v3c18 - Lady Sophia's Wish Part 8

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A few more weeks went by, and Prince Lancelot’s birthday party drew near once more just as it did the year before. Although it was a party held by a member of the Royal family, Prince Alforth, and His Majesty, the King threw parties as well. Therefore, it didn’t mean that each and every noble would be attending every single time. However, the majority of the Royal family would be attending Prince Lancelot’s party, and there was also a rumor that this year Her Highness Folcenia, who had never made an appearance at formal events before, would be coming as well. Therefore, this party in particular was gathering a lot of attention.

For that reason alone, Imperial Prince Harold and Imperial Princess Charlotte were bound to attend this party. Moreover, Imperial Prince Harold’s partner was to be his younger sister, Imperial Princess Charlotte. Thus, Lady Sophia and I were designated to be their respective guides, as usual.

However, this wasn’t any sort of official decision. In other words, the prominent nobles of the country actually believed that Imperial Prince Harold would be accompanied by Lady Sophia. Once the party was over, the acknowledgement of Lady Sophia as one of his primary choices for an engagement would spread to an irrevocable degree.

With such a situation fast approaching, the morning of the upcoming party day arrived.

“Cyril, I’m disappointed in you,” Young Master Ernest said when he entered my room, where I was doing some final adjustments to the prototype device. “Didn’t you say that you’d protect Sophia?”

“I did say that, yes.”

“Then why aren’t you doing anything in this kind of situation? At this rate, everyone will think that Sophia has been chosen to be His Highness’ fianceé. Once that happens, it’ll be too late, you know?”

“It’s exactly as you say.”

Even if everyone acknowledged her as one of the candidates for the engagement, it was still possible to deny it later. It wasn’t like this world had developed an information network as vast as my previous world’s. I expected this information to be simply spread as hearsay, like in a game of telephone. 

If the rumor was misinterpreted, it might transform into misinformation stating that the engagement with Lady Sophia had been broken by Imperial Prince Harold. Therefore, one could say that it was understandable for Young Master Ernest to be filled with a sense of impending doom.

“I keep thinking about why Sophia didn’t reject becoming a guide.”

“Wasn’t it because Lady Sophia considers our relationship with the Flamefield Empire very important?”

“Of course, there’s that too. But…”

Young Master Ernest caught my gaze. It wasn’t like I didn’t understand what he wanted to say by giving me this look. However, despite that, I responded to it with silence.

“I even thought that, perhaps, you simply weren’t aware of it yourself. But that’s not the case. Sophia believes in you. And yet—”

Young Master Ernest closed the distance between us and grabbed me by the collar. I didn’t resist, despite getting choked by his hold, and resigned myself to his actions.

“And yet… why aren’t you doing anything?! Even if you couldn’t accomplish anything, you should still do whatever you can for Sophia’s sake! You’re Sophia’s exclusive butler!”

…This was unexpected. I thought that Young Master Ernest would be trying to keep me away from Lady Sophia…

If he stopped at nothing, then Young Master Ernest himself should also have a few methods to block Lady Sophia’s engagement. So if he simply put these methods into action, he wouldn’t need to pressure me like this. What he was angry about, at that very moment, was simply the fact that he had placed all his hopes on me.

“…It’s alright.”

I took Young Master Ernest’s gaze head on. His amethyst eyes that hid a strong will within were very similar to Lady Sophia’s.

“I am Lady Sophia’s exclusive butler. I won’t do anything that will cause her sadness.”

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“…So you insist that you can protect Sophia, even in this kind of situation?”

I shook my head at Young Master Ernest’s question. Just how many times had it been by now? I couldn’t figure out why everyone misunderstood this aspect of me.  

“It’s not just Lady Sophia. I will protect everything Lady Sophia wants protected. I will show you that I can protect it all.”

“…Protect it all, you say? There’s no way you can do that.”

“No, it is possible.”

Of course, there also might be times when it might be impossible. There might come a day when I will fail and will be told, ‘I’m disappointed in you.’ However, it wouldn’t be this time.

“You’re… What? What are you thinking?”

“I am Lady Sophia’s exclusive butler. I am always thinking of Lady Sophia’s happiness.”


The party celebrating Lancelot’s fourteenth birthday commenced. The party venue inside the Royal castle was flooded with light, lit up by a single magical chandelier and filled with music played by the country’s best orchestra.

