(H: So my toaster of a laptop has finally died, I’m doing this translation from the public library; I won’t be able to get a new laptop until this weekend… I won’t be able to upload any new chapters until then, it’s -25c and I had to walk 15 mins, Exams are also coming up soon after the break but ends with January, I’ll most likely only be able to upload up to V1C20 by the end of the month, I promise I will make up for it in February T.T)

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This was a floating castle situated in the clouds, the design of the castle was rather magical; it wasn't only massively sized, the entire castle also had a strong magical aura. Throughout the castle were many moving dolls, most of them were in the form of animals such as rabbits and bears; these were all magical puppets that were made by infusing a doll with magic.


Currently, Bella and Noesha were walking up the path towards the castle; Bella was using her original body as Felia's body had still not recovered from the fight prior.


"Noesha, is this really fine? This is actually…"


"No problems, just follow me, she's really easy to talk to."


Bella was still a bit nervous as she looked at the smiling Noesha beside her, this girl had taken Bella to another dimension to find reinforcements; this castle was the residence of the other dimension's 'higher existence', in simpler terms, this was where this dimension's Creator resided.


"Noesha, why did you bring a demon god to me…there aren't any Saviors messing around here, I have no need for a Worldbreaker…"(H:救世主 and 灭世者, will be Saviors and Worldbreakers respectively, they're basically two different factions good/evil, 创世神 lit. Creator God seems to be a neutral faction as there are more than one, and they each have different agendas)


Soon after they entered through the gates, Bella and Noesha encountered this dimension's 'higher existence': Magic Creator, Oliveira Bethia. Hearing the creator god's playful girlish voice, Bella turned around to look at the newcomer, this Creator was not only female, but also a little girl? Bella had always thought that creator gods were all old grandpas. (H: 奥利维拉·贝蒂雅思, names are getting harder to translate)


It was a loli that was only slightly taller than Noesha that had appeared in Bella's view. Her unkept but not messy, dark red hair draped to her shoulders, as if she had not had time to do her hair. Currently, her beautiful face showed its fatigue, she had evidently just woken up; her pink eyes looked as if they threatened to shut any second.


The fact that she had just woken was further reinforced by the fact that she was still wearing her white pajamas, and her cute and fuzzy bear slippers. As for her hands, she was holding a white teddy bear. If it wasn't for Noesha's nod, Bella didn't believe that this little girl was a Creator.


"What is it, demon god sister? Is there something strange on my face? You're making me a little embarrassed~"


"Nothing…it's just that you're so cute…you are this dimension's Creator?"


"Demon god sister, your mouth is so sweet; I'm this dimension's creator god, Oliveira Bethia. As you can see, I've just woken up and I'm still kind of tired."


Bella didn't purposely want to please Bethia, it was just that she was actually really cute. Not only that, her voice was very natural, as if she was talking to a friend; and it seemed like she was a rather easy going person. Bella unconsciously started to flirt with her after realising that she didn't have to be scared of her being hard to talk to.


"Hey Bethia, are you only wearing the pajamas? Is there nothing else underneath?"


"Er, I only have one set of clothes, Noesha gifted it to me a long time ago. The hall isn't a very good place to hold a conversation, come with me!"


As she said this, Bethia gestured with her right hand towards the distance, and a massive and elegant carpet came flying towards them; this was probably a flying carpet or some other magical tool similar to it.


Bella and Noesha sat cross-legged on the flying carpet, Bethia sat down casually across from them, still with a tired demeanor. Looking at the loli creator god that wanted to fall asleep, Bella shifted her eyes unnaturally towards the distance, because this loli wasn't wearing anything beneath her pajamas, just like Angel and Mia when Bella had just met them.


"Demon god sister, did you have a purpose to come for me?"


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"Er, Bethia, it's like this; sister Bella wants to look for some of your dimension's books, specifically those on professions and skills, you know; for knights and magicians and the like."


"This dimension's books? Doesn't your dimension also have them?"


After arriving at Bethia's reading room, Bella and Noesha started to talk about why they had came to her. Bella had incorporated Eleanor and her knights into Bella's forces, it also seemed that Roland and Annie would be spending a considerable period of time with Bella; at their age, they would have normally attended human academies to further their professions.


But, all of them had became Bella's followers and would be unable to return to their original academies. To not let them leave any regrets, and to increase her subordinates' battle power; Bella decided to acquire some useful books, to give them the ability to raise their cultivation without attending their academies.


"Bethia, there's a reason for this, I want profession books from your dimension!"


