Leena, having completed stocking up, returned to the diner and promptly brought the ingredients into the kitchen. Neither Ciel nor Effy was in the kitchen when her mother, Regina greeted her. She glanced up at Leena and then her gaze returned to the dish she was currently making, letting her hands resume as she addressed Leena.

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“Welcome back, Leena. Were you able to stock us up on everything?”

“Yes, it went fine. More importantly, where are those two?”

“They’re both at the front of house at the moment. They’re working terrifyingly well! I’m not surprised about the butler-like young boy but I wonder where the girl – to all appearances, a noble young Lady – had learned it from?”

“Right? I was worried about what would happen at first too but I’m really glad now!”

“I was really frightened when you spilled that drink on her earlier.”

“Ah…I’m sorry.”

Leena felt remorseful about almost causing her mother to collapse with worry when her father was still bedridden from overworking, too. Although, if Effy was an oppressive noble or anyone of that sort, Leena would have been dead by now.

“By the way, Leena, have you enquired into their background?”

“No, there wasn’t really an opportunity to ask so I didn’t. But since Miss Effy had been called ‘young Lady’ by Ciel, I believe that she must be a daughter of a prominent household… Did you ask them, Mom?”

“I haven’t asked them either. It’s just that the dress I cleaned seemed to be moderately expensive. Although it didn’t seem like something a noble would wear, it certainly seems like she is some kind of young Lady.”

“I see…”

Working under the guise of a Social Studies class, she was someone who had the skills to actually wait on tables. Leena thought that she could be a young Lady coming from a merchant family, which would match up with her friendly personality as well.

“In any case, the two of them are working this hard for us for just one person’s wage. So it’s irrelevant, even if she’s some kind of young Lady.”

“You’re right.”

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Of course, it would be a lie to say that Leena wasn’t curious about it. However, the one that would end up in trouble if she were to question Effy recklessly and cause her to quit working would be Leena. She concluded that it would be better to not force it out of them. More importantly, they didn’t talk about how long Effy and Ciel would work for them whatsoever. She ought to negotiate with them so that they would help them out until Leena’s father would return. Pondering these thoughts, Leena went back to her work at the diner.

First off, she had to put away the ingredients she had bought into the storehouse before dropping by the front of house. Since it was always just Leena alone who would tend to the customers, the front of house was always short on hands. But today, the tables were being fully cleaned up without the customers having to wait. 

‘So, there’s such a big difference when you have help!’ Leena thought, somewhat moved, as she helped the two out.

Like this, they made it through the day without any further incidents. Leena closed the diner and then went to talk to Ciel and Effy, who had already changed their clothes.

“Good job today! You’ve truly been a huge help.” 

“Ah, we’re the ones who should be saying that! It was an amazing experience for us.”

When Effy smiled, Ciel, standing behind her, nodded as well.

“I’m happy you think that way. First, here’s your wage for today. Also, if you wouldn’t mind, would you perhaps like to work for us until my father gets better? Although the wage is small, I will meet any of your demands to the best of my abilities, so… Would you please do me this favor?”

When she asked, looking up at them pleadingly, Effy seemed to ponder upon it for a bit and exchanged a glance with Ciel. When he gave her a small nod, she looked back at Leena again.

“Alright. Then, we’ll be in your care tomorrow as well.”


“Yes. We can’t stay forever but working for a few days would be fine.”

“Thank you so much! A few days is enough!”

Thus, it was decided that Effy and Ciel would continue to help them out. Afterwards, Leena said that she would walk them home, worried about them for they were so young but she was turned down gently. As she thought, they must be hiding their background. Having concluded that, she gave up on escorting them home. 

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Instead, she decided to send the two of them home a bit early, telling them that she would handle the diner clean-up.

Some time after she had finished cleaning up the diner, Leena suddenly remembered the potatoes. She had the time to try them out right then. She wanted to become a chef like her mother, so she studied how to cook every day. She wasn’t allowed to help in the kitchen yet but perhaps, if she were able to create a new dish that could be put onto the menu, her mother might just acknowledge her.

