Xu Sili looked at the panel that suddenly jumped out. He ignored Si Sheng’s strange gaze and quickly browsed it.

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[Ding! Imperial City-Mercenary Town has a newly built wooden house +1, experience value +100.]

He glanced at the experience bar again.

[Distance to level up: 167/800]

It was right, he did go up by 100 experience.

Xu Sili was stunned for a while.

This was unscientific. Building a house could actually increase experience points? He had been here for five days. It was impossible that in those five days, only one house had been built in Mercenary Town, right?

He frowned and thought for a moment. Then he moved his mind and opened his territory panel.

[Escher Star]

[Imperial City Lv 2, Lanyue City Lv 1, Star City Lv 1, Glass City Lv 1, Twilight City Lv 1.]

Xu Sili skillfully opened the Imperial City panel. This territory panel was indispensable in him grasping the situation of the Elemental Academy that day so quickly.

There was a bit of a change to this territory panel compared to last time. Originally, there were two columns of town icons, each icon representing a town. He could click on it to see the building details of each town.

For example, in the inner city, there was the palace, the ruling buildings, the Elementalist Academy, etc. If he kept scrolling down, he could see all the buildings in the inner city.

In the outer city, there were more small towns and villages.

Xu Sili hadn’t paid much attention to it before and only took a look. Now at this moment, he found that there was another column on the far right of the panel.

[Under Construction: Mercenary Town Lv 1]

Xu Sili blinked. Xu Sili looked at the new column, suppressed his excitement and entered to view it.

[Mercenary Town Lv 1]

[Status: Under construction and upgrade.

People in charge: Justin, Wen Jishan (100% increase in revenue)

Completed: Wooden house x 1.

Under construction: Wooden house (80%), wooden house (50%), wooden house (20%), brick house (1%).

Financial expenditure: 0

New population: None.

Special status bonus: Residents’ injury rate 2% (construction speed -10%), residents’ hunger and cold rate 30% (construction speed -30%).]

Xu Sili read the data carefully.

He had been a bit curious when he found out there was a special status bonus. Then he saw the content after it and couldn’t help frowning, his expression a bit ugly. It was called a bonus but it turned out to be debuffs?

He pursed his lips. These two debuffs stacked on top of each other and the construction speed was directly slowed down by 40%.

It was nearly half. No wonder why it had been three days and the Elementalist Academy only built one new wooden house, which was much slower than Xu Sili thought.

He thought it over but couldn’t figure out how the city construction system decided which towns were under construction. Still, it didn’t matter to Xu Sili as long as it could help him level up. He would slowly explore this later. In any case, he had plenty of time.

He was now certain—rebuilding the Mercenary Town was the right thing to do! If he knew that construction could increase his experience, he wouldn’t have wasted three days here…

Xu Sili paused. He still liked singing. This was also related to his personal skills so it couldn’t be put down. It was just that the current situation was good. Construction increased experience which meant he could passively level up.

He just had to sit at home and do nothing, apart from brainstorming at most. Let the people under him do it and he would eat the experience points!

He wasn’t short of manpower right now. The Imperial City was the main city and there were 3 million people in the inner city alone, not to mention the more than 30 million people in the outer city.

Think about it. In order for others to level up, they had to exhaust themselves killing monsters and training. Meanwhile, he just needed to command his people to engage in construction.

It was easy, happy and didn’t make him tired at all. He could also make money and buy people’s hearts. This was better than being a player.

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He might be in a crisis and needed the protection of the strongest person for the moment but once he became stronger, would he still need to be afraid of the assassinations of traitors and aliens? Once the Roland Empire was strong, so what about those lizardmen? They could counterattack Bewatt.

Xu Sili thought about it and was in a good mood. The depression from making no progress in the past three days was instantly swept away. Even looking at Si Sheng, he thought this guy was too handsome and wanted to kiss him. Of course, Xu Sili wasn’t so unrestrained.

He glanced at Si Sheng happily before continuing to walk in the direction of the palace gate.