"It's like this huh, although your dimension's creator is already…but this isn't right; us Creators can't casually interfere with each other's dimensions, even if they aren't here anymore."


"This isn't interfering Bethia, do you want more pretty clothes?"


Seeing Bethia's hesitant eyes, Bella hurriedly brought out a dark red gothic lolita dress that she had recently made; it was originally designed for Mia, but Bethia was only a little bit taller than Mia, it should be fine.


"It's so pretty!"



"Do you like it?"




"Then about the books…"




"If you agree, there will be more pretty clothes for you!"


"Follow me!"


Bethia hesitated at first, but gave in to the temptation of pretty clothing; she gestured for the Bella and Noesha to follow her, then entered another room.


"Sister, are you curious as to why Bethia was so easy to talk to?"


"Yeah, it felt as if she was just a normal little girl"

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"She is a normal little girl, don't be fooled by her status as a Creator."


As they continued walking, Bella discreetly learned from Noesha that even though Bethia had the powers of a creator god, but had been living here alone after creating this dimension. Creators normally would not expose themselves in the mortal world, so Bella could only view her dimension through a magical mirror in her room.


So it was a lonely loli, that's why she was only surprised when Noesha and Bella visited, without any anger after waking her up from her sleep; there was also an undertone of joy in her voice, Bethia had probably wanted someone to accompany her after being alone for so long.


"Demon god sister, Noesha, here is my grand library; all the books on magic and combat are in here."


Bethia turned around and saw Bella and Noesha frozen on the spot. They were shocked by the size of Bethia's library, this library's area was undeterminable, each bookshelf towered over a hundred meters and Bella couldn't see how many shelves there were, they seemed to go on for eternity.


"There… all are?"


"Yep, find those that you want and I can translate them to the language of your dimension."

(H: help me pls Bethia)


"Can we take the books out of here?"


After discussing with Bethia, Bella discovered something tragic; there was no way she and Noesha could take back all the books that they needed. There were simply too many of them, Noesha's power hadn't recovered much and she couldn't take so many books with them back to their dimensions. Bethia had only allowed them to handwrite copies back with them and not the originals.


Even though Creators also had control over space and time, but only within their dimension; so Bella couldn't hope for Bethia to help them bring books into their dimensions. Right as she was at a loss, Bella suddenly remembered something; she took out the camera that she had discovered in Noesha's room, she wondered if it still worked…


"Sister…you're not trying to…"


"Nonononono, I just want to take photos of the words on these books and then just bring the camera back with us, it would save us a lot of time." Noesha looked unnaturally at the camera, probably remembering the time when she was taught a 'lesson' by Bella…



The central church of the Trevikon County, archbishop Stanley sat cautiously on a chair, across from him sat a priest clad in red, casually drinking a cup of tea.


"Cardinal Andrews, why have you come to this small and  secluded place!"


"There’s no need to be so cautious old Stanley; did we not train at the same church in our youth?"


"What does the pope need that he sends a cardinal to this small place? If there is nothing, I still have lots of duties that I must attend to." Stanley didn't want to spend more time than necessary with this Ccardinal. Andrews Salo, one of the Church of Light's 3 cardinals, their position was second only to the Ardent Pope himself. Even though Stanley did train with Salo in their youths, but they had not had contact for many years.


Stanley did not agree with this cardinal's conduct; although he didn't know why, but he heard rumours of this cardinal secretly performing evil rituals, and had apparently succeeded in summoning a demon from another world.

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"I come here not by the pope's orders; I have something that request of you, my old friend."


"This… I still have many things to attend to…"


"It's about the Anola Clark strip, I heard that you sent a female knight as missionary there last month?"


Stanley had wanted to leave, but stopped in his tracks as he heard that it was something concerning Bella.



Bella was in another dimension with Noesha again, but this time a bright-faced Bethia followed behind them; Bethia had donned the lolita dress that Bella had gifted her, and Bella had done her hair in a horsetail similar to that of Annie's. Seeing Bethia's smiling face, Bella thought about how she could now brag of having done a creator god's hair.


But the current situation left Bella unable to act; they were in another dimension, neither their own nor Bethia's, it was a completely new dimension. This dimension was different from the magical one of Bethia's, it felt like the complete opposite; there were metallic structures as far as the eye could see, similar to the scenes in the futuristic sci-fi movies.


"Sister Bella, this is the Machine Dimension; the owner of this dimension should be able to make a copy of that machine!"


"Hey Noesha, is it rude to bring another dimension's Creator with us to visit a Creator?"


