Bella had made use of Dorothea, the New Moon Demonic Dragon’s concealment magic, to infiltrate the grounds of Nelson the Ogre’s palace. His territories encompassed the Obadiah Region which was at the southern part of the New Moon Island, also known as Copperfield Island.

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Dorothea, the New Moon Demonic Dragon, was well versed in the invisibility magic. Bella was rather curious about her powers as this was the first time that she was not using a stealth tool for this purpose. Dorothea’s invisibility magic was much more advanced than the stealth clothes that Bella had used when she was sneaking into the St. Louis Church Academy.


This invisibility magic was similar to that of Noesha’s Time-Space Isolation Magic where any sound made by the invisible person would be silenced as well. The ogre guards outside could neither hear Bella’s footsteps nor her voice when she spoke. If Dorothea were successful in completely concealing herself, it would have been impossible for Bella to find her.


“Mistress… what are you looking at? Don’t stare at me with such an expression on your face. My invisibility magic can only help you with these kinds of things. I will not help you if you’re thinking of using my powers to sneak into other girls’ rooms!”


“Dorothea, don’t be so heartless! Won’t you help me, pretty please? Look, the night isn’t even over yet and you’re already turning against me? You used to call…”


“Mistress, I have to stand my ground on this. No matter what, this is the only request that I will never agree to. I will gladly receive any punishment for disobeying your this request that you deem fit.”


Dorothea had learned her invisibility magic from the Moon Goddess herself. If she were still around, she would not have agreed to her magic being used for such despicable things. Dorothea’s insistence on the matter was her way of showing her love for the goddess.


Furthermore, Dorothea felt that even without the help of her invisibility magic, Bella would still have her own ways to sneak into the poor girls’ rooms. Her methods were far too smooth and optimized for Bella to be new at taking advantage of girls. The number of girls that she had done naughty things to must have been in the double digits, otherwise, she would not be this proficient.


According to Dorothea’s introduction to her magic, she was able to conceal hundreds of allies at once. However, her magic was not infallible. Some anti-invisibility methods could be used to see past her magic. For instance, one of the leaders of the ogres, Marcellus the Cyclops, had an eye that could send out bolts of petrification magic. The cyclops’ eye could also see through all sorts of concealment magic, such as invisibility magic.


Unfortunately for the ogres, their commander had just been attacked. For now, no one would raise any alarm over here. The infiltration team consisted of Bella, Dorothea, and Amy Beth, with Bella as a Knight and Amy Beth as a Dragon Soldier. Dorothea was a rather special case as she was well versed in many different forms of magic. At the moment, she wielded the Moon Goddess’ scepter and was temporarily the priest of the group.


The two-headed ogre, Nelson, lived in an enormous castle which was widely known as the “Fortress of Boulders”. The outer walls of the fortress were hundreds of meters tall which might have been built this way to protect the castle against the attacks from the giants.


It was practically impossible for anyone to scale the walls of this height. Even Noreya, who was an assassin, would not be able to climb up the fortress walls, let alone anyone else who was not an assassin. Moreover, these walls had all sorts of defensive magic built into it to prevent any outsider from tearing them down using magic. According to the intelligence that was gathered, sixty thousand elite ogres were living in this castle.


The Ogre Race was split into four groups – each of the three ogre commanders ruled thirty thousand of the general ogre public, while the Chief Lord Nelson had jurisdiction over sixty thousand of the elite ogres, who were among the strongest and the most intelligent of the ogres.


At this moment, the city gates were on the locked down. The Two-Headed Ogre Nelson did not care if the ninety thousand ogres on the other side of the gates lived or died as they were not his direct descendants, but the subordinates of the three main commanders.


With Dorothea’s assistance, Bella used flying magic to soar past the city walls. She observed that there were many elite ogre soldiers above the city walls. These ogres were three meters tall and were wearing ebony armors. Their seedy eyes darted around hungrily, as though they had been starving for a long time.

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“Did you hear that? Word among the high-level soldiers is that there will be new food at His Excellency’s great feast.”