The light of this chandelier was unusually stunning, and the music performed by the orchestra reverberated around the venue beautifully as well. It wasn’t the ambience of the surroundings that caused this; both were actually much better than the usual. This was the result of the magical tools that Cyril had created together with Charlotte.

First off, there was a tool that was designed to mimic and echo the sounds of the musical performance. Since there were venues especially built for musical performances in their country, even Lancelot understood his explanation about how this tool simulated the shape of these venues.

Moreover, the light of this chandelier consisted of three colors – red, blue and green. When Lancelot heard that, he frowned, wondering what sort of gaudy lights they intended to display. However, the light shining from the chandelier was snow-white.

He couldn’t make sense of the concept, about how, when one mixes three colors together, they will produce white. Usually, the more one mixed colors together, the darker they were bound to get. However, this light was truly white. In addition, by adjusting the intensity of the individual colored lights, it was possible to change the overall feel as one pleased as well.

I guess these are the tools created in order to conceal the actual purpose of the device,

Lancelot muttered to himself as he flashed the guests polite smiles. The status of the party was linked with the rank of its organizer. Even though Lancelot wasn’t yet a debutant—in other words, a person who hadn’t officially debuted in high society yet—this party’s impact would probably be massive.

Although I could somewhat understand that, if the goal here is to make me the heir to the throne…

At any rate, it was a surprise to see both the Imperial siblings of the Flamefield Empire—a powerhouse in the field of magic—attending together. How Lancelot had gotten his hands on these magical tools was the talk of the party. It was inevitable that Lancelot’s reputation would go up.

However, Cyril’s goal was to peacefully prevent Sophia’s marriage. Lancelot had no intention to complain about that goal of his, but the effects it had on his surroundings were truly immense. It was as if he had created a forest to hide a tree. In what world did there exist a guy who would make moves powerful enough to even influence the appointment of the crown prince just so that things would proceed peacefully?

Cyril should look up the definition of ‘peaceful’1 in the dictionary. Didn’t this make it seem like it would be no trouble for Cyril to even influence the future of this country?

It’s scary that I can’t say with certainty that that’s not the case…

Cyril had scolded Alforth in the past and had earned his trust by guiding him onto the right path. He also had earned his trust by saving Folcenia’s life, whom not even the Royal magicians nor doctors could cure.

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And with this matter, Lancelot would probably return to the forefront as a contender for the throne. The balance that had been disrupted by Alforth popularizing crêpes would return to normal. Moreover, he had developed a magical tool that would save Fol for good. Even knowing that the intentions behind this device were just to prevent Lady Sophia’s engagement, Lancelot couldn’t help but feel thankful.

Besides, Lancelot thought, remembering the conversation he had with his father the King. Lancelot, who had received certain information along with the completed magical tool from Cyril, approached the King to negotiate so that Sophia wouldn’t have to get engaged to Harold.

Consequently, the King had responded in a way that indicated that he’d already known that it would come to this, despite the fact that a mere butler was taking actions that went against the King’s will and making proposals that could even influence the future of the country.

The King couldn’t have expected a mere butler rising in revolt against him. And yet, the King had accepted this information as if it was a given. As for the Queen—she rejoiced about getting closer to achieving her goals. Lancelot couldn’t comprehend what was happening. He, the First Prince, found himself in the exceptional situation of being kept out of the loop.

However, even if I don’t understand, I still have to carry out the role I was entrusted with.  

To be fair, Cyril had presented him with additional compensation. This compensation was a figurine made by the Dollmaker of Frau. A figurine of Fol when she performed as the play’s heroine. These figurines were extremely popular, and even members of the Royal family couldn’t get their hands on them easily. Cyril had offered him this figurine of Fol as a reward for succeeding in this matter. Therefore, failure wasn’t an option. 

In order to achieve his objective, Lancelot looked around for Sophia. As he looked for her, he arrived at the ballroom. Sophia and Harold, as well as Cyril and Charlotte, were dancing together, and everyone around them whispered about the bright future of the two neighboring countries.

While Lancelot was busy greeting the other guests, the situation had already progressed substantially. If he didn’t disrupt the course of events right now, it wouldn’t be possible to do so later. In order to fulfill his role entrusted to him by Cyril, Lancelot began to make his way towards Sophia and Harold.

Apart from Sophia and Harold, another pair of dancers were also gathering a lot of attention in the ballroom Prince Lancelot was in. Not too far from Sophia and Harold, Cyril and Charlotte were dancing together.