Leena herself didn’t realize that she was feeling a little impatient because her mother entrusted Effy, who was younger than Leena and who also had only just started working that day with helping out in the kitchen. Leena fetched the potatoes from the storehouse, and she shifted her attention to the note that accompanied them. The letters were beautiful and neat, as if they had been printed. She scanned the text which was written in such clear letters that even Leena could read them easily, and frowned at the notes written there.

“…The sprouts are poisonous?”

From what she could see, the potatoes given to her had no sprouts coming out. But there were a lot of hollows that looked like sprouts might arise from them. She was doubtful whether it was even safe for touch.

“Did they push some leftover stock onto me after all?”

The suppliers tried getting some stock from a faraway place, but because it didn’t sell well, they passed them onto people under the pretense of freebies. This scenario was likely—or rather—they certainly had routine clearance sales even in Leena’s family’s diner.

“Oh, what an unusual ingredient.”


Leena jumped in surprise at suddenly being spoken to. Regina came to stand beside Leena at some point and was looking over the note in Leena’s hand with interest.

“Hmm. They’re easy to grow and cheap, huh? May I have it for a bit?”

Regina leaned over and unhesitatingly grabbed a potato.

“M-Mom? Those are poisonous?!”

“There’s enough poison to upset your stomach in all ingredients.”

Regina washed her hands and calmly began to peel the skin of the potato. As she peeled it thoroughly, proceeding in a circular motion, she told Leena all about the ingredients that were said to be poisonous. Leena’s eyes widened as they were all ingredients that they used in the diner.

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“I would have never thought that there was poison in tomatoes too…”

“Eating the unripe fruits, tomato leaves or the stalk is said to be dangerous. Eating them would upset your stomach at most, though. I haven’t heard about it ever killing anyone.”

As she was explaining this to Leena, Regina finished peeling the potato. Then, she cut it into many pieces and out of all the things she could have done, she decided to toss one of the pieces into her mouth.

“Eh, wait- what are you doing?!”

It was not mentioned that one could eat them raw in the recipe. Leena was panicking over what her mother was doing but Regina just silently chewed. 

“Leena, remember this well. The trick to becoming better at cooking is to taste as many raw ingredients as you possibly can, even if there might be some dangerous ones among them.” 

“Potatoes might be one of those dangerous ones!”

It was understandable that Leena was worried. But of all things to do, Regina put another piece of potato, which was even bigger than the one before, into her mouth.


“Leena, these potatoes are a lucky find. They’re perfectly edible even when they’re raw.”

“Eh…? Are they reall- nguh.”

The moment Leena expressed her doubt, a piece of potato was stuffed into her mouth. Despite being flustered, Leena rolled the potato around her tongue. Contrary to her expectations, she couldn’t taste any sourness or bitterness. Reassured by that fact, Leena boldly sunk her teeth into it. First, she felt a crunchy texture and then, a peculiar flavor. 

“It seems that the texture is better if you cut them finely. If we do that, we might be able to put them into salads and such.”

Struck with ideas, Regina started slicing the potatoes and shredding them. When Leena put the potatoes that were minced in this method into her mouth, sure enough, the texture was better than before. 

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“You’re amazing!” Leena exclaimed, admiringly, but at that moment, Regina handed them over to Leena.


“You will be the one researching these potatoes, right?”

“I planned on doing that but… wouldn’t it be better if you were to do it, Mom?”

‘I didn’t even think of eating them raw.’ Gripped by a sense of defeat, Leena took a step back. In response to Leena’s actions, Regina smiled mischievously.

“If you won’t do it, should I try entrusting it to Miss Effy?”


“That child is very talented. If she were trained, she might become a very skilled chef.”

“That is…”

A feeling of frustration that she had never felt up until now, welled up inside her chest. It was at that moment that her feeling of jealousy towards Effy had transformed into a thought of ‘I don’t want to lose to her.’

Just kidding! You research the potatoes.”


“Since you’re an only child, there wasn’t anyone that you could compare yourself to up until now, was there? Therefore, you have to cherish what you’re feeling right now. If you do that, I’m sure you will be able to become a chef recognized by everyone.”

“… Thank you, Mom. I’ll do my best!” 

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