Si Sheng was startled at first seeing the little emperor’s smile. Then he watched this person continue moving forward with a smile. The emperor moved a lot lighter and Si Sheng couldn’t help raising his eyebrow.

Just… did something happen? He recalled the strange behavior of the young man but couldn’t reach any conclusions. Si Sheng frowned and noted down these details. Then he continued to follow the young man in a protective posture. No matter who occupied the body, he would protect them. Because… this was his only hope.

Xu Sili walked slowly but wasn’t idle. He sent a message to Li Zhecheng, letting him take the royal water healer to Mercenary Town.

Now that the construction speed of Mercenary Town affected his leveling speed, it couldn’t be dragged down by the debuffs. The injury rate of the residents might only be 2% but the population of Mercenary Town was 50,000 people. 2% of the population was around 1,000 which was much better than the 30% who were hungry and cold.

Moreover, he had seen the ability of the royal water healer, Niya, that day.

Janice had been injured so badly but she was running around in a full condition the next day. It should be sufficient for the royal water healer to treat the victims.

As for the Elementalist Academy, they also had water healers but they were only one star and their strength was quite poor.

He couldn’t just take advantage. The academy was now doing the construction of Mercenary Town and it was hard to let them do other things in the short term.

Xu Sili gave Li Zhecheng an order before turning his head and asking Janice for Wen Jishan’s communication number. He then issued an order to solve the problem of food and clothing in Mercenary Town.

As for the specific measures that would be taken by the chief administrator, he didn’t care. Let that person have a headache.

A town like Mercenary Town should be considered relatively wealthy yet there were 30% of residents facing the predicament of hunger and cold. Then what about other places?

The Roland Empire had a long way to go before it could be strong.

Xu Sili shook his head and left these thoughts behind. He would give priority to the construction speed of Mercenary Town. For the others, he would wait and think about it later.

Just then, the words ‘Lv 1’ after the town name aroused Xu Sili’s interest again.

Building a house could increase experience. Then what about upgrading an entire town? Thinking about this, Xu Sili opened the town upgrade system again.

Soon, he found it.

On the main page of the Imperial City, each town name had a [+] sign after it. He selected it and the upgrade conditions popped up.

[Mercenary Town Lv 1]

[Conditions required for Lv 2:

1. Main City level: Lv 2/Lv 2.

2. Population: 52,540/10,000.

3. Special buildings: Administration Hall (1/1), academy (0/1), guard barracks (1/1), shops (9/5), farmland (5/10), processing factories (3/5)…

4. Residents’ food and clothing rate: 70%/100%.]

Xu Sili glanced at it and knew the direction he should take with Mercenary Town.

The town’s population was definitely enough and was even a bit explosive, but the productivity hadn’t caught up. The economic source mainly still relied on mercenaries going out to work and the beast fighting arena. It was necessary to generate income in other areas and develop in a balanced manner.

For Xu Sili, this system was a tremendous help and saved him a lot of effort.

Xu Sili slowly thought about it when he felt someone approaching from behind him. Then the palm of a hand suddenly appeared in front of his face.

He couldn’t avoid it so his forehead slammed into the man’s palm.

Xu Sili opened his eyes slightly, a bit dazed as he felt the warm and rough touch on his forehead. What was going on?

It was only when he lowered his eyes and saw the structure blocking his way—a statue was placed in the middle of the road—that Xu Sili realized what happened.

He had been so focused just now that he almost ran into it! Ah, this…

It was too embarrassing.

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Xu Sili stood stiffly in place.

The tall man stood behind him, arms around him and palm touching his forehead. Just then, the palm gently pushed and Xu Sili was pressed back against a wall—

It was the man’s broad and hard chest.

Thump thump.

A violent thumping sound seemed to be heard in Xu Sili’s ears.

The young man blinked, his long curly eyelashes accidentally sweeping over the man’s big hand in front of his eyes. Xu Sili felt a bit itchy but this awkward situation made him afraid to act rashly.