Incidentally, even though Cyril was the one who invited Charlotte for a dance, it had been Charlotte who had made him do so. In this country, a woman asking for a dance was considered improper behavior, but it was seen as unforgivable for a gentleman to embarrass a woman as well. Therefore, Cyril couldn’t ignore Charlotte’s invitation when she urged him to ask her for a dance.

“You’re good at dancing too, Cyril.”

“That is because I also double as Lady Sophia’s dancing tutor.”

“Oh, isn’t it bad manners to be talking about another lady in this kind of situation?”

“Please, forgive me. I am Lady Sophia’s exclusive butler.”

Bad manners or not, he kept her in check by expressing that he was Sophia’s butler first and foremost. Charlotte seemed a little dissatisfied with Cyril because of it.

“You can only say these things for the time being. Look, your Lady is dancing with my elder brother. Everyone around us believes that they will get engaged.”

“However, that’s not what my Lady desires.”

“Even if you say that she doesn’t want to, will her pride as a noble allow her to decline?”

Charlotte was speaking of noblesse oblige— 2the duties of a high-ranked noble. Basically, it meant that if one was a person of status, they had corresponding responsibilities.

Sophia, who was born as the daughter of a Marquis and as someone who was to lead a comfortable life as a noble, had some responsibilities that were the cornerstones in protecting her social position. It was unforgivable for her to decline a political marriage that her family or the King chose for her.

“The people around us have already begun to view their engagement as an established fact. My elder brother didn’t fail to notice this course of events. In this situation, he might end up proposing to her on the spot.”

If Cyril didn’t stop this as soon as possible, it would already be too late. Charlotte pressured him by expressing that there wasn’t much time to think.

“I don’t particularly appreciate that the technique for extracting powers was put on the back burner, but you did manage to create two new magical tools in this short amount of time. You’re a magic user that only appears once in a hundred years… No, I’m sure that you’re the best magic user for generations to come.”

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“You’re overestimating me. I have only reintroduced techniques that I learned in a book.”

Charlotte hadn’t believed these words until now. No, there was no way that she believed them, even now. But, without refuting his statement, Charlotte continued.

“Even if that’s the case, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re an exceptional magician. So, come to me. If you want, I’ll even become your wife.”

These words were drowned out by the music and only Cyril was able to hear them. However, if the people around them had heard them, the party venue would have gone into an uproar. No matter how meritocratic a country like the Flamefield Empire was, it was unheard of for a Royal to propose to a butler.

“Your Highness, no matter how you put it, that joke was excessive.”

“It wasn’t a joke. That’s how valuable you are. If you come to the Flamefield Empire as my husband, it won’t be necessary for my brother to marry her.”

“By saying that, you mean to say that you would persuade His Highness, Imperial Prince Harold?”

“Yes. My elder brother and I have a partnership. For that reason, it’s more advantageous for each of us to establish different connections rather than have both of us strengthen the relationship with the Ephenear Kingdom.”

As a matter of fact, that was a lie. Both Cyril and Sophia were valued about the same amount by the Flamefield Empire. Even Charlotte would like to obtain both of them, if possible. However, Charlotte and Harold had reached a common understanding that they had to get at least one of them, no matter what.

“Therefore, I’ll say it one more time: Cyril, come to the Empire as my husband.”

Looking straight at Cyril were amethyst eyes, identical to Sophia’s.

At the same time, Harold had asked Sophia for a dance as well, and they were currently dancing. Moreover, this was both their first dance at this ball. In other words, Harold had essentially asked Sophia for the first dance that would normally be reserved for his partner. This was simply due to the fact that, formally, Harold and Charlotte were attending together as partners, but Harold viewed Sophia as his actual partner.

Actually, there were even voices saying that the future of the Ephenear Kingdom and the Flamefield Empire was to be peaceful. Sophia and Harold’s engagement was on its way to become an established fact.

“You are a very good dancer, Miss Sophia.”

“I’m glad you think so. It’s all thanks to Cyril teaching me every day.”

Showered in the light of the chandelier, Sophia smiled as she danced gracefully. Seeing her smile, everyone around them probably thought that she was smiling at Harold. But Harold knew that this smile wasn’t aimed at him. No, in fact it ought to be said that, during these few weeks, he had forcefully confirmed some facts that he had been already aware of.

Harold had two objectives in coming to this country. To fortify the bonds between the two countries, and to procure an unique magic user called Cyril.

Therefore, he had requested for Sophia to be his guide. Sophia was a young Lady rumored to be a saintness, and she was Cyril’s master. He concluded that, if he obtained Sophia, he’d achieve both of his goals. 

