The secondary residence of the Rosenberg marquis household was located in the royal city, Londobell. This mansion Lady Sophia lived in was very grand and the young Lady was provided with many rooms that she could take her lessons in.

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In the early morning of a certain day off from school, a new instrument—a grand piano—was brought into one of these aforementioned rooms.

Since pianos were common in my previous world, they were even depicted in the ending stills of “Espressivo of Light and Darkness”. However, at the time when I regained my memories of my previous world, pianos didn’t exist in this kingdom.

Thus, since I anticipated that the piano would either soon come into existence or perhaps be brought in from another country, I conducted a search for this new instrument as much as I was allowed to as an exclusive butler. And so, it became apparent that an instrument that looked like an organ but was a completely different musical instrument was in the process of being spread around a neighboring country. I immediately consulted this with Master Grave. I told him that a new instrument that was very suitable for Lady Sophia, had appeared in a neighboring country.

Surely, in order to obtain the technology of the neighboring country, considerable compensation was required, but Master Grave acted fast. He immediately dispatched a number of craftsmen and had them learn the technology of manufacturing a piano. These craftsmen returned roughly a year later and at last, the grand piano was made.

After its installation was finished, the craftsmen went on to tune it. Since besides them, there was no one else in this kingdom who had an understanding of a piano’s structure, they were the only ones who could tune it as well. It was obvious that if Lady Sophia were to learn to play the piano, its popularity would rise explosively. We should proceed with nurturing these craftsmen further while we still could.

“We’re finished with the tuning.”

“Thank you for your hard work. I’m sure Master Grave will be very pleased as well.”

“We’re not worthy of such praise! And, we are yet to explain how to play the ‘piano’. Although it looks just like a pipe organ, it is, in fact, a completely different instrument.”

“Ah… you’re right.”

Of course, since I came into contact with pianos in my previous world, I knew this well. However, the craftsmen didn’t know that. They probably couldn’t leave until they showed me how to play it. So, I sat in front of the grand piano they had just finished tuning. 

My previous world’s self had just a little bit of experience with playing the piano. Although my elder sister had only taught me how to play a bit, it could still be said that I understood the basics. In other words, when I lowered my fingertip onto the keys, the nostalgic sound of a note echoed. Using that note as a starting point, I began to play a song I was extremely familiar with.

I was able to play various instruments in order to teach Lady Sophia. As these instruments also included the pipe organ, my fingers ran across the keys smoothly.

That being said, the piano was a string instrument, making it different from the pipe organ, which was classified as a wind instrument. Generally speaking, the pipe organ was an instrument whose sound continued to echo in between the hitting of the keys while the piano was an instrument whose sound resounded the moment the keys were hit.

Therefore, it could by no means be said that my musical performance was able to bring out the piano’s special characteristics. And yet, out of nowhere, I could hear a deep sigh. I felt the stares of the craftsmen who carried in the piano and also the stares of the servants assisting them. They were probably enchanted by the timbre of this new instrument called a piano.

Somehow, the atmosphere in the room made it hard for me to stop playing. However,  to leave my Lady behind and host the first piano performance by myself wasn’t praiseworthy behavior. Just when I was about to suitably end my performance, out of nowhere, a clear singing voice rang out. 

Needless to point out, it belonged to Lady Sophia.

‘Wouldn’t it be better for my Lady to have the first performance?’ When I asked her that with my gaze, she let her clear voice reverberate sweetly. It seemed that she wished for a first accompaniment rather than having the first musical performance. My skills were nowhere near good enough for me to serve as my Lady’s accompaniment but… if that was what my Lady wished for: then, I had no other choice but to oblige.

I immersed myself into the performance while carefully listening to my Lady’s voice. However, right around the time when the song went into chorus, I noticed that my Lady’s demand was merciless.

