Xu Sili suddenly focused on an individual and his tone was very familiar. This made the faces of the teachers present become a bit embarrassed.

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Su Lin…

This poor student had been enrolled for 11 years but was always at the bottom of the rankings in terms of strength. He was known to several teachers of the warrior department.

It wasn’t that he was known to everyone due to his poor strength. It was that he kept making a fuss about wanting to change his department.

The teachers weren’t at ease. They thought he was whimsical and sometimes became annoyed with him, making demeaning remarks.

Of course, it just stopped here. They didn’t do anything unethical to suppress him. They didn’t have that much time. Who would’ve known… it was really the case!

To be honest, these teachers had been really shocked when they knew that Su Lin had successfully tested as a talent of the spiritual department, becoming the first person to lead the reform of the academy.

Their faces were swollen. It still hurt.

More than that, Su Lin caught His Majesty’s eyes. They heard that His Majesty handed over a task to him. It was a task delivered by the royal guard captain Li Zhecheng himself. It was said that he would receive many rewards if he completed the task.

It wasn’t only the students who were jealous. Some teachers couldn’t help feeling envy. After all, it wasn’t just a reward. It was also an honor! In the Roland Empire where the people were fierce and all soldiers, sometimes honor was more important than life!

Meanwhile, Si Sheng stood behind Xu Sili and raised an eyebrow slightly. Su Lin…

It was that little guy from last time.

He looked at Xu Sili and didn’t say anything. He just reached out his hand, picked up the teapot and skillfully poured a cup of hot tea. Then he gently placed it in front of the young man.

Xu Sili listened to Deputy Dean Chris’ report. At this moment, he saw a hand wearing white gloves from the corner of his eyes. It held a cup of steaming tea and gently placed it next to his hand.

This scene was a bit familiar and Xu Sili couldn’t help looking up at Si Sheng.

The man stood beside him, solemn and silent. The tailor-made military uniform fit tightly on his body and gave him a rigorous and meticulous beauty. If he wore a pair of glasses then he would look like a good butler.

Xu Sili was a bit distracted as he picked up the teacup. The difference from last time was that he no longer used Insight on the tea.

He took a sip. The faint and refreshing taste of tea permeated his mouth. The warm liquid was just right for soothing the thirst of his throat. Yes, this was nice green tea. Dean Justin would enjoy it.

Xu Sili nodded. He felt that Si Sheng’s tea making skills were very good.

Seeing the young man’s joyful look, Si Sheng successfully diverted this person’s attention and his mouth curved imperceptibly. He smoothed it out before anyone else could find it.

Xu Sili only cared about drinking tea and naturally didn’t discover it. After taking a few sips, he looked at Deputy Dean Chris again. “So Su Lin followed Dean Justin to Mercenary Town?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Xu Sili nodded and didn’t ask anymore. Even if he did ask, she wouldn’t be able to answer it. He called up Su Lin’s attributes panel. The last time he helped measure Su Lin’s talent and this child became his die-hard fan. Xu Sili could look directly at his attributes. To Xu Sili’s surprise, this boy Su Lin…

He leveled up again! Yes, after the last time he was tested, Su Lin gained two levels in a row. Now it had only been three days and Su Lin actually rose another level to Lv 5.

This might be due to accumulating knowledge and delivering it slowly. He had been suppressed for so many years only to suddenly find the right direction. His potential burst out and he started to leap forward.

Xu Sili couldn’t help nodding.

This was one of his own. The stronger, the better. Xu Sili wasn’t expecting Su Lin to fight but at the very least, Su Lin should plant the ground for him.

At the same time, Xu Sili inevitably felt a sense of crisis. The kid had improved so much. Would he catch up to Xu Sili? Wouldn’t it be a bit embarrassing if he caught up?

Then at this moment…

[Ding! Imperial City-Mercenary Town has a newly built wooden house +1, experience value +100.]

[Ding! Imperial City-Mercenary Town has a newly built brick house +1, experience value +200.]

[Ding! Imperial City-Mercenary Town has transformed a wooden house into a two-story wooden house, experience value +200.]

[Ding~ Your experience is full. Your personal level has risen from Lv 7 to Lv 8, all attributes +1, free points +10]

[Distance to next level: 176/900]

Xu Sili was stunned before he grinned. Dean Justin’s group was really powerful! In one morning, they directly sent him 500 experience and let him level up.