“Really? Gosh, we are not the high-level soldiers though. It has been over a thousand years since I have tasted the sweet flesh of a human. I’m so sick and tired of eating those weak little ogres.”


“Dream on, you’re lucky to have ogres as food. Hopefully, there will be enough scraps and leftovers after the feast for us!”


As a Demon King, Bella had been blessed with the ability to understand most demonic languages, which meant that she knew what the two ogres were saying. The ogres’ diet did not just consist of human flesh. These demonic beasts reproduced by cell division. When an ogre had reached a particular stage of growth, a second head would emerge.


After the second head had developed to a certain extent, the ogre would split into two. Those who were weak or had disabilities would be killed and eaten by the other ogres.


Even though the ogres here had for more than five thousand years of history, their population had always been maintained at around a hundred and fifty thousand due to their cannibalistic habits. Bella held back the feelings of disgust and continued to listen in on the ogre’s conversation as she wanted to obtain as much information as she could from the ogre guards.


These guards did not disappoint at all. As expected, in no time at all, Bella had managed to find out that the Chief Lord of the Ogres, the Two-Headed Ogre Nelson, was currently holding a feast somewhere in the center of the Fortress of Boulders. This bloke was unbelievable. There was a war going on right outside the castle and he still had the time and energy to host a feast.


“Mistress, did you obtain any information from what the ogres had said?”


“Mmm, don’t worry about it, just follow me and you’ll be fine!”


Bella stood with her back facing towards the two girls, biting back her words as she silently covered her mouth with her hand. The content of the ogre guards’ conversation had taken a rather… disturbing turn as they dove into a discussion about which part of a human tasted the best. She was a little embarrassed to translate such a disturbing topic to the girls.


Most of the ogre soldiers had agreed on the fact that the human’s buttocks were the meatiest and therefore the most delicious. Bella raised her other hand and wiped off the beads of cold sweat that had formed on her brow. Somehow, listening to the ogres’ words had caused a chill to run down her spine and into her buttocks. Apparently, this perverted group of ogres had a serious butt complex.


The ogres had always maintained a close relationship with the sirens on the northern part of the New Moon Islands. This was a new piece of information for Bella. Ogres could neither swim nor fly while the Sirens could do both. According to the ogre soldiers, the Sirens would head out to various parts of the world a few times a year to seek out an unlucky human maritime exploration fleet as their next victims.


Once they have located the human fleet, the Sirens would begin their attack and destroy the ships before kidnapping everyone. The captured humans would be given to the ogres as a gift. In exchange, the ogres would attack and create trouble at the Sea Dragon God Emerald’s territory. This would take up so much of Emerald’s time and effort that she would not have the energy to deal with the Siren King, McMillan.


The various human empires had some information about the Sirens and their actions. However, in this Other World, the human race’s ability to build boats were abysmal. They only knew how to build large commercial ships, nothing else. These humans did not even have anything close to a decent battleship. To prevent panic from spreading, the Siren attacks had all been classified as “typical maritime mishaps and accidents.”

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Bella finally understood what she had seen in the newspapers. Those mysterious maritime accidents were all related to the transactions between the Sirens and the Ogres! She had felt that it was a little strange when she was reading the empire’s records of maritime accidents in the library. Apparently, there had been cases when the inhabitants of entire islands had mysteriously disappeared. It must have been the work of those Sirens.


That night, the Siren King McMillan had sent a new batch of “food” to the Two-Headed Ogre Nelson. Word is, it was to celebrate the fact that the Sea Dragon God Emerald was dead and her territory had been taken over by the Demon Kings’ army. Bella could already guess what the food was.


Bella retrieved a calligraphy pen that was soaked in blood from her storage ring and began to draw on the ground at the open space behind the gargantuan walls. The blood on the brush belonged to Bella and these bloody brushstrokes would act as a beacon to direct her demonic beasts to her exact location.


In the vicinity of the Sea God Temple on Brown’s Peak, the highest point on the island, among the ruins of the ancient capital city of the Romanov Empire at the center of the New Moon Island, also known as Copperfield Island. This was the overall command point behind the Demon King’s army. Due to their geographical advantage, their vantage point had an unobstructed view of the Obadiah Region on the southern region of the island which was the ogres’ territory.