Fortunately, Si Sheng took the initiative to pull his hand back and he withdrew, opening the distance between the two of them.

The blazing breath moved away at the same time.

Xu Sili instinctively looked back. The blond-haired man stood quietly behind him, gray-blue eyes calm. His casual attitude was as if nothing had happened.

Suddenly, it didn’t seem so embarrassing.

Xu Sili pursed his lips and retracted his gaze. He stared at the statue in front of him and couldn’t help letting out a curse. Then he walked decisively around the statue and continued toward the palace gate.

Si Sheng was still close by his side but at an angle the young man couldn’t see, the corners of his mouth slightly curved up.

The setting sun hung on the horizon. The afterglow of the setting sun poured down on the ground and the two people walking seemed to be immersed in an ocean of orange light.

There were long shadows on the ground. As they walked, the shadows separated and overlapped. Then in the sunset, they slowly moved away…

By the time Xu Sili left the palace, the sun had completely set. Night fell and the entire inner city was lit up and lively. It hadn’t fallen silent as night fell.

The road was full of people coming and going. There were exotic customs and classical architecture. In the details, there was advanced technology that belonged to the future.

Xu Sili was in a trance as he saw the split flow of people riding carriages on the ground and suspension cars in the sky. He also saw flying shuttles and magic blankets passing through the sky from time to time. Backwards and advanced, science fiction and magic, contradictory and harmonious.

Xu Sili felt it was very novel. Sure enough, it wasn’t good to see it from the shuttle. He still had to walk around the city in person to see more.

Currently, he didn’t do too much of a disguise. It was because there was Si Sheng. He had a special stealth skill called ‘Passerby Halo.’

After using this skill, it was easy to ignore their existence unless someone was paying special attention to them. It was an absolutely must-have skill when celebrities traveled!


Xu Sili looked around and then slowly walked into a quiet, lively alley.

The alley was lined with small stalls. The stall owners enthusiastically solicited customers and kept shouting. There were also customers full of vitality who were bargaining with the stall owners.

Even in reality, Xu Sili hadn’t been to such a lively and grounded place for a long time.

After he became famous, he gained and lost many things at the same time. For example, he had to do a good job disguising himself every time he went out. Even so, it was impossible to go shopping without being disturbed.

This was the first time he walked on a road and no one paid attention to him. He seemed to have become the most ordinary passerby, walking and shopping with his friends.

There was no need to worry about being secretly photographed or to worry about paparazzi and obsessive fans. He didn’t have to worry about doing anything strange that caused him to be criticized on the hot search.

No one paid attention to him. It was so comfortable!

Xu Sili’s eyes lit up as he looked here and there. He thought about how this was due to Si Sheng’s skill and couldn’t help muttering in a low voice, “Why do you have so many abnormal abilities?”

He was really envious and jealous… The key reason was—

These skills were basically what he gathered for Si Sheng in Game of the Gods. There was no special reason for it at the time. He just found it fun. It was the fun of collecting stamps and he basically got all these skills for his cub.

Xu Sili hadn’t expected these strange skills to be so useful in reality! Why didn’t he let the game developers give Snow Roland a copy? He felt pain in his heart thinking about it.

Si Sheng had been spreading his mental strength to observe the crowd for any possible dangers. Now he heard the young man’s mutters. Xu Sili’s voice might be very small in the hustle and bustle of the crowd but he heard it.

He was silent. His skills… many of them had something to do with Lord God. Some were directly rewarded by Lord God and some were rewarded after completing tasks under his instructions. Only a small part of them were gained from the epiphanies he had in this strange world over the past three years.

The little emperor…

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Wouldn’t he know if he was the Lord God?

Si Sheng pressed his lips together tightly and said nothing.

Xu Sili was just complaining casually. It was noisy here and he didn’t expect Si Sheng to hear it. Just then, he abruptly stood still and glanced sideways at a place in the alley that was lively.

It was a pub in the alley.