My skills as a pianist were barely above the level of a novice. In contrast, with this kind of accompaniment of mine, Lady Sophia was singing comfortably. Although it was still at a level where the difference in our skills didn’t stand out, if the gap between us widened even a bit more, everyone would most likely end up hearing the inconsistencies in my playing.

When I desperately attempted to bridge the gap between us because of that, my Lady mercilessly raised the level once more. 

It was as if her singing voice was telling me: ‘Quickly respond to my utmost efforts!’ 

‘That’s really impossible!’ I stared at her, to which she replied with a smile, as if to say: ‘As long as it’s you Cyril, it’ll be fine.’

Was Lady Sophia mistaking me for some kind of a prodigy or something? I merely had the advantage of having memories of my previous world so, I definitely wasn’t a prodigy… and yet, once again, my Lady raised the mellowness of her voice up another notch. These were impossible demands for a novice pianist who was playing the piano for the first time– even though it wasn’t actually my first time. However, it was also the first time my Lady had experienced being accompanied by a piano while she sang. 

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I continued playing while thinking that it was a pity that my memories of playing were so poor.  

In the end, we ended up performing for the duration of roughly three consecutive songs. I was able to utilize the piano’s characteristics quite well at the end but at the same time, it felt like my fingers were about to cramp up from it as I was unused to playing it. The applause poured down on us like we were caught in a rainstorm. It clearly indicated that we had a much bigger audience now than in the beginning. I’d like to think that seeing the figure of Master Grave and my father among them… was just my imagination. And since those two disappeared before I knew it, it was likely that I really had just imagined it. Be it as it may, I turned to look at the craftsmen.

“As you can see, I roughly know how to play it so that’s not a problem.”

“I-it seems that way…. Have you ever played the piano before?”

“No, but I was allowed to see its production process once or twice.”

‘So that’s why I understand the piano’s characteristics,’ I indicated, intentionally misleading them. If I were to say that I had played it poorly before, the contradiction within that statement would get exposed to the people in the residence.
The craftsmen believed this lie of mine and had faraway looks on their faces.

“More importantly, just as we had notified you earlier, the grand piano’s reveal will take place during Lady Sophia’s birthday party.”

“…Yes, we are, of course, aware of that. We won’t speak of it before then,” the craftsmen answered, having returned to reality. It was decided that Lady Sophia would practice a lot in order to give a musical performance and that the piano would be revealed on her next birthday. Since her 13th birthday was going to be shortly after she entered the Academy, it was decided that the piano would be introduced when she turned 14.

Until then, information about the existence of the piano mustn’t be spread around. At the same time, keeping in mind that its popularity would probably shoot up immediately after its reveal, it became necessary to mass-produce it. Therefore, I gave them instructions to set up a system for its mass production while we still could.

Then, I watched the craftsmen leave before turning around to face Lady Sophia.

“You sang wonderfully, Lady Sophia. But for such a rare showcase of your voice, wouldn’t it have been better if we waited until my accompaniment improved a little more?”

“No, it wouldn’t!”

“… It…wouldn’t?”

I was baffled as I didn’t think that she would disapprove so decisively. I was still perplexed when my Lady Sophia gave me a mischievous smile.

“I mean, aren’t I always the one being taught by you, Cyril? So there’s nothing wrong with me helping you practice from time to time, is there?”

“…My Lady.”

So her singing earlier was also meant to help me with practicing the piano, besides being.…no. If anything, to my Lady, helping me practice was the main goal. Then, it was no wonder that she gradually increased the difficulty level.

“Was it…no good?”

My Lady’s unguarded expression showed on her face. Currently, this young Lady who had splendidly played both the heroine and villainous daughter in “Espressivo of Light and Darkness”, was in both, name and reality, a celebrity at the Academy as well as an object of adoration. Nonetheless, I found this young Lady whose mood swung from joy to sorrow depending on my words and deeds, adorable.

“It wasn’t ‘no good’. Thanks to you, my Lady, I was able to get the hang of it quite quickly.”