And after spending some time with this guide of his, he was convinced: she wasn’t rumored to be a saintness for nothing. Harold was certain that she could even influence the future of the Empire. Therefore, no matter where her heart laid, he couldn’t let her escape.

“Miss Sophia, I’ll be honest. Neither you nor I are allowed to live freely. So your wishes probably won’t be granted.”

“…Even if that was the case, then, so what?”

Even though he pointed out things she didn’t want him to, her expression didn’t change at all. He wasn’t able to tell what she was thinking at all, but he couldn’t just stop here.

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“Agree to marry me. As compensation, I will allow your favorite butler to come with you. That’s your one and only source of happiness, isn’t it?”

Marriage between Sophia and Harold would be advantageous to both of their countries. However, there was nothing for Sophia to gain from that. For that reason, Harold proposed that, as compensation for her agreeing to this political marriage, he would acquiesce for Cyril to stay by her side. 

At least, it was a proposal that respected Sophia’s wishes. Therefore, Sophia’s eyes widened just the slightest bit as she danced.

“If you don’t respond3, I will propose to you right after this dance ends. If I ask you in front of so many spectators, it won’t be possible for you to stop the following course of events after.”

If she didn’t respond, he’d make an announcement, choosing the hardline approach. An Imperial Prince from a neighboring country proposing to a future Marquess at Prince Lancelot’s party. If she complied, it would be regarded as something to rejoice over greatly, and the relationship between the two countries would become much stronger.   

But, if she refused, this relationship would grow tense.

Of course, in that case, Harold would also get scolded for getting ahead of himself. However, it was the Ephenear Kingdom who had agreed to Harold’s request to have Sophia as his guide. The King received Harold’s request and Sophia agreed to it through Grave. The general consensus would be that the responsible party was the Ephenear Kingdom. Thus, Sophia, who understood her duties as a future Marquess, couldn’t choose that option.

Sophia’s grace period had ended in one fell swoop. She only had time until the dance ended. And the dance was approaching its end, too.

“Well then, the song is ending soon. You should decide before it does. You must understand what the best option here is, right, Miss Sophia? Accept reality and accept my proposal.”

Even though she was being pressed for an answer by Harold, Sophia focused her attention on their surroundings. The ballroom, evenly illuminated by the light of the magical chandelier, appeared to be devoid of color to her. However, in this ballroom, there was a young boy who shone brightly as if illuminated by a spotlight. It was Cyril, who was dancing with Charlotte.

Sophia’s dancing partner was Harold, and Cyril’s dancing partner was Charlotte. But Sophia felt as if she was the one dancing with Cyril. 

This didn’t mean that she was imagining Harold as Cyril. It just meant that Cyril’s feelings were getting through to her perfectly, just like when she played a duet with him on the violin. ‘I will always be by your side,’ she could hear him say. Even when he wasn’t right by her side, she could tell what he was thinking. Cyril was the one who showed her how to align with Harold’s lead and dance beautifully. At that very moment though, Sophia was dancing to Cyril’s lead.

She began to take graceful yet large steps in order to match his lead. She danced lightly, as if she had grown wings, and the audience watching her let out admiring sighs.

Harold was dumbfounded by this. Sophia was certainly dancing according to his lead. And yet, he was seized by a feeling of irritability. It felt as if his lead wasn’t reaching her.

Harold changed his lead in order to put a stop to how things had been unfolding until then. At that moment, Sophia smoothly slipped out from his arms. Her hair gently fanned out, sparkling as it was caught in the light of the chandelier. She interrupted their dance and looked at him, calmly, yet with clear intention.

“I refuse.”

Two voices perfectly overlapped and strangely echoed throughout the ballroom.

Thank you so much for reading! Can you believe that the next chapter (consisting of three parts) is the last chapter before the epilogue? It has gone by so fast!

But no worries, there are still some extras to look forward to as well!


This word also carries the meaning ‘gentle, quiet, without a fuss’. So Lancelot has a point here lol As will be explained a bit in the text as well, noblesse oblige “…is a French expression from the times when the English nobility spoke French and maintains in English the meaning that nobility extends beyond mere entitlement and requires people who hold such status to fulfill social responsibilities.” the usage of the verb in the following lines is ambiguous, it can either mean ‘respond, reply’ or ‘accept’. I chose to keep ‘respond’ here as it fits with the ultimatum he proposes a little more in my head.

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