wished for, more than anything, was Lady Sophia’s happiness. 

Of course, I would have never exposed my true feelings.


Hearing Lady Sophia’s awkward laugh, it was possible that Lady Sophia had understood what I left unsaid.

Only, I wasn’t able to confirm this.

Pushing through the sound of the waves, another set of footsteps approached. When I turned my gaze towards it, it turned out to be Fol walking towards us. She was dressed in casual clothes, just like Lady Sophia, and, with her hair fluttering in the night wind, she waved her hand.

“Why did you come here as well, Fol?”



For some reason, Lady Sophia, who was standing next to me, was shaking.

…Ah, that’s right. It was the first time I called her ‘Fol’ in front of Lady Sophia, wasn’t it?

For some reason, my Lady was muttering things like: ”Fol… But she’s in the same year as me… without the honorific…?” However, it was impossible for me to stop using honorifics when addressing Lady Sophia, so please, my Lady, give up on that thought.

After she had grumbled out her inner feelings in this manner, she turned her attention back to Fol.

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“I heard that the two of you were missing, so I got worried and came out to find you.”

“Oh my, we have caused you to worry.”

I suggested that we should slowly head back, but Fol stopped us in our tracks by saying ‘Wait a moment’.

“I have to tell you something, Miss Sophia.”

“…What is it?”

Lady Sophia put herself on guard because of Fol’s formal stance.


“I apologize for saying those incendiary things back then.”

She bowed her head deeply. I felt my breath catch in my throat at the sight. One might think that bowing your head when you’ve done something wrong is natural. However, that wasn’t the case. Fol – she was the eldest daughter of her generation in the royal family.  Yet now she was bowing her head because of a trivial conversation. 

A royal family member admitting their wrongdoings meant exposing their weakness. His Highness Prince Alforth was prone to readily bowing his head, but, normally, one would not bow their head unless it was something serious. There was no way a top student like Fol wasn’t aware of this. And despite that, she was bowing her head.

Lady Sophia didn’t understand the weight behind Fol’s apology. But even if Fol was a mere commoner, Lady Sophia’s response wouldn’t change. My Lady’s profile, illuminated by starlight, was full of  kindness.

“You must have had a reason for saying what you said, right?”

“Yes… that’s right. I didn’t think that I would have to get involved with others, and especially not with you. Even now, I am still a little hesitant. I wonder if, perhaps, it might have been a mistake to do so.”

“Why do you think of it that way?”

“That is… I’m sorry. I cannot tell you yet. Nevertheless, I shouldn’t have said those things to you. I am truly remorseful about that.

“Therefore, I apologize.” She bowed her head one more time.

“I said it at the time as well, but I do not mind. I believe that your words didn’t represent your true feelings. So, please raise your head… Fol.4

Lady Sophia called her Fol. It didn’t just show that she didn’t care about what happened before, but that she also recognized Fol as one of her friends. Fol must have understood that. When Fol raised her head, her eyes were open wide.

“Thank you, Miss Sophia.”

“You don’t have to call me ‘Miss’ either. Could you just call me ‘Sophia’?’”

This time, it was Fol’s breath that got caught in her throat. Lady Sophia didn’t know that Fol was a royal. She believed that Fol was a commoner who had the support of a Count family. She allowed this commoner girl to call her without an honorific. This was as uncommon as was Lady Sophia calling her Fol.

Fol looked a little misty-eyed, overwhelmed with emotion. However, she wiped her eyes with her fingers and smiled radiantly. Illuminated by the moonlight, she was as beautiful as a fairy.

“So… Just ‘Sophia’ is fine?”

“That’s right, Fol.”

Lady Sophia smiled like an innocent little girl. At this moment, a friendship between the daughter of a Marquis and a commoner – which was actually a friendship between the daughter of a Marquis and a royal – was formed.

Lady Sophia was the daughter of a Marquis household. While she showed kindness to the people of lower social standing, she didn’t accept coddling from those of higher social standing either. Similarly to Alicia, there were people attracted to Lady Sophia, but they were somewhat reserved towards herHowever, Fol was different. She was the same type of person as Lady Sophia, too. Which was precisely why Fol, while hiding her social status, could become Lady Sophia’s friend.

Just as I was hoping, after this turning point, the two of them quickly became good friends. When these two, who seemed to be on the same wavelength from the start, worked together and helped out His Highness Prince Alforth or Alicia with their performance, anyone would think that they had been friends for years.

Going to the training camp was completely worth it just for that alone.

Convinced of that, we got to the last day of the training camp.

On the very last rehearsal – Fol collapsed.

I would like to thank everyone who donated to me through the Foxaholic Ko-fi or directly to my Ko-fi account, I treasure you all and am very grateful for your generosity!! <3 <3
Since one person asked if I could update faster, I want to explain that my editor and I try our best to deliver a chapter that’s fun to read and translated well and the process can take more time than it might seem at first. Hopefully the more experienced I get as a translator, the faster I will be able to post new chapters, so please bear with me!
I hope you will enjoy this long chapter the author had prepared for us!
I will try to publish the next chapter again on a Tuesday next week, but since both me and my editor will be taking a few days off to be with our families for the holidays, there might be a delay. I’ll see what I can do tho! :>
Happy Holidays!


This term literally means to become related (through marriage or adoption) or becoming close to Buddha, so I chose a somewhat vaguer way to express that. To refresh your memory, Cyril is referring to volume one, when Raymond group’s work was compared to Cyril’s group’s work and their skills seemed to be worse than they were, because they were compared to someone as exceptional as Cyril.  Literally 焼き餅を焼かせる‘I would make her roast a roasted rice cake.’ The roasted rice cake is used as a synonym for jealousy and the verb itself can also take the meaning of ‘being jealous’. So really, it’s just a very interesting way to say that she would be really jealous. Sophia says フォル先輩 – ‘Fol-senpai’ rather than her usual ‘Fol-san’. 

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