v3c22 - Epilogue

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In addition to being a celebration, the birthday party was also the occasion where Her Highness, Princess Folcenia made her official debut. And in addition to that, albeit unofficially, a meeting took place that led to the strengthening of our friendship with the Flamefield Empire. And thus, Prince Lancelot’s birthday party ended as a success.

Despite the meeting’s contents being private, it was announced that the friendship between the two countries was expected to grow even stronger than before. While there were people who speculated that His Highness, Imperial Prince Harold and Lady Sophia got engaged, these speculations were immediately shut down by Prince Lancelot. Moreover, because the guests who had witnessed the party’s events unfold followed the Prince’s footsteps in denying these theories, it seemed that the rumors of Lady Sophia’s engagement were extinguished right on the spot.

Such being the case, the contents of the meeting still remained a mystery. 

‘But since there were a few unusual magical tools used at the party venue, it’s probably related to that.’ 

It seemed that the general opinion was settling in that direction. Since Fol was involved as well, it seemed that the existence of the magical tool that served as a countermeasure against the Magical Overcharge Illness wouldn’t be announced anytime soon.

The important thing was that Lady Sophia’s political marriage did not come to fruition. This matter should have now been settled. However, a few days after the party, I was summoned by Master Grave and went to his office.

“…Is that you, Cyril?”

The moment he saw me, Master Grave let out a deep sigh—a sigh that seemed deeper than the ocean itself.

…There were too many reasons for why he could be sighing, so I had no idea which one was the actual cause. For the time being, I had no choice but to decide on the reason after hearing what he would tell me.

“I have to say, the outcome of this situation far exceeded my expectations.”

“…Much obliged.”

I didn’t know whether he was praising me, or if I was being criticized as a fool who overdid things. For the time being, I chose words that worked with either option and bowed.

“Both Sophia and you, why did you make it into such a big affair?”

…Apparently, it was the latter.

“My apologies. I intended to take the utmost care not to harm the country’s interests while preventing Lady Sophia’s political marriage…but it seems that I hadn’t paid enough attention.”

“That’s not what I mean.” 

Master Grave sighed again.

“The situation happened just as Sophia willedl.” 

My eyes slightly widened. The situation did go by Lady Sophia’s will. In other words, upon receiving the neighboring country’s request, His Majesty approached Master Grave about making Lady Sophia, Imperial Prince Harold’s guide, and Master Grave had consented. Meaning that the whole sequence of events I presumed was correct was out of order.

“Then, Master Grave, you tolerated my actions…”

“…because my daughter wished me to do so, of course.”

Master Grave had the option of refusing the guide request. Nevertheless, he consented for Lady Sophia to become a guide. Yet, he didn’t stop me, someone who was taking actions to prevent her engagement. This was something that kept nagging me…I see. Master Grave was simply fulfilling Lady Sophia’s wishes.

“Therefore, I expected you to perform a great feat. However, the benefits of the magical tool you invented are too great. The existence of such a tool was completely outside the realm of my expectations.”

“The benefits…are too great?”

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“You must be aware of this too. The Flamefield Empire’s Imperial family are very well-suited to become magic users.”

The Imperial family of the magic field’s great power were outstanding magic users. On the other hand, the number of their nobles adversely affected by Magical Overcharge Illness was apparently not small.

Furthermore, the knowledge on how to deal with this illness was overwhelmingly insufficient in this world. Normally, people who became outstanding magic users would come to terms with living their life with a handicap. The magical tool which I had created would change their fates.

“Then, are there others who want this magical tool as well?”

“Yes. I’ve received requests for you to make them one.”

“..So that’s… how things stand.”

I understood why he said that the benefits were too great now. For the Empire, the best option would have been to obtain me, someone who had the technique on how to release magical powers. Even if they didn’t and they were to buy the magic-releasing spell, they’d only owe me one favor.

However, what I offered was a magical tool. A single magical tool that could change the fate of one person.

Of course, if they were to analyze it, it should be possible to duplicate the tool too, however…a lot of time is needed for the analysis of an unknown magical equipment. Also, there would still be people suffering from Magical Overcharge Illness during that time as well, creating a great debt in my favor. Something that would continuously generate debt from the Imperial family and the leaders of the neighboring country…was certainly something troublesome.

“Then, how about we suggest a joint development of this tool?”

“…What do you mean?”

“We cannot create a highly efficient magical tool without the Flamefield Empire. If we exchanged these tools they’d have to use for the rest of their life for their joint development, wouldn’t that balance things out?”

Since the other party wanted this magical tool this time as well, they would probably provide the device for it without any objections. However, just like Fol, there were people suffering from Magical Overcharge Illness in our country as well. Moreover, the Flamefield Empire’s device was indispensable in the other outstanding magical tools. Therefore, this meant that we should approach the Empire with the proposal and close the deal to jointly develop the magical tools while the situation was still favorable.

