The Villainous Lady Aims to Overthrow the Heroine ~Fight!~ Chapter 2 (Part 3)

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_________________________________________________________________________________ "I simply cannot understand ... It has already been three months since Bell entered the school, but I still confused on what they actually want to do."   "It is not that both of them trying to appeal themselves to you? Well as expected of Mr. President. To have flowers on both hand" " Only you would find this situation interesting ... Even if they are trying to show off their appeal, why do I feel that there are something missing from the directions of their approaches? There is something stupid happening somewhere around it. Still, their specs are uselessly high!”
 “Well, apart from their ultimate battle, both of them are model students.”
 Syulein was furrowing his eyebrow while Fior continued to laugh. They have ended their work with the student council and currently sitting in their second grade classroom waiting for Belfreya who was delayed due to her class’s duty. Therefore, they decided to discuss on the topic of his fiancé and her rival while waiting for her.
 Because she had been training since seven years ago, Belfreya’s result is actually at the top level. However, Shana herself was not going to be defeated by it, in fact both of them are in the dead heat with no one seems to be in the verge of being eliminated. It seems that those girls have been doing activities such as running and stretching every morning, cooking and studying, and they even tried to do everything together as much as possible. Besides that, they also never shown any dislike towards each other. I guess both of them is a training idiot.
 “Although I imagined the relationship between rival should be awkward, but from the look of it, it seems to be quite entertaining.”

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 “Even if it is draw or lose, you will still look forward to the next one.”
 Belfreya and Shana have recognized each other as their own rival. However, there is no hostile feeling involving between them. Those girls are using all of their power to win over their opponents more than anyone else. Of course many of their action are mostly not over the top and it is largely about showing off their knowledge. So, the surrounding people could not help but feeling warm watching for those two who keep on improving themselves rather than kicking others around.
 “U~n, but, is the heroine going to be alright?”
 “She is as healthy as Bell. That is what.”
 “Eh, Syulein, you did not know the reason why Anthrium-san had delayed her enrollment previously?”
 Now that I think about it, it is like a natural thing for me to accept the existence of Shana, however, in reality, I actually did not know much about her. Seriously speaking, there are too many weird circumstances around it. For example that appearance and specs, is there really a need for her to work hard as Belfreya? More than anything, why does she train? Shana’s specs are actually not a genius type; it is the type that are being raise through daily efforts.
 Syulein begin to feel some doubt. Why did she try to appeal herself to him when it was actually their first meeting? Why does Shana accepting the role of the heroine that Belfreya has been searching for? Did she not even doubt that Belfreya might not even be her rival? They were supposed to be meeting for the first time. But that encounter was seen as if it is inevitable.

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Syulein narrowed his eyes as his mind wander about it.
 “So, why did she being late?”
 “I do not know about the detail.... but it seems that she had been hospitalized.”
 “It's true. Though she has been hiding about it, but it seems that she has been taking medicine from time to time at school. When I looked at her history, it seems that she has been frequently hospitalized since seven years ago."
 Syulein was surprised at the information gathered by Fior and turn speechless. The usual Shana seems to be able to compete with the liveliness of that Belfreya. Despite Fior habit of manipulating and throwing confusion with his information, it does not seem that he will likely lied about it. Since it is related to the matter of Belfreya, he has taken greatest effort in ensuring the accuracy of the information that he gathered. He did not meant to doubt about it but he feel like that he need some more confirmation about that information. “I cannot tell this to Bell-chan, therefore, Syulein --” “Fior--” Before he could finished talking, Syulein stopped with an odd voice. Fior has directed his line of sight towards the classroom entrance. Looking at that, Syulein thought that Belfreya might have already arrived at the classroom and turn to look at the entrance – and there she is.

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 “......Shana Anthrium.” “Good afternoon. Edward-san, Curtis-san.” "A~a, Un.  Good afternoon, Miss Anthrium. What's wrong? The school is already ended. For you to come all the way to the second grade classroom ... ... Perhaps you want to invite Syulein to go on a date?” “Yes.” “Oi, is this some kind of a joke......ha?” Her eyes turn large as Syulein watch over her. This is the first time for him to look at her without going through Belfreya. The girl’s eyes look serious and she stand so dignified; that neither of them able to tell whether she is joking or not. And in confusion, Syulein look into Shana’s eyes to urge her on. “I want to talk with you, so that’s why I came here.”
 “I wonder if it is something that both Bell-chan and I should not hear about.”

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“Yes. Sorry.”
 Fior laughed at Shanna who carefully lowered her head towards him while saying that she did not have to be worried about it. While directing her smile towards him, her eyes is fixed towards his friend. That is an apology and confirmation. At least for that girl, she will not talk with Syulein unless there is only two of them. Are you going to follow me? Syulein returned unfriendly smile towards his friend.
 "...... It is okay, I think that there must be something that you need to talk about. If you use the key to the room of student council, you will be able to open the door to the rooftop. Even if anything happened, it is quite impossible for the general student not barge in"
 “.......Thank you for your consideration.”
 “It’s nothing, I understand. I will stay in the classroom and wait for Bell-chan. Leave everything to me.”
 Talking in a relaxed tone, Fior tried waving the two people away. Even though he love to joke around, but in this school, the only person that Syulein can trust to leave Belfreya with is him.  Syulein stood up from his chair while nodding at Fior. And without hesitation, he walked away while escorting Shana to the rooftop.  ******************* End of chapter 2

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