v3c16 - Lady Sophia's Wish Part 6

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Early in the morning of the following day, Master Grave called me into his office. A shudder went through me as I considered that he might have found out about my late night get-together with Lady Sophia, but fortunately–or unfortunately?–that wasn’t what we discussed. I could hardly say that it was fortunate, because he pointed out that I was carrying out several actions secretly.

“Cyril, it seems that you’ve been up to all sorts of things behind the scenes.”

I wasn’t able to respond to this statement said by Master Grave, the current head of the Rosenberg household. No, it wasn’t possible for me to respond. The fact that Lady Sophia and I had been chosen as guides was entirely due to Master Grave complying with the King’s request. In other words, my actions were going against Master Grave’s wishes.

Although I was Lady Sophia’s exclusive butler, my employer was Master Grave. Since I had gone against his will, under normal circumstances, it wouldn’t be surprising even if he fired me.  

But then, since I was still Imperial Princess Charlotte’s guide, I didn’t believe that he’d do something like fire me on the spot, unless something extraordinarily grave had happened–

“Cyril, your thoughts are written all over your face.”

“…I apologize.”

As always, he saw right through me. For a butler, the most basic of basics was not to let what you’re thinking show on your face. For this reason, I was paying great attention not to let anything show on my face, but… it seemed that my efforts weren’t Master Grave-proof.

However… it was weird. He had found out about my actions, and even saw through my thoughts. Assuming so, why wasn’t he warning me against continuing with my plan?

…Ah, I see. So it’s like that?

After giving it some thought, I realized it was obvious. Even Young Master Ernest, Lady Sophia’s ‘ordinary’ big brother in the original work, had switched archetypes into a ‘siscon’ when faced with a Lady Sophia who had become adorable. There was no way that Master Grave, who pushed for an engagement according to Lady Sophia wanted even in the original game, would approve of an engagement that went against her wishes.

However, if that was the case, then why had he accepted for her to become a guide? It would be an obvious decision to make if he wanted to get her engaged. But, if he didn’t plan on doing that, then the best course of action would have been to indirectly reject the guide request back when it arrived.

Could it be that Master Grave knew some information, such as that, in truth, the Imperial Prince didn’t plan on actually getting engaged? No, if there was a development like that, there was no way that my elder sister, who knew the plot of ‘The Eve of the Festival’, wouldn’t be aware of it.

“Cyril, do you have no intention to answer my question?” 

“Ah no, I do, I would never not…”

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I hadn’t sorted out my thoughts yet, but I knew that Master Grave’s love for his daughter was real. If that were the case, it would be a bad move to act as if I was trying to evade his inquiry.

“It is as you said. I’ve been doing all sorts of things behind the scenes.” 

“For what purpose?”

“To fulfill Lady Sophia’s wishes, of course.”

“So you mean to say that my daughter’s wishes take priority over the prosperity of the Rosenberg household? Do you understand that your employer isn’t Sophia, but me?”

“Even though you are my employer, Master Grave, the person I serve is Lady Sophia. Therefore, my top priority is solely Lady Sophia’s happiness.”

The Marquis’ blue eyes, which must have appraised many other nobles before, were fixed right on me. His unyielding eyes seemed to declare that no deceit would be allowed. He told me to continue, and I spoke with my mouth dry.

“This is something I have already proclaimed in this very room. And when you heard me say it, you promoted me, an apprentice, to an official exclusive butler. You were the one who approved of this intention first.”

“Yes, that certainly is what I had said at that time. However, the circumstances are quite different now.”

“Even if they are, Lady Sophia’s wishes take the utmost priority to me, and nothing else.”

‘If you are saying that you don’t like that, then you should just discharge me.’ Imbued by such a fighting spirit, I fixed my gaze straight at my employer. As expected, Master Grave started laughing.

“Haha, I didn’t think that you’d be able to spew out the same words that you’d said back then even in this kind of situation,” he said.

“…Master Grave?”

“Ah, my apologies. I was testing you a little.”

‘What do you mean you were testing me?’ The answer to this question dawned on me immediately. I had only been an apprentice at that time, so I was in a position where I was aiming for the top. Moreover, it wasn’t unusual for people in such a position to take risks and recklessly plunge forward.

However, I had become Lady Sophia’s exclusive butler and was currently in a position where I might prefer to protect my rank. Master Grave had wanted to know if I would still prioritize Lady Sophia’s wishes, even in my current situation—in other words, irregardless of my fear of losing my position.

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“I apologize for testing you.” 

“You needn’t apologize, Master Grave.”