Many new varieties of demonic soldiers had congregated on the summit. These demonic beasts were vastly different from the previous Demon Army. These massively built Demon Guards were carefully placing giant oval-shaped rocks onto the launch positions on their stone slingers.


These stone slingers were sent over using the teleportation arrays that had been set up on the summit. These were ready-made equipment that had been assembled at the Sarnia Duchy. The rocks were a new type of demonic beasts that were created there as well.


Other than these things, the Demon Guards were also attaching mysterious black boxes on the backs of the White Bone Griffins. Unbeknownst to them, these boxes were from the darkness sacred region and had a striking blood-red seal on them.


“General Haz, we have located the Honorable Demon King’s Imprint of Blood. Look, it’s at the castle on the south side of the island.”


“Mm, that is surely Mistress Bella’s Imprint of Blood. We will proceed according to the plan. Activate all the stone slingers and send them over. Also, inform the White Bone Griffins to be on alert, once we have sent all the rocks over, they can proceed.”


“Yes sir, I understand… General Haz, are we really going to throw those boxes over? Those things inside the box seem to be…”


“Just follow the instructions given to you. Also, I need you to send someone to inform the other allied armies that they are not to enter the Fortress of Boulders. The Demon Army will take full responsibility for the area.”


Hundreds of stone slingers were launched at once and a large batch of boulders was shot into the distance towards the Fortress of Boulders from Brown’s Peak. The boulders would automatically combust and transform into blazing fireballs which crashed right into the position that Bella had specified earlier.


Bella brought her two female dragon companions and walked towards the Fortress of Boulders. Of course, the falling fireballs would not injure any of their allies. Before they reached the entryway of Nelson’s palace, they felt the earth shake beneath their feet. The tremors were so strong that Bella almost lost her balance.


“Finally! Haz, that fellow had timed this extremely well. I will have to reward him handsomely when I return.”

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Bella turned to take a look at the sights behind her. In the distance, the area beyond the walls was being attacked by the “Meteorite Storm”. However, this was not a magical meteorite storm, this was how Bella had planned to introduce new soldiers to the battleground.


The falling fireballs left deep pits in their wake as they crashed on the ground. Many of the ogre guards did not manage to escape in time and were crushed to death. Little did they know what other horrors awaited them. As the meteorites fell on the ground, they transformed into rock giants and crawled out from the depths of the pits. These fiery rock giants were something Bella had created and were inspired by the monsters in a game from the previous world – Hellfire.


The “Hellfire” giants were around ten meters tall. On the other hand, the largest of the ogre guards were only six meters at the most and were no match for them. With a single blow, the Hellfire giants managed to completely shatter the heads of every ogre soldier within their reach. Many of those who were of smaller stature were immediately crushed underfoot.


There were approximately sixty thousand ogre soldiers. Bella had only sent two hundred of the Hellfire giants into the siege. Even though their combat ability surpassed the ogres, they were still severely outnumbered. In no time at all, more than ten thousand ogre soldiers had segregated the Hellfire giants and had them completely surrounded.


“Oh! Wise Mistress, what a waste of resources to use such elite underlings as cannon fodder. Even though they did manage to attract the ogres’ attention, but the price you paid is too…”


“Dorothea, let’s go. I think it would be best if you do not see what comes next.”


Without any further explanation, Bella grabbed on to Dorothea and Amy Beth’s hands and dragged them away. As Bella held on to their hands, the girls could not help but blush. They did not ask any other question and followed Bella towards the palace. Before they left, Bella had smashed a bottle of green liquid on the ground right outside the door.


As Dorothea and Amy Beth walked into the palace, they saw many black boxes fall from the skies and crashed into the ogres’ army. Could these mysterious black boxes be another of Bella’s tricks?


As soon as they hit the ground, these black boxes shattered and a strange black smoke spiraled out of the broken fragments. Those ogres that came into contact with the smoke immediately fell on the ground. Moments after, they would climb back up with bloodshot eyes and began to attack anything they saw, including their own ogre companions.