He glanced at the notification messages. A wooden house gave 100 experience while a brick house gave 200. The wooden houses obviously took a short time.

From yesterday until now, three wooden houses had been built. There was one two-story house but only one brick house.

However, when transformed into a two-story wooden house, the experience value doubled compared to a newly built wooden house. If the brick house was transformed to a two-story house, would it also double to 400? Xu Sili pondered on it and decided to observe later.

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He didn’t rush to add the free points. After all, Deputy Dean Chris and the others were still around. It wasn’t good to improve too fast all at once.

Despite this, Deputy Dean Chris and the academy teachers were shocked.

“Your Majesty, did you have another epiphany?” Deputy Dean Chris closed her slightly opened mouth and pushed up her round-rimmed glasses while asking with some disbelief.

The gap below one star wasn’t very big so it was difficult to judge the specific strength of the other party without direct contact.

Still, Deputy Dean Chris was a strong spiritual person and her sensitivity was higher than others. She clearly felt that His Majesty’s current strength was close to or even more than one star! It was progressing too fast! The last time he came, his aura wasn’t even that of half a star, right?

Xu Sili saw the shock in everyone’s eyes and couldn’t help sighing inwardly. It wasn’t good to level up automatically. It wasn’t secretive enough. Then he thought about it and felt this was fine.

As the emperor, he needed to be strong to deter others. If he was as strong as Si Sheng, who would dare to not listen to him?

Xu Sili thought this way and nodded. “It is just a bit of insight.”

He spoke easily but Chris didn’t think so. This rate of progress was so fast. If His Majesty’s talent had been measured and he entered the academy then the Roland Empire might’ve had another two star powerhouse!

Deputy Dean Chris’ eyes were full of heartache and she felt even more ashamed for delaying so many students over the years.

“Your Majesty, do you… want to go to the academy to study?” She couldn’t help asking.

Previously, Xu Sili hadn’t mentioned it and Deputy Dean Chris also hadn’t asked. After all, they were now very busy with Mercenary Town and retesting the talents.

His Majesty was also 18 years old. It was after the best training age and it was actually very difficult to make progress. Then after seeing His Majesty today and perceiving his talent, Deputy Dean Chris changed her mind.

His Majesty had such talent. It would be a pity if he didn’t continue training! They couldn’t let him continue to bury it!

Xu Sili hadn’t expected Deputy Dean Chris to take the initiative to bring up this matter. He nodded and said, “This time, I wanted to borrow some books from you. By the way, is there a sound elementalist at the academy?”

All his memories came from Snow Roland. Snow Roland had never studied at the academy and didn’t know the training methods. In other words, Xu Sili was now on a completely unorthodox road. Still, letting him go to class with a group of little kids?

Xu Sili thought about this scene and felt it was very awkward. He was the emperor. He could naturally enjoy some privileges such as—

One-on-one tutoring.

Deputy Dean Chris frowned, her face showing a look of embarrassment. She had just thought about not burying His Majesty’s talent but she hadn’t realized a problem—

His Majesty had the rarest sound element!

“Your Majesty, the academy…”

Deputy Dean Chris spoke with difficulty. “There is no sound elementalist teacher.”


Xu Sili was slightly stunned.

Deputy Dean Chris explained, “Sound is an extremely rare element. In my teaching career, I’ve only encountered one student who had the sound system. Due to the natural disaster a hundred years ago, the sound system inheritance was broken. This student could only use the most basic spiritual techniques to practice. Finally…”

At this point, Deputy Dean Chris looked a bit embarrassed. “By the time he graduated, he hadn’t reached the one star level. Later, he went to the local army and I haven’t heard any news about him.”

The other teachers heard Deputy Dean Chris’ words and showed deep emotions on their faces. This was the only genius student in the history of the academy who tested into the spiritual talent but failed to reach one star before graduation.

They thought of this and couldn’t help looking at the little emperor with sympathy and regret. His Majesty was also such a genius!

Xu Sili couldn’t stand their looks. What were they doing? He was completely different from that hapless student!

He thought about it before asking, “Deputy Dean Chris, did the student you mention learn any skills before graduation?”

Deputy Dean Chris shook her head. The sound inheritance was broken. Where could he get any skills to learn? If he could realize it with his own epiphany, he would have unparalleled qualifications. In that way, he wouldn’t have failed to reach one star before graduation.