There weren’t many opportunities where Master Grave and I were able to meet like this. It was natural for him to question whether my determination to protect Lady Sophia persisted like I had previously proclaimed. As these thoughts crossed my mind, Master Grave smiled.
“In that case…,” he said, “I won’t apologize. Instead, I will not question the things you’re doing as proof of my trust.”


Him stating so in no way meant that he would turn a blind eye and bear the responsibility for my own decisions. However, Master Grave was the head of the Rosenberg Marquis household. He couldn’t simply defend himself afterwards by saying that he hadn’t known about these things. Therefore, this was as good as getting his official approval.

“Then, I shall prove myself worthy of your trust and tell you of my plans, Master Grave.”

“No, that won’t be necessary.”


I unconsciously let a foolish sound slip out. I had no idea how much of my plan Master Grave already knew of. However, in fact, this was no different than entrusting the future of the Rosenberg Marquis Household to a mere butler.

“You’re thinking that, whatever the circumstances may be, this is very reckless of me, aren’t you?”

For a moment, I was under the illusion that I had voiced my thoughts out loud; to such a degree was Master Grave’s timing when uttering those words in sync with my inner voice. 

“You let things show on your face too much.”

“My apologies. I’ll do my best to work on it.”

I became aware of my own imperfections. At the moment, I was still surrounded by only children, but, once I advanced to high society, I would be facing adult nobles. Once that happened, there would be more people who would be able to read my expressions, just like Master Grave. I had to become better at schooling my expressions before that day arrived.

“I had already asked you earlier about your reason for doing things behind the scenes, so I don’t need an explanation. You can leave now and resume your duties.”

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“…Thank you.”

Without permission, a butler wasn’t allowed to ask their master questions. It could be said that, since he wasn’t looking for an explanation, it meant that I wasn’t given the chance to ask questions.

Could it be that, perhaps, Master Grave can’t tell me the reason behind his agreement to us becoming guides…? Huh, am I overthinking it a little?

Either way, there would be no changes to what I was doing. I would have to simply move forward in order for Lady Sophia to reach her desired outcome. Filled with these thoughts, I turned on my heel. Then, right as I was about to leave the room, Master Grave stopped me with his next words.

“…Cyril, please take care of my daughter.”1

“Rest assured. If there’s anyone who would threaten Lady Sophia’s happiness, I will definitely eliminate them, even if they were the gods themselves.”


After my conversation with Master Grave concluded, I headed to school together with Lady Sophia. Jostled around by the horse carriage, it would only take us a short amount of time before we reached school, but it was an opportunity for me to talk with Lady Sophia without anyone interfering.

“Cyril, what’s my schedule after school today?”

“You are to go view a rose garden together with His Highness, Harold.”

“Are you coming too, Cyril?”

“No, I will be working on my research together with Her Highness Charlotte, so the ones accompanying you will be Rouché along with Roy and Emma, Lady Sophia.”

“I see…”

Lady Sophia lowered her lashes, looking quite saddened.

”Lady Sophia, I haven’t been able to watch over your studies or training lately. Is there anything you find troubling at the Academy?”

“The Academy is fine, but…” Lady Sophia answered vaguely and turned her face away.

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“Is something the matter?”

“No, I was just thinking that I wanted to spend more time with you… or something like that.”

My Lady was way too adorable when glancing at me through her lashes. It seemed that the Lady Sophia from the night before, who craved company, hadn’t disappeared yet. Perhaps taking notice of it as well, Lady Sophia waved her hands around as if to cover it up.

“O-of course, I understand that you’re busy, Cyril. So… I wasn’t trying to be unreasonable, alright? It’s just that… if it’s possible, that’s what I want to do…”

“You are right. We are both very busy at the moment, but once we take care of this matter, we should go out somewhere.”

“…Huh? Really?”

“Yes. Where would you like to go, my Lady?”

“I want to go to the harbor city where we had our training camp. Did you know that commoners go to that sea to swim and have fun? I also want to try swimming in the sea.”

The sea, huh?

If we really went to swim in the sea, I would have to prepare Lady Sophia a swimming suit. However, that wish of hers definitely couldn’t come true.

…Ah, but it was my job to make Lady Sophia’s wishes come true.

“Then, let us go there and have fun once it gets warm.”

“Really? Do you promise?”

“Yes, I promise.”

‘I will definitely make it come true’, I swore to myself as her exclusive butler. At the same time, we entered the inner grounds of the Academy and the horse carriage stopped in front of the school building. I got off the carriage first before holding out my hand for Lady Sophia.

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