"Bethia suggested that she come herself, there's probably nothing wrong! Anyways, if we have a disagreement with this dimension's Creator, we can rely on Bethia!"


As Bella's camera had ran out of battery, it was unuseable; in order to take pictures of the books in Bethia's library and bring them back to Bella's original dimension, Bella could only try and get more cameras. Although Noesha could return to Earth's dimension without that many problems, but she wouldn't be able to bring back that much technological equipment. So they could only try their luck in another dimension.


Looking at the curious Bethia was looking around like a little child that followed behind them, Bella thought how much of an achievement it was to have a creator god level 'bodyguard'.


"Noesha, I won't talk about the demon god you brought, but why did you bring another dimension's creator? Are you trying to steal my dimension?" Below a metallic tower that seemed to extend past the clouds, they met this dimension's creator god: Machine Creator, Gladys Andrea.


Gladys Andrea, this Machine Dimension's higher existence, her age seemed to be the same of Bethia's; she also had the look of a loli, her hair was silvery-white, but different from that of Mia and Angel's, Andrea's hair seemed to have a metallic sheen to it, making it much more brilliant than that of Mia and Angel.


Andrea didn't specially style her hair in any way, letting it drape around her shoulders, it seemed that she didn't really know how to do her hair either. Her irises were a pretty shade of gold, she wore a white lab coat similar to the scientists of Earth. (H: I'm going to refer to Bella's past life as Earth from now on)


Bella compared her to Bethia, the two of them had the exact same height, only with different airs. Another thing that Bella had wanted to comment for a while was that these lolis also weren't flat chested; was flat chested lolis a thing that only belonged in dreams?


"You are…?"


"The 26th dimension's creator, Oliveira Bethia, nice to meet you!"


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"I am the 33rd dimension's creator, Gladys Andrea, you came through Noesha's dimensional door right, why did you come?"


Andrea saw that Bethia didn't hold any intent to fight, and gave a full hearted greeting; each Creator had their own battle-form, the current bodies that Bella and Noesha saw were their normal forms, so it wasn't their faults that they saw Andrea and Bethia as normal little girls.


"You want me to make a copy of this machine? This quality is so poor, which dimension did you get this defective product from?" Andrea took the camera that Bella handed over, and shook her head after looking at it for a while; probably due to her dissatisfaction at the quality of this machine.


Leave some face for human technology! Bella had wanted to prove that the qualities of human technology were still good, but decided to shut up after following Andrea around on a tour.


Inside Andrea's control center, the Enternal Ark, Bella discovered the level of technology in this dimension. All sorts of giant space craft flew between the planets and stars, underneath the starry sky was a giant planet. Bella was currently on a giant craft that flew above the planet, it felt as if she was on a space station out of a sci-fi film.


If it wasn't for the fact that Noesha and Bethia were still beside her, Bella would have thought that she had transmigrated to the far future. The beings in this dimension weren't human, but humanoids made of metal.


"Bella, those clothes that you designed are so pretty, can you…make me one, just like Bethia's. I can give you anything in this place, if you like it you can take it, no limits on the number."


Andrea pointed to her armory as she quietly asked Bella, but Bella was frozen as she looked at Andrea's armory. This armory had every single weapon that she had seen in sci-fi movies or could imagine: lightsabers, laser cannons and the type were everywhere, there were also many types of mechas and warships.


She didn't dare think of what would happen if she brought these weapons back with her. Bella approached a 3m tall infantry mech and swallowed, every boy had a dream of piloting a mech; and even though she was now a female, but she hadn't forgotten that dream.


"Do you want this mech? I can get the factories on the surface to produce around 1,000,000 a day."


"Andrea, Bethia told me that Creators couldn't interfere with each other's dimensions, do you really want to give me these weapons?"


"She's not wrong, but I'm not violating the rules! Your dimension's Creator might not…but…you'll know in the future. Do we have a deal?"


Andrea looked as if she wanted to talk about something, but swallowed her words after seeing Bethia signal to her with her eyes.


"I don't need these weapons…I can make you the clothes, but I need you to help me make something like that camera, is that okay?" Bella decided against bringing these weapons with her, she was afraid of the repercussions that might happen is she id.


"That's simple, wait for me here, I'll make on in the laboratory."


Looking at the small figure of Andrea as she left the room, Bella quietly asked Noesha a question that had been bugging her for a while. Why did these two Creators choose the appearance of a loli? Wasn't an older image more suitable?


"They didn't have any other reference when they chose their human appearances, I just happened to travel through their dimensions at the time, so they used my figure as reference for their own bodies."




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