Although pianists would most likely tell me off for such an accompaniment, I certainly felt a sense of accomplishment after improving my skills in such a short amount of time. Without a doubt, Lady Sophia was the one who brought out my abilities. When I told her this, Lady Sophia, smiling, replied with bashful innocence.

“I am happy to hear that.” 

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Her expression seemed to have enough destructive power to make Prince Alforth sink to his knees and clutch at his chest, that is, if she were to look in his vicinity. She was becoming more and more refined in her skill of enticing others lately. 

If we weren’t careful, she might even end up capturing the capture targets of ‘Eve of the Festival’ unintentionally. There was no point in the villainous daughter Lady Sophia getting targeted by another villainous daughter that existed in the same series. It would be better if I were to find out the details of ‘Eve of the Festival’ from my elder sister ahead of time.

“Cyril…is something the matter?”

Noticing my Lady looking at me, I shook my head as if to say: ‘It’s nothing.’ Then, I asked her if she wanted to try playing the piano. My Lady was very interested in it so I began to teach her. And so, the morning of that particular holiday had passed.

“How about taking a break, you two?”

When Rouché arrived to check up on us, the sun had already gone past its zenith and began its descent down the sky. Before we knew it, a fair amount of time had passed. Concluding that it was right around the time when my Lady wouldn’t be able to focus any longer, I decided to end that day’s lesson.

“Let’s leave today’s lesson at that.”

“But I can still work hard?”

“I certainly know that but unexpected tiredness stacks up when you practice something you’re not used to. So, let’s leave today’s piano lesson at that.”

I couldn’t rely on my Lady’s statement of ‘I can still work hard.’ because I have never seen Lady Sophia complain. 

Perhaps if I were to push her a little more, she might have made adorable, feeble complaints. However, I somehow sensed that my Lady would continue to say: “I can still work hard!” until she would collapse from exhaustion. Since that was the case, I insisted that our piano lesson for the day would end here.

“Let’s take a short break. Do your hands feel like they might cramp up?”

I gently picked up Lady Sophia’s hand and massaged her fingers and palms.

“I’m alright. It’s my first time playing the piano but I’ve played the organ many times before.”


“…I see. Then, shall I prepare you some black tea?”

Just when I was about to let go of her hand, Lady Sophia grasped mine tightly.

“…Lady Sophia?”

“Um… that is… I’m a bit tired after all so…would you massage my hands for a little longer?”

“Of course, my Lady.”

Entrusting Rouché with preparing the black tea in my stead, I massaged my Lady’s smooth hands. Since she had small hands that weren’t suited for playing the piano at all, she must have played it with the utmost effort. When I massaged her palm, her eyes closed partly as if it felt really good. 

“You’re really good at massages, Cyril.”

“I have learned it for you, Lady Sophia.”

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Since there was the issue of our sexes, the massages I could perform on her were at most, foot and hand massages. I decided to leave the standard, full treatments to a professional but I learned enough about it to be able to give a full body massage if I wanted to.

“Say, Cyril, shall I give you a massage next time?”

“Lady Sophia, what are you suggesting all of a sudden? I’ve never heard of a marquess giving a massage to a servant?”

“Well then, I want to practice giving massages so please become my test subject,”

my Lady retorted smoothly, smiling impishly. I almost hung my head between my hands unconsciously but, unfortunately, both my hands were holding my Lady’s. Having no other choice, I looked at her reproachfully and asked: “Where did you learn such things?”

“From Miss Alicia, of course.”

So she did learn this from Alicia after all, huh…

The fact that she wasn’t jealous of her rival like in the original work and was mimicking her coquettish mannerism was really something I could praise her for, wasn’t it? For some reason, it felt like I was wringing my own neck.

For the time being, I admonished her that it was bad for her reputation and that if she wanted to try these things out on someone, she should try them out on Rouché or Emma while simultaneously continuing to massage my Lady’s hand and arm.

“By the way, Lady Sophia, there’s something I want to consult with you in regards to  potatoes.”