Incidentally, in this world, Magical Overcharge Illness was considered to be a shameful sickness. Therefore, we could use the joint development of various magical tools as a front and produce the magical tool that served as a countermeasure to the Magical Overcharge Illness in secret. It definitely wasn’t a bad idea.

“Wouldn’t that be a reasonable compromise?”

“…I see, I shall suggest it to His Majesty.”

Apparently, I seemed to have been a little useful. I was actually wondering what he would say about Lady Sophia’s engagement being blocked, but I guess he wouldn’t say anything about that, huh…? Was this a result that Master Grave had considered from the beginning?

“Furthermore, there’s talk of bestowing you with an honorary noble title.”

This was way too abrupt and so, it took extreme effort for me to keep up my appearances. An honorary noble title was a so-called noble title limited to a single generation. I wouldn’t be granted land and it wouldn’t be possible for me to pass the title onto my children but, my social standing would be equivalent to the bestowed title.

Incidentally, Teacher Tristan had the honorary rank of a Baron but his case was rather exceptional. Considering my age as well, it could be said that bestowing a title upon me was unprecedented. However, there was no way that I could decline as it would be very discourteous to refuse and thus, I held back on even mentioning anything of that sort. I immediately bowed. 

“It’s more honor than I deserve.”

“Hm. However…the actual bestowing of the title is still a long way off. You aren’t an adult yet and it still hasn’t been decided what title you’d be bestowed and by whom.”

“Would it not be the title of a Baron, limited to one generation?”

“Restoring His Highness, Prince Alforth’s honor, saving Her Highness, Princess Folcenia, developing a new magical tool and greatly indebting a neighboring country to you…although many of these deeds of yours cannot be made public…still.”

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It seemed that I had overdone it a little. Although, I had no intentions of regretting my actions even a bit, since they were all necessary for Lady Sophia’s happiness.

“You’ve done enough for there to be proposals of not giving you an honorary title but a legitimate court rank. From…………” 

His last words were muttered so quietly that I couldn’t hear them. However, because his lips moved, I was still able to read what he had just said. But, what did ‘From Queen Adele’ mean? 

I had no idea.

Certainly, it wasn’t unusual for high-ranking nobles to have multiple titles. Surely, Queen Adele also had several. However, it was common practice for the nobles to pass down these titles to their children and they definitely weren’t something that could be given as a reward. If they were to pass down a title, it would be kind of like becoming the receiver’s legal guardian…

Alright, let’s just pretend that I didn’t understand what Master Grave muttered, since it was completely unrelated to my position as Lady Sophia’s exclusive butler.

“Like I’ve already said, this matter is being postponed until you become an adult. So, the current issue is the marriage proposals that you’ve received.”

“…Don’t tell me it’s from Her Highness, Imperial Princess Charlotte?”

“No, of course a foreign Imperial Princess wouldn’t send a marriage proposal to an ordinary—well, you aren’t ordinary, but still—she wouldn’t send a proposal to a butler. Unless—don’t tell me that such a topic came up?”

…I really was stirring the hornet’s nest.

“No, it didn’t.” 

“…You’re terrible at schooling your expressions. But…I see. So the Empire has already taken action as well? Meaning that everything is proceeding according to what my daughter expected?”

“…According to what Lady Sophia expected?”

I asked him what he was talking about indirectly but Master Grave didn’t answer me. However, he returned to the main topic, once again talking about my marriage proposals.

“Please, wait a moment. Since I have no intentions to step down as Lady Sophia’s exclusive butler, may I refuse?”

“I thought that you would say as such. However, it’s essential that you first hear the whole story.”

“Why? If it’s a proposal from a fellow servant, then it’s your decision anyway… Master Grave…don’t tell me…”

“Exactly. The marriage proposals came from noble ladies.”

Unconsciously, I fell silent. 

I did think that it was kinda unbelievable, but, even if I responded like that, I was completely aware that he could just retort: ‘What the hell do you mean, you just got proposed to by an Imperial Princess!’


“By the way, the proposals came from Count Ford and Viscount Lindberg.”


“It seems that the ones proposing to you are Sophia’s friends.”


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Naturally, my face paled in reaction to what he said.

…Of all people, it was Lady Alicia and Lady Pamela?

“Excuse me for being so bold, but why are the families of these two Ladies offering a marriage proposal to me?”

“That’s why I told you that you overdid it.”

According to Master Grave, the transaction with the neighboring country was yet to be publicized. And yet, I was already close with Princess Folcenia and Prince Alforth, as well as Imperial Princess Charlotte. Even with the transaction still a secret, this was highly extraordinary for a butler. Also, above all else, Lady Sophia relied on me.