Xu Sili pursed his lips slightly at these words. He took a small sip of tea and didn’t speak. He hadn’t expected the sound system to be so rare…

The inheritance was broken!

The sound system gave him a strong feeling. Based on when he learned Roland’s Good Night Song, he believed that it would be an absolutely powerful control skill when it leveled up. However, if the inheritance was broken it meant he could only feel his way across the river himself…

Fortunately, he had the player panel and could level up with experience points. Even if he didn’t have many sound skills, he had Si Sheng’s skills as a trump card.

Despite this, Xu Sili was somewhat depressed.

The little emperor didn’t speak and the atmosphere in the office abruptly froze. Deputy Dean Chris didn’t dare to speak any longer.

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After a long time, in the trembling silence, the young man lazily opened his mouth. “Then there is no way. Okay, this emperor doesn’t have much time for class. Deputy Dean Chris, I will have to trouble you to prepare the basic training books for a spiritual elementalist. I will have someone come to pick them up.”

Deputy Dean Chris waved her hand and spoke cautiously, “Your Majesty is joking. Once I finish sorting out the books, I will personally send them to the palace myself.”

Xu Sili nodded and didn’t continue the topic.

After a little while, there was a knock on the door outside. It was the return of the two teachers who had left earlier to organize the students.

There were 157 students and it was naturally impossible to bring them to the office. They were gathered in the auditorium on the same floor and waiting for Xu Sili.

“Okay, I will go and see those students.”

Xu Sili finished the last mouthful of green tea, dropped the quill and walked to the door. Si Sheng followed him step by step.


The auditorium of the academy was very large and could accommodate up to 600 people. Now there were 157 students in the auditorium and there were still many vacant seats.

A group of teenagers aged 15 to 17 were grouped together in the front row of seats in the middle. Unlike the enthusiastic students in the square, they were a bit silent.

These students, like Su Lin, were all ‘poor students’ in their year. They were originally young students of the spiritual department and training in the warrior department had suppressed their growth.

Among them, the strongest were several senior students who had reached half a star. The rest were Lv 2, Lv 3 or even Lv 1.

As ‘poor students’ who had been suppressed for many years, things might’ve changed but they were more confused than excited, especially those who were about to graduate.

“Say, what do you think the teacher called us to do?” Someone whispered.

“It must be transferring us?”

“Transfer? I’m graduating next year. What is the use of transferring now? It is just a joke!”

The moment these words came out, silence fell again.

They were all at least 15 years old. The 15 or 16 year old students were okay. At least there were two or three years for them. However, the 17 or 18 year old students would graduate this year or the next.

It was difficult to make progress in such a short period of time. Moreover, they didn’t have the confidence to train in the spiritual system well. Spiritual training was very difficult.

They had long been accustomed to being suppressed and their qualifications being worse than others.

In fact, their talent was indeed inferior to others. Otherwise, they would’ve been assigned to the spiritual department when their talent was tested at the age of 5 and there would be no need to wait until now.

Therefore, even if their spiritual talent was detected, it was useless. After graduating and joining the local army, they would probably be used as warrior elementalists.

They were accustomed to the mindset of the warrior department and 10 years of training and study couldn’t be changed overnight. They didn’t have time.

Not everyone was Su Lin. Some people even felt it was better not to know they had talent in the spiritual department.

The astonishment, resentment and unwillingness of these young students who were told they were supposed to be more brilliant than they were now and should’ve had a better life, only to be delayed for many years, tormented them.

It could even be said that their outlook on life, values and even the worldview that they had built in the past were completely overturned in just a few days.

If their hearts were tough, perhaps they could come out of it quickly and seize the time to start spiritual training. If their hearts were poor then they might collapse directly and fall into depression.

“Maybe we can protest to the academy to postpone our graduation?” Someone suddenly suggested.

“Are you sure you will get to one star even if you postpone graduation?”

“How will we know if we don’t try?”

“Don’t think about it. It is impossible to postpone our graduation.”

A girl with short brown-red hair said. “My father is from the finance bureau. He said that the funds aren’t enough and it is impossible to waste additional resources on us. The academy is testing in four batches and we are the abandoned batch. We are all abandoned trash, okay?”