“I like buttertatoes.”

“Ah, it’s not about cuisine. There are some indications that the potatoes will spread throughout the royal city so I wanted to consult with you whether we shouldn’t set up a system for their mass production while we still can.”

While potatoes were susceptible to repeated cultivation damage, they were easy to grow, even on barren land. It was quite wrong to say that they were suitable for being stored because their sprouts were poisonous and they were also heavy, so transporting them was quite laborious.

Therefore, there wasn’t much value in concentrating the potatoes inside the Rosenberg marquis territory where they had been cultivated. But, depending on the nature of the land, the potatoes could be a tremendous help.

“How about we recommend cultivating them to the people belonging to your faction, Lady Sophia?”

“…I see, that’s a really good idea. Shall we get permission from my father?”

“I have already gotten permission from him. He said that he wouldn’t mind circulating them if you decide to do so, Lady Sophia.”

As a matter of fact, I got his permission in exchange for my contribution with the piano but I left that part out. However, Lady Sophia probably guessed what happened somehow. She gently squeezed my hand that I was massaging her with.

“Thank you, Cyril. Well then, please prepare a list of places where it would be good to distribute them.”

“Leave it to me.”

And so, our conversation about potatoes ended there. However, Lady Sophia still looked like she wanted to say something. After thinking for a while, I let out an ‘Ah.’

“Let’s instruct the cooks to add buttertatoes as a side dish to today’s dinner.”


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She flashed the biggest smile I’d seen on her face since morning. It seemed that Lady Sophia really liked buttertatoes. When I imagined my Lady munching on them, the image that popped into my head was extremely adorable. Putting that thought aside, I drew back from my Lady after I was finished with her massage. Roughly at the same time, Rouché brought over the black tea.

“Cyril, what’s the schedule for the afternoon like?”

“You have etiquette practice, Lady Sophia.”

Although I wanted to allow her some rest at least during her days off, practicing for the play had taken up a lot of time lately so her other lessons were put on hold. Even though I felt apologetic about it, I told her about the lesson for that reason. However, unexpectedly, Lady Sophia suddenly snapped at me. 

“Since you only spoke of me, does that mean that you’re doing something else, Cyril?”

“Yes, I’m taking the afternoon off.”

“Haven’t you…been taking a lot of days off lately?”

I was at a bit of a loss on how to answer my Lady’s questions. I couldn’t possibly be foolishly honest and tell her something like – ‘Because, I heard some rumors about an enemy that wants to do you wrong, Lady Sophia, so I am going to get rid of him.’ 

As I was at a loss on how to reply, Rouché chuckled.

“Lady Sophia, you cannot hound him for answers like that. Even Cyril goes out on dates during the occasional day off.”


“I-I don’t.”

Lady Sophia’s emotionless “…Really?” scared me terribly. I wished for my Lady to stop looking at me with those eyes that have lost their light, looking just like how they did when my Lady was on the verge of falling into darkness. 

Or even better, for Rouché to stop with these unfunny jokes!

“So it’s not a date?”

“Of course not. I heard some rumors that piqued my interest a little so I simply wanted to confirm whether they are true or not.”

“In other words, it’s not…a date.”

“Yes. It is not… a date,” I repeated in confirmation, clearly and properly denying that I was going on a date.

Silence stretched between the two of us, and before long, the usual sparkle returned to Lady Sophia’s eyes.

“Of course I believe you, Cyril…I believe you.”

“I won’t betray your trust, Lady Sophia.”

I smiled back at Lady Sophia who had—without realizing it—pressured me when she repeated her words while smiling. Lately, Lady Sophia has calmed down considerably. It could still be considered cute if she were jealous to this extent. 

“I will return in the evening,” I said and stood up, saying my goodbyes and turning on my heels. I departed from the room, making sure that I would not quicken my pace in the slightest upon hearing my Lady whisper something into Rouché’s ear.

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