Therefore, establishing a connection with me was no different than having multiple connections to people of high status. It seemed that I had caught the eye of low-ranking nobles, especially those for whom it was difficult to form connections with noble heirs. Two such nobles who knew me through their daughters acted ahead of the rest.

“So, in other words…”

“There are more to come.”

This is what made me speechless. This was extremely bad. It wouldn’t be difficult for Master Grave to turn down proposals from other noble households. But, that was just answering the question whether he could do so or not. 

A marriage proposal between an ordinary butler and a noble daughter. There was no reason for Master Grave to go through the many hardships of rejecting such an exceptional proposal.

“Master Grave, I am Lady Sophia’s exclusive butler. I’m here to serve my Lady. Please, allow me to continue being Lady Sophia’s butler.”

“The Royal family took a liking to you too and you even have connections to the neighboring country. Moreover, you are being proposed to by daughters of nobles. It’s no longer possible for me to hold you back as Sophia’s butler.”

I was speechless.

Where did I go wrong? I wondered. However, no matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t find an answer. I just kept doing things that I believed were necessary for Lady Sophia’s sake. I couldn’t think of any of those things as mistakes.

“Cyril, I have a proposal for you.”

“A proposal?”

“Yes. Accept one of my titles—the title of a Count.”

“…What may you be talking about?” I asked him cautiously. The only answer that I could glean from what he had just said was to either become an adoptive child to the Rosenberg Marquis household or somehow marry into the family or marry someone else’s noble daughter.

“I’m trying to say that I’ve steeled myself for this option too, as I cannot let you two go. Therefore, I offer a marriage proposal to you—You may come in.”

As if someone had been waiting right there, the moment Master Grave said this, the door behind me opened. Then, I felt someone stand beside me. From the corner of my eye, I could glimpse platinum blonde hair. When I nervously turned my gaze to the side, Lady Sophia was standing there.

“Why is Lady Sophia here?”

“I’ve been nominated to be your marriage candidate.”

“Wh–what are you talking about? You’re the daughter of a noble. I won’t force you to do anything such as marry me, a mere butler, against your wi–”

I cut myself off for Lady Sophia had grabbed my hand.

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“Cyril. You keep your word. You don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep. Isn’t that right?”

“…Yes, it’s as you say.”

“That day, you made a promise. You said that from that day onwards, you’d be my butler in training. Moreover, you also said that you’d always be by my side.”

“Yes, I remember.”

“But you hadn’t promised to always be by my side as a butler, have you?”

Ah…I get it. I hadn’t said those specific words that day. I don’t understand why I hadn’t said it either. But, it might be that somewhere deep in my heart, I was thinking that a day such as this might arrive.

“I’m not saying that I want you to answer me immediately. But, at this rate, you won’t be able to remain as my butler. So…”

She wanted to stay by my side, using the status of being my marriage candidate. My Lady was watching me, her expression a mixture of both hope and anxiety. When I first met her, she was quite childish but before I knew it, she was able to stand by my side with such a grown-up expression on her face.

“Is that what you wish for, Lady Sophia?”

“Yes, it is what I wish for.”

She was looking straight at me and she was blushing faintly. My Lady is so naturally beautiful, I thought.

“However, just because it’s what I want, there’s no need for you to force yourself to fulfill my wishes. Even though I wish for you to want the same thing too…”

“My Lady…”

At that moment, I was seized by an indescribable feeling. The most important thing to me was Lady Sophia’s happiness, so I wanted to fulfill her wishes. Until that moment, I, who had transmigrated into Cyril, lived with that as my objective. But, of course, I also had my desires. At some point, I began to pray that my wishes wouldn’t be contrary to Lady Sophia’s. I wished for my Lady’s wishes to walk hand in hand with mine.


“I wish to be by your side. I want to be with you when you’re happy of course, but I also want to be by your side when you’re feeling sad, or when you’re in pain, always. Lady Sophia, let’s walk on this path together.”

Author’s note: 

“Thank you for reading. For the time being, the main story of The Villainous Daughter’s Butler has come to a close.

It might be necessary to change the story’s composition depending on how far I’ll be able to continue with ‘Avoiding the Ending: Our Fight has Just Begun’, so the main story reached its end and I’ll decide on the continuation depending on the situation from now on.

If I were to resume the main story, I plan on writing a story about an even cooler Cyril, who protects Lady Sophia as a butler and as a marriage candidate. So,I’ll be happy if you were to support the continuation as well.”

In a later extra, author specifies that if volume number two sells as well as the first volume, it’s both possible that the publications will end with the second volume, or that there will be a fifth or tenth volume as well, and that there are many factors that influence the decision so author can’t tell for sure.

However this info is from the year 2020, and I looked at the author’s twitter to look up more recent news. It seems that the third volume was published in September 2021, here’s the cover:

Anyway, thank you so much for reading! Also, there are still 9 chapters of extras to be translated. so stay tuned! :>

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