One of the sub-islands on the eastern region of the New Moon Island – also known as Copperfield Island was the Dulles Isle. This location was a gathering place for the Sirens. Unlike the Obadiah Region which was occupied by the Ogres, this place was entirely filled by the Sirens. There were around three hundred thousand Sirens which could be categorized into two main types – flying and aquatic.

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The flying type Sirens belonged to the more advanced Sirens. As strong swimmers, they were able to navigate the seas in addition to their ability to fly. There were only about sixty thousand of such flying type Sirens while the aquatic type Sires were the majority with at-least twenty-four thousand of them, and they made up the core strength of the species.


It was dawn on the third day. Bella and her dorm mates stood on the Sea Demonic Dragon Amy Beth’s back as they advanced towards the Dulles Isle. Under the cover of the New Moon Demonic Dragon Dorothea’s invisibility magic, the Sirens patrolling the skies did not notice the presence of these intruders.


The Sea Demonic Dragon Amy Beth moved swiftly and soundlessly while remaining unseen by the aquatic type Sirens patrolling the waters. There were a few Sirens who were a little more clever and realized that there were intruders within their territory. However, they were quickly dragged down into the darkest depths of the ocean and were permanently silenced by the elite Slime soldiers.


Besides Amy Beth, there were thousands of mutated Slime soldiers who were surrounding as she traveled through the water. These soldiers belonged to the Abyss Demonic King’s special forces which were able to move stealthily without being detected by the Sirens.


“Bella, is that the Dulles Isle? It looks just like a human city.”


“Lisha, I’m not sure either. Let’s proceed with more caution!”


The Dulles Isle was not small, it was roughly equivalent to one-third of the size of Copperfield Island. The Dulles Isle was covered with stone structures that were built in a mish-mash of architectural styles. As far as Bella could see, she was able to identify the architectural styles of every human empire.


Besides, there were many structures as well that Bella had never seen before. Among those that she could identify, some structures had been built in a similar style to the ones that Bella had seen in the ancient ruins of the Romanov Empire in the central region of the New Moon Island.


Various flags belonging to Demon Kings could be seen on the Dulles Isle. It seemed as if these flags were there to serve as a warning sign to anyone who wished to enter, to remind them that this city belonged to the Sirens and that there were no humans here. Before they went ashore, Bella asked Dorothea and Amy Beth, who were from the Dragon Race, to remain behind as the backup while she would venture into the island with Lisha and the others.


The closer they approached the Dulles Isle, the greater the feeling of trepidation grew in Bella’s heart. The isle was a maritime city with a designated harbor. There were ships of every kind docked at the harbor. Even though they were all made of wood, but the harbor was well equipped with various kinds of ships, from cargo ships to warships that were ready for battle.


Bella could see a multitude of humans on the docks. These humans were all well-built and strong young men. They were all nearly naked except for a piece of cloth that covered their private areas. These young men had all sorts of wounds from being whipped to stabbing scars, and judging from their weary looks, they must have been forced to do these menial tasks for quite some time now.


Standing beside the human slaves were many aquatic Sirens. The Sirens brandished their whips at them, forcing the slaves to keep working. If anyone of them slowed down, they would immediately receive a sound beating. These human slaves probably had been beaten into submission and such could not dare to fight back when one of their own was being beaten up.


“This is a slave island? Could it be possible… that the Siren King McMillan had a much higher IQ than the Two-Headed Ogre Nelson?”


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Bella and her dorm mates chose to head ashore in an obscure corner of the harbor. A few mutated Slime soldiers had already gone ahead of them. The soldiers returned with some armor that the Siren sergeants wore. Their previous owners had already been ‘digested’ by the Slime soldiers.


Bella and the other girls changed into the heavy sergeant’s armor before removing the invisibility enchantments that Dorothea had placed on them. They began to make their way towards the highest point of the Dulles Isle. There was a tall tower-like structure at the peak and it was likely to be the Siren King McMillan’s mansion.


Following Bella and the others was a steady stream of Slime soldiers disguised as the Siren soldiers. As they approached the open area of the harbor, Bella already had hundreds of fake “Siren soldiers” behind her.


“Greetings, Captain Loren. Lord McMillian has requested your presence in his emergency meeting. As for the other honored captains, you are invited to attend as well.”


“Mm, I understand.”


The Siren language was a variation of the demonic language which meant that Bella and the others could understand it. Neither the Siren soldiers at the guard posts nor the ones patrolling the area suspected that these captains were imposters, and allowed Bella and her group to pass without any trouble through the various checkpoints. She had even taken advantage of her current status as “captain” to obtain information from the soldiers.


However, the Dulles Isle did not have all the three hundred thousand Sirens on it, that number was simply an approximation of their total population count. Most of the Sirens were sent out to the various oceanic regions around the world where they would attack the human business fleets and human-inhabited islands to capture able-bodied individuals. These humans would be used as slaves to complete strenuous and menial tasks.


