The Villainous Lady Aims to Overthrow the Heroine ~Fight!~ Chapter 3 (Part 2)

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 ________________________________________________________________________________ When Shana Anthrium finally gets up from the bed, she finally understood about herself and also that girl. When she remembered about her beloved prince who is in love with her, her face turned red. For the 9-year old girl, it is like an intense stimulus. However, when she remembered about that golden girl who passed her at that time, she quickly became calm. That person is her rival and she is called Belfreya Alunst.
 Perhaps she also has the knowledge of this world just like me, Shana thought. Otherwise, the word [overthrown heroine] will never come out from her mouth. Despite that, Shana did not want to meet her who also has the knowledge of this world. Rather, there are two reasons that make Shana hesitates to meet Belfreya.
 To begin with, the reason for her hesitation to meet her is very simple. Growing up, Shana began to realize that if she acted arbitrary, she might brought inconveniences to her family and house. It is because, in the aristocracy society, sometimes, the dispute between the aristocrat children does not end up merely as a skirmish between the children itself.

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And most importantly, Belfreya was completely hostile towards her. If she were to see her, she might really totally got overthrown with that momentum. For 9-years-old Shana, it will be a one-off K.O. If she think about it carefully, even if she managed to avoid her now, she is likely to meet her in school in the future. Argh, it is like going around in circles. Shana could not help but feeling overwhelmed by it. 
 "Well, yes, first of all, you should know what kind of person Alunst-san is. I would like to make this world into a more otome-game-like rather than a fighting game! Therefore, let’s do our best so that we can bring this matter in a discussion."
 Even though both of them are rival, Shana does not like the fact that it may end up with an expulsion. Though the Belfreya in the game had voluntarily withdrawn from the school; she was still banish from it. However, since Belfreya had the knowledge about the game, then maybe they can end up as a friend. And because she was the heroine, the fact that she like Syulein Edward was also painfully transmitted
 That's why, Shana had spent her time watching the Alunst family. She went and watched that girl running around, stretching herself in hiding while that girl did stretching activities with Syulein who was holding her finger in [Manzai] (comedy duo act) position. To sum up, that is how their day continued.
 And thanks to that, she able to grasp the character of Belfreya. She was relieved to learn that Belfreya is not a fighting character but instead only a hot-blooded one.

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However, as the time goes on, another big trouble began to occur. That is the change of her own mindset. She had been watching Belfreya efforts all the time in the shadow, and she gradually began to cheer for her. It is strange for that girl who is making such efforts not to be rewarded...... what’s more with that kind of feeling.
 However, when she began to calmly thought about the motive behind Belfreya’s power source  and delusion, cold sweats started to pour from Shana’ back. "If it is like this ... When Belfreya-san entered the school, if I am who is supposed to be the heroine is having too much of a miserable specs  ... ... would not that make me look pitiful?"
 Towards that figure who shined brightly in front of her who is sitting in the shadow and hoping for her to become the fallen character; Shana vowed in her heart that she will never do such terrible thing.
 However, the heroine that is in Belfreya’s mind is someone who is an outrageous superhuman. A goddess. Shana was in the state of mind that she wanted to shout out loud [Someone, please stop her] to the people in front of her. Nevertheless the reality does not change.

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So Shanna Anthrium come to a decision. As the so-called-heroine towards the rival character Belfreya Alunst, she needs to hone herself in order to fight directly with her using their specs. And this is for the sake of not being some kind of pathetic target unfitting for Belfreya’s delusion. Thus, Shana stand up straight and shouted [Aiming for heroine], while restraining the painful pressure on her stomach.
 Incidentally, one month after her declaration, Shana was hospitalized for the second time. Still, despite the agony, she never give up. Her seven years was full of sweat and stomach pain. And she did all of this in order to satisfy Belfreya’s expectation.
 "...... I cannot tell you the reason how I know that I am her Heroine, however, I hope that you will believe me when I told you that I have put my utmost effort on this!”
 "Wait, please raise your head! It is myself who request this from you, therefore please raise your head! Well, how can I not care, you were admitted to the hospital before the school admission."
 "I truly regret missing my first encounter with Belfreya ... ... At that time, I was really worried whether I had managed to become the kind of Heroine worthy of Belfreya that I am unable to sleep at night. My stomach are also keep stinging that before I know, I was already on the bed in the hospital. 

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“Damn it, how bad is that actually?”
 Thinking about Belfreya who was running wildly, Syulein heart was hurting; it might have been better if he tried to stop her delusion on the Heroine earlier on. The Heroine really make him who is the student council president (The worldly-wise man) seriously considering whether he should offer an apology to her or not.
 “Hmm, if possible, I wish you will not tell Belfreya-san about this matter
 “I will not. Rather I do not know what to say. As a matter of fact, it was the first time I heard about rival’s heroine who keep being admitted to the hospital."
  At the time of the prologue, the Heroin, in a sense was already been overthrown by the (former) villainous lady.

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