The moment the girl’s words came out, the atmosphere of the auditorium became a bit restless. Some people were angry, sad, depressed or had low morale.

Xu Sili walked into the auditorium and saw this scene. He was a sound elementalist and the words of these children didn’t escape his ears.

He pursed his lips and silently went up to the podium. Si Sheng, Deputy Dean Chris and the others all stayed below the podium.

The eyes of the students were attracted by the silver-haired young man who walked in. He was very beautiful.

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Regardless of whether they were male or female, this was the first thought that came to mind when seeing the young man. Then they were frightened by the pressure coming from him and sat upright one by one.

The students quickly recognized the young man. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other’s eyes. Finally, they determined that they were right.

It was His Majesty the Emperor!

They might be ‘poor students’ but the training that had been engraved in their bones for a long time made them consciously stand up. They had no reason to sit in front of the royal family.

It was just that while standing up, they were confused again. It was the first time they saw such a bigshot and they didn’t know if they should salute at this moment…

“Sit down.” The young man’s clear voice was heard. It wasn’t as imposing as one might expect but the cold detachment and aura made people listen.

The students took their seats and the auditorium once again quieted down. Everyone watched the young man on the podium and they even ignored the marshal and deputy dean on the stage.

The silver-haired young man’s eyes swept over them and the purple eyes were beautiful and indifferent.

He was obviously the same age as them but the pressure coming from the young man was more powerful than the deputy dean. Even the most active students settled down at this moment and waited for the young man to speak.

Xu Sili was very satisfied. He whispered, “Do you know why this emperor has called you today?”

He didn’t introduce himself but he believed that there wasn’t a single student here who didn’t know who he was.

The auditorium was still quiet. No one spoke.

Xu Sili waited and wasn’t in a rush to say anything. He just swept his purple eyes over the students.

A depressed atmosphere and silence spread in the auditorium. Like a string, it grew tauter and tauter.

In the end, a student took the lead in breaking the silence. “Yes… is it because we were measured to have spiritual talent?”

This was a blue-haired teenager. His voice was very small but in the silent auditorium, it seemed to be magnified countless times.

A chain reaction was caused the moment he opened his mouth. All the pent-up discontent, grievances and resentment suddenly broke out.

“Your Majesty, you must be disappointed. We are all wastes, all our training is wasted!”

“Yes, the academy doesn’t care about us. The dean wants us to fend for ourselves!”

“We are just a waste of resources!”

“Just wait a few more days for the younger students to finish their tests. They are the hope of the empire.”

The students’ words of self-loathing, resentment and anger made Deputy Dean Chris and the others have ugly expressions.

The Elementalist Academy didn’t want to give up on them! It was just… there was really no staff to spare right now and specific options hadn’t been discussed.

“Woo, I’m not a waste. It clearly wasn’t my fault. I’m not lazy. I worked very hard… woo.”

At this point, someone broke down and cried. It was the girl with short brown-red hair. She buried herself in her arms and started crying.

Her crying infected the students and they gradually fell silent. They were either lost in thought or were crying with red eyes.

Xu Sili looked at the chaotic scene and his face gradually became cold. He watched them coldly.

Gradually, some students found something strange. They stopped crying and looked at the young monarch on the platform.

It happened one by one and soon, everyone was afraid to make a sound. They just looked up at the young man, silently shedding tears.

It was only when Xu Sili saw that they were almost done that he finally opened his mouth. “Are you crying?”

He looked at this group of half-grown children and gently frowned.

“What qualifications do you have to cry? Even if you have gone the wrong way, at least you have become elementalists. The Roland Empire has tens of thousands of ordinary people and in the army, there are hundreds of thousands of ordinary soldiers fighting on the front lines. Many of them are your parents and your elders. They are ordinary people without any special abilities. They shed their blood to kill the enemy and use their flesh to stop the interstellar beasts, creating a peaceful and tranquil environment for you, just so you can become decadent and cry at the slightest setback?”

The young man’s words were loud and clear.

The students, who had just been crying due to resentment and grievances, felt ashamed. Some raised their sleeves to dry their tears while some listened intently.

“Do you think that you stop training after graduating from university? Do you think that the empire stipulates that elementalists below one star aren’t allowed to go to the battlefield, so you can only go to the local army for retirement?”

Most of the students were stunned by the words.

Not stopping… after going to the local army? This was an idea that the vast majority of people had.

