“This is the last classroom...”

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 Just now she jumped out of the classroom with a momentum when she suddenly remembered that heroine can quickly became a lads at any time, so she had walked around the first-grade classroom searching for her. Even though she did not feel the shortness of breath due to all the running, however, as she peeped into the classroom, she can’t help but taking a deep breath to calm her pulsating heart. Because this is during the lunch time, she saw that many students are talking with each other while spreading their lunch box. While she was checking everyone, the idea that her target might have gone to the cafeteria appeared on her mind.           “Anthrium-san’s lunch box is very cute, isn’t?”           “Ah. Thank you... I’m so happy.” Hearing that voice, Belfreya quickly stopped her leg. A voice that makes you feel kindness like the tinkling of bell. While one might be embarrassed from hearing the praise, Belfreya understand on the feeling of being deeply grateful for being told so. The face of the girl who received the words also turned dreamy. This is the destructive power by voice alone. Those who had such a presence were not in this classroom until yesterday. When Belfreya scurried her eyes around the classroom once again, she noticed that a wall was formed in a corner of the classroom. A place made by a "girls' wall" while the male' students keep darting their eyes towards that distance. She thought that they have a lot of people eating in the classroom today, apparently their aim was there. Then, those in the classroom finally noticed Belfreya who was at the entrance and turned their eyes on her. The gathered group also senses the changes in the air and their line of sight also moves toward the entrance. Through their actions, the hidden wall was finally discharged While being surrounded by crowd, the eyes of the girl who was spreading out her lunch box and the eyes of Belfreya meet up.

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 “You...” “You are...” The semi-long pale pink hair fluttered in the wind that flowed from the open window. It looks like a jewel of Inca rose, like an orange covered with the pink color. The color of the hair also make Belfreya feel the cuteness of the cosmos flower. However, there is no weakness. There are only strengths that firmly put her feet on the ground and despite the thinness, it managed to attach the roots.
 Belfreya instinctively understand. Her soul trembled. The face of the rival, the presence, the voice, and the figure which had been vague up until now, have been replace by the girl in front of her. Her sweat soaked up her letter of challenge. The bubbling in her heart make her feel joy, excitement, and awe.
 “You are...heroine”
 “...Belfreya Alunst, nice to meet you"
 “Hello, nice to meet you, I’m honored that you know me despite being in different class”
 "Well, I am sorry if I made you feel bad, I was anxious about the start because I was taking a leave of absence for a week. So I tried my best to remember all the senior student and teacher from the first grade from the rooster and materials during my free time."

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To Belfreya’s surprise, the girl in front of her eyes lowered her head and apologized to her. She got up from her chair and walked to the entrance with a slow movement. As the whole body is up-stretched, both of them notices that their height is about the same. As she begin to digest the words of the heroine girl, cold sweat began runs over Belfreya’s back. Her body stiffened as she realize the heroin high specs.
 However, she is the rival that must be exceeded, so Belfreya reproached herself and slowly take a small breath. Then she look straight at the girl in front of her and bow down elegantly. In this sophisticated movement, the students in the classroom who saw it were overwhelmed by it.
 “Let’s make acquaintance once again. I’m Belfreya Alunst. Nice to meet you.”
 “Likewise. I have not told you my name yet. I am called Shana Anthrium. Nice to meet you too.”
 “Yes, the pleasure is all mine.”
 Towards Belfreya who responded vigorously, Shana also smiled happily. While somewhat being contrasting, both of girls seems to be close, while giving breathtaking atmosphere to their surroundings. Syulein who finally caught up with Belfreya was also watching the spectacle with surprise.
 It truly is. With the overpowered heroine next to her, his fiancée also giving an amazing feeling in another sense.
 To tell it simply, for example, there is a sun and a moon shining in the sky. While each of them has their own beauty that fascinates the sky, there is no unnaturalness detected from each of them. While coexisting, there have never mixed together. Everything goes up and competes at times, just like a rival.

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As if the time has stopped, the people around them kept their breath to the minimum and seriously observed the two girls in front of them. Among the many audiences, the heroine and the rival have finally encountered each other.
 And, both of the girls are...
 Simultaneously, both of them crouched down.
 "Well ...I can see that you have been stretching your arm, flank, chest, and back with bust-up every day. Even from the top of the clothes, I can see that it was quite plump. It is the top position. It also look elastic, yet the shape does not collapse. Up until now this is the best stretching method ever......! "
 "No way ... You also stretched you upper body, lower body, pelvis, and your backs all the way with hip-up every day. You can see it even from the top of the clothes. The beauty of the well-balanced hip line which depicts stunning curvaceous beauty, How much training did you have......! "
 Towards Belfreya, who having regret over her chest and Shana who is anguished over her ass, both of them begin to neglecting the crowd around them as they trade compliments and regrets and thus begin exchanging information on their stretching manual. The surrounding girls who recovered first, desperately began to copy their conversation contents into their memo pad. Their hand was shaking as they tried to write as fast as possible
 Within 5 minutes of battle, both of them have shocked each other. The girls put their strength on their knees and rise vigorously. The only things left in their eyes is the crackling and burning fighting spirit. Fufufu, Belfreya shows a fearless smile while Shana smile softly at her.
 It was as if the Khan and Gong was ringing in everyone head.

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 “I wanted to meet you, Heroine!!”
 “I will not lose to you, my rival!!”
 It was also the moment when the curtain for the battle for the summit was opened.
 “Wa~a... That kid is absolutely like Bell-chan. So burning”
 “Hey, isn’t there something strange about this, how to say, there is something fundamental that seems to be missing..."
 “Mr. President, I’m sorry for disturbing you while you tried to escape from the reality, it seems that the lunch break is going to end soon.... and as far as I remember we have not eaten anything yet”
 Everyone in this classroom looks at their bento and their purchase goods which only have been half-eaten when the chimes of bells began to resonate heartily. They were only managed to shed their tears quietly. The conflict of the first battle has brought out so many victims and it was done by this two girls without using their iron fist.

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