Two or three old chairs were placed at the door of the pub. Next to the door was a large window inlaid with wooden boards that was opened. It was used as a table for the customers to set their glasses. In addition to drinking, there were many people looking at something in the pub.

Xu Sili was a bit curious but he didn’t want to squeeze in. He meditated slightly and entered the mysterious state. His pupils might’ve lost their focus but all the scenery within five meters was clearly reflected in his mind. But…

Five meters wasn’t enough. He could barely pass through the crowd blocking the front of the pub while the scene further away became blurred.

Xu Sili felt a bit depressed. He was just about to leave this state when he felt a man’s powerful arm holding his waist. Immediately afterward, a powerful and soft spiritual force ‘touched’ him.

After encountering that power, Xu Sili had some strange images in his mind. If his power was light purple then the power that suddenly appeared was shiny and light gold. This power guided him and pushed away the fog in front of his ‘eyes’. Xu Sili ‘saw’ the scene in the pub.

He was a bit nervous but the thought of Si Sheng next to him caused him to relax. Xu Sili didn’t think much of it because he was attracted by the scene inside the pub. It turned out that everyone gathered at the pub door to… watch TV!

An old LCD screen was inlaid on the wall and a TV show was playing. It showed…

It turned out to be Mercenary Town.

The female reporter he saw on that day appeared on the screen again. She explained matters to the audience in a very excited voice. Xu Sili could also hear the people discussing it in the crowd.

“It’s strange. They aren’t broadcasting the live fighting of the beast fighting arena but building houses?”

“Yes, what’s so good about building houses? I want to watch football…”

“You can watch football every day. The elementalists are building houses… have you ever seen it before?”

“Bullshit! I haven’t even seen elementalists fighting.”

“That’s not all.”

“An elementalist is amazing. Look, a seed is dropped and it grows into a big tree!”

“Tsk, this stone house is even more powerful! The foundation just rose out of the ground. It is cool to watch.”

“No? How can they be called elementalists if they aren’t awesome?”

“It is evening. Aren’t the elementalists going to rest? Why are they still building houses?”

“I heard…” Someone lowered his voice and spoke in a gossipy tone, “His Majesty only gave the elementalists half a month to complete the construction or they will be punished!”


The crowd was in an uproar.

“Is this true or false? His Majesty will punish the elementalists? Isn’t it said that His Majesty doesn’t have enough authority and no one listens to his words?”

“Yes, His Majesty is still young and timid. I watched the broadcast on the day of his ascension to the throne and he almost cried in fright. His voice was shaking when he told the army generals to get up.

Someone stepped on him and someone else refuted it.

“Why don’t you try facing 100,000 troops? A group of murderous veterans rushed back from the front lines. Wouldn’t you be afraid?”

“I’m not the emperor!”

The man was righteous when a young voice suddenly said, “How do you know he was scared? I think he was excited!”

“Did you see the fight against a three star beast in Mercenary Town a few days ago?”

“The three star beast broke free from their control. If it wasn’t for His Majesty being present and asking the elementalist guards to stop it, as well as him acting himself, I’m afraid that Mercenary Town would now be a river of blood!”

“Then after killing the three star beast, His Majesty asked the elementalist masters to rebuild the town!”

“Who would’ve thought of such a thing before?”

“Yes, His Majesty might be young and not very mature but at least he cares about us civilians.”

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There were many civilians even in the inner city, especially in the alleys and pubs. They lived a rich life but it was only in comparison to the outer city. They weren’t really comparable to the nobles and elementalists.

“Yes, so I’m going to visit the mercenary town tomorrow.” Just then, a young man with red hair spoke. He stared at the TV screen, his eyes full of longing. “I heard that they are hiring people. Such a large rebuilding project will definitely require a lot of manpower.”

“Chi Yu, don’t make trouble!” The pub owner frowned upon hearing this. “Mercenary Town seems to have many elementalists going there but they will be forced to leave sooner or later. I know you have a longing for the elementalists but it is the outer city after all. The environment isn’t comparable to the inner city. In addition, didn’t you just get a good job? Why are you going there?”