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They were a group of hot-blooded teenagers and were thinking about going to the front lines to fight against the interstellar beasts. However, they were below one star and could only be assigned to the local army.

There was no mistake, it was a penal sentence.

It was because very few people had transferred from the local army to the front lines. It wasn’t wrong to say that going to the local army was like retirement.

The local army had no dangerous tasks and it was hard for them to continue being promoted. There were few opportunities.

“If you have such an idea then it is dead wrong, dead wrong!”

At this time, the little emperor spoke coldly.

“Think about it with the wisdom of your spiritual talent. Aren’t you better than the hundreds of thousands of ordinary soldiers on the front lines, even if you aren’t one star elementalists? Letting them stand in front while the strong ones remain in the rear? Don’t you think this is ridiculous?”

His voice echoed through the auditorium, shaking the eardrums of the students and their young hearts.

Yes, why?

 They might not have a star level but they were much more powerful than ordinary people.

 Why leave them behind?

“This is the second opportunity the empire is giving you!” Xu Sili declared.

“Stay in the local army and improve your strength in a stable enough environment, eventually growing to a one star elementalist that can change the situation and support the front lines! However, it is clear that the good intentions of the empire have been betrayed.”

The last sentence was light but it was like a sharp sword that pierced the hearts of the students as well as the teachers.

Even Deputy Dean Chris was shocked. It was because… she had the same idea. She was more favorable toward the children who graduated with the strength of one star. Was she wrong with her educational philosophy?

“Every year, hundreds of elementalists graduate from the academy and only around 100 of them reach the one star standard. The rest are assigned to the various local armies.” Xu Sili continued. “So who knows how many elementalists travel from local armies to the front lines for support every year?”

The students exchanged looks while the teachers who knew the data were uncomfortable.

Xu Sili didn’t keep them in suspense. “This emperor will tell you directly. The number of such elementalists every year is less than 50!”

It was clearly not a problem of these students but they all lowered their heads in shame as they listened to the emperor’s disappointed words. It was because they had the same idea as their predecessors. After all, they had been brought up this way.

In the local army, there was no danger and no heavy tasks. It was a stable and well paid job. Among the students, some of their parents even hoped they would stay in the local army and not take risks in the front lines. They should live safely in the rear.

Therefore, very few of them thought this was the second chance given by the empire.

“Of course, it is a bit early to tell you about this.” Xu Sili added. He mentioned this to the students just for the sake of the reform of the local army, giving them a preventative shot in advance.

He might not be afraid of opposition but he had to stand on the moral high ground first. Today’s speech was a good opportunity.

It wasn’t just the elementalists of the local army. He wanted to let the entire nation know that the empire had given the elementalists two opportunities but they didn’t cherish them.

Therefore, the empire might not allow it anymore. If they had a conscience and a sense of shame, they should cooperate with the reform. If they dared to resist, they would be drowned by the spittle of people all over the nation.

“Now, cheer up for the emperor!”

Xu Sili looked at the over 100 students. They were related to his next expansion plan and they couldn’t be abandoned.

The students were alerted in this way and weren’t as angry and resentful as before. One by one, they sat upright.

They still had hope and a second chance. Even if they arrived at the local army, the students could continue to train. The academy might’ve abandoned them but the empire and His Majesty were different.

These innocent children didn’t know they had no other choice.

However, Xu Sili didn’t puncture their hopes. He said, “I believe you should know about Dean Justin’s reconstruction of Mercenary Town.”

It wasn’t a secret. It was broadcasted live and it was estimated that people all over the country knew about it.

“Manpower is needed there. Your classmate Su Lin is also there. He is completing a task for this emperor but he can’t do it alone.”

Xu Sili looked at the teenagers whose eyes had lit up with a gentle smile.

“I want to ask you. Are you willing to go there to help? This emperor has no way to promise that you will improve quickly. It depends on your efforts and fortune. Still, you will receive the guidance of the top spiritual elementalists there and the opportunity to train! It will be very hard. If you want to break through the cocoon and become a butterfly, it must be accompanied by sweat and tears. Now tell me, are you willing to go?”

The group of teenagers looked at each other and saw the light of hope in their eyes. They were very quick to reach a consensus. They once again stood up and gave a solemn oath to the young emperor on the platform.

“We swear to follow Your Majesty to death!”

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