Only around fifty thousand Sirens were currently present on the Dulles Isle. Among them, twenty thousand of them were flying types while the rest were aquatic types. Putting aside the Sirens that patrolled the perimeter of the isle, its actual inhabitants only consisted of twenty thousand Sirens and approximately ten thousand human slaves.


According to the information that Bella had gathered from the Siren guards, this island fortress was built at the behest of one of the Twelve Demon Kings – the Ocean Demon King, Victoria, and was the property of the Twelve Demon Kings. Also, Bella and the others were extremely lucky to have hit the “jackpot” as Victoria was apparently on the Dulles Isle that day.


It wasn’t as if Bella had never met any of the Twelve Demon Kings in person before. However, the last time was when she saw Ockham – the Demon King of the Heart, and that encounter was cut short when that unlucky Demon King was defeated by Lolita’s devastating power after exchanging a few quick blows. Furthermore, the Demon King of the Heart that they had met was merely a shadow of what he used to be. Bella wondered if the Ocean Demon King, Victoria, would be ‘real’ or not.


The highest tower of the Dulles Isle was deep within McMillan’s mansion. Under the disguise of being Siren generals, Bella and her dorm mates passed the security checks at each guard station with ease. They had finally reached the core region of the Dulles Isle – the Tower of Sirens.


Along the way, Bella secretly sent groups of mutated Slime soldiers to infiltrate various groups within the Sirens and await her further orders. She was unsure if the Ocean Demon King had a complete body and she was worried that Victoria would see through her demonic beings’ disguise.


“Captain Loren, this way please.”


The Siren that Bella was impersonating was a captain and was of a higher rank than Lisha and the others, who played the part of vice-captains. As she walked into the Sirens’ banquet hall, Bella could see the high-level Sirens who had transformed into their humanoid forms. These Sirens were different from the lower-level aquatic Sirens, those who were here were all the flying types who were able to morph into humanoid forms.


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As there was only limited space within the entrance hall, the Sirens would not be able to maintain their original enormous forms, otherwise, barely any Siren would fit in the hall. Within this tower, Bella could see many human slaves. However, these slaves were different from the coolies who were doing menial jobs outside. The ones here in the tower were all female slaves.


To prevent any of these women from poisoning their food or concealing any weapons, they were not allowed to wear any clothes. Even though this was a kind of jackpot for Bella, but she was unmoved by their naked bodies. In comparison to the “trophies” that she had acquired previously, these young women were only average in terms of attractiveness and was not a distraction for her at all.


While the Sirens were busy gathering, not many of them paid any attention to the female slaves. The other Siren generals barely batted an eyelid when Bella and the others walked in and continued to drink and play games. As Captain Loren belonged to the group that patrolled the perimeter of the isle for long periods, she did not socialize much with the other generals. Similarly, none of the other generals approached her either.


In the center of the entrance hall, Bella saw the Siren King McMillan in his humanoid form, who looked like a middle-aged uncle. However, since the Ocean Demon King Victoria was nowhere to be seen, Bella could not help but feel a little disappointed.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, today, we are honored to have the opportunity to host Her Excellency, the Ocean Demon King, here at the Dulles Isle. All the food here are gifts from Her Excellency. Let us raise a glass to celebrate this wonderful occasion!”


The Siren King McMillan raised his long-stemmed glass as a gesture towards the Siren generals in the hall. The generals did not refuse his toast and drained their drinks in a single go. To blend in, Bella and the other girls pretended to do the same as well.


There was no rule which stipulated that one could not wear armor in the banquet hall. This meant that many others were dressed in full armor and thus no one suspected that Bella and her friends were imposters.


During the feast, Bella did not have much of an appetite. The food that the Ocean Demon King had gifted the Sirens seemed to be the human-food. She recalled that for a few dozen bronze coins, one would be able to buy a large amount of food like this within the various human empires. This Ocean Demon King was too shabby. Such food was typically used as a perfunctory gesture, how could she take something like that and give it as a gift to her subordinates?


Bella watched as the Siren generals around ate with gusto and began to suspect that this bunch of Siren had some taste issues. Otherwise, it would be an exaggerated act by the generals as they ate human food as though it were exotic delicacies.


The doors of the banquet hall were left open as these Siren banquets were typically rather casual. Every once in a while, someone would leave their seat and step outside. Using their secret signals, Bella gestured Kriss and the others before leaving the banquet, as though she had something on her mind.


As many Siren generals were moving in and out of the hall, no one paid much attention to Bella leaving the banquet. Lisha and the others remained inside and would play by ear to find an opportunity to leave as well. They had brought special communication tools along with them. Even if they were separated for a little while, they would still be able to swiftly track each other’s location.


After leaving the hall, Bella intended to look for the Siren King McMillan’s bedroom where Poseidon’s Trident was likely to be kept in. Earlier, she did not take any chances for McMillan to be alerted about the fact that someone was looking for the trident and thus did not try to hunt for any information during the banquet.


The Siren King McMillan’s bedroom was not difficult to find. Along the way, Bella simply had to ask a Siren general who was completely inebriated about the location of McMillan’s bedroom and she was immediately given directions.