“I’m studying architecture. If I go…” The red-haired young man trailed off.

“You should talk to your parents first.” The pub owner waved his hand and continued with his business.

The red-haired youth fell silent and drank in a depressed manner.

Xu Sili watched the broadcast of Mercenary Town while listening to their conversation. He also heard the customers’ comments about him but he didn’t care much. However, the red-haired youth who wanted to go to Mercenary Town caught his attention.

Chi Yu…

It was another familiar name! Ever since knowing there were special NPCs like Wen Jishan, Xu Sili had carefully recalled the cards in Game of the Gods.

It was just that there were too many cards in the game, especially in the support category. Many of them were eating dust in the corner and he hadn’t spent much time raising them. He naturally couldn’t remember their names. Still, he remembered Chi Yu. It was because the name was like eating fish.

Xu Sili wanted to use Insight to see if this person was a card character. As a result…

The arm holding his waist suddenly tightened. Then it took him and retreated to the side. Xu Sili was disturbed and withdrew from that mysterious state. His eyes became clear again.

Just then, a turbulent group of people passed by them. This group seemed to be going to the square to see a performance.

Si Sheng took him to the side to avoid it and the tall figure completely separated from the crowd, not letting anyone hit him.

Xu Sili couldn’t help looking up.

The man stood in front of him, glancing sideways at the crowd. From Xu Sili’s perspective, he could only see the cold, hard side profile and slightly wrinkled brow. The cold, thin lips were pursed slightly with some displeasure.

Xu Sili watched him and wasn’t angry at being interrupted just now. Once Si Sheng glanced back at him, he hurriedly looked away. Soon, the crowd gradually decreased and the crowded alley became more spacious.

Si Sheng stepped back again.

Xu Sili couldn’t help sighing with relief. Then he remembered how his Insight had been interrupted and quickly ‘looked’ at the pub. Unfortunately, the young man called Chi Yu was gone.

It was a bit regrettable but Xu Sili wasn’t in a hurry. Once he returned to the palace, he would have people look for this red-haired youth.

The young emperor lost interest in the pub and continued walking again. He thought about what happened just now and couldn’t help asking Si Sheng, “It was you, right?”

Si Sheng looked down at him and raised an eyebrow.

“That golden power, wasn’t it you? Then what is that power? Mine seems to be purple?” Xu Sili wondered.

Looking at the eyes glowing with curiosity, Si Sheng pursed his lips slightly. “Spiritual power.”

He cherished words like gold but it was explained.

Xu Sili was stunned. It turned out this was spiritual power! He had read many fantasy and magic novels and was able to understand the concept of spiritual power. 

At the same time, he once again realized how powerful Si Sheng was. If it wasn’t for this person’s help, he wouldn’t have been able to see the scene in the pub.

Xu Sili recalled the feeling at that time. Then he abruptly stopped at a small stall. This was a jewelry stall. The stall displayed rough-looking jewelry including bracelets, earrings, rings, etc. They seemed to be handmade.

The young man’s eyes were attracted to a chain necklace. It was a dark blue stone. The surface was polished smooth and there was a hole in it for the braided straw rope to go through.

It was ordinary and there was nothing special. Yet it caught Xu Sili’s eye instantly.

Si Sheng noticed the gaze and glanced at the handmade necklace. Did the little emperor want it?

He was about to reach for it but the young man was one step ahead of him. The little emperor lifted the necklace up and held the blue stone in his hand, examining it.

Si Sheng saw it and silently put down his raised hand. To his surprise, the young man tied a knot in the necklace and turned to look at him. Then the little emperor stood on tiptoe and hung the blue stone necklace around his neck.

Si Sheng stared in a daze, a bit of confusion in his blue-gray eyes. Once Xu Sili put it on the other person, he carefully looked at it and nodded with satisfaction.

He was about to pay the stall owner when he heard the man’s slightly hoarse voice. “This… what is it?”

Xu Sili didn’t raise his head as he instinctively answered, “A gift.”

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