“That black smoke is poisonous… quickly move away. Why are you attacking me? Are you trying to incite a mutiny…”


The ogres who had been gathering together were in for a tragedy. The toxic smoke spread extremely quickly. Other than the Two-Headed Ogre Nelson’s palace, the entire Fortress of Boulders had been enveloped in the toxic smoke.


The scene descended into a chaotic one. The image of more than sixty thousand elite ogres fighting amongst each other to the death was a sight to behold. This black smoke was a lethal poison that could cause most demonic beasts to enter in a state of confusion. As the doors of the fortress were tightly shut, the poisonous smoke could not drift past the walls that were hundreds of meters tall and could only settle within the grounds.


The Hellfire giants were one of the few demonic beasts that were immune to the effects of the poisonous smoke. Once they saw that the poisoning was successful, they began to congregate and approach the Two-Headed Ogre Nelson’s palace. They were moving according to the plan to surround the palace to provide cover and support for the Demon King Bella’s assassination mission.


As Bella moved along the pathways of Nelson’s palace, she was beginning to feel that it had been unnecessary and wasteful to infiltrate it while being invisible. There were no guards in sight anywhere. This fellow was too cocky, he did not even arrange for security within his palace.

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The pathways that ran throughout Nelson’s palace were specifically tailored to the ogres’ height. Typically, ogres were at least three meters tall. It could be estimated that the height of the ceilings were about six meters. As they walked down the corridor, Bella and the others seemed comparatively small.


The palace was extremely quiet and the silence made Bella a little uncomfortable and even slightly afraid. Didn’t the ogre guards on the wall say that Nelson was having a gathering? This is far too quiet for a feast.


There were tons of human bones piled along the sides of the pathway. The Ogre Race would typically keep the heads of their prey as trophies while the rest of the body would be crushed and gnawed on along with their bones. As she walked further, Bella felt a little depressed as this bunch of ogres did not even leave any skeletons for her. She had wanted to take this chance to summon some of her skeletal soldiers, but without a skeleton, her hands were tied.


“Seriously, this Nelson fellow is such a waste of resources. Eh? What’s wrong with you ladies, are you scared?”


Bella stared thoughtfully at the pile of bones on the floor with a hint of sympathy. The skulls of these victims had been smashed open by the ogres, probably to obtain the “ingredients” within it. These bones have already lost all value and they were completely useless now.


“Mm, Mistress… I am a little scared. We should probably leave! I wish… I wish to find Poseidon’s Scepter as soon as possible.”


“Amy Beth, you are the original Sea Dragon God. What are you afraid of?! What a disgrace to the Dragon Race.”


While Dorothea was teasing Amy Beth, she had maintained a vice-like grip on Bella’s hand. This lass, who knew she was the type who was so proud that she would rather make fun of others even though she was scared to death herself. On the other hand, Amy Beth stuck close to Bella and was grabbing on to her arm. It was obvious who was more afraid.


“Mistress, the stones used to build these walls seem to have soundproofing capabilities, no wonder it’s so quiet here. Any sound made within the palace cannot be heard by any outsider.”


“I see. By the way, Amy Beth, do you feel the aura of Poseidon’s Trident anywhere nearby?”


“Mistress, Poseidon’s Trident doesn’t seem to be anywhere inside the palace. However, I’m certain that the trident was here before, just that it probably has been moved elsewhere.”


“Honestly, this thing is ridiculous! Did it go to heaven instead? I truly cannot believe that it can fly. Amy Beth, don’t panic just yet. I swear, even if Poseidon’s Trident had gone to heaven, I will track it down and bring it back to you.”


“Mm, thank you, Mistress.”


Based on Amy Beth’s reaction, Poseidon’s Trident had gone missing yet again. This time, no one knew where it had disappeared to. That annoying little tyke of a dryad, he did not have any talents, however, he was a grandmaster at escaping. Bella honestly did not know whether to laugh or cry at their current predicament.

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