“Loren… you punk, why are you strolling around here? Come, we’ll go back to the banquet and your old buddy here will drink… raise a toast to you.”


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“Erm, buddy, do you know where the Siren King’s bedroom is? I have something I wish to give to him in secret.”


“Oc… Ocean King? You have guts, young punk. I would never expect you to learn from humans… it’s right over there. Loren, buddy – don’t be so eager to leave! Let’s have another drink… the Ocean Demon King does not accept any gifts.”


Bella was terrified that this sloppy drunk of a Siren general would vomit all over her at some point and wanted to leave as quickly as she could. It was so sloshed that he barely made any sense. Besides, the general did not hear her clearly either and had mistakenly heard the Siren King as the Ocean Demon King. In his inebriated mess, he had directed Bella to the Ocean Demon King Victoria’s room instead.


As Bella was in a rush, she could not hear what the Siren general had said at the end. If she had heard everything, she probably would not want to seek any trouble with Ocean Demon King, Victoria. As she had an unpleasant experience with Ockham – the Demon King of the Heart, she did not have the best impression of the original Twelve Demon Kings.


As Bella walked up to the entrance of the Siren King McMillan’s room, she found that the doors were left unlocked. After some hesitation, she made sure that the coast was clear before she slipped into the room.


There was a strange floral arrangement on the doors of the Siren King’s room. Even though that feminine decoration piqued her curiosity, she did not give it much thought as there could be a possibility that the Siren King had some unique interests.


With a soft thud, Bella opened the door right into someone walking out of the room. The other person was incredibly strong and had almost knocked her off her feet. It was not the first time that Bella had walked right into someone, but it was her first to nearly knock someone to the ground.


“Hey, you… what’s your problem? Don’t you know that you should knock before entering a room? I’ll smash your head in!”


The other party who had been knocked to the ground was a girl. She had long navy-blue hair and her eyes were an intriguing shade of blue. Bella had seen quite a few blue irises but this was the first time she had locked her eyes with a pair of blue eyes that were so bewitching.


As she looked at what the girl was wearing, Bella was internally screaming all sorts of profanity at the Siren general who had given her directions. There was a mark on her clothes that looked exactly like the one on Ockham’s clothes. Since Ockham was one of the Twelve Demon Kings, which meant that this girl was Victoria – the Ocean Demon King.


Initially, Bella was only slightly suspicious as the Ocean Demon King’s name was feminine, but she had never expected the Demon King to be a girl at all. Moreover, she was gorgeous. The vibe that Victoria gave off was a perfect cross between seduction and innocence. When she did not speak, she looked like a naive little girl.


Now, Victoria was staring at Bella with a furious expression on her face, obviously blaming her for knocking her to the ground. However, no matter how you look at it, her face of anger simply looked as though she was teasing and baiting you to do unspeakable things to her. Those bewitching blue irises were constantly giving “come hither” looks. Together with her stunning looks, she was a “deadly poison” to any weak-willed human.


“Honorable Ocean Demon King, my sincere apologies. I must have gotten the wrong room. I shall…”


“Stop right there, did I give you permission to leave?”

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Bella turned to leave but was called back by the Ocean Demon King Victoria. A strong wave of mana swept over her and froze Bella in place. She did not even dare to move a muscle. Based on the strength of the mana, the Ocean Demon King Victoria was many times more powerful than the Demon King of the Heart, Ockham. Besides, her recovery time would be much faster as well.


“Honorable Ocean Demon King, this is a misunderstanding. I am… I mean, I’m here to present a gift.”


“A gift? I find how the human practice of gift-giving is deplorable. Do you have a death wish…”


“I do not mean anything like that. I am just passing by. Oh Honorable Ocean Demon King, please have mercy on me! I have a family of young and old who is dependent on me!”


“Come in then, if you do not wish to die.”


The Ocean Demon King Victoria was vastly different from the Sirens here as these Sirens could only differentiate gender based on a person’s appearance and not their voice. This was the main reason why Bella and the others did not get identified as imposters even if they spoke in a female’s voice.


However, there was nothing wrong with the Ocean Demon King Victoria’s hearing as she was not a Siren. Bella’s voice was feminine and there was no way that she could not hear that! Also, when they bumped into each other earlier, Victoria realized that the humanoid form of this Siren was female as well.


Up until this point, she had never met any Siren who chose to have a female humanoid form. Victoria could not help but feel curious. This came at the right time as she had something that she needed help with.


Furthermore, Victoria spoke in the Demon King’s tongue. In her anger, she forgot that no one would understand what she had said other than the Siren King McMillan. None of the other Sirens spoke the Demon King’s language.


Bella panicked and responded in the Demon King’s language. This time, she had gotten herself into so much trouble. When she realized what she had done, it was too late and Victoria already had the upper hand.


“You’re a girl, right? You can’t fool me with that voice. This is my first time meeting a female Siren. Come in, there is something that I need you to do. Furthermore, you do not have the authority to refuse. No one can refuse my requests unless it is another Demon King.”


“But I am… Yes, I understand, Honorable Demon King.”


“That’s more like it. What is your name?”


“Be… Belle.”

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